《Ritz Aven : Can I live normally?[Hiatus]》Ch. 3: At Ballian City


So I finally introduced a new character... and a long backstory...I don't know if it is good, muahahaha who cares anyway?

I am finally at the Ballian city…actually it took 4 months to get here, but nothing really happened except for a few monster attacks. It’s not that bad, I actually got a bit more information from the people at the caravan. In the guise of amnesia, I asked the normal life span of each races, including the lein, which they think is my race, my disguise is a success. It seems that every race has the average life span of 300-500. Heh, beat that you stupid humans that can only live for 60-100 years. I was a bit curious about ranks of the adventurers, it seems I was given quite a good rank from the start. I was given a high silver rank, and the ranking system goes like this:

Wood > Low, Mid, High

Bronze >Low, Mid, High

Silver > Low, Mid, High

Gold > Low, Mid, High

Platinum > Low, Mid, High

Reis > Low, Mid, High

I asked what a reis is, and they all answered the same thing. It is a rare metal used for high end weapons, it has natural purple color, and it’s own mana. The metal is said to have the ability to store mana, and is usually used by magicians as supplies. If I remember correctly, they are using reis coins…I don’t understand why they would use such a dangerous metal as money. Well only rich ass people will get that kind of currency anyways, but still, they should separate money and weapons…

The city was bigger than Hellion city, and unlike Hellion, this city has a gray wall. The houses mostly had one floor, and are made using the same gray rock as the wall. There were paved streets and floating orbs around the city. Like the first city, this one also has a variety of races, but I still haven’t seen a Lein.

I am currently walking inside the city, of course with pooch in my hands, when did I ever let him go?

“As always, you are attracting attention…”(Pooch)

“Ignore them, let’s just go to the adventurer’s guild, and get some useful information.”(Shera)

While walking towards the adventurer’s guild, a few people tried to talk with me, of course I ignored them, I don’t plan on wasting my time with insignificant creatures…urg my personality is bad, I’ll blame the humans for that.

After walking a bit, I noticed I didn’t really know where the adventurer’s guild is. I searched for an honest looking person, and asked for help. A Talar guided me to the adventurer’s guild, I thanked him by giving a gold coin, he declined and smiled before walking away. If there are more people like him on earth, then I am sure I wouldn’t resort to killing them…not that it matter now.

I entered the adventurer’s guild, good, this time the smell isn’t that bad…anyways, I made my way to the counter only to see a red winged vallar, crouching on the ground. It seems everyone around are looking at him with eyes filled with disgust.

“Please save my sister”(Vallar)

“NO, if you don’t have money then get out, I don’t want to be associated with a cursed being such as yourself”(Man at the counter)

“Please” The Vallar begged with tears flowing out of his eyes.

Tsk, seeing him getting treated like this makes me remember my past, those stupid humans looked at us with the same eyes…I tapped the man’s shoulder and asked.

“What is it that you need help with?”(Shera)


If you are not gonna help this guy then I will.


“A…a Lein?”(Man at the counter)

“Hurry up and tell me, if you don’t speak up I won’t help you”(Shera)

“My sister, my sister is being held captive by the black swords.”(Vallar)

Black swords again? So they are also active in this city.

“Ma’am there is no need to help this cursed being, and there is no need to associate yourself with the black swords…”(Man at the counter)

“I don’t see a cursed being anywhere, the only thing I see is a man seeking help for his sister”(Shera)

“But that guy is…”(Man at the counter)

“Come, let’s talk elsewhere. I don’t want to be near a guild that can’t even save one person”(Shera)

Before the Vallar could talk I dragged him out, and searched for an inn. At first the inn didn’t want to let us enter, but when I said I will give him a gold coin for one night, he quickly agreed. Our room was on the third floor, so I dragged the Vallar, threw him on the bed and closed the door.

The Vallar suddenly hugged his body and looked at my with fear.

“I…I’ll let you have your way with my body after you save my sister”(Vallar)

W…what is this guy saying? What am I, a pervert?

“Want me to rip your wings off? Look I am here to help you so just tell me what I need to know.”(Shera)

“You won’t do perverted things with my body?” The Vallar looked a bit disappointed.

“You want me to bury you alive? Don’t make me angry”(Shera)

“Master, calm down”(Pooch)


“Look, do you want to save your sister or what?”(Shera)


“Tell me where those black sword bastards are, I’ll quickly erase them from this world”(Shera)

“Master, please, stop your scary way of talking…”(Pooch)

“She was taken yesterday…the black swords are probably on their way back to their headquarters.”(Vallar)

“Tell me where they are headed, I’ll stop them on their tracks an rip their heads one by one.”(Shera)

“Master…why are you so angry this time? You are speaking like a different person”(Pooch)

…I don’t know, I just get angry at the thought of people taking away your loved ones, and especially the thought of being shunned by everyone else.

