《desired ERROR》chapter 2


Everyone is gathered in the middle of the village, a fair bit of guards spread around the crowd and the carriages...babies crying, people yelling, this is a mess...

I'm currently behind the corner of a house, watching everything...

Should I attempt to join them? The only thing I want from them is the direction, they are probably heading for a town or even the capital...but most likely they will sooner or later find out that I'm not from here...not because they will recognize the stolen clothes...everyone pretty much wears the same simple outfit that you would expect medieval peasants to wear...they'll find me because in such small villages the residents know each other

...I need to think of something quickly

What kind of lie could get them to accept me?

I could try t...

*hey there boy* a mans voice whispered behind my shoulder

Who found me?!

I slowly turn my head and look behind me, a skinny man wearing light armour...he wasn't older than 25 but the way his face has been treated made him look like an old man

Before I can get to think of an excuse the man speaks again

*why aren't you going with everyone else?*


*is it perhaps that your not from here?*

...now that I think about it I don't really need to lie do I? After all what are they going to do to a lost 12 years old kid?

...I nod

*ow well don't you worry then, I'm a traveller too...you might have not heard but they say that this place is in #!%¢¡ danger, so everyone leaves their houses and a bunch of their stuff behind to take refuge in the inner towns...*

Ow that's the first time I noticed, I couldn't understand one of the words he said, I guess that's for my language lvl being 1

With a slight pause he continued

*but that's a bunch of bullshit kid...it's probably the nobles trying to take advantage of those people*

alright...I'm now processing his words pretty critically but I decide to play along...

*shouldn't we warn the others then?*

I say with a semi-concerned face

The man looked at me with concern himself

*I tried boy...but they won't listen, you won't change their mind even if you try*

*and what should we do?*

*I will tell you but first, come inside...we don't want to be found out and dragged by those guards*

Hmmm...yeah...I don't like where this is going...no one sane would follow such a suspicious person...

except they had a reason...

*ok* I answer

*alright* he says as he opens the door

*you go in first* he adds, while he makes a slight movement with his other hand behind his back

I do as he says trying to look as clueless as possible


...I take my first step in...and two things happen, one expected and another unexpected

He quickly shut my mouth with his apparently gloved arm and held me tight with his other arm, he then murmured something, a glow came from his glove and at the same time my throat started to tingle...

What is this?! I only expected him to pull a rope or something to stuff my mouth

He let his hand off my mouth, removed his glove and started to tie my arms

As soon as he did I realized something...

I couldn't speak or yell, when I tried only a sound weaker than a whisper would come out, not that anyone would hear...the noise from outside would cover it anyway

...I wanted to take advantage of this guy, I thought he was some weak homeless thief...but he can actually use magic?

*heheh...this was such a good find, now I can get done with my business without having to deal with whines and cries*

The man says as his face twitches

I fucking knew it...

He reaches for his belt and pushes his pants down...A scene which I wouldn't want to ever describe

...lets hope he doesn't have anything more than his magic glove to help him out...

As I am in a squatting position facing towards him...that fucker is still looking at me with that twisted smile...

*It's no use figh...*

I jump slightly moving in his direction...in that moment when I'm at the highest point mid-air I activate 2 skills...


Using power burst and extreme body control I concentrate all the muscle force that power burst normally equally contributed to all my body...on to my legs


As the caravan was ready to take its leave for the capital, the people surrounding it had mixed feelings...their houses were passed on from generation to generation, their village only knew of piece...but they knew that no one can go against orders from the capital...saddened they could only hope to someday return

As everyone were having a look at a place where they may never return, something out of place happened

A sound of wood breaking came from the nearby tavern and in less than a millisecond what seemed like a small ragdoll came flying off the windows, breaking the glass in it's way with no indication of slowing down...the body after covering 6 meters of air finally hit the ground and then wildly rolled over for another 4 meters

...the silence of the moment broke almost instantly as everyone rushed to aid and inspect



...pain...not from the impact of the fall...but from using power burst the way I did...my legs are freezing...when I used the skill they felt like they were on fire but now it's the opposite


