《Ritz Aven : Can I live normally?[Hiatus]》Ch. 18: The lover's quarrel


Love is like a c# algorithm, it’s complicated.

After lunch, the princess stayed at the room for a few hours until it was time for her to go back to the castle. It seems the kingdom didn’t know about us or any of our achievements. Either the king didn’t send the message, or it was unable to get here.

Since the one that told the story was Feric, duke osdwin’s son, Alice instantly believed the story…I think? She did call me Duchess Shera, so she probably believed it. The hours passed, and everyone did their own thing…and Nero still avoided me. I was at my limits, especially because of the bizarre events, so I dragged Nero to a place where we could talk alone.

“Do you hate me?”(Shera)

“No, I’ll never hate you.”(Nero)

“…Then why have you been avoiding me these past few days?”(Shera)


No answer? So he hates me after all? No, I’m just jumping to conclusions….but. Why is it like this? I thought that once we get to a relationship, it would develop further as long as we love each other, why does it feel like we are going nowhere? Why does it feel like instead of flourishing, our relationship is falling apart? Is it because I’m not good enough? Is it because of what I did in the past? What did I do? What should I do?

Nero stayed silent as we stared at each other, and it didn’t look like he will say anything. I…if we are just creating more distance between each other because of this relationship, then I think it’s better for us to stay as friends. I admit that I don’t want to do this, but if the current situation continues, then Nero will slowly move out of my reach…

“I…I understand, if you don’t want to continue this relationship, all you had to do was tell me. You didn’t have to ignore me, we could have at least stay as friends…”(Shera)

At my own words, my chest started to hurt. It was the same pain I felt when I saw him with a girl…No, it was more painful than that. With a few tears forming on my eyes, turned around. I stated moving my legs, but was hugged by Nero before I could run.

“It’s not that…I just feel a bit guilty from what I did the yesterday. I don’t know what took over my body. The flow of our conversation went somewhere, and my body couldn’t help but do that to you. As time passed, I wanted to do more and more. If Feric didn’t come, I don’t know what would have happened…”(Nero)


“I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to act like a proper partner. I don’t know if we are moving slowly, or if we are moving too fast. I don’t get how a relationship should work, and I am afraid I might do something that would make you hate me…”(Nero)

Because I was also a bit angry, I couldn’t understand his reason, and forced myself out of his arms. I ran away from him, I ran away from the inn, I ran away from the city.

I went to an isolated place far from the city, and stayed there. I am now in a place that looked like a canyon…or is it a canyon? It took my 2 days with all of my strength to get here. They are probably fine even if I am away for a few days. I just want to be alone for a bit.

I stared at the middle of the canyon with a blank expression. Now that I am alone, and have a lot of time to think, I started to ask myself.


“Why am I even here?”(Shera)

Being sent here, living in this world…what for? The only reason I lived for was to kill, and now I am just blindly walking with no path in sight. I didn’t have a clear goal, and simply move on what I think would make me happy. I wanted to travel to find things would make me happy. When I found Nero, when I found everyone, I finally felt like I have a place to call home, a place that would accept me.

I didn’t really thought this much about it when I was training, since I knew that Nero will still be the same after I came back…but now. I longed for him for 65 years, I wanted to be with him, and now this is what awaits me? When did everything fall apart?

I don’t know how this love stuff works…How am I supposed to react? How am I supposed to act? When should I act? When should I stop? How do I know that he loves me? How do I know I love him?

I continuously asked myself different things, yet I didn’t find an answer.


It has been a week now, and I still haven’t found the will to go back. Everyone is probably worrying, they probably want me to go back, but is it the same for Nero? Would he still be the same Nero that loved me? Will he still be the same Nero that I loved?

As I asked myself, I felt a creature moving to my location, and it was moving on the sky. When it was close to me, I got a bit curious, and looked at it. It was an einolon bird, and it was carrying a package. It left the package beside me before vanishing.

W…what’s this? Who sent this? How did they even know where I was?

I ignored the package, but as time passed, I got more and more curious as to what’s inside the package. 9 days after running away from the city, I decided to open it.

There were 2 picture books, and a letter inside. The osdwin family’s stamp and Feric’s name was on the letter. Since I didn’t want to read the letter, I looked at the picture books first. Both of the books were about love, a story about two people falling in love and living happily ever after.

After reading the story, I somehow eased a bit. A bit later and I finally started reading the letter.

Shera, you have probably read the books first before the letter right? Don’t ask why I know, it’s quite obvious based on your personality. Anyways, we all miss you. I don’t know the whole thing, but I know you had a fight with Nero. If you are not sure, then I will tell you. Nero loves you and that is a fact.

Both of you are still inexperienced so things like this are bound to happen, I know since I spent my childhood reading books about love by myself. I am not a good talker but I am confident in my knowledge.

