《Release》The Ambush
Chapter 7
Beau’s Ranch
January 11
3:47 am
Leighann gently shook me awake at what seemed to be the darkest point of the night. My eyes snapped open quickly. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I sat up. Leighann was apologetic as she woke me. “I am not sure what time it is, but I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. Would you take over the watch for me” she asked?
I replied with the affirmative grunt and vertical head nod that I would be willing to take over.
“Keep an eye on Sadie, there are also some horses over in the pasture that might provide a warning if something is going to attack” she recommended.
I nodded and grunted again in agreement remembering how effective horses can be at noticing and announcing when an unknown person or creature approaches. Trying to muster my energy, I sat in my bedding and watched Leighann made her way over to her bedding and crawled in without looking around.
Once she was in her bed, I made my way over to the fire pit and added a few more pieces of wood before making my rounds. With the wood added to the fire, the flames grew quickly. Turning my back to the fire, I moved away from it looking in the darkest places that I could find, trying to acquire night vision that new the fire pit had destroyed. I moved slowly from brush, tree, or rock pile practicing my sneak skill. Continuing to look about me searching for any sign of danger. Making every effort to not glance in the direction of the fire. After a few minutes of searching the darkness, I was surprised to receive a notice.
You have earned the skill Night Vision. Level 1
I chuckled to myself as I read the notice. After many years of playing childhood games in the dark, like tag, and kick the can, I would have loved to have the skill growing up. Night Vision level 1 was not as helpful as wearing NPGs. However, it was helpful, when looking into the darkness, there seemed to be just a little bit lighter than there was before I gained the skill. I continued to patrol around camp.
Glancing occasionally back to Sadie sleeping and staying warm near the fire. I am not sure where the horses are, but I glanced in what I thought was their general direction from time to time. Once, I thought, I observed a movement from a horse, but without sufficient light, it was difficult to determine. At each stop, I paused to listen after several rounds I was again surprised to receive my second notice.
You have earned the skill of Acute Hearing. Level 1
This skill didn’t seem to provide any additional bonus, but it was hard to decide. Anyone that has spent any time in the woods alone at night is bound to hear lots of random noises in the dark. I had been practicing the patrol lessons that I learned in the military from numerous field training exercises.
By observing the nearby obstacles from multiple directions, I quickly noted when I thought I saw the first enemy started moving into position. Glancing back at Sadie, I noticed that she hadn’t responded yet to an approaching threat. I wonder if the darkness is again making me imagine things that are not there. Continuing to look around caused me to note another movement. I think I would have begun to doubt again if I hadn’t received another notice.
You have earned the skill to Detect Ambush. Level 1
The notice convinced me that I had indeed detected the ambush before the trap was sprung. Not wanting to alert the approaching enemy before I woke up the team, I came up with a plan. Making my over towards Beau, I stopped about 5 feet away. Keeping the fire at my back and not facing him.
I whispered his name then told him “don’t move, carefully pull your weapons to you and prepare for an attack. I have seen two enemies so far. They are approaching from behind the house and are about 100 ft away. Grunt softly if you hear me.”
His soft grunt in reply and the soft scraping sounds of his weapons on the ground were enough for me to know that he was awake. I casually made my way around the fire and successfully woke up Granny and Leighann giving them the same information. Instead of returning to my initial diamond area that was closest to the road as we had previously agreed, I went to a defensive position near a clump of trees and a few rocks. Wanting to be out of the line of fire from my party, and it was closer to the house. Where the others in my party?
“Pansofia, can you create a party and add Beau, Granny Ann, and Leighann to it”, I asked? She replied quickly, “Party created”.
As she replied, I noticed their health and mana pools were displayed just below my stats on the right side of my vision.
Keeping watch during the wake-up maneuver around the fire, I spotted 4 more targets moving into position before what I could only assume was about to be a deadly attack. Deciding that I wanted to examine an enemy before interrupting the attack.
