《Inhuman》09: A Dish served Slow


09: A Dish served Slow

The small army marched across the forest, for several days they hunted, clanked, rattled, read, and barked.

A pillar of smoke revealed itself on the horizon, indicating that the incoming area is in fact inhibited by intelligent life.

The boy signaled his band to stop and hide themselves into the nearby bushes, and went on to meet whoever was camping there.

“Oh, what do we have here?” The sentry greeted the short, hooded person approaching the camp.

A grin written on his face, the man in leather armor approached the figure and spoke after peeking into the hood.

“A kid? Are you lost?” he said licking his tongue at the sight of the wide pair of blue eyes, he just finished raping the owner of one a while ago.

“No” the childish voice answered him after a few seconds.

“Is that so? Come; let me introduce you to my… friends” Clamored the man with a friendly smile.

The boy under the hood walked into the camp, followed by the sentry scratching his already-sore member. Getting ready for another round of screaming blue eyes.

Noa read about bandits before, both in his previous life and this one, he knew they were cruel, merciless and worships only the clinking of the coin purse.

Cages were stacked on each other across the camp, full of women and children, a hole in the middle that was the source of the smoke the boy saw, full of tens of corpses.

The boy did not care the slightest, in fact he was happy he found a new source of bones and corpses, he just wanted an excuse to end these bandits, he didn’t waste any time and sent the signal to his minions.

“Broga, this kid showed up and the gate, i think he’s … lost” the man winked at his boss sitting on a comfy chair in one of the tents “can i go show him around?” he continued, barely able to contain his visible erection.

“Wait a second you son of a whore, I’ll let you … show him around later, you always damage the goods you sick bastard” the boss calmly said with a chuckle, standing up from his chair and approaching the boy under the hood.

“But Broga, I’m feeling sooooooo~” he stood behind the boy and extended his hand, grabbing the boy’s genitals “ooo, you’re big for your age boy, this is gonna be fu-”

The boss fell on his back, his eyes at it’s widest, fixed at his spasming underling behind the boy, he looked down where the blood started dripping to see a long limb of muscle in the form of a tail coming from under the boy’s robes, piercing the now-dead bandit from his anus coming out of his head.

The boy took out his tail and swiped the filth out of it; he lifted the hood to show Broga his face, the man behind him fell with a thud after spilling some of his innards, his corpse still spasming.

“D-D-DEEEEEEEEEEMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNN!” Broga screamed on top of his lungs, and all men took up arms after a few seconds of confusion, but it was already too late.

A dust explosion boomed in the middle of the camp, revealing an armored red hair holding a giant, flaming warhammer. Under her, the mushed remains of three of the bandits.


Broga went speechless, he went for his weapon but froze as the boy took off his clothes. Four crossed lines of huge teeth yawned like a dog before a tongue went out and licked the boy’s face.

The last thing Broga saw is the stream of undead pouring into the camp, joining the redhead in the massacre of his men.

An hour passed and the boy was a few meters away from the cages, women and children holding each other, shivering like death was standing before their own eyes.

“Open” the boy ordered, and one of the ghouls darted to the cages, breaking the locks with minimal effort.

The boy expected the prisoners to leave their cages and flee as soon as it opens, but to his surprise, no one moved an inch, staring at every little movement he makes, the boy didn’t know that these women and children just saw the bandits die a worse death than their loved ones in the pit of fire, they were absolutely terrified of the demon silently staring at them, his undead army motionlessly waiting for his command, including the woman who took out more than half of the bandits all by herself.

It took a while, but a small green skinned boy with small fangs came out of one of the cages despite his mother’s screams and walked straight to Noa. Unlike the others the boy had little fear from the horned demon.

“Thank you mister” the small orc boy bowed down as hard as he could, which drew a smile on Noa’s face, he slowly extended his hand, increasing the volume of screams from the boy’s mother and ruffled the boys black hair.

The boy straightened back up and looked into the burning pit in the middle of the camp, his eyes fixed on a half burnt orc at the corner with teary eyes before darting back to his mother.

She hugged her child, looking at the demon commanding the undead army, which in turn gave her a gentle nod, signaling her of his approval of them leaving, and both scurried into the woods, followed by the other prisoners who immediately left their cages into freedom after the orc duo, completely disappearing in the vast Maoa forest.

The camp went quiet again, except for the crackling of cinders in the pit, the chomping and crunching of Varg, and the chants of the boy adding more troops to his small army.

On a fairly moonlit night, a couple of men people identified as guards from their worn out leather vests and rusty pikes sat under a crumbling wooden gate. Surrounded by some broken bricks of a wall that only suited a thousand years old ruin.

The village of Kh’onafa. Population: 277

“Oi, I’m headin’ off for a piss” one of the guards bellowed to the other.

“Make it quick, don’t let the forest eat ya’” waved the other, poking the ground with the pike.