I have always been looking at you, so I can say that you also love him. I hope this letter somehow made you clear your mind, and I hope the books helped because it took quite some time to find those. Don’t worry, they don’t know about the books.

You don’t have to force yourself to come back immediately after reading this letter, but I hope you will come back soon because Nero is extremely worried about you. Seriously, just looking at his expression proves how much he loves you.


Lastly, I know you are strong, but please stay safe.

-Feric Morc Osdwin

I stared blankly at the sky, and sorted my thoughts. There were a lot of things that I wanted to solve, and a lot of things I wanted to ask, but I feel that I should go back. I wish I was smarter, I wish I could understand my own thoughts…


(Feric’s POV)

It has been more than a week since Shera ran away. The whole party was a mess, everyone was worried, and everyone wants Shera to come back. Ever since Shera ran away, Nero has stayed silent. Pooch was asleep most of the time, and Ciela was comforting her brother.

“Nero, stop being gloomy and fix yourself. If you stay like that, then you will only hurt Shera again.”(Feric)

“…It’s too late, I already did.”(Nero)

“I’m telling you, you could still apologize. Everything could still be fixed, so stop acting like that.”(Feric)


“Pooch, Ciela, could you go out for a bit? I want to talk with him alone.”(Feric)

After my speech, Pooch woke up. Ciela and Pooch silently went out of the room.

“Look, if you continue like this, I’ll take Shera away.”(Feric)

“!?” Nero widened his eyes as he looked at me.

“You know, I have always liked her…no, I always loved her. I wanted her to look at me, I wanted her to be with me, but I stayed silent because she already has you. But seeing you like this, I might change my mind. If you will only hurt her, then I will step up. I will take her from you and make her happy.”(Feric)

“WHAT?” Nero stood up and grabbed my clothes.

“Looks like you don’t want that.”(Feric)



This was the first time Nero heard him yell, it was the first time since he joined the party. His eyes were filled with different emotions. Sadness, anger, and envy, those were the emotions that was shown through his eyes.

“I love her…why did she have to pick you?”(Feric)


He released his grip, but after looking at him, I couldn’t help but grab his clothes.

“Tell me, why is it that she didn’t pick me? Why does it have to be you? Is it because she met you first? Is it because if our bad start?”(Feric)



“I…I don’t know.”(Nero)

Enraged by his words, I punched him in the face. With the gap between our physical strength, he didn’t even budge.

“Look, if Shera decides to end your relationship, I will not back down. I will use the opportunity to replace you from her heart. Do you want that?”(Feric)


“Then stop acting like that. Don’t waste the opportunity, and do your best to fix this relationship. You are supposed to protect her not hurt her. Not knowing what to do is just an excuse, you could have asked us for advice, you could have observed how people acted, you could have read books, and you could have just asked Shera herself what she wanted.”(Feric)

Why am I even helping you? I could use this chance to steal Shera away…

“I’ll go out for awhile and I’ll take the others with me, use that time to think.”(Feric)

I went out of the room, and went to the city with Ciela and Pooch. Princess Alice came 3 days to ask for Shera, but of course the answer was obvious. The princess has been going to the inn every day, and was always asking for Shera, but suddenly stopped coming 3 days ago. I guess she is also busy as a princess, so she doesn’t have that much free time.

I am sure Nero would man up after that, if not then I will really go for Shera. Everything I said was true, that was my true feelings. I know I said my feeling would fade with time, but I just can’t seem to move on. Every day that I see her makes me fall for her more and more. I probably should get out of the party, and distance myself from her…but I just can’t imagine being away from her.

Even as a companion, even as a friend, as long as I can see Shera, then that is enough. I know I am only making it hard for myself, but I just can’t take a step away from Shera…I am scared that I won’t see her again. Why wasn’t it me?

Tsk, this is the best time to move, but I know that she still loves him. I know that both of them want to continue the relationship, I know that they both love each other…DAMN IT! THE ONLY THING I COULD DO FOR HER IS HELP THEIR RELATIONSHIP!

Although I was filled with such thoughts, it wasn’t shown in my face. I was simply smiling as Ciela, Pooch and I, were walking on the streets.

“If you have something to say, then tell me.”(Ciela)


“It’s obvious that you are hiding your feelings, so instead of hiding it until you explode, then it is better to let someone here it right?”(Ciela)

This kid says good thing from time to time, not that she is a stranger to me anyways, so I guess it should be fine. Even if she is young, she may give me some advice, she is a girl after all.

It was still early and it hasn’t even been lunch time yet. Anyways, the 3 of us went to the park and sat down on a bench. The park was surrounded by red trees, blue grass, and different colored flowers that were protected by a fence. There were benches that surrounded the playground in the middle of the park.

