《Inhuman》02: Welcome to Hell


02: Welcome to Hell.

On the shore of a wailing river, a person wearing a black tuxedo sat down behind a desk made of bones, scribbling down with long bone disguising itself as a pen, on a page made from some unfortunate creature's skin.

The red-skinned leaned down to the river and scooped up with his clawed hands, throwing what he fished out in front of the desk.

He scrambled his red, vertical pupils in excitement, examining the charred body of a boy standing in front of his desk.

“Oho! How long has it been since I had a visit from a child, today is a good day indeed” he bleated with excitement before he turned a page and started scribbling.

“So, you took out eighty-four lives, including yours. Kiddo, that’s ballsy, I like it”

The man closed the book with a bang before continuing.

“Welcome to hell kid, I hope you find the place to your liking. As for you, heavens are this way, take the second right after the women with burning tits at the end of this road, a ferryman will take you to the silver gates” the man’s eyes twitched as he pointed out in the opposite direction.

“What?” the boy questioned in confusion.

“I wasn’t speaking to you, kiddo” The man pointed with his crimson goatee, and from behind the boy, a majestic huge Wolf with black shining fur emerged.

The boy’s eyes widened as his words held prisoners behind the bars of his burnt mouth.

A growl found itself shielding the boy from the devil in style behind the desk, who’s, in turn, let out a defeated sigh, red smoke coming out from behind his sharp teeth.

He scratched his horns and fixed his small round glasses, he looked back at the wolf towering above the boy with a twisted smirk.


“Suite yourself, hell won’t say no, hell is very, very generous” spat the man with a devilish chuckle.

“However, this is a ticket for one, have fun there you both” the devil took out a worn-out piece of bloody cloth and tossed it to the boy who picked it up with his one good arm.

"Go, this way, right behind that black tree, you will find a boat waiting for you" the devil gave instruction and went back to his busy work, but the boy didn't move.

"What?" the devil jeered.

"The girl!" the boy asked with defiance.

"You are going to hell boy, and you're asking about some girl?, you have way more thn a girl to worry about now, go away you little shit, shoo, shoo!"

But the boy didn't move

"Why the fuck are you still standing for?" the devil barked, veins of anger popping out under his horns like popcorn.

"The girl!" the boy repeated.

the devil roared in anger, a pair of red wings spread across his back, his horns grew as his voice echoed across the palce, muting the wailing river of souls for a few good moments.

But the boy didn't move, his eyes fixed on the devils's mouth, waiting patiently for an answer.

"She lives!" the devil let out a sigh of defeat, taking back his original form of a well dressed man.

"Thank you" the boy mumbled, his blood shot eyes shaking from joy, not even thinking about the upcoming eternal agony.

“Now scam!” the devil snapped his fingers, and went back to his ledgers, adding the soul he just fused to the list.

A lone decaying boat floated above a river of boiling blood, at one end of the boat stood a small boy holding his open guts, staring down the faceless ferryman slowly rowing, masterfully avoiding the floating skulls in the river.


“Stop!” the boy ordered, but the faceless one paid no mind.

“Stop!” the boy repeated, but the captain of the small ship had the higher authority.

“STOP!” the boy snapped, extending his shining palm, finally pulling the featureless head in his direction.

The boat paused its journey, resting beside a red skull twice its size, and the ferryman jerked himself to the golden shine and gesture to the boy to hand him the coin. The man took the coin and studied it with his eyeless face.

A rotten thumb flung the coin up with an uppercut, allowing the final spin of its golden life.

The coin flip ended between the man’s palms, he removed the upper palm to reveal a shining eye gazing upon his faceless figure, ordering him to obey the rule set since the beginning of creation.

The man nodded to the boy, a whirlpool developed beside the boat, the boy looked at the Whirlpool in confusion, then at the incoming hand pushing him away from the from the boat into the bottomless bloody pit.

Our boy fell off, our boy disappeared under the whirling blood.

The ferryman opened his palm, watching the coin disintegrate into golden particles, then took out the bloodied cloth he took earlier from the boy, a cloth used as an entrance ticket to fiery gates of hell, and tossed it in the river.

He went back to his bony oar, wondering why the boy did not want to go back home.

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