《Analyze, Create, Control In Another World》Chapter 5: Elvens and Donatis Again
Chapter 5: Elvens and Donatis Again
Baris Von Donatis’s POV…
“so that’s what happened to Donatis, what is the name of that insulant commoner?”
“he called himself Ryo”
“Ryo….what do you know about him?”
“All we know is that he is an adventurer who came from outside the town”
“what do you mean by that’s all you know? Didn’t you check his background?”
“We did but nothing came out, we don’t where he came from or if he has a family or not”
“that’s strange indeed, but what do you intend to do now, son of Boris?”
“I came to you to ask your highness for help to retake Donatis and take revenge on that insulant commoner”
“But you know that all the crimes you and your dad and some of the noble families have committed were discovered by the guild and a rebellion have occurred in Donatis and a litter about that came to the king through the guild’s communication network one week ago, right now the king intends to stripe your family from the right to rule and noble name by next week”
“did his majesty believe the words of a group of commoners?”
“he had to, to show the people that he is a king worthy of his position even at his old age”
“How did the news reach the people?”
“the guild gave the information to the people”
“What?!...but why would they do that?”
“because they can, as a part of the agreement between the kingdom and the guild is that they are free to publish any information they have without any restraint, from what I understood from your story, this guy named Ryo worked together with the guild master in Donatis to uncover your crimes, so they must have used the guild to publish the information because of that”
“b-but… your highness, you have to help me…. Even the nobles in Donatis are divided into three functions, the nobles who committed the said crimes, the nobles who were found innocent but want to take revenge on that commoner Ryo and helped me escape and came with me to the capital to ask for help, and lastly the dirty betrayers who sided with the commoners and wanted justice to be dropped down on us. I and my allies alone can’t do anything”
“hmm…….how many people do you have with you in total?”
“one hundred and fifty in total”
“then it’s not late to help you”
“r-really?!.....b-but how?”
“I’ll give one thousand solders plus one hundred mages, two hundred knights, two hundred paladins. The mages are all people who were pupils and friends and admirers of Poro and want to take revenge for him, and the knights are part of my personal knight's order, and the paladins are to be dispatched from the main church to purge the heathen who raised his hand against the priests and clergy in Donatis, these five hundred people plus you and your allies are surly enough to kill that man called Ryo while the soldiers take Donatis back. That way we can clear your name by publishing new informations that the commoners planed a rebellion with the help of some adventurers, and show the people some fake evidence of the crimes that man committed and that he is the mastermind behind the rebellion”
“but your highness, will not this put you in a difficult position?”
“by my name Nezil Morten Kazar second prince of Kazar kingdom I order thy, go and take Donatis back using the pawns I gave you if you do that no harm shall befall me!”
“yes, sir! It shall be done!”
Ryo’s POV…
“d-did you just now say, m-my brother, told you about me?”
“yes, that is what I said. He would always talk about how cute you were, and how talented you were, and that he’ll always be proud of you, and a lot of other staff”
Because of the information I know about him from Nash, I recognized him immediately using {Analyze}.
“where did you find him? Was he alright? Where is he right now?”
“calm down, he is alright, and he is living in the village I grew up in, and he is still living in the village with his wife”
“he is living in a human village? Wait, did you just say he has a wife?”
“the village is ruled by a human, my foster mother to be exact, but not only humans are living in it, but we also have two demonkin and beastmen and one giant, his wife is a beautiful cat beastmen named Celeca”
“beastmen? Well, knowing him, I bet what you said is the truth. But to think that a place that has people from multiple races living in harmony”
“that is because all the people in the village are working really hard to make a place for all the races to live together in peace”
“Lao-nii, did you always have an older brother?”
“yes, he was my brother and my teacher and he was supposed to become the elder after my father but he refused to become an elder and left the village one hundred and twenty years ago”
“he left the village?! Why?”
“he hated our traditions and tried to change them but he failed to do that, and one day some of the children were kidnapped in the forest but they were rescued by a human who was passing by, but after he returned the children to us and explained what happened, the council decided to kill him because he learned the location of our town, but my brother was against the decision because even if he knew the location he can’t do us any harm because of the barrier that covers the town, but they killed him to make an example of him, that was the trigger for my brother to lose all hope in us elfs and leave”
“that was cruel!! Lao-nii what do you think the council were thinking by making that decision?”
