《Release》Chapter 14: Are you Dwarven me
Chapter 14
Are you Dwarven me?
I-44 Wildhorse Creek
12 January
6:40 PM
Just past the overpass for north Dobbs road and Wildhorse creek, we stopped on the southern pasture for the night. By bunching up the cattle in a large pasture, we have plenty of open space to see anyone approaching. In the middle of the pasture, there was a couple of trees that normally provide shade for the cows. Fortunately, since deer season hadn’t ended yet, the property owner had left his dear stand in the tree. This was a great advantage and we put the lookout in the stand to keep to watch for approaching enemies.
Granny Ann was soon cooking over the fire cooking up some fried chicken. I asked Beau if he had any alcohol that we could have. He went to the back of the wagon and came back with a drink. Passing around the bottle, everyone put some in their coffee cup. Except for the two kids of course.
“I was never one to give speeches. I had spent most of the day trying to come up with the words for what I wanted to say. It seemed important to recognize those that had contributed to the battle and those that had done their party by protecting the herd. I just ask that you bear with me until I finish.” I requested of the group.
“I commend you for all of your efforts today. As a team, we defeated the group of nearly twenty orcs. Every one of you played an important role in our success. For us to safely reach OKC, each of us must do our parts. Today, some of you stayed back and protected the herd. Some of you used your skill in archery to attack the enemy before they could get to me. Your strength, your courage, your determination to send against a larger force is what gave me the strength to stand against the orc contender and to burn his body to oblivion. I have already apologized to Slim for failing to heal him as soon as the battle was done. I apologize to you as well for being lax in my duty. This will not be the only time I fail, but I pledge to get up and do better next time.” I could hear the protest from the group and I paused for a moment waving my hand to ask for a few more moments.
“This world has changed, we must learn from each other, we must learn from our mistakes, and we must make this place a safe place to live. I am thankful for each of you and ask you to stay with me and complete the quest we started. To Leighann, PJ, Beau, and Slim, I congratulate you on reaching level 3. To Granny Ann, Auston, and Colton, congratulation on reaching level 2. Please raise your glass and join me in a toast. To us,” and then finally I was done.
Throwing back the cup of alcohol, I swallowed it all in one shot. Boy did it burn going down. I didn’t ask what it was, but I made a note not to ask Beau for more of that. Coughing, I thumped my chest as I tried to recover from the awful taste. I should have asked him for more of the Blonde Ale that we had the other night.
Collected the orc contender's armor before sitting down by the fire. Then I asked everyone to bring in the loot so that we could disperse it equally among everyone as I placed the coins from the contender on the stone to be divided among the team. I looked at the group and asked, “How are we going to divide the loot? Does everyone get the same amount?”
Everyone looked at the ground and seemed to be busy all of the sudden. I could tell by the cautious looks around the fire that we were still coming together as a group and nobody wanted to offend anyone if they had a different view. It would be up to me as the leader to guide the conversation.
“Slim,” I called up to him in the tree stand above us, his head shooting up at hearing my voice, “Do you think everyone gets the same amount even if they didn’t fight?”
Starting hesitantly Slim answered, “Well boss, I do,” gaining confidence as he talked, he added, “We all have our part to play. Granny Ann was protecting the kids, Austin and Colton were protecting the herd in case there was another attack at the back of the herd.”
As soon as Slim finished talking, Leighann interjected quickly, “Just the adults, the kids don’t get shares yet.”
Then Beau added, “However if you are alone or in a separate group and you fight, then you get to keep what you get.”
“Does everyone agree with these rules?” I queried as I looked at each of the team members. Everyone nodded in agreement. As I looked around at the group, my eyes fell on Lonk. What were we going to do with Lonk? Did she get a share of the loot?
Tentatively, I asked, “What about Lonk?”
She stood and demanded angrily in broken english, “I get quest, I get share, as said in rewards.”
Some of those around the fire, had looks of disbelief or anger on their faces.
Before any one could reply, I said “Hold on a moment.”
Mentally, I asked Pansofia, “Can you hear me?
“Yes,” she replied immediately.
“Is it true, did I offer her a quest to protect the kids and the herd?” I wondered.
“It’s true, you issued the quest and she accepted,” Pansofica confirmed for me.
“Lonk,” I asked her, “what rewards did the quest offer?”
She hung her head and answered, “It no say, say to be determined.”
Pausing for a moment as I thought about it, I decided to put it up for a vote.
“Who thinks that Lonk should get an equal share?” I indicated by raising my hand.
Glancing around the fire, I noticed that only Colton didn’t have his hands up.
Confirming the vote, “That settles it,” I said to our team. “Everyone gets an equal share.”
Colton, threw a stick into the fire as he stood up, before he stomped away from the fire, we all heard him, as he uttered in disgust. “That is bullshit.”
Austin stood up and gave me a nod, before following Colton into the night. I hoped Austin would be able to calm him down. I didn’t feel like Colton had forgiven the goblins for attacking them right after the Release.
Lonk sat down and started cleaning all of the pieces of weapons and armor. At some point we still needed to divide those up. That was a task that could wait until things cooled down.
