《Cultivation Sect in Great Age of Piracy》004 "Ugly"


There was a very beautiful young woman who had always dreamed of being a supermodel. She found work in the fashion industry, modeling clothes for style magazines.

As her career progressed, she went on many photo shoots in a variety of exotic countries.

On one of these photo shoots, she was paired with a very handsome male model. They were both very attracted to each other and, one night, they kissed. Soon, the beautiful and handsome pair began dating and they gradually fell in love.

After a few years, they decided to get married. At the wedding, everyone complimented them, telling them that they made a gorgeous couple.

Some of the guests said that they were so good-looking that their children would certainly be beautiful.

Before long, the wife was pregnant and the happy couple looked forward to starting a family and spending a wonderful life together. However, when the baby was born, the couple were horrified.

It was the ugliest baby anyone had ever seen. The doctors and nurses were speechless. They couldn't even bear to look at the baby.

The mother and father had to stop themselves from vomiting whenever they caught sight of the disturbing face of their infant daughter.

As the years passed, the baby girl grew older and her face grew more and more ugly. Her eyes bugged out, her nose was deformed and the skin around her mouth was rotting.

By the time the child, she was hideous and her parents kept the little girl hidden in her bedroom. They never allowed her out of the house and refused to let their relatives, friends, and neighbors ever set eyes on her.

The good-looking couple was ashamed that they had given birth to a child with such a repulsive and monstrous face.

The strain of having such an ugly child took its toll on their marriage. The couple spent most of their time fighting and arguing.


Trapped in the house every day with her hideous daughter, the wife began to lose her mind. Whenever she looked out the window, she would see other children playing gleefully together and was filled with resentment.

Her deranged mind began to develop murderous intentions.

One day when she eighteen years old, the father decided that spending so much time hidden indoors was not healthy for his wife and daughter.

He suggested that they should go for a picnic at a nearby sea's lagoon. That day, they drove out to the lagoon and selected a nice spot, by the edge of a cliff, for their picnic.

Their ugly daughter said she needed to go to the toilet. The mother told her to pee on the side of the cliff. When the girl was close to the edge, suddenly, his mother reached out and pushed her off the cliff.

"It's my story why I'm stranded here, thanks for saving me!",tears began to appear flowing from her eyes girl ugly, tall and very obese girl with long wavy black hair, and freckles on her cheeks.

She wore a white cowgirl hat with a large red plume, a red neckerchief, a pink plaid shirt, and a blue captain's coat over it with the arms in the sleeves, all her clothes were wet due to being stranded in the sea.

She wore rings on her fingers and her long sharp fingernails had red polish.

She also wore graying pants and red shoes with gold buckles.

Theo feels like he going to throw up to see when he sees this girl's appearance, at first he wants to send her to the nearby island and his journey is far away and who wants every day to face ugly like this, but after hearing her story, Theo feels sorry for her.


Even though from the face of this girl, he knows that this girl is older than him, but he still feels sorry for the fate of this girl with an ugly face, fat, no friend, and her mother tries to kill her, so he intends to take this woman as his second disciple, maybe one day her face changes after cultivating.


Three hours ago.

Salty air whips ruddy cheeks, biting, harsh, angry rolling waves, crash, smash against gaily painted hull, dancing, taunting, menacing, figures on eight, lurching, pitching, pitiless, beckoning, engulfing, endless, torment, deck awash, sting of salt spray, cold, clammy, hands raw, adrenaline overload, fearful, exhilarated, clutching ropes, bucking the bronco, unforgivable, relentless, merciless, determined foe, claiming the reckless, callous, remorseless, watery grave.

Ten days ago, he started sailing after getting a new quest from the system, originally, his mommy did not permit hin because he had just been attacked by a local sea monster, his mommy feared something bad would override him.

After overnight persuading his mommy, finally, his mommy gave up.

Suddenly Theo saw something like junk floating in the sea.

'What that?...trash?'

After reincarnated, he began to change and he escorted his boat to the trash, to take away the trash from floating, it could pollute the seawater if before, he did not care about the garbage he even threw away and asked his disciples to throw the garbage on average. No one dared to scold him, He was Grandmaster of Saint Demon Sect.

As Grandmaster he must be on a luxury ship, he sees the ship he rides, the power in pride with takes the form of a large ship with a grandiose design. The ship possesses four masts, with the frontal sail having the luxurious look insignia on it. At a front three have a crow's nest, with the top of each also having the flag who has five rounded dots with a dark blue color where one rounded point is surrounded by four round spots. The upper part of the ship is cobalt blue with white edges, while the bottom is wooden with a steel plating under the keel. There are numerous cannon ports on the sides of the ship.

This ship he got as a gift of someone, in exchange for destroying his boat, that young man wears his hair, or a part of it, combed upward through a distinct curl on top, he also wears the same kind of white robe that resembles a spacesuit with a skirt, although the border designs of his clothing appear somewhat ugly and weird.

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