“Thinking about it now, I think they were trying to hide something from us”
“well, that is one of the reasons I was heading to your town for, Nash asked me to visit his hometown and do something for him, but before that I want you to take me to the guild in your town, I have some informations for him”
“informations? What type of informations?”
“I can’t talk about that here if you want to know you can be there when I tell the guild master”
“do you really want to come to our town? The council will try to kill you if come with us”
“no problem, even if they try to kill me they can’t do it”
“you seem confident about your skills, but do you have something to prove that you are my brother’s disciple?”
“yes I do, it’s something you know very well”
“{Plant Crest}”
This is a plant magic spell that Nash created, and by using this spell I can summon a try that has a special mark on it, the mark is of an elf holding a pen.
“With this, I’m sure that you are my brother’s disciple, but you are a human so you can’t pass through the barrier”
“don’t worry about that, the barrier will allow me to pass no problem”
“Okay then, let’s go”
“wait, before that let me tie these hunters up and put them in a hole”
“to prevent anyone from knowing about what had happened to them”
“I don’t understand what you are getting at but I’ll leave it to you”
I started using earth magic to dig a hole in the ground, the hole was wide enough for all the elf hunters and high enough to prevent them from escaping.
After all the elf hunters in the hole I used earth magic to harden the sides and turn the inside of the hole into hard stone, after that I used earth magic to make a roof that is level with the surrounding ground and after that, I used plant magic to camouflage the hole and as a finishing touch, I made ten hidden breathing holes.
“That was impressive, Ryo are you sure you are a human?”
“what’s wrong so suddenly?, of course, I am a human”
“no no no, just now you used many spells without chanting and also you did not lose any mana at all, that’s something a normal human should not be able to do”
“well, I have my skills to thank for that”
“you have more than one skill? how many do you have?”
“I’ll tell you everything in time”
“Okay, I’ll look forward to that, but for now let’s head back to the village”
“village?, I thought it was a whole town”
“From a human perspective, it’s a huge city, but we elfs call it village because it’s not connected to the elfs country to the north of the beastmen country Hartia”
“well, I learned something new today”
“But Ryo, are you really sure you want to come with us to the village? You’ll be attacked on the spot by the village guards”
“no problem. But don’t ever try to protect me, okay?”
“why?! You are my benefactor and the one who saved the kids so let me help you”
“Please don’t, do you think that your brother sent me to your village for nothing? please trust me and watch from the sidelines”
“if you say so, I’ll do as you say”
“Lao-nii, are you sure about that?”
“I am. I know that my brother would never send an ordinary man to our village”
“there you have it”
“Ryo-san, so you are saying that you are not an ordinary man?”
“I’ll not deny that at least”
{well, that is my Ryo for you}
“who is there?!”
“don’t worry that was my soul weapon {Scarlet}”
{nice to meet you, I am Scarlet this guy’s soul weapon}
“Ryo, you had a soul weapon?”
“yes, but he was sleeping all this time, so were you able to control your skills, Scarlet?”
{yes, I finally did it, how much time have passed since I went to sleep?}
“more than one month have passed”
{that much!, sorry I was not there for you}
“don’t worry about it, I was looking forward to what will become of you”
One month ago when I was still in Donatis, Scarlet went to sleep to try and learn how to control all of his abilities perfectly and it seems he only woke up now.
“Scarlet, can you show me what did you learn?”
{I understand, {Transform}}
Scarlet used his {Transform} skill and transformed into a small dragon and started flying around me and the elf kids, after playing with the kids he landed on my shoulder, he looked exactly like when he was alive but with my crest on his chest.
A crest is a mark that nobles and royals use to identify themselves, but it’s also used by craftsmen to brand there works, all the crests in this world are enchanted with magic to prove that they are the right thing, but the magic used to do that is different from one another depending on the maker, my crest looks like a dragon holding a katana, and when magic is channelled through the crest the dragon will unsheathe the katana and will emit an aura of intimidation that can be felt by the surrounding people.
