《Star Wars : Rise of the New Order》The Hunt gets serious


I followed the track the predator had left until a few meters into the forest. After that, they just disapeared, like there where no traces ever. I looked at my surrounding with the skill Tracking still aktive.

And There! A few meters away, on a pretty big tree, were a few marks, like somthing had hung there and had run the tree up. I went and Inspected the tree and I could see that the animal ran to the next tree and when I was right, from there to the next one. I think that I one of the ways the predator prevented other animals or predators to follow it.

So I followed the claw-marks on the trees by jumping from tree to tree. Because I had to make some acrobatic movments for that I got the skill for it:

Acrobatic (Level 1)

I managed to get the skill to level 4 when I went down to the ground for a break. I got some serious gaines in my Attributes for my tree-jumping there:

+ 2 Stamina

+ 1 Strenght

+ 3 Constitution

+ 4 Dexterity

The big constitution gain... well lets just say that it wasn't so easy at the beginning and I had some... meetings with wooden things...

Well, but now I was sitting and meditating to calm my mind. After that I went and tried something. Because of the few games I had played in my youth, I tried to get as much skills as I could before the confrontation with the animal I was searching. The first thing I did was shooting with my blaster at a old trunk I had found. At firs I shooted it from 10 meters until I could hit the center at every shoot. At there I already got the skill but I didn't wanted to stop because I wante da few more Levels into it:


Blaster Mastery ( Level 5)

After that, I went to a dead looking tree and attacked with my dagger, but that just got me one level, because even after half a hour, there where no new results. I belive there is just so much I can do without a trainer or fighting real oponents. After that I searched for animals that I needed for the next skill. After I found one of this deer-things, I tried ti sneak apon it. And really, I got the skill I looked the for:

Skill gained: Stealth (Level 1)

Perfect! I needed that skill. With that skill it is going to be much easier to land a early and mabey, devasting strike. And as i did gain all this skills and levels I looked at everything with my Observe to level it up also and holy moly did that skill got level:

Observe (Level 15)

I also got a nice bonus for gettin the skill to level 10:

So let's look at my Status, because I got the feeling I wouldn't have the time to look at it when I went further:

Name : Jar-Darus

Level 3

150/400 Xp

Race : Human

Health 100

Stamina 90

Force 934/934

Strength: 8

Stamina: 9

Constitution: 10

Dexterity : 10

Intelligence: 17

Wisdome: 13

Charisma: 5

Attribute Points: 0

Perks: 2

PerkPoints(PP): 0


Language: Basic Level : Max

Blaster Mastery ( Level 5)

Stealth (Level 1)

Tracking ( Level 5)

Observe (Level 15)

Trap-Making ( Level 4)

Skinning (Level 2)

Dagger Mastery (Level 4)

Force: Telekinese (Level 10)

Detection (Level 5)

Healing (Level 3)

Pyromancing (Level 2)

Cryomancing (Level 1)

Wow. I came a long way from the orderly and little status-page. I feelt a little of pride coming up. I was making my way. And today I woulkd make another step on this way.

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