《World Jumper》Chapter 2


Jet could hear trees rustling in the wind as he came too. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling drained. An orange moon was sitting there in the sky. Looking around, he didn't see the other moon.

"Well, I am amazed you woke up so soon." A voice said from a distance.

Jet leaned up, noticing a small campfire. A man sat leaning on a tree on the other side. He had a cloak on, but with the light of the fire, Jet made out a few scars on his face. He laid back down, too tired to stay leaning up.

"Thank you." Jet said in a weak voice.

"For what?" Asked the man leaning on the tree.

"For saving my life. I was certain I was going to die." Jet said, then started coughing.

While Jet was coughing, the man got up and walked over. He pulled a water skin off his rope around the waist, Then put it up to Jets mouth and gently trickled water out of it. After a few minutes of giving Jet water slowly, The coughing fit went away.

"Sorry, I can't take the credit for saving you. After all, you defeated that baby wolf on your own. Though I am curious about what this weapon is." He said while holding up the pen between them.

Jet lay there looking at the pen. How could the man not know what a pen is? Everybody knew what pens are. But he couldn't be on earth. For one, the orange moon is a dead giveaway.

"It's a pen." Jet said.

"This is the oddest pin I've ever seen. It looks and feels too flimsy to hold something in place. It also has an odd design to it." The man said, looking at it.

Jet was staring at the man now. What was going on here? What was he talking about right now? Then it hit him. The man thought it was a pin. So this place doesn't have them then. Jet decided he was on another world somehow. They must not have technology like earth.

Information is what he needed now more than anything. If Jet were going to be in another world, he would learn as much as possible. If his intimate demise were off the table now, he would not waste a second chance.

"It is a writing tool from where I come from. My name is Jetsford Hust Gardner. It's a pleasure to meet you." Said Jet as he lifted his hand to shake the strangers.

"My name is Rick pleasure to meet you. Since you have a house name, guess your nobility. Though I've never heard of house Gardner, Are they a newer house, Been out of the kingdom for quite a while." Rick said, looking a little curious now, at the same time, shaking Jet's hand firmly.


Jet sat up, almost instantly staring at his arm. He had just used the arm that was bit and tore up to shake Rick's hand. There were bloodstains on his clothes, But the skin looked just fine underneath them. At the same time, he was opening and closing his fist with no pain at all.

"How is my arm not even damaged. That wolf tore it up good." Jet said aloud.

Rick just sat there looking at Jet. Who was this boy? What continent does he hale? He just sat there as Jet tested his arm, Rubbing the skin where the wolf had torn it up. This boy acts as if he has no clue of his power. When Rick used his healing magic on the boy, He felt Jet's magic. It was almost bottomless compared to his. It may be possible this boy had memory replacement magic used on him.

"Sir Gardner, can you." Rick said before he was interrupted.

"Call me Jet. I am not nobility. Sorry for interrupting you. I know it's rude, but I don't want a misunderstanding." Jet said apologetically.

"Ok then, Jet, how about you tell me who you are." Rick said.

Jet sat there trying to think of what to say. How would he explain that? 'Hey, I'm not from your world.' He could try to lie and say he came from another kingdom. No, that wouldn't work. After all, he didn't even know this kingdom's name, Let alone another kingdom.

"I can see in your eyes you plan to make something up." Rick said, then muttered something. When he finished muttering, a glow formed around Jet. "I have put a truth spell on you. Now don't look at me like that. It won't kill you. Merely changes colors if you lie." Rick said, grinning.

"There is no such thing as magic where I come from, Just tricks and slight of hand." Jet said, looking off into the distance.

Rick stared as the spell confirmed what Jet had said. How can that be right? Every kingdom knows about magic.

"You want to know who I am, fine." Jet said he then told Rick everything about earth and his hometown.

Jet took quite some time. Rick had stopped renewing the spell after the fifth time. It had to be the strangest story he had ever heard, But the truth spell was confirming what he said. The only time it had an adverse reaction, Was when Jet talked about his parents. He didn't want to talk about their deaths.

As the day went on, they had to take breaks. Jet had to stop and explain some things, The pen for starters. Rick was amazed at how it worked. After a while, Rick decided that the earth's people had too much time on their hands.


"Well, that is a lot to take in, but it is getting late. Let's eat, then get some sleep. Tomorrow I'll tell you about life here." Rick said, grabbing a rabbit to cook for dinner.

"Can't wait. I'm getting excited." Jet said with a grin on his face.

"I do not doubt that, after all the last three months of your life, You thought you were going to die." Rick said as he was seasoning the rabbit.

Jet was sitting there leaning on a tree. Thoughts were running through his mind. 'What if I can never get back home.' He decided that he would probably find out with time.

"Also, you should stick with your first name. People will get the wrong idea if you have a house name." Rick said, turning the rabbit over.

"Agreed, I will need to come up with a more believable background." Jet said, puzzling through his thoughts.

"You will come up with a more believable background. I would like to see that. You know nothing of this world." Rick said, taking the rabbit off the fire. "We can work a backstory tomorrow."

Jet wondered what Rick was doing. He now was putting a pot of water on the fire, Carving the meat off the rabbit, Throwing the meat into the water. Jet was about to ask him why, But Rick opened a bag threw in some seasonings and potatoes. He was confused about how it all fit in that bag, He played games back home, But he didn't expect something like the bag to be real.

"So, how does the bag work?" Jet asked, pointing at it.

"That is a complicated answer. Basically, you have to be very good at magic. The people who make these holding bags. Have to have a massive amount of magic and know-how. Let's just say they're rare. The magicians that make them can't cast magic for six months. That is one with massive amounts of magic, not like my magic. It would take me twenty years to make one." Rick said while stirring the stew.

Rick's stew was delicious. Not sure why it was so good, After eating so many things from earth, but nothing compared to it. After the meal, they both went to sleep.

"This is bullshit, your trying to kill me." Said Jet while gasping on the ground.

"Come on. Jet This is nothing but basic body training." Rick said with an evil grin on his face.

"What happened coming up with a background again." Jet said

"I told you, You will be my disciple. From now on, you will learn under me." Rick said.

"What if someone asks where I came from?" Jet asked while trying to get up.

"They won't if you say you're a disciple. Once you mention that, they will ignore you." Rick said.

"So, does that mean I am a slave to you?" Jet asked, glaring at Rick.

"No, nothing so barbaric, Slaves have magic collars that rid them of magic. Also, they have brands on their forehead. Now most disciples usually cook and clean for their master, Run messages, That sort of stuff. A slave has no rights. Most slaves are murders and thieves. Although a thief generally doesn't get the brand, just a collar, A thief usually gets a collar then has to work for the family they robbed, or they can choose to have their hand cut off." Rick said while mimicking a chopping motion on his hand.

Jet got off the ground, ready for the day to end. He looked awful, Drenched in sweat, and his body was shaking. When Rick said light training to start the day, Let's just say Rick didn't know what that was. After breakfast, Jet had done two hundred push-ups, the same amount of squats, Also warmups that he didn't even know what were. Rick said his body was too weak. If he used his magic now, there could be harmful side effects. Jet had asked how his body could even do that many push-ups. Rick replied that his body unconsciously uses magic to speed recovery. However, he would still feel the effects of the training.

"So how is it decided the length a thief has to work for the family, to repay for what they stole? Jet asked curiously.

"Depends what they stole. But enough about that time to start training." Rick said, getting to his feet.

"Wait, I thought we started already." Jet said with a bad feeling.

"No, that was just morning warm-ups. You know to limber up, and now we start running to the town two days out." Rick said, smiling.

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