“It turned into a small dragon?!”
“that is one of the abilities he has”
{I can also transform into other things, my original form for example}
“that will be bad, don’t do it”
{I know, don’t worry I’ll not do it here}
“Ryo, what does he mean by original form?”
“his original form is that of an elder dragon, so if he transformed into that it will cause a lot of panic”
“e-elder d-d-dragon!!?”
“let’s leave it at that for now and let us head for the village”
“you are right, let’s go”
We started walking through the forest in the direction of the elf village, from what I know it should only take us 30 minutes to arrive at the village from here, this part of the forest was the most dangerous part of the forest but with scarlet on top of my shoulder, all the monsters were afraid of his presence and did not try to come near us.
After 30 minutes of walking the village started to appear from behind the trees, the village was surrendered by a very tall wall and a strong barrier, from the informations I got from using {Analyze} on it I understood that the barrier blocks everything that has magical capacity inside of them except the elfs, that means that the barrier block people from other races and monsters and allow only the elfs and normal animals to pass.
One of the solders on top of the wall started yelling at me to stop approaching the village, I stopped and singled to Lao and the kids to go into the village before me.
When Lao and the kids passed through the barrier some of the soldiers came down to check on them.
“Young master! It’s a relief to see that you came back safely, and all the kids are safe too”
“I was not the one to save them though, I was almost made into a slave by the hunters if it was no for that human over there”
“the human saved you?!”
“I came to deliver important information to the guild master here, I ask of you to let me through”
“you leave me no choice than”
After saying that I started walking toward the gate of the village, the soldiers at the top of the wall did not waste any moment and started firing arrows at me but I used {Telekinesis} on the arrows halfway between me and the soldiers and stopped the arrows in the air, the soldiers were dumbfounded by what they were seeing, so I started moving the arrows towards the soldiers returning them to their quivers.
This continued for some time before the elfs gave up using arrows to attack me, but they started using magic this time but I used {Spell Break} on the magic they were firing at me this continued till I reached the barrier.
I used my skill to add another exception to the sittings of the barrier, that is me.
I started walking again and passed through the barrier the same way Lao and the kids passed earlier, the soldiers were staring at me with surprise in their faces, one of the soldiers came back to his sense before the others and started barking orders at the other solders.
“what are you doing?! Close the gate fast, hurry up!!”
The gate started to close but I disappeared from my position, I was already inside the village, I used {Flash Step} and crossed the gate before it closed, the soldiers were looking franticly for me, but they spotted me standing next to Lao and the kids.
“Lao, where is the guild?”
“I’ll take you there, follow me”
“stop, just point at the direction of the guild and I’ll go there alone, you take the kids back to their parents and explain what happened to them, after that meet me in the guild, I’ll be waiting for you there”
“Okay, the guild is over there”
“thank you”
I activated {Flash Step} and made a beeline to the guild building, what helped me the most was that the building’s shape was the same as the one in Donatis, the village was in an uproar trying to find me, but the soldiers remembered that I told them that my goal was the guild, to begin with, and so they started to head to the guild behind me.
I took my guild card out and opened the guild door and entered the building, I was welcomed by the scene of all the elf adventurers pointing their weapons at me, so I showed my guild card to them and started talking.
“I am an (A) rank adventurer, my name is Ryo, I came to deliver important information to the guild master here”
At first, I was surprised that no one attacked me when I entered the guild, but I remembered that the adventurer guild doesn’t discriminate between races, as I was thinking about this one man with a long red hair and brown skin and knife-shaped ears started walking towards me from behind the other adventurers, he was a man with the right amount of muscles for a swordsman, he was wearing leather armour and a short robe on top of it.
“my name is Shalden, I am the guild master of Elvens village, it’s my first time seeing a human who can pass through the barrier, as you can see I am a dark elf, I hail from the elfs country in the other half of this continent, I have travelled around the world and was able to meet all kinds of people but you are the first one to pass through the barrier”
“it’s good to see that no one attacked me on the spot here in the guild, and it’s good to see that you are the type to not act rashly, just like my teacher described you”
“your teacher?”