The Vallar guided me to where the black swords are headed. I ran at full speed and caught up to the black swords, there were 5 caravans and a bunch of people wearing black robes. I quickly gave pooch the signal, and he went back to his real form. We made quick work of the black swords…pooch did most of the job, by the time we finished, the red winged Vallar caught up.

“CIELA!” The Vallar quickly descended and searched for his sister.

Hearing his voice, a girl shouted


The siblings reunited and hugged each other, tears of happiness flowed down their cheeks. There were a few more people on the caravan, and we guided them back to the city. I spent the night on the inn, not like I needed sleep, I just wanted to relax a bit.

When I woke up, I fixed my things and went down stairs, only to be welcomed by a crowd. It seems my name spread around the town as the savior who defeated the black knights. Seriously, why are they so happy about me killing some weaklings?

After a few irritating moments, the crowd finally made a path for me. I walked away, and used different routes to hide from them. I am currently in a dark alley, I suddenly felt someone running towards me and turned my body around. A small winged brat jumped and hugged me. She looked like a child around 6-8, she had a long pink hair, blue eyes, and pure white wings.



“…I am not your sister”(Shera)

“You are gonna marry my brother right?”(Ciela)

“No, why would I?”(Shera)

“Cause you are the only one who looked at him normally, so you are now one of the candidates to marry my handsome brother”(Ciela)


“Why? Do you know how my brother talked about you? He was bickering non-stop about you until I fell asleep”(Ciela)

“I don’t care what he does, I don’t plan on marrying anyone, at least for now”(Shera)

“…please, marry my brother” Ciela looked at me with teary eyes.

“That isn’t gonna work on me, I don’t want to tie myself to a man without travelling the world, and it’s not like I even like him”(Shera)

“How cruel, after giving him hope…you were just gonna crush his pitiful heart?”(Ciela)

“Why are you this energetic? I just saved you from a group of kidnappers yesterday…”(Shera)

“Because of love, love gives everyone strength”(Ciela)

“You should have used that so called strength to get out of the caravan”(Shera)

Her brother appeared behind her, and pulled her away from me. Just like Ciela, her brother had short pink hair, red eyes, and just as I said before, he had crimson red wings. Now that you look at him, he does look a bit good…just a bit, but not good enough to make me fall for him. He looked like a young athletic man around 18-20, too young for me…I mean I was 42 before I was sent to this world.

“Sorry about that…”(Vallar)

“You should be, going on about marriage and stuff”(Shera)

You are supposed to go through a process called love first…or that is what I read in the orphanage.

“Ciela, you say sorry too”(Vallar)

“But brother, she treats you normally…and you also like her”(Ciela)

“Ciela what are you saying? I like her as a person…as a savior”(Vallar)

“You won’t see someone like her again if you let her go now.”(Ciela)

“…No, I have one request I want to ask her”(Vallar)

“What is it? If it is something I can do then I’ll help you”(Shera)

“I heard you wanted to travel the world…and I wanted to ask if my sister and I can join”(Vallar)

“Oh it’s just that, of course not”(Shera)

“…I would like to tell you about myself a bit, and if you still want to decline then I will accept your decision”(Vallar)

I guess listening to his story isn’t that bad, I should let the whole city calm down first so I guess I have free time. I am quite curious as to why he is called cursed.


(Nero’s POV)

I am Nero Ventus, Ciela’s brother. I was born 76 years ago, and ever since I was born, everyone around me treated me differently. My parents were the only ones who loved me, they did their best to raise me, they didn’t complain about how my existence made everyone hate them. They loved me, and I loved them. Because people didn’t want to hire my father, we started to have financial problems.

I know it was my fault, if I wasn’t born then they would be welcomed by the city. Day by day, it got harder and harder to live, and father started working for the black swords. My mother stayed at home, and watch over me, our life continued. 46 years after I was born, Ciela was born. Even with our current life we are happy, it didn’t matter if the whole world hated us, as long as our family stayed together.

Our happy life didn’t last, 2 years after Ciela was born, my father died. Since mother couldn’t get work, she tried her luck in selling her body. With her youth and beauty, she easily got more customers. I tried to stop her and told her that I would join the black swords, but she begged not to, instead, I should stay home and look after my little sister. Being the mother of the cursed child, people that hated her, became her customer and abused her. My mother would come home with a few bruises, I wanted to kill the bastards that did it to her, but she stopped me.

