《Star Wars : Rise of the New Order》The time has come


As my mother saw me protecting the little Echidna, her gaze softed a little bit and she put her hands a little to me to see "Just tell me Jar, did she open her eyes with you or before you got to her." I stared into her eyes and said with confident tone "She opened her eyes in my presence." At that she visible relaxed and got in a comfortable stance "When it is like this, then you have great luck. Nexus make great companions. They can help you at hunting and when she is going to life with us, then her cent is going to keep other animals away from our home. Did you already name her?"

At that I looked at her with a happy expression. "Yes, her name is Echidna!" "Echidna mmm, a good name, feminine and powerful"

Than my dad butted in "Hey son, where is the deer you got this pelt from?" I told them where I buried the deer. Mom set off to get the deer for dinner. My dad and me starred at her vanishing into the forest. My dad layed one arm on my shoulder. "Son I am proud of you. And I love you."

"I love you too dad."


And so passed another 7 years. In these years I learned much from my parents. I learned how to preserve a pelt in the optimal way. My dad got me a real skinning knife so I didn't overused my Vibrodagger just for skinning.From him I also got a training program to get everything ot of my body. I also learned to use the daggers more efective and to maintaine them. Or I learned from my mother sneaking, even as I had the skill already, I got a shitload of levels from her training.


My little queen was also growing up fast. She was alreayd as big as a her mama. She and me went every day hunting. At first we always hunted for the family, then she could hunt for herself, and let me tell you, she can eat A LOT. I saw one time when she ate a whole one-horned deer for herself! But hey, a girl must grow right?

Whatever, today was a special day, because today I is my 13th birthday, and as a present I would be able to go with my dad to an another world! Space!!! As I was unavare, my family has an space-ship! (A/N : I am too lazy to discribe it. Just look up Mandos ship from "The Mandalorian ")

In asked him where he got it, and he just said he had an adventurous life when he was young. I think he and mom were bountyhunters, because one time when I was playing with Echidna in the house, I bumped against a wall, and that activated something that opened the whole wall, and what was behind were a collection of weapons. It was like a walk-in closet , just for weapons. And as I came to the end, there were two sets of armor : One I couldn't recognize from who it was, it looked like a tribe-armor but upraded with technology. The other armor on the other hand I recognized instantly. The Helm wuth the T-shaped visor and the metal... That is a mandalorian armor! Just as I wanted to touch it. I heared my dad shouting. Echidna and me got out as fast as we could and I pressed the button I could see in the wall now, and run to him. On the walls were trophys from different type of animals, just like the head of Echidnas mother. I know that sound brutal, but Echidna doesn't care abou it. For her, I am her family, and my parents are like siblings for her. She is really talkative, which I think is normal for "kids" and with her new ability, she nearly talked the whole day. Except when we were on the hunt, then she got in her serious mode.


But whatever, today was the first day I would leave this planet and see the galaxy and other people! I was so excited!!

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