《Spirit King's Incarnation》Chapter 23: The 8th time will be different


"Lord Clyde! Please wake up!"


I suddenly felt a shaking on my body. Looking towards my right, I saw Charlotte's tear filled face.

"Thank goodness. You're alright."

Just then I felt a throbbing pain.

"Ugh… why does my head hurt so much and… where the hell is this…?"

When I looked around, all I could see was snow. Lots and lots of snow. We seemed to be in a forest. A big one judging by the huge trees. The two of us were inside a cave.

"I-I'm not sure what happened. A flash of light embraced us and a powerful force similar to being exposed to wind magic sucked us somewhere." She held my hand tightly and trembled. "Shouldn't it be summer in the kingdom? How can it be snowing?"

It was strange indeed. What happened?


"Huh? Where's Arielle?"

I remembered Arielle was the one who led us to the mermaid show so I was sure she was with us.

"She insisted on hunting for food when you didn't wake up after a day."

"I was… asleep that long?"

The throbbing in my head must've meant I had a concussion after hitting something.

I saw Charlotte shivering and blowing into her hands. I took off my robe and put it on her shoulders. The heating effect should help her warm up.

"Thank you."

"I'll light a fire so endure for a while."

She nodded.

Since both Arielle and Charlotte don't have magic power, I was the only one who can start the fire. Arielle and I are the only ones with experience outdoors since she used to hunt with Arthur all the time during their training.

"When does the first disaster occur?"

"Even that I cannot reveal…"

'That old man should've given me an estimate at least...'

I cursed inwardly for not persisting with my questioning back then. Maybe he could've told me in a way that the god code wouldn't notice.

'What happened to my parents? Is mother okay? Also, why isn't Undine answering my calls?'

My younger sisters, Chloe and Jessica were born five years ago after I left so I was worried. If something happened to mother then I don't know how they'd survive. Not knowing how my parents were doing was causing my heart to beat in fear. My father was already bad at parenting so how much of a wreck would he be if something happened to Eleanor?

This is something I never cared about on Earth. I just saw my parents as people that have a responsibility to take care of me. Would I have felt the same way if a disaster occurred on Earth?

"We must find out where we are first. Maybe a passing by merchant would come along this path."

Charlotte looked scared as she said that. When I thought about it, she never left the kingdom's lands once in her life. A royal outside their own country have no power. There might even be a possibility that her siblings will send assassins after her.

I held her hand to reassure her.

"Don't worry. I will protect both of you."

Charlotte's life was already hard to begin with. There was already four assassination attempts on her ever since her birth. Just imagine how a child must mature at such a young age after experiencing danger so much. Her mother was also poisoned right in front of her.



"Finally awake?"

A cold voice came from behind. I looked and saw Arielle standing there after she threw an animal that looks like a deer on the ground.

I withdrew my hand awkwardly.

"Your dress."

Charlotte frowned when she saw Arielle's ripped formal dress.

She bought it for her after all.

"Running in this deep snow would've ruined it anyway." She dragged the huge deer with one hand and took it to the back of the cave. "Can you help me clean this?"

She asked me. I nodded.

Arielle seemed to be prepared for outdoors anytime since she brought a dimensional ring with her. She always carries a lot of stuff around so I was relieved she did it this time too.

"Let's eat and sleep first and look for people tomorrow. Does that suit you two?" Charlotte's voice came from behind.

I gave my agreement while Arielle just silently cut the meat.

"Guys! I found someone!"

When Arielle and I were still lying down on the hard stone ground, Charlotte came running into the cave.

"Where were you? It's dangerous to go out alone."

She blushed when I asked.

"I-I had a bladder problem…" her face reddened further, "A-Anyway! I saw an uncle struggling to get his carriage out of the ground! Please follow me!"

Charlotte came to pick me up and Arielle grabbed her sword.


"Children? Why are the three of you alone out here?" Asked a man that looked like he was in his 50s. He was wearing a scarf and a long coat that blocks the cold.

'He really is struggling.'

I looked at his carriage and saw that he was carrying something like salt in bags.

"We got lost on the way to a party. Mother told me that I shouldn't wander with my friends but I didn't listen…" Charlotte put up a sad face and tears streamed down her eyes.

Her acting deserved an Oscar.

The old man's eyes opened wide.

"Goodness. How long have you been out here?"

"Two days, sir." I answered as I held up my staff.

"Wait, what are you–"


The ground instantly softened after I infused mana into my staff and casted the spell.


Arielle lifted the edge of the carriage that was stuck in the ground. With one hand….



The old man's mouth hung open in shock.

'Yeah, I'm pretty shocked about Arielle's strength too.'

"Can you please tell us where we are, Old man?"


YEAR - HE1512(Holy Era 1512)

The area we were thrown to is in the western Continent. In the centre of this continent there are four kingdoms. The one we ended up in is the Kingdom of Habsburg.

In the history book that I read once, it said that the Habsburg kingdom is on the decline because of their small resources compared to other kingdoms. The only reason they haven't been invaded yet is because Habsburg has the strongest military force on the continent. Even if they combine forces, chances are that they'd lose more than they'd gain from the battle.

The old man drove us through the dense snow covered forest after flicking the reins.

