《Analyze, Create, Control In Another World》Chapter 9: New Domain And New Training


Chapter 9: New Domain And New Training

I went into Jigen Domus, my interdimensional house. With Seth to work on some new projects, the first one was to make new armour for Seth.

I take out a sheet that has the design drawn on it, the design is that of a western butler tuxedo with white gloves and black boots, the outfit is modified so that he can bring out his wings and tail without any problems, Seth took the in his hand and started examining it.

“Seth: I thought we are going to make armour, but all I see is a butler outfit?”

“Ryo: that butler outfit will be your armour, just wait and you’ll see”

I took some black dragon leather from my storage and placed it on the workshop table, this was a leftover from when I made Scarlet, but the amount was not enough to make the outfit I designed, so I took out some of the black alloy I used to make Scarlet plus some fur I collected from the Shadow Hounds.

After that I started turning the fur into a fine thread, 0,003 mm in diameter to be exact using a thread making artifact along with my skill {Create}, Seth was surprised by the process but he started taking notes as I explained the process to him, the process went on for three hours nonstop.

After that, I coiled the thread around a Mithril tube to make a spool, and then I placed the spool into a container that is full of a liquid made by mixing Crystal Water and dragon blood from Scarlet’s body and had Seth channel his mana into the container, so placed the notebook on the table and started channelling mana using his left hand while writing notes using his right hand.

After that, I took the black alloy and placed it into an open smelter and started supplying the smelter with my mana, the temperature of the smelter continued to rise until the alloy started melting but I continued to raise the temperature for 30 minutes more before fixing the temperature.

The molten alloy was boiling so I had to stop that before I start the next process, I started using wind and gravity magic to increase the pressure on top of the molten black alloy and so with that, it stopped boiling, I started using gravity magic and {Mana Manipulation} to pull a fine wire out of the molten black alloy and used fire magic to keep the temperature of the wire constant, and once the length of the wire reached 1 m I started dropping the temperature slowly from that point.

I continued the process of pulling the wire from the molten black alloy and cooling the wire very slowly and coiling it around a Mithril tube to make a spool of a 0,003 mm diameter wire, I was cooling the wire very slowly to prevent any internal stress from accumulating in it, that way the wire will remain ductile but without losing its strength.

After that I placed the wire spool in the same container as the fur spool and had Seth continue channelling mana into the container for three more hours before ending our work for today, we went out to find that the sun was already setting, so after eating and playing with Kon both of us went to sleep, we used a lot of mana today, because of that we went to sleep earlier than usual.

In the next day we returned to the workshop to continue our work, I asked Seth to continue channelling his mana into that container while I start working on the next process, I used one of the functions of the glasses I had since the attack on Donatis Microscopic Sight to see the black dragon leather on a microscopic level and started to cut the leather into fine stripes 0,00015 mm wide, I was able to cut the leather in this small scale by combining the powers of {Analyse}, {Create}, {Mana Manipulation}, and after 5 hours of continues cutting I have left with a thread double the length of the black alloy one and the fur one.


After that I used a thread spinning artifact to make the stripe into a fine thread after cutting it in half, at the end of that I was left with a thread 0,003 mm in diameter and the same length as the black alloy one and the fur one, and then I coiled the thread around a Mithril tube and placed it into the container.

In the next day, I started using the thread spinning artifact to spin the three spools into one thread 0,5 mm in diameter, and after that, I used a fabric waving artifact to make a black textile, the textile was so beautiful and glossy which worked very well with its deep black colour.

After that I started working on a pure Mithril wire that is 0,003 in diameter, I used the same process I used to make the black alloy wire, after that I placed the Mithril wire spool into the container along with a spool of demon spider threads, the demon spider is a monster that is native to the death desert and its threads are used to make one most expensive silks in the world because the demon spider is an (S) rank monster, but this type of silk can be found commonly in Armonis village and is used to make most of the underwear used in here.

After that, I started waving the Mithril wire and the demon spider thread into a textile, but this time the process was going on inside a huge container filled with the liquid made by mixing Crystal Water and dragon blood from Scarlet’s body and it was done very slowly, and at the same time I was infusing the textile with a ground dragon’s bones from Scarlet’s body using {Create} to forcefully infuse both materials together.

The final product was a very beautiful white textile that had a slight green glint from the pure Mithril I used, and then I started making the butler tuxedo I had in the design, after that I made the thin gloves using the white textile and made the boot with some leftover black dragon leather and lined it with some of the black alloy.

