《The Millennial In Another World》Chapter 1



Not a single human—heck, I’d take a demi-human—is in sight.

The cathedral is lifeless. The suns rays piercing through the glass windows illuminate the small dust particles floating in the air, rising and falling as time passes. On a closer look, this cathedral does not look much different from the churches that I’ve always seen. The layout is pretty similar, with many rows of long wooden benches before the altar.

I stand up, feeling my legs give way a little. I struggle for balance, quickly supporting myself by crouching and placing my hand on the floor. I decide to take a closer look at the magic circle.

Heck, it looks like those kinds of summoning circles I’ve seen in anime and cartoons. Or those devil-summoning ritual pictures I see online.

It seems like I’m the devil here since no one is here to welcome me. Wait, even the devil is welcomed by the ones that are summoning him.

Seriously, where’s everyone?

I sigh. One consolation is that at least, I don’t see those bullies around. The second consolation is that I’m wearing my winter clothes, so the cold in the cathedral does not bother me. The third consolation is that I don’t have to avoid awkward conversation.

Where do I go now, then?


A phone-like notification sound goes off in my head and I quickly scan around me. There’s a phone in this world? Wait, isn’t this a medieval world—okay, well, I mean the girl didn’t say anything about whether it is or not… So, where is this sound coming from?


A black, slightly translucent screen with an ebony background floats a few inches away from me, the corners capped by a golden arch. I realise that this particularly perturbing situation does not faze me and I sigh once more.

“What’s going on…” I mutter. “Where’s the tutorial for this?”

Man. This seems like one of those typical game screens—let’s just call it Game Menu. I guess I have to tap on it like in a game to make it work.

“Ah!” I yell, reeling back.

I felt it! I felt the screen! The screen is solid!

To test it again, I’ll tap on it once more.

It’s solid! My finger cannot go through the screen, but somehow, if I force it through, I can stick my finger through it and pull it back without anything happening. I decide to experiment with it a bit more, rotating the screen and even flipping the screen upside down.

“This is neat,” I comment.

However, all those tappings did nothing for my Game Menu. I’m still stuck. The game screen isn’t responding. Is there a task manager for this? Where can I end the process and run the program again? Hell…

I need a tutorial, but there’s no one around here right now.

I exhale.

“Well, time to find out where the hell I am,” I say, walking towards the large, mahogany double doors of the cathedral. With one hand on the handle, I push the door. The door swings outwards and rays of sunlight invade the entrance, dousing me with brightness and temporal blindness.

Then, the sigh of the wind.

Though the air is slightly dry and the sun still sunny, I’m not feeling hot at all. Perhaps, this is a winter or autumn season? Or is it a spring season?

Is this Elgia?

The cathedral sits atop a small hill, with a flight of stairs winding around the hill, leading towards what seems to be a small town. I squint, barely making out ant-sized figures moving in the town. Smoke emerges from the chimney of some buildings.


As I climb down the stairs, I take this chance to experiment with the screen again. After multiple tries of tapping, I realise that this screen cannot be activated by me. Even after flipping the screen or rotating the screen, there is still no point to it.

What’s the point of being a ‘hero’ when I can’t have this screen?

I’m guessing that the way this world works is pretty similar to those light novels and anime. You fight, you level up, you get points to put into your stats or you get skills and titles relevant to the fights that you take. You probably also have magic skills…


A small, brown rabbit emerges from tall blades of grass by the side of the stairs. A distinct, screen-like bar hovers over its head, filled up by red. The rabbit stops in its tracks and looks up at me, then hopping away.

Hmm, it seems like you can see the statuses of other things. That should be the ‘HP bar’.

With each step, I tap on the screen once more, trying to get it to work. Is it ‘locked’? Perhaps, the summoner who should have been there could be the key to unlocking this screen for me.

The main thing is, why isn’t there anyone there to help me do that?

I notice that the town is pretty medieval—Western medieval, specifically. Tudor cottages line up against one another, some with chimneys that spout smoke into the air. Men and women in fine tunics and armour roam the streets, each with a direction in mind. Somehow, the busy-looking town seems to look calm and serene.

I quickly make my way down, skipping a few steps along the way.