"By the way boy…" He looked toward my staff, "Mages are a valuable resource in this kingdom. Only nobles have the potential to be born with magic power."



It's just like our family's bloodline. I was the only one to be born with mana.

"Umu. It's quite rare for people out here to be born with it. I suggest you ladies keep this young man safe."

"Hm? From what?" Charlotte spoke from behind.

"The village folk will try and consummate with the boy. Having a child with magic power will greatly change their lives, after all."

The old man pointed to the speck in the distance.

"There's the kingdom right over there."

The carriage sped up when he flicked the reins again.

We were riding down a long row of forest trees. I looked to my left and saw a village. It looks like any ordinary village that may have about 1000 residents or even less. I could also see many workers out in the snow busy shovelling.

After exiting the pathway of trees, we took the main road where other merchants passed by.

'It truly does look small for a kingdom with 700 years of history. How bad must the villages be if the kingdom looks so small.'

Straws and wood were the main materials to build the village houses. I was lucky to be born in a brick house and have warm food even during winter. Those people probably had to hunt their own food from a young age.

Some of the people there looked malnourished. Yet despite that ,the children are happily playing in the snow and throwing snowballs at each other.

We passed by the village and headed for the kingdom.

"It's refreshing see you smile like that, lord Clyde." Charlotte stood next to me at the window, "You always have this serious attitude towards everything."

"Well, I'm just happy we're still alive. We'll need to find out what happened two days ago when we return."

I felt strange saying 'when' and not if. Chances were that we might not even make it back. We're still children, after all.

'I wonder how Arthur is doing…'

Knight corps training base.


Arthur mercilessly swung his sword at his opponent. Seeing as how no child his age could take his strength, the adults decided to take him on. Despite that, none of them even managed to scratch Arthur. His talents became known to all knights of the kingdom and many knight corps are in a struggle to see who'll get him under their wing.

"Err… shouldn't you be taking it easy, Arthur?"

A girl approached him and handed him a towel.

Her name was Lilia. She was from a commoner household and aims to become a knight to support her family.

On the day she enrolled, she found it hard to keep up with the other recruits. In her eyes, they were the real deal.

Not even being able to run 14 laps around the forest which spans 500m across made her think about quitting.

But one day this boy with his silver hair told her something she'd never forget:

"You came here with half-assed determination. That's why you're giving up. Support your family? You should aim higher, like me. I aim to become the strongest knight!"

That happened before the disaster struck. Since the strange disappearance of both land and people shook the Royal Family, they had to accept foreigners into their kingdom. Something like this would not have happened in the past.

As a result of that decision by the king, new recruits came rolling in not even a day after the announcement. Talents were among the many and the majority of the enrolees were wastrels.

"I don't see my superior complaining, so why should I?"

It's been two months already since they met. Compared to the gentle Arthur back then, the Arthur now was cold towards her.

"Listen up!" Just then the vice captain that was in charge of training the recruits spoke, "The order is looking for new talent. Those of you who have the determination, raise your hand to apply! This training won't be easy as the little tests we did at this institute. It'll be a thousand times harder!"

Just then, Arthur's hand immediately rose up. Lilia looked blankly and subconsciously raised her own as well.


Arthur quietly clicked his tongue in annoyance. Ever since Clyde's disappearance his mood hasn't lifted up at all. Normally boys his age would already have looked for girls to marry in the future but all he can think about is… Clyde.

It was only a month ago when Clyde, Arielle and Charlotte went to go see how the mermaids perform. The Kingdom made an Act for Demihumans that makes them equal to humans. They could now enjoy equal rights and not experience discrimination anymore.

Naturally, they wanted to celebrate the enactment of the law.

Arthur was too busy so he couldn't join them.

He regretted it.

The girl thinking she had a chance was but a hindrance to him now.

'Should I kill her…?'

His thoughts suddenly turned ominous.

'No, no… since when have I become like this? What would Clyde think?'

He went to his room, ignoring the shouts of Lilia.

Opening a special suitcase he snuck under his bed, he pulled out something. It was a bundle of light brown hair.

"Haaa… haaa…"

He sniffed it crazily imagining the owner. A boy with light brown hair and a beauty mark on his chin. His green eyes look as beautiful as a jade crystal.

The smell of the boy's hair was faint. Arthur wrapped the hair up begrudged.

His mind then shifted somewhere else.

Heaven's Piercer. It was said that no normal human could lift the sword. How crazy must you be to actually think the sword will become yours?

"If I have that sword 'again'… then…"

Arthur didn't want to do the same things again like he did in his past life. Picking up that sword created chaos and all sorts of trouble for her and her loved one.

"B-but if it's to protect my Clyde then I'll do it…"

"Never again… will I allow you to die… again… ehehe~ m-my first time will be yours again~"

Arthur–Artoria's eyes were dark and hollow. Her head was tilted while drool leaked down her mouth. If anyone saw him now, they'd run away after seeing that twisted evil face of his…

'The 8th time will be different… Clyde, wait for me…'

His mentality was so messed up that the only one he can think of is his past life's loved one. This is the penalty of regression. Slowly losing your mind and rationality.

Only the dark figure that was repeatedly swinging his legs, making the bed creak, staring at a wall with dead eyes and muttering to himself remained in the quiet dorm room.

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