The armour was so heavy to the point of being almost impossible to wear, thus I enchanted it with gravity magic to make it light, after that I started enchanting it with many skills and magic effects, and I used {Gift} to give Seth some of my skills.

“Ryo: and with this your armour is ready, what do you think?”

“Seth: I knew that you were a monster but I didn’t expect to be turned into a monster by you”

“Ryo: are you unsatisfied?”

“Seth: quite the exact opposite, to be honest, I feel like I can kill an adult dragon with one punch wearing this”

After that I went into the forest that is next to my house inside the interdimensional space and started taking some huge boulders I collected beforehand and started using them to make a huge artefactual cave and used earth magic cover the cave with soil and used plants magic to cover the soil with some plantations, after that I used {Shadow Arts: Shadow Domain} on the cave and with this, we have a place for Kage and his family.

I called Kage and his family and placed a collars around their necks, each collar had a key they can use to move freely to and from my Jigen Domus, after that I used {Gift} to give Kage and his family some of my skills, and after that I had them use {Intake} on some of the cores I got from the monsters they have been hunting for the past three days, after that, I ordered Kage to use {Transformation} and transform into one of the monsters he used {Intake} on, and he transformed into a Fire Wolf a monster native to the death desert, this monster is a wolf type monster that is smaller in size compared to the Shadow Hounds and has some of its body parts made out of fire, if the wolf has one tail then it’s classified as a (B) rank monster and if it has two tails then it’s classified as an (A) rank monster and with three tails it’s classified as an (S) rank monster, and Kage has three tails in this form.


I took out a saddle I made especially for Kage and fitted the saddle on his back, the saddle was black and covered some parts of Kage's body like an armour, the saddle was enchanted with some magical effects as well and one of them was {Storage}, with this Kage can equip the saddle by himself when needed and he can store an infinite amount of stuff in it.

With that we went to sleep for the day, tomorrow I plan to make more things I’ll need in my journey from now on.


On the morning of day number five since coming back to Armonis village, I was standing outside the village trying to leave but I was faced by one small obstruction.

“Kon: No!! No!! No!! I want to go with Onii-chan!!”

“Ryo: Kon, sorry but you can’t go with me this time”

“Kon: why?!! I want to go!! I want to go!!”

“Ryo: you can’t go because it’s dangerous out there”

“Kon: but Onii-chan is going?”

“Ryo: I’m going because I’m strong”

“Kon: but…”

“Ryo: I have an idea, how about you stay here and learn about how to become stronger from my teacher”

“Kon: stronger?...”

“Ryo: yes, if you stay here in the village to learn from the people who trained me you will become way stronger than now”

“Kon: and if I became stronger will you take me with you?”

“Ryo: yes, will you stay here?”

“Kon: un, but it’s a promise, okay?”

“Ryo: yes, it’s a promise”

“Ann: Ryo, try to be careful out there, understand?”

“Urak: I know that there is no point worrying about you but still, be careful and take care of yourself”

“Ryo: yes..”

I give Urak and Ann a small hug and after separating from them I saw Sal standing in line with open arms waiting for me to hug her.

“Ryo: there is none for you”

I said so and flicked her on the forehead.

(yes!! With this the trap is set)

“Sal: Ryo, you are mean…”

“Ryo: okay everyone see you again next time”

I said so and jumped on my carriage, the carriage was attached to Kage’s saddle and he is in his fire wolf right now.

I teleported myself with the carriage to the vicinity of Donatis and gave the reins to Seth so he can drive, I say drive but in reality, there is no need for that because Kage is the one pulling the carriage, we continued on the road till we reached the south gate of Donatis.

Seth stopped the carriage by the gate and the gate guard came forward and asked for our identities, I was surprised because the last time I was here they knew who I was immediately but I noticed the reason after thinking about it a little bit, the last time I was here was right before the attack and the guild master must have asked them that if they saw me and to take me to him right away, but this time there is no need for that and I did not inform him of my visiting time.

I thinking about that in my mind as I took my golden guild card and handed it to the guard.

“Ryo: here…..”

“guard: let me see-!!......g-g-g-golden c-c-card!! (SS) rank!! please forgive me for my rudeness”

“Ryo: what rudeness? You are only doing your job, and there is no need to talk to me like that, even if I’m an (SS) rank I’m a normal adventurer so talk to me normally”

“guard: b-b-but……”

“Ryo: please do me a favour and don’t start treating me as if I’m some noble, to be honest, I hate the nobles and I want to be treated normally”

“guard: if you say so”

“Ryo: hmm?”