I asked the Cody and Gabby to separate the coins into eight equal piles. They started to work immediately upon the large stack of coins on the rock. They admired the different coins as they went along. Someday, I planned to spend some time looking at the coins to learn more about them. I hadn’t even examined them to see who was on them, the language if any was written, or if they were human or another race.
Now that I had a moment of time to relax, I asked PJ and Beau, “How is the herd doing?”
PJ responded slowly in carefully, “The cattle are in good shape, they have had water to drink and some vegetation on the way. It would be nice if we found some hay though.”
Beau confirmed his response and added, “PJs right, they are in good shape. We are not pushing them to hard and the terrain has been good. Hay at night would be a big help.”
We had just settled down to eat a pot of beans with a stack of fluffy cornbread when we heard the call. “Helllllllooooo, the fire” came from out of the darkness by a strange voice with a strong accent.
At the same moment, Colton, who was up in the tree stand shouted down, “Halt, WHO GOES THERE!!”
As we quickly sat down our food and dashed out of the firelight, I laughed to myself. That challenge is a standard military call when someone approaches the camp. However, just like tonight, rarely does it come out as a question as the words imply, but is delivered as it truly is a challenge intended to stop and less to get a response of who they are.
“Advance into the firelight with the hands and arms raised over your head” Colton called to the figure in the darkness.
Just watching the figure walk into the firelight was interesting. They seemed to have a strut about them that proclaimed they were in charge here and had a set so big that they had to walk bowlegged. As they got closer to the firelight and I realized they were less than five feet tall, the bowlegged walk became even more impressive. The long fire engine red braids were the first thing I noticed, quickly followed by the size and girth of a man so big that was so short.
Once he was fully in the firelight, yes, it was a he, even with his long braids, he stood arms stretched out to the sides. Then slowly he began to turn, and I realized he was revealing that he had a short hammer strapped to his waist on his right side, as well as a short sword on his left side. The sword was positioned so that he could reach across his body and draw it quickly when needed.
Slim called down to him, “drop your weapons.”
However, I quickly counter manned the order. “Let him keep his weapons. A friend that enters the campfire peacefully is entitled to keep his weapons.”
“Thank ye, yer Lardship,” he replied
Your relationship with Heneron Orefall has improved from Neutral to Positive.
In that moment, I couldn’t decide if the accent that I was attributing to him was from a stereotype of Bilbo’s merry men or if this Dwarf, yes, it was a real Dwarf was speaking with a Scottish accent. That was a problem for another day.
Focusing back on the Dwarf, I greeted him. “Hello, I am LordShea, and welcome to our fire. Would you like to join us? We were just sitting down to a pot of beans and some fresh cornbread.”
Responding quickly, “It’s great ta meet ya, LardShea. I’m Heneron Orefall. I et a wee bit ago, but there is always room in one of me empty legs,” he responded as he glanced around for a place to sit that wasn’t taken.
Beau, sensing his difficulty, approached the fire, picked up his plate, and said, “I am Beau, great to meet you. Please sit here,” indicating where Beau used to be sitting. He carried his plate over to where Granny Ann was sitting before near the wagon. Once there, I realized that he had shifted his position to be closer to his crossbow and his wife. Very clever.
Everyone moved back to the fireplace and picked up their plates. However, only a few returned to the log they were sitting on. Most picked up their plates and moved out of the firelight. Only Leighann, Granny Ann, Beau, and I were visible by firelight. I could just make out Cody and Gabby laying underneath the wagon staring at the dwarf.
I turned back to the dwarf, but before I could ask him a question, he took a bite of the golden cornbread and starting crooning.
“Wow, what is this delicious bread?” he asked
Laughing, I replied, “I see Granny fixed it for you the way that I like it. Sliced in half with butter and honey. It is a favorite of mine. If the beans are a little bit spicy and then taking a bite of the sweet cornbread is a sweet and spicy mixture.
Heneron then took a bite of the beans and let out another moan of enjoyment. What is this love’ly pot? He asked Granny Ann.
Granny Ann just laughed at him, “I can tell when someone is just sucking up to the cook. This is just a simple meal of pinto beans, a few spices, and a ham hock.”
Heneron’s normal smiling faced was replaced by a look of confusion. “I am unfamiliar this term, sucking up. What does this mean?”
Laughing, I tried to explain, “Don’t worry, this term has changed over the years in the English language. What Granny was saying is that she can tell when someone is trying to get on her good side by saying nice things about her.”
Again the confused expression was back on Heneron’s face as he leaned first to one side and then the other while staring at Granny Ann. Tentatively, he asked, “Is one side better than the other?’
Everyone in camp roared with laughter. I tried to stop laughing as I could tell he was getting frustrated.
“I am sorry, we use expressions, to convey an idea. The term her good side, would be another way to say, gain her friendship or be an ally. We use a lot of terms, expressions or idioms to convey ideas that don’t make sense in direct translation.”