“yes, I am the disciple of Nash Berlarn”
“Nash!? Is he still alive?”
“yes he is, he is the one who sent me here in the first place but I have another business with you”
“with me?”
“yes, it concerns the elfs and beastmen that are enslaved in Donatis”
“what!? Come with me, we will talk in my office”
“I appreciate it”
I followed behind him to the guild master office, the office was exactly the same as the one in Donatis, he offered me a tea and I started talking about what did Nash send me to do.
“Nash told me to go to his hometown and deliver some of the informations he had on some dangerous events that are happening here”
“what about your business with me?”
“I’ll talk about that when Lao arrive here”
“Okay I understand”
“Okay then I’ll get to the point, from what Nash had told me the biggest concern is that the council’s actions are strange”
“what do you mean?”
“they are hiding something, and he thinks that they are behind the sickness of his father and many others and also the kidnapping of the elfs by the humans”
“Are you sure that’s what he told you?”
“yes I am”
“if so, then there is a lot of unexplained stuff happening here can be explained by this logic, did you hear the details from him?”
“yes I did, …. But let us talk about that later”
“what do yo..”
*Knock* *Knock*
“excuse me”
“yo Lao, how are the kids?”
“they are good, but their parents are having a complicated feelings about the situation”
“well, that is understandable”
After that I started explaining how I met Lao and the kids, after that I started telling them about the situation in Donatis, about the rebellion, and why did it happen, and that I worked together with the guild master there to start it.
“what I am getting at is that now is your chance to rescue the elfs in Donatis before the kingdom demand from the new government handing them over to the capital”
“But we can’t send the elfs here into a human town and ask them to rescue the kidnapped elfs there”
“I want you to send me to rescue the elfs, I know where they are and I can release them from the collars and disable their barriers, I did not save them before because if I did without the quest to do so from you I’ll be breaking the law and that will turn me into a criminal which will hinder my travels”
“I understand your situation and I don’t mean to underestimate you, but are you sure you are powerful enough to handle the quest, by my estimations alone this quest is an (S) to (SS) rank, and the reason for that is that you have infiltrate and rescue the kidnapped elfs and beastmen and break the collars and barriers they have, under the attacks of the enemy”
“is there anything I can do to prove to you that I am strong enough for that?”
“how about I give you a test?”
“yes, a quest to kill an (SS) rank monster, to the north of the village there is the domain of a unique titan class monster called Shadow Hound, this monster lives in a group of a one hundred wolf with one wolf as the alfa of the flock, the whole flock is considered as one titan class monster, these monsters have the ability to manipulate their shadows and the shadows in their surroundings to attack and they can use them to move from one shadow to another one instantly, their domain is full of shadows and there is hardly any sunlight in there, the quest is to kill one of them and bring the whole corpse with you as an evidence of the kill”
“I’m fine with that, how much is the time limit?”
“let’s say two days, is that fine with you?”
“no, we are in hurry, we have that other matter to work on, I’ll come back by the afternoon today, so can you grant me the permission to remain here for the time being?”
“yes, here it’s, just doesn’t get yourself killed”
The guild master Shalden handed me a necklace in the shape of a bell, and explained to me that as long as I wear this bell no one will attack me for no reason.
“guild master, until I return I want you to investigate the informations I talked to you about”
“Ryo, what informations are talking about?”
“the guild master will tell you about later, but try to stay safe”
“I understand, but are you sure you want to go alone”
“don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine”
We all headed to the outside of the guild, in the way the adventurers in the guild building dropped their guard as soon as they saw the bell dangling around my chest.
And when we stepped out of the guild we were met with the scene of hundreds of soldiers pointing their weapons at us, one man stood in front of the soldiers was about to order them to attack me but he noticed the bell and glared at Shalden.
“Shalden!! What do you think you are doing granting the human over there that bell, do you understand what you just did?!”
“I am fully aware of what I’m doing, he is in a mission to finish some work for me”
“you bastard!! Don’t push your luck and take that bell from him now”
“uncle!! Stop it, he is here to help us finish some work for me and the guild master nothing more and nothing less”
“tsk…. Do you believe the words of that human and that lowly dark elf over the law, you are our leader so you have to protect us from him!!”