You have examined a Goblin Warrior
Maximum HP
Mana Well
Interesting, more goblins. My anxiety decreased slightly. I had fought three goblins by myself. Now with Beau, Granny Ann, and Leighann in my party, six goblins didn’t seem to be an ominous task. Not wanting to wait for all the enemies to get into position, I picked out the closest target to me. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a clear line of sight due to the positions of the trees. Selecting the next target, I was able to line up a shot from my concealed positions. Sighting in the goblin, I utilized my weapons aiming skills like I had been taught in the Army. I let out my breath slowly, right before all my air was gone, I held my breath concentrating on my aim, and released my arrow. Almost immediately, the goblin let out a startled grunt of pain.
Sneak attack and critical strike: you have struck the Goblin Warrior for 20 points of piercing damage. Armor reduced damage by 4 points of piercing damage. Sneak attack increased damage by 1.5. Critical strike increased damage by 1.5 due to lung strike. Combined damage increased by a factor of 3. (20-4) x3. Goblin Warrior receives 48 points of damage. Goblin is dead.
You have killed a level 5 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 5 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 187 experience points per party member. The average party level is 2 (415 * 1.8, due to the level differential)
You have learned a new Weapon Skill – Bow: Level 1
I received another pleasant notification.
Beau and Leighann have leveled up
I was surprised to have caused so much damage and to learn the skill after just one shot. Not being familiar with the weapon, I had aimed at center mass just hoping to hit him. Not paying any further attention to my notifications, I looked cautiously around for the other Goblins. They were not moving, instead, they were hunkered down behind rocks, trees, or any cover they could find. They were not sure what had injured or killed their party member and were trying to figure out what the threat was.
Far off in the distance, I could see a movement and suspected that a few more moving closer. Deciding that I didn’t want to wait for all the reinforcements to show up. I decided to try an SGT York trick from WWI. I drew back my bow and aimed just above the rock where I thought another Goblin was hiding and whistled. Then I held my breath.
Sure enough, it brought his head up above the rock. I only needed to adjust slightly to aim right between his eyes, then I released my arrow. I couldn’t be sure in the dark and at this distance, but the arrow seemed to strike the Goblin about 2 inches higher than I was aiming. As low as my bow skill was, I was not going to argue with the results though.
Sneak attack and critical strike: you have struck the Goblin Warrior for 20 points of piercing damage. Sneak attack increased damage by 1.5. Critical strike increased damage by 1.5 due to headshot. Combined damage increased by a factor of 3. 20 x3. Goblin Warrior receives 60 points of damage. Goblin is dead.
You have killed a level 6 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 6 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 224 experience points per party member. The average party level is 3 (498 * 1.8, due to the level differential)
You have increased Weapon Skill – Bow: Level 2
More of the Goblins heard the whistle than just the one I was aiming at as I heard multiple war cries and saw a few Goblins running at me. Drawing my next arrow as quickly as possible, I drew and released my arrow at the Goblin closing to me. I didn’t take the time to utilize my breathing techniques and it showed as the arrow went over the Goblins head.
Dropping my bow because I didn’t have time to draw another arrow, aim, and fire before the Goblin would be on me, I picked up the double-bladed battle-ax and prepared to engage. I was surprised when two arrows seemed to magically appear out of his chest and a third arrow literally went through the Goblin behind him. That must have been Beau with his crossbow and the hunting arrow. Then I received the notifications
Your party has killed a level 6 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 6 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 224 experience points per party member. The average party level is 3 (498 * 1.8, due to the level differential)
Your party has killed a level 5 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 5 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 156 experience points per party member. The average party level is 3 (415 * 1.5, due to the level differential)
All the attention had been on me when the Goblins had started their charge. Suddenly, Sadie is running up beside me and biting the leg of the next nearest goblin. The goblin yelled and started to swing his mace at Sadie. Moving closer I swung at the head of the goblin, to avoid going low for fear of hitting Sadie
Critical strike: you have decapitated the Goblin Warrior for 36 points of slashing damage. Critical strike increased damage by 1.5 due to decapitation and killing blow, 36 x1.5. Goblin Warrior receives 54 points of total damage. Goblin is dead.