I'm rolling in the ground, back and forth...my hands still tied in my back, face in the ground, I'm currently trying not to make even the slightest move...just trying to somehow resist the pain...but my stillness doesn't last for long, 2 pairs of hands start to occupy my body, one of them unties my hands and the other...is touching my legs...but I can tell it's not the pervert

...till now I was unable to focus on anything but my pain...I just realized I was surrounded by a crowd of people

...lets just hope this was enough...I even risked getting raped


On my way to this place, in the forest, I discovered a couple of things about this body of mine...compared to a human from earth my physical stats are indeed high, I could break huge branches, jump 2-3 meters high and run fast,...too fast, to the point of ending up bumping continuously into trees...and while I was inspecting the village when I arrived I confirmed that those humans aren't all that different from what I'm used to

Having those things in mind an idea which I desperately needed crossed through my head when a suspicious man became even more suspicious...perhaps this man could help me create the lie that I need

...no risk...no reward

...my body was suddenly but gently picked up...I tried to speak but I still couldn't outer a word

*don't worry little boy, we will take care of you and make sure that bad guy won't touch you anymore* the young woman who was holding on my legs said with a gentle voice, as they were laying me down in the carriage

*poor kid...*

*that bastard should be killed*

Comforting Comments like those kept popping up in the background

It didn't take long for everyone to start moving


Everyone stopped and started setting up a camp in a open field

The sun was settling down and I had just woken up, a soothing breeze made me forget about everything...a moment like this is something I had been longing for...humans only understand the value of something once they lose it

...I just realized something...my legs are no longer in pain, I lift my torso, my legs are strapped with bandages

*don't remove it!* the young woman threw her hands at me and yelled when I tried to touch it

*I went through the trouble of applying the bandages myself, it's going to take you at least 1-2 weeks before you can take them off*

*but I feel fine* I replied...thank goodness I can talk again...

*don't lie, you're barely even able to move right now, probably*

I smile at her, put my hands on the carriage and with their support I jump out...my legs don't feel pain but they aren't in their best shape, either

*what are you even thinking?!* the woman yelled, even louder than before

*are yo...*

Before she could continue I cut her out

*I'm not lying I really feel just fine*

*but your injuries were terrible...* she said with a confused expression

*well It seems like it wasn't all that serious*

My injury was definitely serious...so how did it recover so easily?

Vitality is I think the stat related to recovery and health...but it is one of my lowest ones

...there sure are lots of things the system doesn't tell me about

well for now there's something I should do

*may I ask of your name miss?*

Kind of surprised she puts on a smile and answers

*It's Mary, but why do you speak this way? Are you perhaps a nob...*

*nevermind that...won't you tell me your name in return?* she continues after a small pause

...a name huh...my status didn't provide me with one so I wonder if...

*of course, it's Daniel*

After quickly checking my status I found my thought to be correct, Daniel officially became my name

Mary after making a soft *yawn* with her hand covering her mouth and her eyes almost closed said

*well, little Daniel...I'm quite tired so I'll go and take some sleep, you better get more rest too*

*good night miss Mary...and thank you* I say as she starts to leaving

*don't call me miss... and good night to you too*

...it's not enjoyable lying to her...she is such a nice person...and cute...

...such a shame I'm only 12 and she is presumably around her 20

God damn it, I'm too easy...


That night no one else came to speak to me, almost everyone was sleeping, except some guards keeping watch. I wasn't all that tired anymore so I couldn't sleep even if I tried and there were some things I wanted to try out


In the middle of the night I went up to a pair of guards and asked one of them

*mister guard, are there no monsters around this area?*

*you don't need to worry kid, the only monsters that could be in this place are horned bunnies and in some rare occasions a black deer...but even in those cases you have us to protect you*

The guard responded with an unexpectedly welcoming attitude, but it didn't take much effort to notice the hostile looking glares of the other one...well at least not everyone is like that

And it's good to know the area isn't all that dangerous, perhaps I could make it alone, but blending with the human society and getting to know the world beforehand is a must

Afterwards I found a good place where I could lay down, with no rocks getting in the way of this soft grass

...facing the sky I could see the true stunning beauty of the two moons of which the light illuminated the landscape and almost made you forget it is night time

...the same soothing breeze washed my body as I slowly fell asleep...

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