“and as your leader I order everyone here in the village to leave this human alone till his work here is done”
All the soldiers left the place leaving only the glaring man and some of his men with him, I tried to look at him using my skills and sensed something larking in his shadow and was certain that he was my target so I used {Pursue} on him and the thing in his shadow to monitor their movement, I whispered in the ear of the guild master and told him what I found and that he is our target, he was surprised by what I said but he believed me and told me that this man is the big brother of the elder who is down with sickness and that he is the head of the council, which makes him the older brother of Lao and Nash’s father.
“Okay then I’ll be on my way now”
“be careful out there”
I started walking toward the north gate, and Lao’s uncle started glaring at me, he looked like he wanted to say something but choose not to.
After entering the forest to the north of the village I started using {Flash Step} to move faster, it didn’t take me long reach the Shadow Hound’s domain, the place felt like a maze made out of trees inside a cave, the place was so dark to the point that you’ll think it’s night time even though it’s early noon.
I activated {Presence Detection} to figure out how many Shadow Hounds are there, I was surprised by their numbers, from what I can count there are more than three hundred Shadow Hounds in the shadow domain.
I started walking towards the strongest presence I can detect, but once I started walking I was attacked from my own shadow, one wolf jumped at me from behind but I sensed it’s presence even before it attacked me.
I used {Flash Step} to move to the side and stabbed the wolf in the neck with Scarlet killing it instantly, I used my sword to cut the corpse open at the chest area and took its magic core out and used {Intake} on it, I thought I’ll be able to take the wolf’s ability to control the shadows but instead, I was assaulted by a strong pain throughout my whole body, and I started feeling like something is being engraved on my soul.
{Ryo!! Are you alright? What happened to you?}
Scarlet seemed to be worried about me, but before long the pain started to disappear, and just then my skill {Control} notified me that one of my skills evolved, so I checked on it right away.
{Shadow Manipulation} ß {Shadow Arts}
{Shadow Arts: enables you to control the shadows and hide inside them and move from shadow to another and gives you the ability to move other people through your shadow and you can store beings from the shadow affinity in your shadow}
That was really unexpected, I didn’t know that skills can evolve like that, I told Scarlet about what happened to me and he was surprised, he told me that skills can evolve if certain conditions are met, but no one knows what the conditions are and that it rarely ever happened, as for me I was feeling really exhausted and sluggish because of the evolution.
But the Shadow Hounds didn’t waste any moment and started appearing from the shadows one after the other, and lastly the alfa appeared, it was three times bigger than the other wolfs and had a horn on top of its head, mana started to come out from the ground it was standing on and it was clad in a reddish-black aura.
The shadows on the ground started covering the other wolfs as if to protect them, after that the alfa started howling and the shadows around me started materializing into spicks and started assaulting me, so I tried using the evolved skill to counter that.
“{Shadow Arts}”
The shadows stopped moving and turned into ropes and I controlled the ropes to hold all the wolfs in place, after restraining the wolfs I started walking towards the alfa and put my hand on its head and invoked {Control} on it, the skill started effecting all the Shadow Hounds, there was some resistance but it died down before long and thus I successfully tamed the Shadow Hounds.
“Scarlet, I’ll leave in charge of them for now, I need to rest for a little bit”
{leave it to me!!}
I could feel myself sinking into sleep very quickly and I don’t have the energy to resist that…
*Woof!! Master how do you feel?*
“… yeah I feel refreshed…wait!! You can talk?!”
Right after I woke up I was welcomed by the sight of a black wolf looking down at me, I was surprised by the fact that the said wolf could talk.
*yes, I was able to talk since before becoming your servant. master*
“Why didn’t you talk before?”
*because I didn’t want to talk to the human who came attacking us on our land, I was just thinking about killing him and nothing more*
“Okay then… how about I give you a name?”
*Woof!! Yes! I want one!!*
“then how about I call you Kage?”
“yes, it means shadow, do you like it?”
*AWWOO!! Yes, I like it!!*
“Scarlet, how much time have I spent sleeping?”