“Fuck… I look out of place.”

I realise how much this winter uniform stands out. A hooded slate-grey coat covers my black cardigan. Underneath the cardigan is a sports tee with a huge brand logo featuring a rooster in the front. My ripped jeans are of the same colour as my coat as well. My boots, however, are a shade of light brown, with the soles slightly worn over time.

What the townspeople are wearing is totally different from my modern outfit. However, it seems the fashion scene in this town is pretty non-existent; the similarities in everyone’s outfit made the town look like a giant army base. Their tunics are made of coarse cotton, roughly spun and looking uncomfortable. Some had buckles that function like buttons on a shirt while others sported chest-pockets. Their pants are of the same material as well.

I hurry towards one of the houses, hiding behind the white brick wall. From the corner of my eye, I notice some of the guards patrolling the area. They too sported an HP bar that hovered above their heads.

“What do I do now?”

Man, fuck this world. When I find the summoner, I’m going give him—or her, whatever, doesn’t matter—a good thrashing.

“It seems like the heroes have arrived at the Elgia Helm!”

My ears perk up and I slowly walked towards the source of the female voice.

“Hmph, those heroes are nothing but false heroes. The true heroes are those who have been training for a long time—and I’m talking about us! We are the true heroes of Elgia, not some randomly summoned being from the other worlds.”

I quickly stop peeking. Seems like they are talking about some hero—wait, hero? Are they talking about me?

“I heard that these heroes are very strong!”

Two armoured guards, both females, stand across each other.

“Captain Gillard is definitely strong than any of those fake heroes,” says the red-haired knight, “Even I am better! I’m sure!”


“We haven’t seen them in action yet,” says the black-haired knight. “I can’t wait for them to be on the frontline with us! I’ve heard they’re going to be assigned to the 8th Battalion.”

“I’ll personally inspect their skills when it comes down to it,” the red-hair knight replies, her tone arrogant and condescending.

It seems that those bastards have reached the palace and are already hailed as the heroes—wait, huh? Are they at the palace? Doesn’t that mean that I have to be at the palace too? Aren’t I supposed to be the hero?

Wait, what the fuck?

I see what this is! Since I entered the portal late, I arrived late. The summoner must have left because those fuckers said that there are no more heroes—or were they waiting for me, but they were in a rush? If that was really the case, then they should’ve left a note or something, right? No way could they treat a hero this disrespectfully…

I’ll fucking tear those bastards apart. Now they left me with no one to rely on and no objective in mind.

“Hmm…” I mutter. I have to think. Think! What’s the next step? Should I go to the palace then?

“Who… are you?”

I quickly look up, then reeling back a few steps in shock.


Since when did they appear? I was literally looking at them a few seconds ago!

“You were eavesdropping on our conversation,” the red-haired knight says, “I already heard your footsteps a few minutes ago. Why are you listening in on us? Are you a spy? Are you a Dremlin spy? Or are you one of those Zwei barbarians?”

What the fuck, I think I’m in deep shit. Me? A spy? Are you fucking kidding me? Well, it’s not like I can tell them I’m born in Seoul, South Korea—well, maybe I can fabricate something by saying that I hail from a land in the far East?

“What’s going on?” The black-haired knight appears from the corner, sword in hand.

“I don’t want any trouble,” I say, “I’m sorry. I was listening because your conversation was interesting.”

“You’re a spy aren’t you!” The red-haired knight says, her tone firm.

“Melissa, I don’t think he’s a spy…” The black-haired knight protests.

I want to nod, but I realise whatever I do right now will definitely be incriminating. I decide to nod anyway, reaffirming my position.

“I’m sorry. I’m not a spy. I’m really not!”

“Why are you dressed so weird then? Your clothes aren’t of Elgia.”

Yeah, I knew this would be the outcome. My clothes stick out like a sore thumb in this town.

“Show me your identification card then, if you’re a citizen of Elgia,” she continues.

“I don’t have any…” I say. “I’m a traveler. I don’t own any identification card.”

“Are you sure?”

