《Enchanter's Rapsody》21. Garbage and Decency


“Alright, I’m ready to enchant some items!” Nido shouted as he entered the Enchanter’s Guild.

After yesterday’s events at the tent city, the enchanter went to sleep early. He could only think on designs of items that could take advantage of the Space element. His best bet currently was a legendary never-ending bag. Though it would be completely impossible to do one with his current materials, a bag that reduced weight tenfold and had a greater volume on the inside was entirely feasible.

He was even tempted to withhold any enchanting for the time being and overwhelm the Arcane Records when he will enchant the bag. If an uncommon item got him nine levels, how many would give an item of legends?

“Right, I was waiting for you.” Matilda told from behind the counter. “Are you going to teach me more about the ether?” The enchantress didn’t even hide his thirst for knowledge.

“I’m afraid that’s not possible, your body is not capable to handle a simple gaze to the ether.” Nido scolded her. “If we continue to pressure your body, then you are going collapse. Which as you might guess, is not a likeable outcome.”

“But I can handle it!” Matilda replied, akin to a child towards their teacher. Which was exactly the case if one compared their ages.

“I highly doubt it.” The ancient man swayed his head. “You need more practice and understanding. Expand your horizons and all that stuff. Your current objective is to infuse items with ether without being able to see them. It will be slow, it will be painful, but it’s the safer way to do it.” And you will be able to do it without me, though this part they already both knew.

The enchantress sighed, collapsing on her desk. “I won’t be able to change your opinion.” Nido confirmed it with a nod. “Then let’s get down to business.”

“What do I have to enchant?” The ‘newbie’ enchanter asked with anticipation at the prospect of working.

“Once again, there aren’t any petitions, though a few adventurers have brought a few items that they wish to be disenchanted.”

“Disenchanted? Why would someone want that?” Disenchanting was a field of enchanting that Nido didn’t enjoy much. It was unnatural, its antithesis. It also didn’t help that he did have a minimal attachment to every item he made.

“They were a group of Warriors and Rangers, so an Attunement ring won’t help them much.” The temporary head of the Enchanter’s Guild branch explained.

“Wouldn’t it be better to sell it, then? Surely there’s a mage, or someone who needs more mana, that would want to buy it.”

“A plus one Attunement ring? I doubt it.” Matilda swayed her head. “It’s way more efficient to extract the core and reuse the ring to make one of a non-magical attribute point.”

“Then you are going to give them back the re-enchanted ring in exchange for the core, if I understand correctly?” Nido asked for confirmation.

“Plus a minor tax for the job, but that’s right.” She affirmed. “It’s a really minor job as they didn’t ask for upgrades, just to have the Attunement point for one of Strength or Dexterity.”


“Can you give me the ring?” The enchanter asked in a deadbeat tone.

“I don’t know why you would even want to accept such a minor task, but here you go.” Matilda opened a drawer and gave him a wooden ring.

“Such disgrace of an item.” He replied once he examined the properties of the enchantments and confirmed a minor boost in the mana. Nido extracted the small gem-like blue core on the top and approached it to his eye. “The material is somewhat good; it could perhaps store an enchantment triple its current one. Such distasteful craftmanship.” He then slammed the ring onto the counter.

“What did you do?” Matilda jumped out and cried in dismay.

“Here, have it.” The enchanter tossed the ring without the minor shed of emotion. As if he just was tossing garbage.

The enchantress caught the ring with her hands in a clumsy manner. Surprised of the rapid and weird exchange. “Plus one Strength? How?” The ring at her hands didn’t grant Attunement as it did instants ago, but an attribute point to Strength.

“Ether, that’s how.” Nido replied angrily. “Skies-sake, I enchanted fucking garbage, I feel like shit.” His current state of mind was akin of a painter who had their painting sprayed over with ink. The enchanter swayed his hands around as if to throw around metaphorical dirt to clean his hands. The enchantment was so meaningless that he hadn’t gained a single level on Enchanter nor Voidborn.

“Such a drama queen.” Matilda chuckled, still looking at the ring. “I know that you used ether, but it was literally instantaneous. How did you enchant an item in a moment however trashy it may be?”

Nido groomed his legendary ring behind the counter. The simple touch to the complex enchanting and mythic metals made him feel cleaner. The Life-imbued ether pulsated briefly from its recent use.

“Trade secrets.” He discarded the question. “You’ll be able to so trivial tasks with practice. Even then, the item was previously enchanted, even I can’t just enchant a freshly cut piece of wood by just slapping at it.” I actually can, but I won’t make garbage for the sake of littering.

“Well…” She responded at a loss of words. “That was the only real job for today. You could make some enchanter lights if you want. There are still materials, though it won’t pay as much as there isn’t a commission for them in the moment.”

Nido, more or less, expected this. The city of Marina was small, so having an Enchanter’s Guild was a bit overkill. Matilda’s master, the guild master, seemed to be a competent person, so it was a shame he couldn’t meet him. Maybe one day he would return to the city and meet the man.