Since it was still early, there weren’t any people, so it was only the 3 of us in the park.

“You already know this but, I still love Shera.”(Feric)

“Yeah yeah I know, and then?”(Ciela)

“…No, it’s nothing. I can’t say it after all.”(Feric)

Now that I think about it, she is too young to know about love. What am I even thinking? To ask a girl for an advice?

“Just tell me.”(Ciela)

“It’s about love, so you probably don’t know much about it.”(Feric)

“What are you saying? I am already 32 years old, and I already fell in love once.”(Ciela)

“WHAT?”(Feric and Pooch)

“It’s true, I fell in love 17 years ago.”(Ciela)

17 years ago? You were just 15 years then. How can such a young child fall in love? Now I’m curious.

“Can you tell me more about it? Maybe I can use it as a reference.”(Feric)

“…To use a girl’s love life as a reference.”(Ciela)

“Ah, sorry. Anyways, let’s go buy some food.”(Feric)

“I’ll tell you my story first.”(Ciela)

I thought you didn’t want to tell me your story?


“You remember how the people treated my brother on balian city right?”(Ciela)

“Yes, I heard the whole story from your brother.”(Feric)

“Well, my brother wasn’t the only one shunned by the city. Being his sister, the people also hated me.”(Ciela)

Those stupid commoners, to even direct their hate to a child…

“One day, we ran out of supplies and brother was still working. Since he left money for emergencies, I took the money and went out. The people didn’t really do anything at first, and simply watched me as I walk around the city to buy food.”(Ciela)


(Ciela’s POV)

B…brother, please come back…the others are looking at me with scary eyes…

I walked around, as the people continued to gaze at me like I’m a parasite that needs to be killed. Since there wasn’t food left on the house, I had to buy some outside.

I didn’t know where the store was, so I tried asking for directions. The people around me didn’t help me, and instead, said cruel things to me and even mentioned my brother. I continued to walk, but I couldn’t find a store. Being a child that was spoiled by my brother, I wasn’t used to walking for a long time, so I was slowly getting tired as I walk.

I could feel people’s stare around me, and I could also hear them snicker as my body shook from the long walk. It didn’t look like I would find anything, so I just went back home. As I walked back, my body got weaker and weaker, not only from being tired, but also from hunger.

As I got closer to our home, a group of people blocked my path.

“Look, it’s the cursed one’s sister.”(Heran 1)

“Hahaha she looks like she’s about to die.”(Heran 2)

“That’s good. There would be one less evil in this world.”(Heran 3)

“Quiet you two, what if the people see us?”(Heran 1)

“I think that the people would be happy if she died.”(Heran 3)

“Anyways, just take her money and let’s bail out.”(Heran 2)

Hearing them, I quickly hugged the stash of money. Brother worked hard for this, so I won’t let them take it. The group started beating me up, and took the money when I could no longer hold on to it. They were about to go away, but someone yelled.


The voice was so strong that the group of heran’s looked back. I also looked back, and saw a tall person with a shiny gray skin. As I looked up, I could see his glossy silver hair that covered his eyes.

“How dare you beat up a child, and you even took her money? The commoners of this city are trash. I don’t know why father even visited this rotten place.”(???)

The group was enraged, but couldn’t move. A group of knights were behind the tall person, which made the herans stay where they are.

“Give the money back to the child, or I will kill you right here right now.”(???)

Fear ran through the herans’ body, and they left the stash before running away. The man took the stash and gave it to his knight.

“W…wait, t…that’s mine”(Ciela)

“Take that child back to her home, and tell the people around here that if they do anything like this again, then the osdwin family will be their enemy.”(???)

The man wore an expressionless face the whole time. It was like he had no emotions.

“Yes, Feric-sama”(Knight)

“Before that, little child, these things happen a lot in the slums. So I suggest that you train so that you could protect yourself.”(Feric)

The noble walked away after that, leaving a knight to carry me and the stash back to my home. After that, I started training myself…I didn’t know how to, but I still trained. My brother didn’t want me to train, and told me that he would always protect me…but I still wanted to train, because the only person aside from my brother that protected me said so.


I told them my story, but I left the important information hidden, I didn’t want Feric to know that he was the one in my story.

“So you fell in love with the noble? Did you ever see him again?”(Feric)

“Yes I fell in love, and I saw him a second time on our journey.”(Ciela)

“…Tell me his name, maybe I could help you.”(Feric)

Ok, let’s change the subject.

“Anyways, if it’s love, then you should just do what you can! If you love Shera then go for it!”(Ciela)

“She is still in a relationship with your brother you know…”(Feric)

“Love knows no bounds!”(Ciela)

I’ll simply continue what I am doing, and slowly make you look at me. LOVE KNOWS NO LIMITS!

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