Ah, fucking hell! Why am I so unlucky? I got summoned to literally no one, walked out by myself and now I’m going to get arrested? Whatever god it is in the world, if you’re real, please bless me and help me on this very particular prob—


I feel the cold of steel around my wrist and her solid firm grasp around my wrist. I look down, realising that she just handcuffed me—and surprisingly, it looks pretty similar to the modern-world handcuff. I was expecting something like a wooden block placed in front of you.

Wait, I’m being arrested!

“Stop!” I protest. “Wait! Listen to me, before you do anything!”

It seems that the knights are not to be persuaded. I look at the black-haired knight with pleading eyes but she shakes her head. Is this Melissa person of higher rank? Damn.

Ah fuck, I seriously lucked out.

“Okay! Okay! I’ll tell you the truth.”

Melissa stops yanking at the handcuff and stares into my eyes.

“About time.”

“Okay, just listen to me.”

With my other free hand, I point at the cathedral.

“I literally just came down from there, okay? I was in the cathedral.”

“What are you doing at the cathedral?”

Can I tell her that I’m summoned? Will that make me seem like I’m some sort of monster? They know about the summoning, but it seems like those bastards already reached the palace and snatched the place of being the ‘hero’. Will this mean I’ll be the antagonist instead?

Smite me already. I want to restart this. Where’s the ‘Exit to Desktop’ button?

“I was… praying?”

“Praying? You’re praying to Fleuris, at this hour?”

Hmm. Seems like it’s not a good hour to pray to this… Fleuris? Do they have a prayer time? Is it like the Christians-go-to-church-on-Sunday sort of thing or do they have something against praying to the god at a certain timing? Fuck! How do I know? Where’s the pause button! I want to pause this.

“Uhh… well…” is all I can muster. I gulp.

“The cathedral to Fleuris is closed right now. It’s only open every first night of the week. What were you doing there at this kind of hour?”

Holy fuck, I did not think of that! Okay, calm down, Sung Jae. Let’s analyse this calmly. You’re now going to be suspected for totally different things, most likely trespassing or theft. Though they seem much better than being a spy…

“I had something to do there,” I say, “Running errands.”

“Did you trespass the grounds?”

“I was unaware of the timing,” I reply, “I am a traveler, after all!”

“I don’t believe you.”

What a bitch! She’s just hellbent on arresting me! Whatever it is that I say, she will not believe no matter what. Damn. If only the black-haired knight can help me in this battle, I’d probably have won this Melissa over a long time ago.

“You have to believe me, I came to town to visit the cathedral, then roam the streets a bit.”

She raises a brow.

“I usually sleep on the streets or hide out in the forests,” I say, extending my lie.

“You don’t stay in an inn?”

“Yes, I don’t.”

“You do know it’s also illegal to sleep in the streets of the Silver District, right?”

“Silver… district?”

She nods.

Oh, I get it. There’s a class system where the Empire is separated into three different parts or something of sorts. There’s the Silver District, so there’s most likely a Gold District. Most likely, there will also be a Bronze District. Based on my knowledge of all the light novels and manga’s I’ve read, there might be a shitty district for the slums.

“Sorry, I usually go to the slums to sleep,” I say.

Melissa blinks. She then looks away, turning to the black-haired knight.

“He’s still suspicious of me. I want to know where he got these clothes.”

Ah crap, I can’t tell them I bought them on sale at Uniqlo, right? I decide not to smile at my own self-entertainment.

“Do you still think he’s a spy?”

“Most likely he is,” she says. “Let’s bring him to the barracks. We’ll search him there.”

“What?” I say, flabbergasted. This is ridiculous! Me? Going to the barracks? I literally just explained myself—albeit economical on the truth—over and over again, and this bitch is telling me that I have to be searched anyway?

What kind of fucking system is this?

It’s obvious this knight is really, truly, unshakeable in her beliefs.

“Bloody hell…” I mutter.

What a fucking horrible Empire.

She yanks me by the handcuff, gesturing for me to follow her. The black-haired knight smiles at me sheepishly before going behind me. As we pass the streets, I notice most people trying to look at me with sideways glances and slight turning of heads. When Melissa stared back at them, however, most of them look away and continue with what they are originally doing.

“What happens if you guys say that I’m a spy?” I ask.

