《Release》Alone in the Dark
Chapter 5
Alone in the Dark
Rt 66, East of Shroud, OK
10 January
7:43 PM
I don’t know why songs always come into my mind. Sometimes it is the random words that someone says that remind me of the words to a song. Or just seeing something that brings those words to mind. Tonight, walking down Route 66 with the moonbeams streaming down lighting up the road in front of me, the song that comes to mind is about a Neon Moon by Brooks and Dunn. With the weight of the words and the aching of my soul, I start singing it out loud.
Why do songs always bring back memories? Of course, this song always reminds me of coming back from Iraq, and learning my girlfriend had dumped me. She didn’t dare to send me the Dear John letter. Instead, she just stopped writing and wasn’t home to talk on the phone when I called. It would have been bad enough for her to just avoid me or stay away. Nope, she couldn’t leave well enough alone. At first, when I saw her at the redeployment ceremony, I had gotten so excited. Then I saw her arm wrapped around a strange man and realized she brought her new boyfriend. I don’t know how I was able to stand information until the First Sergeant said “Dismissed.”
Even today, thinking back on it, I am still shocked and annoyed that pansy-ass had the nerve to show up at my redeployment ceremony. We were off fighting and dying for our country and this loser has the nerve to steal my girl and then show up to “Welcome me home from war.” She tried to tell me how sorry she was and how lonely she was. I shook her off and left the event as soon as I could. Laughing to myself, another familiar song comes to mind. Shake it off, the not-so-swift skinny blonde was back in my head.
Perhaps I should try a fireball. What a better way to cheer up than blowing up shit? I focused on my intent to cast a fireball at a nearby tree.
You have attempted to cast a spell Fireball. Unfortunately, you lack the magical sphere to propel the fire.
Well, fudgesicles, no fireball yet. I tried to think of what other spells that I could do with a fire sphere. I focused my intent to create a defensive barrier and cast a flame wall.
You are casting a spell, Wall of Flame. The minimal MP cost is 10 MP. How much MP would you like to expend?
I thought 10 MP and immediately, flames appeared about 3 feet in front of me and grew to a wall. I received a new prompt.
You have cast Wall of Flame. The cost per cast is 10 MP. A Wall of Flame creates a firewall 4 feet wide x 2 feet deep x 5 feet tall (40 cubic feet). Wall of Flame will continue to burn at 3 MP per second until you run out of MP or cancel the spell. Additionally, increasing or decreasing the size of the Wall or the cast distance from your body will increase or decrease the MP respectively.
I walked around the wall and was amazed that I could produce that much fire so quickly. I decided to cancel the flame. I didn’t want to waste all my MP.
Wall of Flame has reached 1% synchronization.
What other spells could I produce with just my flame sphere? “Hey, Pansofia, can you add my HP and MP readings to the top of my vision?”.
“There you go” she replied. I glanced up and noticed that I had used about 20 MP points with my Wall of Flame (WoF).
HP 49/58*
MP 50/70
Now with my stats so clearly in my vision, I saw that I had an asterisk and remembered that I had a debuff. Now that I took a moment to think about it, I realized that I was a little woozy still. I asked Pansofia to list my debuff’s under my stats.
HP 49/58
MP 50/70
Chronic Conditions
I tried to think of so more spells that I could use. Smoke is a byproduct of fire. Shouldn’t I be able to produce a smokescreen? I focused on my intent to create a defensive wall of smoke.
You are casting a spell, Smoke Screen. The Minimal MP cost is 3 MP. How much MP would you like to expend?
I thought 3 MP and immediately, a bellowing cloud appeared around me forming into a wafting wall of smoke. I received a new prompt.
You have cast Smoke Screen. The cost per cast is 3 MP. Smoke Screen creates a billowing column of smoke extending 5 feet deep x 5 feet wide for 30 seconds. Smoke dispersion will be dependent upon the wind and environmental conditions. Additionally, increasing or decreasing the size of the smokescreen or the duration will increase or decrease the MP respectively.
Smoke Screen has reached 1% synchronization.
Suddenly, I heard the war cry from behind me. I stopped standing there admiring my magical creations and whirled around to face the three short green creatures. These short green humanoids closely resembled the goblins based upon the fantasy lore that I knew. Two of them had short swords and one had a short one-handed hatchet. I swung my battle-ax and a wide arch to keep them back. Not a great attack, but a single-handed swing that seemed effective at keeping them back. Unfortunately, I swung it too hard and I didn’t have the force to stop it properly. I had to fight to keep it from spinning me around. I just managed to arrest my momentum before it turned me around. The three of them were talking to each other making guttural noises while gesturing with their hands. Not sure what language they were speaking, but I knew it wasn’t English.
Tactically, I knew that I needed to keep moving as there were three of them, and only me that was trying to avoid being Goblin dinner. The three goblins had started to widen out on me with one directly in front of me and the two others trying to get behind me on opposite sides. Wanting to be on the offensive, so I feigned towards the one and the middle and then jumped to the right swinging my battle-ax towards one of the goblins with the sword. There was good news and there was bad news. The good news was that it impacted directly into his belly with a thunk followed by a sucking sound. The bad news was that it didn’t go completely through the goblin.
