《Hero? Again? No Way》Chapter 9


Chapter 9

“Hey! Hey! Come on! Don’t tell me this is your limit!?”

“S-shut your MOUTH! I have become much stronger from before! Raaaah!”

After a few clashing with Ius, she suddenly moves backward and raised her right arm towards me. If she still had the other it might be hard to push her back.

“Hear my call Sacred Entity! As I am the one who judges the truth and the lie! As I am the one who gives out the punishment! As I am the one who released the betrayed! Take my heed and blast the villain who is in my path! !”

Woah, a Divine magic suddenly!? But…. There’s something bothering me…. Isn’t this kind of spell should only be used towards a Sovereign? This world going to break if she just blasts everything off…

“Woah, woah! Relax girl! You don’t have to unleash ultimate spell suddenly!”

I rush toward her instantly while multiple magical circles pop out from the surrounding. Yikes! This magical circle’s energy can’t even be compared with a high-level one. Just what kind of spell is this? It even burns my skin off…that hurt.

“It is truly amazing that you had summoned an , but in the end, your flesh is still a mortal. No matter what power your hold, I can still damage you painfully!”

Ugh, I don’t think I can stop this spell if I use again, I might be unable to unleash its real power in the critical moment.

“Mortal or not mortal, I still reach this stage with my strength. Sheesh, you’re not this rough when we’re still young.”


From here I can see a vein pop out from her head. Geez, this girl, so easy to provoke. Being intense is okay if you’re in adrenaline, but at least control yourself a little bit.

“The past is the past and the present is the present. It can’t turn back no matter what so don’t keep mentioning what happen in the past!!!!”


“You said that but you’re just angry with me!”



Suddenly a light starts to shine from the sky and from here I can see an incoming light beam. But…. I don’t sense any hostility from it? What the heck is this spell?

“How should I shield myself from this? Divine level barrier? I don’t think that’s enough...Ugh….. if just I learn more spell from master.”

Ah, I give up, I’ll just think a method after this. Not like I can die.


Instantly, I was enveloped by the light that fired from above.



Okay…. What’s happening now? I don’t feel anything at all? Is this a debuff spell? I don’t think so… I don’t feel any weakness right now? So I turn my head towards her with a stupefied face.

“So…. What should happen to me?”


What’s up with that surprised expression!? I’m the one who supposed to be afraid!

“I-I had spent all my energy left and it’s not working?”

“Is this supposed to be an attack spell or what?”

“T-this is a Divine magic that is able to cage a Sovereign for a whole day! Why it’s not working!?”

Ah……. I see…..

It seems…… she’s still an airheaded even after becoming a Sovereign huh?

“You know Ius, there still a limit for being an idiot.”

With a “give up” expression I look at her and decide it. This is already my win, no point of fighting anymore. This world will just break if this goes on.

“What do you mean by that!?”

I’m the one who should ask that!

“I’m not a Sovereign yet damn it!”

I throw my below as if I’m throwing my fit to her. Of course, it disappears into particles and comes back to me. It’s my soul after all.


“Ah! That's true…”

“Whatever, I had enough of this. Just cease this battle, it would only destroy this world.”

With an annoyed face, I look at her and give her a thumbs down gesture. She should know what is the result if this battle keeps going.


“Good girl! That is how you should act.”


Uwah….deadpan eyes, just how long have I not seen that.

“A-anyway, what’s happening in the Celestial Plane now?”

“A big uproar.”

“Well, I can imagine that.”


“And….uh so it seems you fail right? So shouldn’t you go back to report or something?”

“….You should come with me. There still some possibility for you to survive if you’re being supported by Divinus.”

“Nah, no way. Haven’t I said it before? I don’t one to be judged by those sickos.”

“Then what? You want to be chased for the rest of your life!?”

“That’s not a bad idea actually.”


“Well being chased around…. Is there any different from before? Haha, in the end, everything turns the same way.”

I don’t know why, but my heart felt a pain when I reminiscing the old life I had.

“….At least…you’ll still be alive. If you’re being chased by them there is still no chance for you to survive.”

“Yeah, I know that. But as I said, I don’t mind it already. They come I fight. That’s it.”

“…You too.”

“Me too?”

“You…still haven’t changed too. Haa…..there’s no used talking to you in this current situation huh? It’s a pity for something like that to happen.”

I was surprised when I heard it. I guess she would also know that huh? Well obviously, she is a Sovereign after all.

“I see…so you already heard about it huh?”

“Yes….from grandmother.”

“Sheesh that old hag, she should keep this as a secret if she already knows it.”

“You know that grandmother favors you, there’s no way she would not be in panic after getting news of your situation.”

“Haha, that’s true. Send my regards to her. She…..is my family too.”

“…… Got it. And....you should wipe that mask already.”

“!……. I’m sorry. But if I don’t keep this farce, I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself anymore.”


“Alright, alright! That’s enough already okay? So we’re okay now? Then let’s shake hand alright?”

I walk towards her and held my hand to her. Well even though she is a Sovereign, she is not a sicko as the old ones though.


It’s sudden, but I can feel a presence coming here. After reaching this Divine race, my sense becomes much stronger and clearer than a Sovereign. And this aura……

“!.....Okay, now go back! And send my regards to Nunti- Gah!?”

I pushed Ius to the side instantly and protect her from the incoming blow behind me.

“……!? Heros!?”

“Go back now!”

Then suddenly, from my back, I can felt the presence that I hate and despise the most.

“What are you saying Heros? If Iustitia is going back, then you should also follow her, right? But of course…………. as my husband. And the most important here right now is, why're you with another woman alone in this world?”

After hearing that voice my body keeps twitching with all the emotion that I had hidden. This voice… this DISGUSTING VOICE!!!


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