{three hours}
“crap! I’ll be late if I don’t start moving now, Kage you and all of your family stay in my shadow till I prepare a better place for all of you”
*Roger!! AWWOOO!!*
All the Shadow Hounds disappeared into their shadows and then all the shadows assembled into mine, Scarlet transformed from his sword form to the small dragon form and landed on my shoulder, I used {Storage} and stashed the corpse of the wolf I killed in it and started walking back to Elvens.
When I reached the village’s barrier I passed through it as I did before but for some reason, the gate was closed and the elfs in charge of opening the gate ignored me even though they noticed I was standing there.
I knew why they did that, the elfs in charge of opening the gate was the elfs who were with Lao’s uncle, they were laughing and talking with each other all the while giving me sidelong gazes.
“{Teleport} ………..nice try assholes”
I teleported from my position and appeared in the middle of the laughing elfs, they were surprised by me suddenly appearing in the middle of their group, but I wasted no time and teleported down into the town and started walking towards the guild, the people around the village had mixed reactions about me walking freely in their village, some were interested and some were fearful of me.
When I opened the guild building and walked in, some of the adventurers who were not here this morning were about to reach to their weapons, but they stopped after noticing the bell I had.
I walked towards the guild master’s room and knocked on the door, Shalden gave me his permission to enter the room, I opened the door and walked in, inside the room were three people, Shalden and Lao and another elf who seemed to be an adventurer.
“Ryo!? Did you come back? Are you alright?”
“I am just fine, I finished the quest and came back”
“finished?! Already?!”
“yes, I told you I’ll finish by the afternoon”
“where is the body of the Shadow Hound you killed?”
“I’ll show it to you, but do you have a place where I can do that, a very big place where no one can spy on us will be the best because I have more things to show to you”
“I have the perfect place for that, follow me”
“Can I come with you guys?”
“yes, we might need your help later”
The unknown elf asked the guild master to come with us and he agreed to that, we went into a door that has a staircase behind it that leads into the underground.
“This place is used by me when I want to do some training, this place is enchanted to prevent any sound from escaping from here, so what did you want to show us, Ryo?”
“this… {Storage}”
“first of all, I want you to check if this is the right monster”
“..yes, this is it, you really did kill it in such a short time”
“you told me that nearly a hundred of them were in that domain, but the number I had to face was more than that”
“more?!... how many did you find there?”
“more than three hundred of them”
“This could be really bad”
“Yeah, they could attack the village if we leave it alone for one or two years more, I don’t know if the barrier is strong enough to withstand their numbers”
“calm down there is no danger to the village anymore”
“what do you mean by that? Did you kill more of them by any chance?”
“I only killed this one, but I tamed the rest of them”
“yes, …. All of you came out!”
“t-this i-is?!”
“This is their alfa, I named him Kage, hay introduce yourself”
*Woof!! My name is Kage, nice to meet you!*
“y-you really did tame them”
“yes, you can see my crest on all of them, right?”
“you are right, well. Thank goodness I gave you this quest”
“all of you go back”
“let’s go back up, I want to depart to save the elfs today if possible”
“yeah let’s go”
We started walking up to the surface while talking about the Shadow Hounds and their abilities, when we reached the guildhall we started hearing a lot of ruckus from outside the guild so we headed there.
“bring him out!!, that human has finally shown his true colours and attacked one of the gate guards”
When we came outside we saw Lao’s uncle rallying the people against me and accusing me of attacking a gate guard, there was the group of elfs who were guarding the gate earlier, but one of them had bandages covering parts of his body, according to {Analyze} he really is injured, the injuries are caused by a clawed creature it seems.
“there he is!! Apprehend him!!”
“what is going on here, and don’t forget he is my guest, don’t think I’ll let you harm him without any valid reason”
“a reason!! Do you want a reason? The reason is that he used that monster he has on his shoulder to attack one of the gate guards”
“yes, we were working as usual and he came and ordered his lizard to attack us”
“yes, he is right”
“he attacked you, you said. Prove it to me then”
“you little!.....you still intend to protect that human even after he harmed one of us?!”
