《Spirit King's Incarnation》Chapter 13: Charlotte's birthday party(1)


(Arthur POV…)

A few days later.

"Okay, we'll stop here for today."

Master Kennedy told Arielle and I. We just finished with our daily training at around the same time every day.

Both Arielle and I have different type of swordplay. Her style focuses more on power output while mine revolves around choosing speed instead of power when I attack. I prefer it this way even if we're equally powerful.

'I wonder what Clyde is doing?'

I grew excited at the thought of the two of us exploring the capital. It's been a few years since we came to the duke's residence in the noble district. Despite that, we haven't hung out much since we must train daily in order to become strong.

I don't hate that but the thought of not spending time with Clyde is annoying. I always finish my training at sundown but today we were able to finish just after noon. The knight captain complimented our growth and left soon after. We decided to explore the city before going to Charlotte birthday party which begins at 5.

"You finished yet?" A familiar voice spoke from behind us.

I turned around and saw a cute boy with light brown hair approaching us with his usual smile.

"Yip. Where are you going dressed like that?" Arielle asked with a frown.

"Ah, this?" He looked down at his formal attire. " Me and Arthur are exploring today. I heard from the maids they opened a zoo in the entertainment district. Since her highness' party is tonight anyway, we have enough time to spare."

"You two made plans without me!?"

Arielle pouted with puffed up cheeks.

I breathed deeply to get my heart beat normal. I've been overdoing it in training these days. Even my master says that I should take it easy. I didn't listen though. Even if my speed is among the top in the kingdom's recruits, I still needed to work on my physical strength.

"Then let's go together. I thought you'd be busy…"

"What would I ever be busy with except training?" Arielle put her hands on her hips and harrumphed.

"Well then. I'll wait for the two of you to finish."

We got permission from the second wife and embarked on our journey through the capital.

Our first stop was the clothing store. It was obviously Arielle's idea. She grumbled that she doesn't have a lot of clothes she likes since her maid buys stuff for her. She ended up buying six dresses and gave the clothes to the porter we brought along.

Clyde bought himself a dark grey magician's robe. The robe had a heating effect for the cold nights and also has a bit of defence magic to divert an arrow's direction. The shopkeeper seemed puzzled at a little boy buying such a robe. Well, he might look weak if you looked at his body but he's definitely not one to underestimate. His magic power is far greater than anyone in the kingdom or the whole continent for that matter. Senior Francis said that if Clyde could gain control of all his mana, he'd be one of the strongest people on the continent, excluding the White Order.



Our next destination was a cake shop. Clyde's eyes sparkled when he looked at the assorted sweets. He is into sweet things after all.

There were students of the academy also sitting down and chatting happily. There were actually more couples than there were single people.

I avoided looking at them feeding each other like six year olds.

"Huhuhu~" Clyde laughed with drool on his mouth. His face then saddened when he looked at the price tag.

"4 gold for a slice!? It's not even that big!"

He grumbled and argued with the shopkeeper and called her a scammer. She looked at him as if finding him cute while he complained and told her to call the manager.

The two of us don't get that much money anyway. We usually got 10 gold when we were at the Duke's city residence but now that Sadith controls the finances, we only get half that. I was about to take out some money for him…

"Here." Arielle shoved 4 gold coins into Clyde's face.

"Y-You can use this."

"Hic…. Thank you!"

He hugged Arielle making her push him away in a fluster.


'Dammit! I was too slow!'

I felt like throwing the plates of cake onto the ground when I saw the two of them acting so close. It's like I was a third wheel interrupting their date.

A couple of academy girls came to our table since they recognized Arielle. They seemed to have known her sister. Arielle was speaking to them with a wry smile the entire time since they were just praising her elder sister the whole time.

Kenia is known for her strong leadership skills and intellect. Despite being a fourth year, she has shown that her capabilities in business far exceed even the seventh year seniors. She was quite famous in the academy. I couldn't remember how many times noble boys would come visit the Duke's household with the pretext of a formal visit.

The group of friends soon left our table. Arielle smiled brightly.

"Big sister is amazing, isn't she? Even those fifth years came to praise her."

We finished our sweets and also left the store.

Arielle seemed quite happy even though she wasn't the one who they praised.


Arielle stopped and looked upwards. We followed her gaze and saw a big billboard advertisement saying:

-All demihumans receive equal rights at the National Summit. As proof of that claim, demihumans will from now on be allowed in every kingdom. The mermaid queen has agreed to send members of her race to perform a traditional dance on the night of the Blood Moon.