You have killed a level 5 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 5 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 149 experience points per party member. The average party level is 2 (415 * 1.8, due to the level differential)
After striking the goblin, I continued to spin getting ahead of Sadie and keeping up my momentum for the next goblin charging towards me. I swung the battle-ax from the 11 o’clock position to the 5 o’clock position hitting the goblin on the base of the left side of his neck and lodging in the middle of his torso.
Critical strike: you have delivered a killing blow hitting the Goblin Warrior for 36 points of slashing damage. Critical strike increased damage by 1.5 due to killing blow, 36 x1.5. Goblin Warrior receives 54 points of total damage. Goblin is dead.
You have killed a level 5 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 5 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 156 experience points per party member. The average party level is 3 (415 * 1.5, due to the level differential)
Granny Ann has leveled up
Picking up my battle-ax with the goblin's body still impaled, I shuck the battle-ax dropping the blood-soaked goblin to the ground, and let out a loud war cry. Seeing both goblins dispatched so quickly, watching the bodies fall to the ground, and hearing the war cry, the Goblins stopped in mid-stride.
I received a notification.
You have learned a new skill Intimidation: Level 1
If it wasn’t for a responding roar from the largest Goblin I had ever seen before, I think the attack would have faltered. Okay, I know what you’re thinking, I have seen less than 10 Goblins, but this one was huge. At least twice the size of the normal Goblins. Just to clarify, he wasn’t fat, with big pustules like a goblin king, but he is much bigger than the others.
He wasn’t running towards me, but striding towards me with the confidence of an experienced fighter that knew how to kill his enemy. His remaining five goblin retinue fanned out behind him like watching a prison fight.
I physically examined him as he came closer, wanting to get a feel for him before he got closer and I used the Examine skill. Starting at the top of his head he was a leather helmet with metal around the edges that looked like iron. He had little hair that I could see. If the eyes are the windows to a person’s soul, his eyes were dark pinpricks into a dark haunted cave. In the moonlight, I could see the darkened breastplate with spiked shoulder boards. He was carrying a large saber and a round buckler shield.
As he walked towards me, he made a gesture and his saber lit up and became a flaming blade. I looked at him for a few seconds then decided that I would try the same thing. Focusing, I thought flame on.
You are casting a spell, Flame Blade. MP cost for a double-bladed battle-ax 3 MP. Would you like to expend the MP?
I thought to expend 3 MP and immediately, flames appeared on both blades of my ax. I received a new prompt.
You have cast Flame Blade. The cost per cast is 3 MP. Flame Blade creates a burning edge on the blade edge of your weapon. Flame Blade increases your weapon damage by 5, increases the chance that the targeted creature will catch on fire. However, Flame Blade decreases the chance that the targeted creature will be affected by the bleed effect. There is a 1 MP per second cost until you run out of MP, release the weapon, or cancel the spell. The only way to decrease or increase the MP cast cost or cost per second is to assign the Flame Blade to another weapon.
Flame Blade synchronization has reached 1%
While my intimidation war cry hadn’t made him pause, it seemed that my flaming blade had made him pause for a second. He gestured and made a command that I didn’t understand, but all the goblins moved a few steps back. Pointing to himself, he growled out a word. At first, I thought he was telling me his name, then he pointed at me and said the same word. I realized he had growled out the word “Contender”? Not sure how he said an English world, I confirmed it for him and said “Contender”. He seemed to be confused for a second and then I could tell that it had taken him a second to understand what I said. He continued to pause and study me. Then I realized he must be examining me. So, I tried it on him.
You have examined a Goblin Contender
Maximum HP
Mana Well
Unfortunately, that data didn’t help me much, but it did tell me that he was two levels higher than I was.