I wanted to make my family happy. I know I should be the one working, I should be the one supporting the family now that father is gone. But my mother begged me, none would accept me, and working under the black swords would endanger my life. My mother always smiled when she came home, she would always tell us not to give up. On Ciela’s 10th birthday our mother didn’t come back. We found out later that she died while working, she was raped by 10 man, those man that always scorned us, those man that always looked at us with disgust.

In the end, I couldn’t keep my promise with my mother. In my rage, I started killing everyone involved, everyone that became her customers, everyone that treated us badly. Call me a monster if you like, I don’t care anymore, I tried my best, my family tried its best to live in this city, yet all of them didn’t notice our efforts. They shunned us out, simply because I have red wings.

They sent different people to kill me, but I killed them all. As I time passed, I got stronger and stronger, in the end none could stop me. Everyone stayed quiet, they no longer bothered us, but their disgust turned into fear. It didn’t matter, since now I could live with my little sister peacefully. On a certain day, the black swords came to our house, and gave us an offer. If I work for them, then they would make sure we will live a good life. I am strong, nothing can kill me anymore, so I have nothing to fear. I should use my strength to support my sister, so I joined the black swords.

As a proof of joining them, they made me wear an armband…which made me regret everything. With the armband I can’t disobey nor attack them, it didn’t matter at first, but as the jobs escalated, I started to resist. To further control me, they took away my sister, my only sanctuary, the only reason why I feel like living. I couldn’t kill the ones that took her, as long as I have this armband, I couldn’t possibly kill any member of the black swords. I didn’t know what to do, so I tried begged the mercenary and adventurer’s guild.

None accepted my request, in the end, everything will end like this…I didn’t know what to do, until I heard a female voice. A beautiful Lein appeared, and said she would help me. She easily carried my body with one hand, and threw me to a bed from the door, she didn’t even look tired. I didn’t know why, but I suddenly imagined doing it with her, and thought that she was gonna force me do it…she didn’t look like someone I could take easily, and she was the only one who was willing to help me. I didn’t care anymore, you can do everything that you want, but please save my sister.

After telling her about the black swords, her expression turned in to anger. I guided her to where the caravan is and she suddenly ran at speeds I couldn’t imagine, by the time I arrived, there was a pool of blood on the ground. Pieces flesh and organs were scattered around, and there was a white haired Lein holding a small monster on her hands. It looked like she was just casually taking a walk in the middle of a battle field. I looked at the caravan and shouted my little sister’s name, I quickly descended, and after a few moments I heard my little sister’s voice.


My sister and I came back to our house, I was so happy that nothing happened to my sister. We started talking with each other about things, and it looks like she is still energetic, good, looks like she isn’t that traumatized by the events. Our talk suddenly shifted to the Lein that saved her, my mouth suddenly started moving on its own as I proudly talked about the Lein to my sister.

While talking, my sister fell asleep. I caressed her hair while thinking of the Lein. She saved my sister, and treated me normally...not normally, but at least she didn’t look at me with eyes of disgust nor fear. As I slowly fell asleep, the image of the beautiful Lein kept popping on my head.

When I woke up my sister was gone, and when I searched for her, I saw her hugging the Lein. As I moved closer to her, I heard them speaking about marriage, and the Lein saying something about traveling. I quietly listened, maybe my sister could talk her into marrying me…but of course the talk didn’t go anywhere so I stepped in. If she is gonna travel the world, then maybe we could join her. If this city couldn’t accept us, then maybe if we go to other cities or even continents, we can find a place that can accept us.

I felt like we could live differently as I looked into her eyes, I don’t know if I love her, but I definitely like her as of now… someone who helped me in times like that, and someone who could look directly into my eyes. I am definitely not gonna let you go.


Nero just finished telling me his story, and a vein popped out of my head.


“W…wait master”(Pooch)


“It’s pooch…”(Pooch)

“Calm down, we are already fine”(Nero)


“I know…even now I am still angry, I could kill them all I want but what does that change? If I was alone then it would be fine to kill everyone in this city until I lose all my strength, but there is someone I need to protect, someone I need to support.”(Nero)

“You should still kill at least half of this city’s population”(Shera)

“No, what I did before was enough, doing more will only prove that I am cursed monster. If you really feel like helping us, then please let us join you in your travel”(Nero)

“Why did you even tell me a story that will make me angry…tsk”(Shera)

“S…sorry, but please, let us join your journey. I am strong, I could definitely prove to be useful, I could also cook”(Nero)

“…fine, but first we need to take care of that armband”(Shera)


“Don’t looked shock, you can’t use your full powers with that right? Tell me where those black sword bastards are, I really want to release some stress right now.”(Shera)

“No, as long as I don’t have to fight a black sword member, I could fight at full strength.”(Nero)

“…tsk…just tell me where they are, they also owe me one from the Hellion city.”(Shera)

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