“yes, I’ll protect him. If want me to believe you show me the proof you have”
“I’m the head of the council you know, and you don’t believe what I say?”
“of course I don’t without any proof, this is not the first time you used your position to do crap like this”
“you little..!!”
“uncle Lanzen, stop it. You can’t accuse a man of something without a prove”
“tsk…*you again*, alright I understand, hay you show us the injuries you have!!”
The uncle had this annoying smile on his face, so to wipe that smile from his face I used {Shadow Arts} to apply healing magic on the injured man just before he removes the last layer of bandages from his arm.
“here see!! This is the proof you wanted!!”
“…there is nothing wrong with him”
They started removing the bandages from that man franticly to check the other injuries, but unfortunately for them, all the injuries were already healed by me.
“that’s impossible!! I’m sure he was hurt all over his body!!”
“what made you so sure in the first place?”
“.. t-that’s …”
“so all you did was waste our time with your charade”
{hay you prat elf!!. When you said that your retainer was attacked by the monster Ryo had with him, you didn’t mean me did you?}
{you dare treat me, the red dragon that ruled over the death desert as a lowly monster!!}
Scarlet didn’t like being treated as a monster, so he started showing his aura and presence to everyone assembled in front of the guild, and started yelling at Lanzen.
“hay Scarlet, calm down. We didn’t introduce our selves to them so it’s only natural that they don’t know about you”
“let me introduce myself to everyone here, my name is Ryo, and I’m the disciple of Nash Berlarn the older brother of Lao over here, and I’m here on a mission given to me by him, and this dragon is Scarlet my soul weapon, I created him myself using the soul of the red dragon that ruled over the death desert”
“Ryo!!, you know how to make soul weapons?”
“yes I do, Nash know how to do it to”
“do you mean to say that the humans know how to make soul weapons?!”
“no, the only people who know how to make soul weapons are the people living in my village”
“…your village..”
“I want to depart right now, if possible I want you to send someone with me for the rescue mission because I think that the elfs I free will not trust me with their lives without someone from the village coming with me”
“Ryo, I’ll come with you”
“Lao, are you sure?”
“yes, I want to come with you”
“no problem I’ll come with you too, my name is Rexal, but you can call me Rex. I’m an (S) rank adventurer”
“Okay then, let’s go, we will live the explanations to the guild master”
“live it to me”
“we will be back by tomorrow morning”
I started walking towards the village gate in the middle of everyone’s surprise, Ryo and Rex wanted to go and bring food and other things for the trip, but I stopped them because I had enough food for all of us in my {Storage}.
We exited the village and walked into the forest until we couldn’t see the village anymore, I stopped walking and both Lao and Rex looked at me as if to ask if something was wrong.
“if walked all the way to Donatis we will not be able to come back by tomorrow morning”
“you are right, but we don’t have any other choice”
“we will do this,…….{Teleport}”
“and here we are in front of Donatis's south gate”
“w-we arrived? But how?”
“I used space-time magic to teleport us”
“Wow, that’s impressive”
“….but something is wrong”
“Ryo, what do you mean?”
“There are no people by the gate, normally there should be a lot of people standing in a queue to enter the town”
“there must be something happening in the town if that is the case”
“here this one for Lao and this one for Rex, wear them to hide your ears”
“thank you”
“let’s go”
I started walking towards the gate with Lao and Rex following behind me, the guards on top of the wall noticed us and started looking at us suspiciously.
“Who are you?!! Identify yourselves!!”
“I am Ryo the White Blaze, I came back to the town to talk to the guild master”
“…savior-sama!! Savior-sama is back!! Open the gate!!”
“…savior-sama?....really, what had happened in here?”
After the guards opened the gate for us they started celebrating for some reason, we started walking towards the guild building, and on the way the people who were walking slowly with grave expressions on their faces started running happily when they saw me, I was so confused by what was happening in the town.
“is this town always like this?”
“The people we pass became excited for some reason, what did you do to them, Ryo?”
“…I didn’t do anything to them…. I’m more confused than you guys”
When we reached the town’s centre, the guild master came running towards us with some people from the guild.
“What kind of timing do you have, Ryo?”