He began to move forward again. This battle was going to be between the two of us. Glancing over my shoulder back to Leighann, I yelled, “call back Sadie”. Just before the combat started, I focused on my stats at the top of my vision.
HP 62/62
MP 57/72
Chronic Conditions
He raised his shield as he moved towards me. It made me think that his objective was to get me to swing, he would then block and counterattack. Having never fought someone with a shield before, I was hesitant to make the first move. We circled around each other. I had increased my long-handled weapon skill, but I don’t feel like it had given me any knowledge of advanced techniques to attack with. I suspected that it made some of my attacks more accurate, but without the knowledge and experience to rely on I was going to have to outthink him. Additionally, because most of my level increases were due to quest completion, I didn’t have the combat experience that most other combatants would have at the same level and the Goblin Contender was two levels higher than I am. The good news was that I had the reach, but I suspected that he would be trying to get close to me and remove my advantage. I wondered if he had any magical sphere besides the fire sphere.
He moved towards me with a short sidearm swing of his sword. Deflecting the sword strike with the end of the shaft. Stepping back to get some room, my hands slide down to the end of the shaft as I took a mighty swing. He was ready for my swing and braced his weight and raised his buckler shield. I don’t know if it was due to his experience or to luck, but he deflected the blade down to the ground. I realized then that I had put too much momentum into my swing. Unfortunately, for me, this was exactly what he was waiting for. Jumping back as he swung, he slid the tip of his sword laterally across my right bicep. The pain was intense. Groaning and wincing at the pain, I placed my hand on my arm putting pressure on the wound.
You have been struck by Goblin Contender for 21 points of slashing damage. You have been struck by the Goblin Contender with 5 points of flame damage. You received 26 points of total damage. You are bleeding. You will lose 2 points of blood per second until treated.
I managed to hang on to my battle-ax dragging the flaming ax head across the ground.
You are casting a spell, Heal. THE minimal MP cost is 3 MP. To heal fully heal this wound you need 9 MP. How much MP would you like to expend?
Choosing the 9 MP, I focused on casting heal. I began to feel the warm healing in my bicep.
You have cast Heal. The minimum Cost per cast is 3 MP. You have spent 9 points of MP. Healing is dependent upon the amount of damage taken and the amount of infection present in the wound. Increasing the amount of MP will increase the healing effect.
Heal synchronization has reached 2%
As I moved my hand away, the shocked look on the goblin's face as my bicep began to heal made the pain of the injury just melt away. He no longer waited but charged in to pummel me with his shield and stab me with his sword. I managed to deflect his initial blow with the shield but still took one attack from his sword on my breastplate.
You have been struck by Goblin Contender for 30 points of slashing damage. You receive 9 points of damage due to 70% damage reduction from ?mineral? Doublet. You have been struck by the Goblin Contender with 5 points of flame damage. Total damage is 14 points of damage.
Getting tired of being the goblins sword cushion, I decided it was time to act. Not wanting to back away, as I knew he would be able to move faster forward than I would be able to move backward. Once he had all his momentum going towards me, I spun with a pivot like I had when playing football. Just like when the big defensive end ran at me, the Goblin went right on by. It felt good to finally get a shot, in as I swung my battle-ax at his broad back.
You struck the Goblin Contender with 36 points of bludgeoning damage. The damage was reduced by 14 points due to Goblin Contender's armor. You struck the Goblin Contender with 5 points of flame damage. Goblin receives 27 total points of damage.
The goblin managed to keep his feet, stopping, he spun with an angry growl. Furious at my strike on his back. We begin the circle again with our Flame Bladed weapons flickering like lanterns in the night. Struggling to think of a magical flame attack that I could use against the Goblin Contender when he pushed himself in close to me and eliminating my advantage of the long reach that the double-bladed battle-ax provided.