“guard: I mean. Got it”

After that we entered the town and went straight to the adventurer guild, Seth stopped the carriage in the barking space and we both entered the guild, there were fewer adventurers than before but it was normal for the number of adventurers to change from time to time because a lot of them are travellers, I walked toward Mari the receptionist.

“Ryo: good morning Mari-san”

“Mari: oh, good morning Ryo-sama”

“Ryo: can you take me to the guild master’s room?”

“Mari: yes, of course. But before that can you show me your guild card?”

“Ryo: here, no problem”

“Mari: wow it’s really is gold!...”

“Ryo: something wrong?”

“Mari: no it’s just that when the news of a new (SS) rank came, his name was not revelled and because of that the people of this town were confused because they knew that it was you and kept asking why the name was not revelled”

“Ryo: is that how it went?...”

“Mari: yes! but never mind that and let's go to the master’s room”

I followed Mari to the guild master’s room, when we arrived at the door she knocked on the door and informed the master that he has a visitor, as soon he gave her his permission we both entered the room, there were two people inside the guild master room, one of them was the guild master and the other one was a young man with a brown hair and slanted eyes and wore a round glasses, he had a slender body almost lanky, to be honest, I feel like I have seen this man somewhere before.

“Mark: oh, Ryo. You finally came? I was waiting for you since forever”

“Ryo: what do you mean by forever? It was only a couple of weeks”

“Mark: the town is in turmoil all because it had no ruler for the past couple of weeks, all because you were not here”

“Ryo: what do you mean by no ruler? And what does it have to do with me?”

“Mark: it happened the moment you were promoted into (SS) rank, all the people of this town knew immediately that it was you and they started saying that you should be the lord, and at the same time all the nobles who were vying for the position of a lord abandoned the town and immigrated to the capital”

“Ryo: and why would they do that?”

“Mark: because they did not want to bow their heads for you a commoner, and so they also feared that the commoners would go after their heads because of that, they saw what happened to the late lord’s family and supporters after all”

“Ryo: but you still managed to keep the town in one piece for the past couple of weeks?”

“Mark: that was all thanks to this guy, he is an (A) rank adventurer right now but in the past, he was one of the nobles in this town”

“Lundell: good to see you again, my name is Lundell. Ten years ago I was one of the permanent nobles in the town, but my family’s noble status was revoked because we did not agree with the ways of Boris Von Donatis, and since then we have been living as commoners”

“Mark: he was one of the adventurers who went with us to deal with the undeads”

“Ryo: oh, that time”

“Mark: now that you are here the town can finally be at peace”

“Ryo: what do you mean?”

“Mark: you become the lord and rule the town”

“Ryo: I refuse, I want to continue my travels”

“Mark: I knew you would say that, but this puts us in a difficult situation”

“Ryo: I have a solution for that”

“Mark: let’s hear it”

“Ryo: you see…..”


“Mark: are you sure you want to do that? The kingdom might start targeting you for that”

“Ryo: no problem, if they think they can take me on I would like to see them try”

“Mark: to be honest I feel pity for anyone that makes you his enemy”

“Lundell: are you really alright with me?...”

“Ryo: yeah, I trust you because the guild master trusts you”

“Lundell: I’ll work myself to the bone to prove that I deserved your trust in me!!”

“Ryo: it’s in your hand”

“Mark: alright then let’s start”

The guild master took an artifact from his drawer and placed on top of his desk and started channelling mana into it, Kage contacted me using telepathy and informed me that a lot of magic screens have appeared in the air all over the town.

This artifact is the same as the one we used before to broadcast the duel to the people of the town, once the artifact was full of mana the guild master started talking.

“Mark: good morning to all the citizens of Donatis, the Divine Blacksmith has returned to the town and he has an announcement to make, please hear him out”

“Ryo: good morning everyone, I’m the Divine Blacksmith and I’m here because I heard that the nobles of this town have abandoned it and that this will leave all of you in a difficult situation with the kingdom, that’s why I am claiming this town and the forest next to it as my domain using my authority as an (SS) rank adventurer, and I declare myself as the ruler of this town, and as a start, all the abandoned mansions and property of the nobles who left the town are to be used as factories, libraries, research institutions and books copying offices.

The factories are to produce medicines and potions, and the libraries are to display all the books available in town and to make so everyone can read and learn, and the research institutions are to research the environment around the town and to write more books so the people of the town can learn, and the books copying offices are to copy the present books to increase their number so more people can read them.