“… please explain to me what is wrong with all of you”
“hahahahaha, it’s my first seeing you this confused, come with me to the guild I tell everything in my office”
We went to the guild with guild master and after arriving he started explaining to us what was happening, from what the guild master told us, it seems like the son of the lord, Baris Von Donatis, have escaped the town with the help of some of the nobles who didn’t like the idea of mere commoners raising against the nobles, and he went to the royal capital and obtained the help of an unknown people and that he is on his way to take Donatis back.
“well, that was to be expected, he is that idiot son after all”
“that’s why the whole town is preparing for the battle”
“do you know when will he arrive?”
“What?!...talk about being sudden”
“I told you, what kind of timing do you have?”
“….this is a problem…”
I had to finish rescuing the elfs and transport them back to their village, but with this war going on I’ll be unable to do that, and I can’t abandon the people of this town either, I have friends in this town and I want to protect them.
“erm… excuse me,…. Ryo, if you want you can finish our mission later, we can wait until after you deal with the current situation”
“young master is right, I’ll even help you deal with this foolish war if you want”
“…you two..”
“Ryo, I forgot to ask you your reason for coming back to the town”
“well, you two can remove your hats, for now, that will make explaining my reason easy”
“if you say so”
“yes, I was given a quest to rescue the elfs in this town and return them back to their hometown, these two came with me to help”
“my name is Laosh Berlarn and I’m the next elder of our village”
“and my name is Rexal and I’m an (S) rank adventurer”
“I knew that you’ll do it, but not this early. You are truly amazing, Ryo”
“and you heard them, we will help you with your little war”
- In Serial74 Chapters
Return Of The Frozen Player
5 years after the world changed, the final boss appeared.
8 622 - In Serial33 Chapters
Pokemon: Jordinio Version!
So there I was enjoying myself at a bar about to pick up a pretty girl and then bam! I'm on Route 1, short as shit and somehow twelve again. Oh well, at the very least I can get that Charizard I always dreamed of. Self Insert.
8 58 - In Serial29 Chapters
Heaven's Grip : Orcs of Iaoue
Pigs can fly, that's a lie. A deep sea diving Horse, yes of course. Fish can climb a tree, yeah cool story. When a certain ******* developed a system where domestic and harmless animals turn into beasts' with intelligence. A chance to evolve and an ability to change their fate have arrived. A fantasy story about the creation of mythical creatures and beast races. How will humanity persist to exist? Live with it and adapt, or wage war and eliminate all threats. No King or Queen can retaliate from the grip of Heavens when the wheel of fate started to change.
8 282 - In Serial106 Chapters
When Freya woke up, she had no recollection of who she was. She soon found out that she was a beautiful 16 years old girl and was of a noble family. Overwhelmed by questions of herself and the world around her, she decided to search for answers. To search for the truth. Follow her adventures in unveiling magic, and most importantly: herself.
8 415 - In Serial11 Chapters
The Infinite Resurrections of Ray Mc'Lore
[You died from taking a poison dart] [Skill ‘???’ activates] [You have stolen +2 AGI; +5 STR; +10 PHY from your killer] [You obtained Poison Resistance] [Ressurecting to your last check point] One day, strange monoliths appeared all over the world, creating gateways to pocket spaces filled with monsters. These monoliths were later named dungeons. Those who touched these monoliths gained supernatural powers and also access to stats and attributes. It was called System. Within a year, society collapsed as a new one stood from its ashes. Several years later, in a remote dungeon, a young man sees a bunch of weird texts floating before his eyes just before death claimed him, thereby changing his life forever. --- AN: inspirations are taken from a few Korean novels. It is my firts time writing so please go easy on me.
8 167 - In Serial24 Chapters
YouTuber Ego Oneshots & Imagines (REQUESTS CLOSED!)
Hi there! I wanted to keep some writing going, and thought that maybe you guys would like a set of Ego imagines. I'd love to start writing some, and I'd love to have you guys enter a few in! I only have three rules (so far, lol) and anything else is cool. -I don't do smut.-I don't do romanticized abuse or pain.THESE STORIES ARE ORGANIZED ALPHABETICALLY UNDER 'FILES'.
8 206