As he moved towards me to stab at me with the point of his sword similar to a boxer’s jab, I remembered an old mage spell that just might work. Nervous about trying a new spell in the middle of combat, I deflected his blade to the side. Releasing my ax with my right hand and stepping closer to the goblin Contender I made a force push motion while rotating my hand. Focusing and thinking of a spell, burning-hands.
You are casting a spell, Flame Hands. The minimal MP cost is 10 MP. How much MP would you like to expend?
I was relieved when I received the prompt and immediately thought 10 MP, flames shot out of my right hand like a mini flame thrower. I received a new prompt.
You have cast Flaming Hands. The cost per cast is 10 MP. Flaming Hands creates a flame thrower from the palm of your hand and extends 6 feet and is 3 feet cone at the farthest point. Flaming Hands will continue to burn for 3 seconds. Additionally, increasing or decreasing the size of the Flame will increase or decrease the MP respectively.
Flaming Hands synchronization has reached 1%
Critical Hit: You have encompassed the Goblin Contender with a flame cone. Goblin received 12 points of flame damage x 1.5 for critical hit = 18 points of total damage.
Goblin Contender is on fire. Goblin is suffering 4 points of flame damage per second.
Before I can close with him and finish him with my battle-ax, he fell to the ground and rolled away. Effectively putting out the fire that I had just lit on him. Coming to a stop about 10 feet away, rising to one knee and leaning on his sword with the point in the ground. The edge of the blade continues to burn with the flickering magical fire, illuminated his burned body and armor as he regarded me cautiously. He looked down and noticed his burning blade and seemed to get a strange glow on his face. That last magical attack may have put the goblin over the edge.
Even though I had been successful in the last two rounds, I knew that he had won the first two rounds and we were even. Not looking to rush back into combat sooner than I had to, I let him pause for a second to regroup. Turning my head, I peered behind me to check on my new team. They were spread out with arrows notched but pointed at the ground. As I returned my gaze to the kneeling goblin, I took a glance to the corner of my vision, checking my stats to see how much health and mana I had left.
HP 58/72
MP 33/70
Chronic Conditions
When he saw that I was focused on him again. He rose methodically to his feet, then banged his flaming sword on his shield seemingly to indicate it was time for another round of combat. The goblin spectators howled with glee and jumped up and down encouraging their leader.
Thinking back to basic training and remembering the pugilist sticks and the battles that I had fought with my comrades in arms, I grinned for a moment. He didn’t appear to like my grin and roared defiantly in response. His challenge reminded me of his previous attacks and the pain he had caused me. Removing the grin from my face, I replaced it with a look of determination and refocused on killing the goblin.
Surprisingly, he didn’t make a move to close the distance. Realizing that he no longer wanted to close the distance with me to get inside my reach I watched him for an indication of his next strategy. Suspecting that he was now looking to block or dodge another of my attacks and then counter-strike catching me off balance or out of position to block his thrust, I watched him for an indication of his intent.
As we circled each other looking for an advantage to strike each other, I considered my next attack and wondered if I could get close enough to use another Flaming Hands magic attack. Glancing down at his feet, I noticed that he was standing on the balls of his feet and seemed ready to jump back if I attacked him with Flaming hands or with my battle-ax.
Suddenly, the idea came to use a little trickery. Not having used the spell in the way that I was planning to, made me wonder if it would work the way I intended. Deciding that I had nothing to lose I reached my hand out in the same motion of a force push. The Contender seeing the motion was already moving backward. However, instead of thinking of the Flaming Hands, I focused my intent to create a large defensive barrier farther away from me and cast Wall of Flame.
You are casting a spell, Wall of Flame. The minimal MP cost is 10 MP. How much MP would you like to expend?
I thought 20 MP and immediately, flames appeared about 10 feet in front of me. Which was the area that the goblin was jumping into. The flames grew quickly to a wall surrounding the goblin. I could hear his screams as I received a new prompt.