You have struck the Goblin Warrior with 36 points of bludgeoning damage. The damage was reduced by 4 points due to Goblin warrior armor. Goblin warrior received 32 points of damage. Goblin has died.
You have killed a level 5 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 5 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 415 experience points.
I knew he died, but he acted like it knocked the wind out of him and draped his arms over the battle-ax. I was trying to get my battle-ax free. I could feel the other two rushing at my back.
I focused my intent and cast WoF behind me using 10 MP.
You have cast Wall of Flame. The cost per cast is 10 MP. Wall of Flame creates a flame wall 4 wide x 2 feet deep x 5 feet tall (18 feet3). Wall of Flame will continue to burn at 3 MP per second until you run out of MP or cancel the spell. Additionally, increasing or decreasing the size of the Wall or the cast distance from your body will increase or decrease the MP respectively.
At the same moment that I heard a scream, I felt the smash of a weapon hitting my lower back in the kidney area.
You have struck the Goblin warrior with 12 points of flame damage. A goblin warrior is on fire. Goblin Warrior will receive 4 points of damage per second until the flame is extinguished.
You have been struck by Goblin Warrior for 10 points of bludgeoning damage. Your armor reduces damage taken by 7 points. You receive 3 points of damage.
You have struck the Goblin warrior with 12 points of flame damage. A goblin warrior is on fire. Goblin Warrior will receive 4 points of damage per second until the flame is extinguished.
Wrenching my battle-ax free of the first goblin I spun to face the two remaining Goblins. Glancing at my status as I turned.
HP 46/58
MP 42/70
Chronic Conditions
A goblin warrior is on fire. Goblin Warrior receives 4 points of damage
A goblin warrior is on fire. Goblin Warrior receives 4 points of damage
My WoF is still burning. With a goblin that had struck me with the hatchet on my right the wall in front of me and the other goblin behind the wall and to the left. I knew which one had hit me as I could tell that the damage had come from the hatchet and not the sword. I had thought that I only knew defensive spells at this point, but if used right, I realized they could be offensive spells as well.
A goblin warrior is on fire. Goblin Warrior receives 4 points of damage
A goblin warrior is on fire. Goblin Warrior receives 4 points of damage
The goblins were using their off-hand to swat at the flames while trying to keep their weapons raised and their eyes on me. Fortunately for me, they weren’t doing either well. I moved to the right towards the battle-ax goblin. The goblin to my left, behind the flame, realized I was not coming towards him and used this opportunity to do a quick sideways combat role that put out his flame.
A goblin warrior is on fire. Goblin Warrior receives 4 points of damage
I didn’t want to use a full overhead swing as this seemed the easiest way for the goblin to dodge either by jumping back or to either side. I tried a quick downward stroke which caused him to jump back. I had anticipated this and had reduced the downward stroke to swing it across his body.
You have struck the Goblin warrior with 36 points of piercing damage. The damage was reduced by 4 points due to Goblin warrior armor. Goblin warrior received 32 points of damage. Goblin has died.
You have killed a level 6 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 6 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 598 experience points (498 * 1.2, due to the level differential)
You have leveled up. You have been awarded 5 attributes, 1 Skill points, and 1 Magical Sphere.
You have learned a new Weapon Skill – Long Handled: Level 1
Evidently, this weapon was not named the Goblin Cleaver, as a single stroke didn’t cleave the goblin in two. I learned from my last attack. After making the killing blow, I reversed my pivot upon impact yanking the weapon from the goblin in winging in a wide arc behind me in case the last goblin was sneaking up behind me. He had been sneaking up, but I had been too quick, and he had leaned back and avoided my wild swing.
With a second to think clearly, I realized that I now have a weapon skill. “Pansofia”, I said, “Please increase my Long-Handled Weapon skill by 4 points.”
“Yes, LordShea, your weapon Skill has been increased.” She replied.
Your Weapon Skill: Long-Handled has increased: Level 5
I wouldn’t say that I had downloaded a manual or had some sudden inspiration on how to swing the battle-ax or how to fight. However, the weapon felt more comfortable in my hand and I felt it easier to hit what I was aiming for. Glancing around, I also noticed that my stance had slightly changed, and my balance had improved. While I had gained some skill, I hadn’t gained the experience of training with the weapon. I guess it’s like they say. There is no substitute for a good old-fashioned experience.
I debated what tactic to use on this last goblin as we side-stepped each other, trying to measure each other up for an advantage. With the increase in my weapon skill, I was hoping that I could fight better with a battle-ax. The few attacks I had used so far were a combination of common sense, luck, and brute force. Now I had a little bit of skill.
Before attacking, I had the wild thought to try and examine him.