And the castle to be divided in two, the first half to be used as a training ground for anyone that wants to become a solder and protect the town, the second half is to be used as a school for the people who wants to learn magic, reading, writing, math, history and many other things.

And the taxes collected from the people will be used to rebuild the slums area as a start and to teach the homeless and poor reading and writing or to train them so they can be solders, they can choose the jobs they want and if they don’t have the skill the school will teach them, that way there will be no more homeless and poor people in this town, and after that, all the taxes will go into the betterment of the town and none will be taken by me or anyone working for me.

And the holy light church is panned from my domain, the people are free to believe in whatever they want and can worship any god they want, but discrimination is a crime in my domain, and since I have declared the village of the elfs in the forest to the west of the town as a part of my domain there will be interactions between their village and this town in the future, so the people who don’t agree with this are free to leave,

In my domain all of you are equal there is no hierarchy like nobles and commoners, you are the people of Donatis and that’s enough for me.

And to anyone planning to harm my people, I don’t care who you are, you can be the king of Kazar or you can be the pope of the holy theocracy, if you harm even a hair from the heads of my people I’ll bring death and despair to your land by my hand.

And lastly, I’m an adventurer and I want to continue my travels, because of that I’ll be leaving this town tomorrow, that’s why I appoint Lundel here as my proxy, he will handle all the work of the lord in my place.

So bring all the food and drinks you have today is a celebration in the name of the start of my domain, and all the food and drinks are on me so eat and drink all you want that’s all, thank you for listening to me”


“Ryo: damn it!! That’s loud!! Are they really that happy?”

“Mark: hahahahahaha!! of course they are!! You have just created the land of dreams for them”

“Lundell: I agree with Mark-sama!!! But, Ryo-sama! Can I ask you a question?”

“Ryo: go ahead!!”

“Lundell: how are you going to keep an eye on the town while you are travelling?”

“Ryo: I am going to leave four of my Shadow Hounds in the town to protect it, plus I am going to give you some artifacts you can use to communicate with me through them, and I’ll place a barrier that covers the whole town to protect it from any outside attacks”

“Mark: hahahahahaha!! That’s the Divine Blacksmith for you!!”

“Ryo: Mark, can I ask you to do me a small favour?”

“Mark: if it’s within my power I’ll do it!!”

“Ryo: I want you to make a new guild card for me”

“Mark: …..guild card?”

“Ryo: a guild card that remain the same and don’t change rank at all, I want it to be a (B) rank card with only the titles White Blaze and Katana User on it”

“Mark: you want to use it so you can travel incognito?”

“Ryo: yeah”

“Mark: no problem then, actually the two vampires (SS) rank are doing the same thing”

“Ryo: thank you, and about the information we have against Nezil Morten Kazar, the second prince, you can publish them and use them as an excuse to not trusting the kingdom any more if they complained”

“Mark: got it!!”

“Ryo: now let’s go and join the people of Donatis in their celebration”

“Mark: Umu”

“Lundell: yeah”


The next morning we departed from Donatis on our carriage pulled by Kage , the people of Donatis continued to celebrate till the morning, and when I was about to leave they all came to thank me and to say good bye.

I decided to head to the east of Donatis, this region is relatively close to the death desert and because of that there are only a small number of towns from Donatis all the way to the sea to the far east of the Kazar kingdom is, but there is a dungeon in this region and I am interested in that, plus the village Seth was enslaved to protect is in this region.

“Ryo: Seth, what was that martial art you used on our fight against the bandits who attacked Donatis?”

“Seth: that was a martial art that I devised myself”

“Ryo: you did?...”

“Seth: yeah, you see, the dragons fight by creating strong magical barriers around themselves and use the barriers by hitting their targets with them and the barriers also have many magical effects on the target, and so I tried to do the same and arrived at this martial art”

“Ryo: what do you call it?”

“Seth: I call it the Ryuken”

“Ryo: can you teach me how to use it?”

“Seth: of course”

“Ryo: thanks, where to start?”

“Seth: let’s go to the inside of the carriage to start”

“Ryo: inside?”

“Seth: yes”

We went inside the carriage and sat down across each other on the seats with a table in the middle, and then he placed five pebbles on the table and started explaining.

“Seth: place your hand above the pebbles leaving five cm between your hand and the pebbles, after that start by channelling your mana through the air till it reaches the pebbles and then try to cover them with your mana, this is the first step, and you can’t use any of your skills to do this”

“Ryo: no skills huh, this will be difficult”

“Seth: are you giving up?”

“Ryo: never!!”

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