“Ahhhh,” he exclaimed, “I understand what ya mean now.” He chuckles and smiles at Granny. “It's impartant to be friends with the cook, ta get extra food. I got these hollow legs ta fill.”
Laughing, I asked him, “Are you planning to dine with us regularly then?”
He paused and then looked around, then asked, “Is that an invitation?”
“It could be, if we could reach an understanding,” I replied. Continuing, I asked him, “Why would you want to join us?”
Pausing for a second to take another bite of beans before stuffing in some cornbread, Heneron responded, “Well you see,” he paused and belched loudly before continuing, “First, aye hav been here fur three days, watching everyone come an’ go. Everyone seems to be in a hurry scuttling around hiding from those that may be stalking them, or stalkin’ them that be hiding. Then today, I see you com’in down the lane with lots of cows, organized and with a plan.”
As he takes another bite of food before he continues, I wonder if we have enough food to take him with us.
“Another thing,” he continues after he finished the bite, “I see a goblin, walking down the road, talkin’ with the kids, and singing to herself. She don’t have a rope about her, there is no cuts or bruises, and she seems happy. Of all the Terrin’s that I have seen, you are the first group to have another race that seemed part of your group. Listening outside yer camp tonight, I heard she even got a reward for completing a quest.”
He stopped talking to finish eating his food. Consuming every bite before he finished his thoughts.
“Lot’s of us came to Tierra Firma fur many different reasons, some come for revenge, some come for power, some come for wealth, some come for adventure. Me? Aye came for the ore and to improve my skill as a blacksmith. Aye em hoping that the ore and minerals on Terra Firma that are different from my home planet. With me knowledge and experience and new materials, Aye should be able to ern Master Blacksmith in no time atoll.”
“Are you sure your willing as you are to work with me?” I asked him.
“Well fur several rasins. Furst, I ain’t a contender. Secondly, I ain’t swurn to a contender. Third, as I said earlier, I lik how you have vision. Lastly, I canna see myself as a Warrior Ambassador for the dwarves.” Seeing my puzzled look at Warrior Ambassador, Heneron continued. “Yeah, a Warrior Ambassador, either ya agree to work with the dwarves, er I beat ya into submission.”
Laughing, I proposed, “I would love to train with you, but would prefer we found a way to agree with our words and only revert to weapons when we cannot negotiate.”
Pausing before I continued “I can make you a pledge,” seeing the interest on his face I continued, “For your agreement to serve as my blacksmith, I, Rick O Shea, will pledge to deal fairly and honorably with any dwarf that I interact with as long as they do likewise.”
He stood and walked towards me before removing his hammer. Everyone cautiously put their hands on their weapons but relaxed as Heneron knelt in front of me, with his hammer held up to me, supported by both of his small muscular callused hands.
“Aye, Heneron Orefall do solemnly swear that I will serve as the Blacksmith for LordShea creating weapons and armor for his Lardship and his armies to the best of me abilities. Until he breaks his pledge to me or he releases me from the pledge.”
You have received a Pledge of Service from Heneron Orefall. Do you accept his pledge?
Selecting yes, I immediately received a second prompt.
You have given a Liege Pledge to Heneron Orefall that has been accepted. However, you do not have a territory to extend the position. You have seven days to claim territory before you will begin to receive negative relationship effects.
As Heneron returned to his place by the fire, I heard him mumble, “Who would have thought that I would have a friendship with a human from Terra Frima?”
The surprise from his comment didn’t overwhelm the sense of responsibility I felt to claim the territory quickly. Just what I needed, more pressure to claim the territory quickly before any other negative results were added to the list. I stood up and walked out into the darkness with the cows.
Walking out in the night with the cows, the words to the song by Ben E. King, “Stand by Me”, came to mind as I stood out in the dark night gazing at the moon. Beginning to sing the song to the cows near me, I had just finished singing the chorus when I heard someone walking up behind me from our fire. Glancing back, I was surprised to see Leighann walking up as I received a notification.
Your charisma has gone up by 3 points for the next thirty minutes.
Standing well within my personal space, she gazed up into my eyes, then asked with a sly grin, “Who are you asking to Stand by you?”
Laughing, I took her hand, “I don’t know. I didn’t think anyone person was interested.”
I had planned to go on with a speech praising our team when she leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips and removing all other words from my mind.
Pulling her close to me, I held her tightly, slowly turning to the beat in my head as I continued signing the romantic song.
As the song ended she kissed me tenderly before turning away as she said, “ I need to get back before the kids start looking for me.”
I fell to a knee held out my arms wide and started singing another romantic song. This one was in Dirty Dancing, by the Five Satins, “In the still of the night.”
She stood a few feet away from me with a smile on her face laughing at my poor flirting attempt. When I got to the verse that referenced the month of May, I replaced it with January. At that point, she turned away and left. I knew that was as far as it was going today. However, that little bit of normal had brought me back and encouraged me.
Returning to camp, I laid down in my sleeping bag. As I am falling asleep, I have a thought, I have a new friend that is a dwarf, dwarves, live under the ground. Under the ground is a low place. So that now means that I have “Friends in Low Places.”
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