"A mermaid show?"

Arielle's eyes sparkled. Despite her harsh personality, I've come to learn that she likes things like dancing and other forms of entertainment. I sometimes hear her sing in the bathroom as well.


"When will they perform?"

Clyde looked at the billboard.

"In about a year, huh. I'm interested in what kind of dance they refer to here."

"Should we go?"

Arielle asked excitedly.

"What do you think?"

Clyde turned towards me.

"I think it'll be fun."

Mermaids are said to be the most beautiful race . It's a misconception thinking elves are the most beautiful. Mermaids are rarely seen so people are often mistaken about that fact. Mana enriched waters can keep their skin looking youthful even in their final years of life.

Mermaids are semi-immortal depending on how rich the mana is in their environment.

Arielle wrote down the date in her notepad before we started walking again. We visited many others shops before going to the zoo.

My day with the two of them was enjoyable indeed.


(Clyde Astley POV)

It was finally time for her highness, Charlotte's birthday party.

"Why are you like this!?"

Just when I was about to enter the corridor after practicing spirit magic in secret, I heard yelling around the corner.

'Arielle and Kenia?'

The latter was angrily glaring at Arielle.

"I-I'm sorry, big sister…"

That was the first time I'd seen Arielle on the verge of tears.

"Guh. Seriously! You embarrassed me in front of my friends! And what is this!? You look up to me!? This is weird!"


She threw a stack of papers at Arielle.

"B-But I do, Big sister. You're s-so beautiful, smart and–"

"Stop! You're so goddamn annoying! Don't approach me again. And if I catch you visiting me at the academy then I'll hit you again, little shit!!"

'What the hell?'

Was Young lady Kenia always like this? I only ever saw her as a cool beauty who always wore a gentle smile. Compared to the image in my head, she looked like the villainess in those otome games.

Arielle meekly lowered her head and picked up the papers. Kenia then stepped on her hand.


"It's plain creepy having a shadow as you follow me around so much. Look up to me? I find that bothersome for my rival to do that." She spoke venomous words.

Her gentle nature on the surface made me think she would either marry into another family or fight the other nobles in the war of politics.

'I forgot one thing. She's the daughter of that snake first wife.'

No wonder I thought her real side looked familiar. I didn't interact with Sadith much but I always saw her scream at the servants or hit them if they made mistakes.

"B-Big sister… I.."

"Shut up!"

Kenia kicked Arielle in the face and spat on her face.

"You are a lowly second daughter, beneath me. You will listen to whatever I tell you to do."

She then left, leaving Arielle crying.

I walked up to her. Her sister was kind of scary so I hid instead of stopping her actions.

"Are you alright?"

"…how long have you been watching?"

She glared at me with hateful eyes.

"I won't judge you, Arielle. I look up to someone too. She probably isn't used to having her sister whose also her rival for the head of the household, shadow her like this."

I pushed aside her bangs and took out a handkerchief.

Arielle lost the hatred in her eyes and a tint of red was on her face when I wiped her tears.

"Don't worry about her. Focus on improving yourself. How do you think it would feel to surpass your rival? There's still hope."

I said with a smirk and then her eyes brightened.

"Come on. The Madam would worry if you caught a cold out here."


We walked towards the fountain where the carriages were lined up. I felt strong killing intent from behind but it disappeared when I looked back.

'What was that?

Anyway, when Arielle and I arrived, Kimberley approached us.

"Oh, my, my. Such a cute couple."

"Wha–?!" Arielle looked at me, then pushed me away. "Gross!"

'Ah, this pain in my heart from being called gross by a girl… it hurts…'

Her mother laughed.

"Stop denying it. I always see you spying on little Clyde when he gets tutored by Jacob."

"W-What are you talking about!? I never did that! Humph!"

Arielle ran towards the carriage, leaving us behind.

"Hahaha. What a shy girl. Remember, I want two grandchildren."

Kimberly teasingly said and took me to the carriage as well.

'This woman speaks such shameless lines to kids.'

Arielle must have it hard.

"We'll be going to the Royal Palace. A sacred place where nobles of the highest authority meet." The first wife spoke when we entered the carriage. "Do not tarnish this household's name by acting immature."

'But we're kids…'

Sadith smirked.

"If you do then punishment awaits."

After she finished talking, she left the carriage we were in and boarded the second one. Only the first wife, the duke and her children were present in that carriage.

The rest of us were in the second one. It must be a custom to this world, I guess.

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