“Tell me, in the case I make a stupidly good item, do you think people would come here to buy it?” It was more of a plot to increase his levels in Enchanter, than to benefit the guild branch. It would be a shame to have such a fine workshop and don’t make full use of it.


“How good are we talking about?” Matilda leaned on the counter.

“Rare at minimum.” Nido responded nonchalantly.

Matilda’s jaw dropped. “Like the brooch you showed me?”

The enchanter scoffed. “That thing made with literal trash? I mean better, way better.”

“Well, then. The workshop is all yours. If you are going make such a good item and put it on display on the guild, then I would be moron to stop you.”

“Thanks.” Nido walked towards the workshop’s door. “Am I allowed to use the materials inside it?”

“If the final item covers the creation cost, then go for the throat.” Matilda assured him.

He chuckled a bit to the expression and locked himself in the workshop.

“Alright, according to Castor I still have two days.” The enchanter cracked his knuckles and let his staff lay on the wall. “Two whole days to make the best fucking item this city has seen!” Of course, he wouldn’t go all out and try to make a Legendary item, as that would rise alarms, like every single one of them.

The workshop was fully equipped with the more specialized tools, but it also contained a plethora of materials. Whilst the materials themselves weren’t all that uncommon, the most expensive being gold and glass, the quantity was more than enough.

An item could be anything, a good item should be used, and a better item was mandatory. But what item is mandatory in a place like this? The question proved rather tricky as the people of the city had their necessities covered.

“Well, I guess I’ll improvise until something crosses my mind.” He shrugged and looked for suitable materials. “If I want to do something decent in a small amount of time I must have to rely on Life, that’s a given.” Not only he had natural affinity towards the element, but his Tenet of Immortality boosted the natural Life-imbued ether around the blooming city.

In order to boost the power of Life magic, he had use related materials, those being different wood types, obviously. Products from animal origins also proved right, though leather was hard to work with.

Metal had a great synergy with Life ether thanks to the close connection between Earth and Life, which instead of causing interferences, would amplify the resulting product.

Gold was one of the best common metals to enchant with, but its synergy with Light would weaken the connection, so regretfully, the enchanter put it aside. In this case, metals like copper and steel were the better choices, besides the basic iron.

Coal was another product that could be used. One of the few minerals that had both Life and Earth synergy, though there was a small problem. The material had an abysmally low enchantability. So, it could only be used as a proxy between other materials, rather than being a main item.

Nido decided to make oak, birch, copper, and iron as the main components of whatever he was going to make in the end. Coal, leather, and steel would be secondary parts, kept to a minimum to maximize the power of the final product.

With the materials assigned, only one question remained besides the main one. What should the item do? Life was of the main elements of the living, obviously, so it basically boosted every aspect. Earth was more complicated. The first ability to come to someone’s mind was the boost towards Earth magic. But the enchanted doubted a geomancer would buy something like this. Another property was the defensive and reinforcing properties.

Combining those properties with the ability of Life to increase a person’s output, then the end product would be an empowered effect with an augmented duration.

The enchanter began applying basic capacitator runes to the copper and iron sheets, as those would be mandatory regardless of the end result’s shape. But he had one thing clear, and that was to make a big item. Not a small thing like the brooch or the rings he made recently, but a colossal project.

Nido prohibited Matilda to enter the workshop for the two next days as he required full focus to make the item. When night finally came, he refused to go to sleep at her sister’s inn and just continued working at the workshop.

The enchantress asked him if he was going to be alright, but he dismissed the noting by saying this was a sleepless night was pretty tame considering the things he did when he enchanted.

Only in the final hours he had an idea on what he should make. Nido had spent thirty straight hours enchanting non-stop to make the most absurd item the city of Marina had ever seen. Sure, people would be curious of who made such an item, but it wasn’t something only the Divine Enchanter could do.

“You can enter…” The enchanter grunted towards Matilda who waited at the hall of the guild.

Matilda slowly opened the door with caution, fearing what was waiting for her on the other side. Not only Nido had spent almost two full days on the workshop, but the noises that came from inside during the period weren’t exactly welcoming.

Her first reaction was. “What the fuck is that!”

Nido snickered as he looked at the two-meter throne at the center of the workshop. The scale of the item quickly justified the time spent.

“Why don’t you examine it?” The enchanter told Matilda as she stood speechless. It seems she already did.

Throne of the Ceaseless

Rank: Very Rare

Price: ~100 gold

Description: The relentless crusaders, also known as the Ceaseless, were a knight order in an endless fight against the bottomless forces of the Underworld that once poured into the physical plane. Such is the power of an echo of the tireless warriors.


-Grants 10 points in Endurance after sitting on the throne for an hour until the end of the day

-Every entity in a twenty-meter radius has its stamina regeneration increased by 100%


-Ceaseless Vitality: Once a week, restore any recent wounds to the person sitting on the throne and instantly recover their health.

Now he had truly made a decent item.

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