You have examined a Goblin Warrior
Maximum HP
Mana Well
Dang, I was hoping that if I examined him, I would know how many hit points he had. Evidently, my examine skill wasn’t high enough yet. If I remember right, I had already caused about 20 points of damage. Based on the damage that the other two had taken, I knew he didn’t have more than 20 points of health left. I was hoping that one good hit would kill him. With my weapon skill increased, I tried the same short overhand strike with a reverse swing that I had used on the last goblin. Either he recognized it, or was better at fighting, I don’t know, but he stepped forward to the left to avoid the overhand and this maneuver put him inside of my backhand swing. He stabbed my shoulder with his sword. His weapon pierced just outside the edge of the vest and into my right underarm.
You have been struck by Goblin Warrior for 8 points of piercing damage. You receive 8 points of damage. You are bleeding. You will lose 2 points of blood per second until treated.
As I felt the screaming pain in my armpit, my battle-ax handle smashed into the goblin. Unfortunately, it lacked any real momentum due to my injury. Also, as soon as he had stepped inside of my swing, I realized that he was too close to hit with the battle-ax head and tried to slow the swing.
You have struck the Goblin warrior with 1 point of bludgeoning damage.
I glanced at my status bar
HP 38/58
MP 15/70
Chronic Conditions
I realized that my WoF was still burning and wasting my MP. I canceled the spell. I also noticed that my bleed effect was showing up on my status bar.
Wall of Flame synchronization has reached 2%
You are bleeding. You lose 2 points of health.
My right arm was hanging limply at my side. I shortened my grip on the battle-ax by sliding my left hand about halfway up the shaft. I couldn’t make a full swing on the goblin and needed a new plan. The goblin was admiring his handiwork of my shoulder and was looking for the kill.
You are bleeding. You lose 2 points of health.
Fortunately, even with my shortened grip, I still had the reach on the goblin and his short sword. As he moved towards me, I thrust with the top of the battle-ax head at where I thought his belly button would be, if goblins have belly buttons. I was hoping to keep him away from me and not be a pin cushion for his sword.
You have struck the Goblin warrior with 1 point of bludgeoning damage.
You are bleeding. You lose 2 points of health.
I hadn’t planned on doing any damage and evidently, I was mostly right. However, the result was better than I had hoped for as he bent over at his waist letting out a gust of air and I could tell it knocked the wind out of him. I withdrew the battle-ax as he bent over and brought it down on the back of his head.
Critical strike, you have struck Goblin Warrior for 54 points of bludgeoning damage. Critical strike increased damage by 1.5 due to decapitating blow. Damage equals 36 x 1.5 = 54. Damaged reduced by half due to shortened grip. Goblin Warrior receives 27 points of damage. Goblin is dead.
You have killed a level 5 Goblin Warrior.
For killing a level 5 Goblin Warrior you have been awarded 374 experience points (415 * 0.9, due to the level differential)
You are bleeding. You lose 2 points of health.
As soon as I received the notification that he died, I sat down right where I was on the edge of the road. I am a medic, but I needed to get to my cart to see what was in the first aid kit. As I walked back to my cart, I did what I could and applied pressure with my left hand. Selecting a bandage and some tape, I was able to apply a dressing to my shoulder that seemed to slightly reduce the blood flow.
You are bleeding. You lose 1 point of health. Decreased by 50% due to applying direct pressure to the wound.
If only, I had some way to stop the bleeding. With a sudden moment of inspiration. I focused my intent and thought to cauterize.
You are casting a spell, Cauterize. MP required is based upon the severity of the wound. This wound requires 3 MP to cauterize. How much MP would you like to expend?
I thought 3 MP and immediately, felt the burning heat in my shoulder that last for several seconds.
You have cast Cauterize. Cost per cast is Variable. Cauterize can be cast to stop the bleed effect. Cauterize causes 50% bleed damage due to tissue and artery or vein damage.
Your bleeding stopped due to Cauterize. You lose 1 point of health. 50% of damage taken due to tissue and artery or vein damage.
Cauterize synchronization has reached 1%
I glanced up at my status bar.
HP 28/58
MP 14/70
Chronic Conditions
Thankfully, the bleed effect was gone. I looked at my shoulder through my jacket, while the wound had stopped bleeding there was a mass of burned tissue peeking out from under my bandage. It looked like it could develop into an ugly scar one day. My shoulder was still a little stiff and sore. So, I picked up my battle-ax where it had fallen to the ground and used it as a cane to help me stand up.
Going from goblin corpse to goblin corpse I collected the armor and weapons. In addition to the three leather breastplates, I also collected two swords and a hatchet that I had known about. I found a knife and a ring on the goblin bodies as well. The ring was the most interesting thing as it almost looked like a class ring, but it didn’t have a gemstone. Interestingly, the stone slot seemed to be roughly the same size as the stone necklace that I had. The thought of enchantments was starting to make me wonder how they were cast.
For now, I bundled up the loot and tied it to my work cart. It seemed like a good idea to wait to examine the loot when I was in a safer place and had more light. Plus, I was feeling tired, but I wanted to keep going for a little while. Maybe I could find someone else or a safe place to rest.
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