The first guard went off to the nearby trees, and after a few minutes, the other guard on duty was staring into the sky at an incoming piece of metal spinning in the air into his direction like a great eagle charging its prey.

Several seconds later, a hooded figure approached the village as a red haired woman took out a warhammer from a squashed head.


He just left the tavern, far from just tipsy, he strolled down the road to his home, humming a song he heard several days ago at the tavern and didn't understand a word from it.

Hurmad the drunk they called him, stopped by a half dozen of what he identified as drunk companions, not even comprehending that he was surrounded by six ghouls blocking his way home.

“Oi, out of ma way ya bastards” he swinged his empty wooden mug and hit only air, the milky eyes staring him down under strict orders not harm him.

The ghouls didn’t move an inch, still awaiting orders from their master, who was walking slowly on the road, his tail swaying behind him, his eyes full of justified hatred.

The man looked back and saw the incoming demon, and in less than a second he went sober.

“You, but, but I saw you burn. H-Ho-”

A growl coming from the demon's belly stopped him, the hairs on his body went as sober as he became, like a crop waiting for harvest.

The man turned tail and tried to run, pushing away the ghouls that multiplied his horror. The ghouls didn't resist, allowing the man to escape, but them man suddenly fell down, and in his adrenaline rush, he started crawling.

After a few meters of progress, the man looked back to see how far he escaped the demon child of Lea, only to see his legs, up to his knees sitting a few meters back, connecting to his thighs via a thick trail of blood.

His heart started pounding even harder at the sight of his lost legs of which the approaching demon kicked away like garbage, his tail bloody, an ornamented dagger in his hand.

He turned on his back, using his elbows to back down in a panic, his stump spurting blood like a valve.

“S-Stay away,d-d-d-d-on’t come here”

The naked demon paid no mind, he stood above him and sat on his chest no long before speaking, a feat he never saw him do before, he always thought the boy was mute.

“You wanted her to ride you like this?” the boy whispered, his hateful eyes fixed to Hurmad.


The howled in pain as the dagger pierced his penis, the boy slowly turned and twisted until he took out the whole genital.

“You wanted to be inside her?” His childish voice became louder and sharper as he held the Hurmad manhood in disgust.



The boy wouldn't take it anymore, he shoved the meat in his hand into the man’s mouth, cutting off the airway to the man’s vocal cords, his pleading sounds were starting to add to his annoyance.

He grew bored as life started to seep out of Hurmad, he got off and gave him the last look he didn't deserve before walking away.

“Eat!” he ordered the six eager ghouls surrounding the man.

“Keep him alive as long as possible” and the ghouls jumped the man like a murder of hungry crows, his muffled screams echoed in the darkness and entered the boys ears like tunes of pleasure.

The village of Kh’onafa. Population: 119

A naked boy walked the same road in the stead of the mushed Hurmad, the person he wanted to see the most was just across the street, praying to whatever could save her from his wrath, but even the strongest of whoever she prayed to, could not change her fate, for the boy would burn the universe to get to her.

The sound of axes breaking the door like war drums echoed throughout the village, the door fell off with little resistance and a dozen of undead poured in, paving the way for their master to get to his prize.

On the first room, the boy watched the sleeping young man, another boy three or four cycles older than he was, the son of the couple who drowned his world into nothingness.

In an act of mercy, the boy slit his throat swiftly, he had a use for him after all, and the condition of being alive wasn’t necessary.

He finally reached her room, his troops sticking to their orders and making way for him without touching her.

The woman sat in a uselessly defensive position, but with the silence of the room, she finally met his piercing gaze, and not long before she recognized him, she started at him, stupefied as the maw slowly opened, revealing her son’s bones grinded into a mincemeat before her eyes.

He slowly walked and coiled his tail around her, raising her for a closer look, her look fed the boy’s anger even more.

For a minute he started, sucking out the perplexed expression of his mother’s best friend, until she finally opened his mouth to speak, a voice the boy swore not to let her have the luxury of letting out, except for agony.

“I-I I’m sorr-”

The boy raised his hand and cast [Agony], and Mona's body went on fire, every nerve in her body, waiting to give her the most painful experience in her life.

Instantly she was shoved in Varg.


And the teeth slowly closed, piercing her old wrinkled skin.


And her muscles slowly tore out.


And the teeth reached the bones, the organs, and started the slowest chew it ever it.

The woman screamed with every inch the teeth moved, it kept away from her vital organs, the boy wanted to chew for a while.

“Slower, I want to savor every bit”

And the endeavor continued until the sun decided to wake up, finally allowing Mona’s soul to leave her body, the last gasp of pain got out as the first sun ray hit the window.

The village of Kh’onafa. Population: 1

Noa got out of the house in a satisfied manner, an unexplainable mixture of anger and joy across his face.

“Master, we found him, shall we bring him to you?” War’s voice rang in his mind.

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