《Reid Ghealach - Home》Chapter 46.


No one died. That was good news. Few wolves were in critical condition, but I trusted Holly, she would take care of them. We stood in the living room as Father received a report from Trystan. Yuri tapped me on my shoulder and I groaned with unexpected pain. I didn’t realize that one of the cadracs scratched me. Yuri carefully peeled away the blood-drenched robe and I realized he brought some gauzes and the weird green paste. He himself was covered in bandages but if Holly let him walk around he had to be alright. Thank all the gods of this world for that…

“Merciful Gods that stinks even worse than I remember.” I wrinkled my nose. Yuri ignored me and took care of my shoulder with careful precision. He must have watched his mother Holly do it countless times.

“Thanks,” I told him when it was done. And then the room went dead quiet as Matt entered through the main door. Supposedly he was taken into the city with the rest of the non-fighters in the pack, placed under the care of Colwyn and Ivan. Except for Lowell who sneaked away to wait for me in the pack house. Idiot. Everyone immediately turned their gazes on Matt. Fuck I felt so damn relieved to see him, alive and well… I took a step towards him, but Yuri grabbed my arm and stopped me.

“One more thing,” he said and so I turned to look at him. And he punched me with so much force it actually sent me to my knees. I tasted blood as my lip got caught on my teeth and split.

“Fuckin’ hell, Yuri,” I grunted out holding my throbbing face.

“Do not ever make me run away like a coward again,” he growled out then grabbed my arm and hauled me back to my feet with his supernatural strength. And then hugged me. I wrapped my hands awkwardly around him, too aware of the eyes of everyone on us and his wounds. “Especially if that leaves you to impossible odds.”


“Your habit of punching me is starting to concern me,” I said as he pulled away.

“Well someone has to knock some sense into that thick head of yours.” He grinned then bumped my shoulder. “Go, your pretty boy’s waiting for you.”

I felt a warm feeling spread inside my chest. Yuri. I smiled at him then turned to absolutely dumbfounded Matt with Scott by his side.

“You’re okay!” He ran to hug me as soon as I smiled at him. Fuck. His body felt so warm and fragile. “What happened?”

“We won…” I said simply, feeling like that was enough.

“Who exactly is we…?” Trystan asked quietly, still, everyone could hear it. Deep tension and confusion moved through the pack like a wave. Scott and Yuri immediately stepped closer to me, almost protectively.

“Trystan.” The single word from Alistair’s mouth sounded like the crack of a whip. Few wolves actually jumped and whimpered, Matt did so too. “Not now.” Father shook his head. “Reid is right…” he said. Actually making me do a double-take.

“What?” I asked in shock and he smiled at me. Oh, that was even more shocking. I stared at him dumbfounded.

“Reid is right,” he repeated. “We won. It’s time to celebrate, not argue.”

Well, technically we didn’t actually figure out who hired them. Or maybe no one did… Maybe Olivia really came on her own with that stupid dream in her mind. But still… She was on the vampire territory so did Baltazar work with her? Nor did we manage to catch the witch. There were still too many questions that needed answers. But I guess her death was something to celebrate.

“So… you’re safe now?” Matt asked and pressed close to me. He looked so small surrounded by all these big werewolves.


“Yeah until he does something stupid again,” Scott answered for me a wicked grin on his face. Yuri swatted him over the head playfully. I sighed happily enjoying the warmth of my newly formed pack. Fuck that felt so surreal. Damn it I knew absolutely nothing about being an Alpha and yet I wouldn’t trade the warm bond full of love inside my soul for anything in the world.

Some wolves, especially Nikolai, Trystan, and Marc glared at us, but Father soon stopped it by giving all the uninjured people work to do, preparing a quick party.

I stayed just long enough to make sure Yuri and Scott were okay and weren’t going to get killed immediately. The pack seemed more confused than pissed though. After that I grabbed some food and drink and, leaving my pack in the hands of Holly, I took Matt into my room, before he could catch any talk of werewolves.

I closed the door and carefully set our dinner on the table before I grabbed Matt and kissed him deeply, desperate for his taste. Matt happily obliged, opening right up for me, pressing his body close, hands around my neck. My split lip stung a bit, but it wasn’t bleeding any more.

“Are you really okay?” Matt asked breathlessly when I let go of his mouth, carefully touching my bandaged shoulder, then my split lip, my face, fingers light, just a whisper of a caress.

“Yeah, I’m alright. What about you? Was someone mean to you?” I asked, running my hands over his small frame.

“I got really scared when they took me into the city… But Ivan was really nice and that guy… Colwyn too, though he looked kinda nervous to be talking to me,” he told me, nuzzling my neck. Oh, he felt so nice, so right.

“Sounds like him.” I chuckled and buried my nose into his hair, loving his sweet scent.

“God I was so scared… They were all talking about some kind of an attack? And Yuri and Scott were back, but no one would tell me anything about you,” he said, digging his fingers into my back, holding me close.

Oh, sweet pup… I gently grabbed his chin and turned his face up. “I’m fine Matt and the bad guys are gone now. It’s alright…” I kissed his soft lips, running my hands under his shirt to feel that warm skin. He fed me a groan and tilted his head to the side, opening for me. I greedily pushed my tongue in, heat spreading through my body.

“So… I guess we should celebrate,” he said when we came apart for air, his eyes twinkling with lust.

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