You have cast Wall of Flame. The minimum Cost per cast is 10 MP. You have double the casting cost but increased the distance from you. Wall of flame is created a flame wall 5 feet wide x 3 feet deep x 5 feet tall (75 cubic feet). Wall of Flame will continue to burn at 5 MP per second until you run out of MP or cancel the spell. Additionally, increasing or decreasing the size of the Wall or the cast distance from your body will increase or decrease the MP respectively.
Wall of Flame synchronization has reached 3%
Critical Hit: The Goblin Contender was surrounded by the Wall of Flame. Goblin received 12 points of flame damage x 1.5 for critical hit = 18 points of total damage.
Goblin Contender is on fire. Goblin is suffering 4 points of flame damage per second.
Having anticipated that the Contender would come diving out of the fire and into a combat roll to put out the flames I was charging towards him battle-ax raised two-handed over my head as soon as the spell was cast. Fortunately, he came out of the flames to my right which put him in line for my immediate attack. I hacked down on his body just hoping to make solid contact. With his rolling around, I was surprised when the battle-ax sliced through his leg completely severing it mid-thigh. Dark green blood begins pulsing out of what I could only assume was his femoral artery.
Critical Hit: you cut off the Goblins Contenders leg. Goblin Contender received 36 points of bludgeoning damage x 1.5 for Critical Hit. You struck the Goblin Contender with 5 points of flame damage. Goblin receives 59 total points of damage.
You have killed a level 8 Goblin Contender.
Your Weapon Skill has leveled up – Long Handled: Level 6
For killing a level 8 Goblin Contender you have been awarded 996 experience points (664 * 1.5, due to the level differential)
You have eliminated a Contender. For eliminating a Contender, you have been awarded 8000 experience points (1000 * 8 (due to the level of the contender). For eliminating a Goblin Contender your racial modifier has moved from Unfriendly to Hostile.
I was about to start swinging the battle-ax again when I received the message that he was dead.
You have leveled up. You have been awarded 5 attributes and 1 Skill points.
Pausing for a second to dismiss the message, I looked up to see what the Contender’s entourage would do. My teammates weren’t waiting, as arrows blossomed from three of the goblin’s chests knocking them to the ground. In a growling charge, Sadie was knocking the fourth to the ground. The fifth goblin with a panicked expression glanced left and right at their comrades. Seeing all their comrade’s dead or dying dropped their weapons, fell to their knees raising their arms to the sky like a born-again believer. Seeing that the goblin seemed to be offering its surrender, I released my Flaming Blade.
Then I started receiving additional messages.
Your party has killed a level 6 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 6 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 224 experience points per party member. The average party level is 3 (498 * 1.8, due to the level differential)
Your party has killed a level 5 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 5 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 156 experience points per party member. The average party level is 3 (415 * 1.5, due to the level differential)
Your party has killed a level 6 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 6 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 224 experience points per party member. The average party level is 3 (498 * 1.8, due to the level differential)
You have killed a level 5 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 5 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 149 experience points per party member. The average party level is 2 (415 * 1.8, due to the level differential)
Glancing around to ensure all my party members were okay. Beau and Granny Ann, seeing my look of concern gave a confirmation nod indicating they were okay. Leighann had sat down on the ground staring at her hands. When she brought her head up and meet my eyes, she had tears streaming down her face. With a start, we both thought of the children. Leighann hopped up and started running to them. Turning back towards the fire pit, my gaze found them. Gabby was laying in her blankets with a frightened look on her face. Cody was standing over her knife and hand with strength and determination chiseled unto his face.
Returning my focus to the goblin I wondered, could I kill an enemy that was surrendering? Walking over to the goblin, I glanced down at the goblin considering what to do with, with her? With a shock, I realized that the goblin appeared to be a girl. It was doubtful that I would have been able to kill a surrendering male goblin. Now that I knew, the goblin was a girl, I knew I couldn’t do it. With a rueful grin, I realized that despite the reports, Chivalry is not dead. Looking back down at the goblin girl in front of me, the grin slide from my face and was replaced with a look of uncertainty, as I wondered, what to do with my first prisoner?
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