“Under the Alnd International Code, all spies, when discovered, are to be executed by the country that arrests them. If however, the spies of all certain value, there usually is some negotiation involved. You better pray that which country employed you is rich enough to pay off your fine.”

“But I’m not a spy…” I mumble. This is… just too ridiculous. This tutorial sucks.

Big time.

“I’m really not a spy,” I say again, my tone firm and resolute.

“No matter how much you tell me, I will not believe you. Save your breath.”

“This is ridiculous! I literally just explained to you where I’m from and what I’m doing, yet you’re just going to arrest me anyway because you believe I’m a spy? Where’s the evidence? Where’s your justification?”

There is no reply. Both knights keep their mouths shut, only walking down the streets.

If not for the handcuffs and situation, I’d have enjoyed the aroma of tea coming from that teahouse and few blocks in front of me. I’d have enjoyed walking down the brick pavements, browsing goods from roadside stalls. I’d have enjoyed the cool, gentle breeze of the wind caressing my cheek.

But no, I’m in deep shit, I’m tired, I want to sleep, I have no one I can find here and I’m getting arrested for being a spy.

“I can walk myself,” I say. “I can’t believe you will do this.”

“We need to keep you under our watch, so bear with me,” Melissa says.

Shit. I didn’t even choose to be a hero.

The barracks is well… barracks-like. I awkwardly pass by the mess hall where there are many guards engaging in boisterous conversations. Some of the men laugh heartily. Others are seating by themselves, indulging in the food served. After making a turn, I reach what seems to be the ‘holding room’.

“You’ll be detained for a while before our Captain can come down and investigate you personally,” Melissa says while unlocking a metal gate, “If you try anything funny, we’ll kill you immediately.”

And that is most definitely not a threat.

“I don’t get a lawyer? An attorney?”

The red-haired knight stares at me with furrowed brows.

“What’s a lawyer?”

I sigh. This world is much more fucked than I thought. It’s really medieval—or backwards, I’d say.

“Someone who will hold a trial for me? He’ll fight for my case and argue that I’m innocent, so I can be acquitted of whatever charges that you’re going to charge me for? You don’t offer that sort of thing?”


I can feel my heart drop. That’s not the thing you want to hear from a ‘police officer’.

“I don’t know which land you hail from, but we do not hold trials for people like you. Trials are for nobles and important figures in the Elgia Helm.”

I decide to shut my mouth before I reveal more knowledge on things that do not exist in Elgia—or heck, even the world. How much disparity is there between Earth and… was it Alnd?

The gate shuts close and I’m left to my own devices: which means looking at my handcuff.

I look around my surroundings while sitting on the dry, cold brick-laden floor. The walls are the same as well. Within the cell, a large sleeping bag, most likely made from fur, lay near the corner. A small wooden bucket lay near there as well.

I sigh. Let’s hope I don’t get to use either of them.

I realise it’s a great chance to recollect my thoughts and figure things out from here.

Let’s analyse the situation once more: I’m summoned to Elgia as a hero, but no one escorted me or anything of sorts. Therefore, I left the cathedral but mistakenly chanced upon their conversation and was caught as I’m a suspected spy due to my clothes.

So far, I know Alnd to be a pretty magical place. Since there exists a magic that can summon people from other worlds—or dimensions, even—then this says a lot about Elgia too. This also means that there is other equally insane magical shit existing in Alnd, or even worse.

Since Elgia is doing this sort of summoning, I’m going to say that this place is in peril. That is not yet known, though those bastards at the ‘Elgia Helm’ will most likely know of it. Then, since this sort of summoning can exist in Elgia, it shows that Elgia has always possessed great magic. However, I have not seen anything magical yet in town, so I can’t say for sure that Elgia is a ‘magic-based’ country.

This place is still pretty medieval, so I’m guessing that the technological advancement here isn’t really based on science. That would mean that it will be based on magic. Since I hadn’t seen anything such as motors, they probably don’t exist here.

Okay. So they also have pretty horrible legislation in place. No lawyers? No attorneys? Doesn’t that mean that I have to argue for myself?

Wait, there is no trial. That means I’m going get fucked anyway. Okay, move on.

I feel like I'm way too calm about all this.

If I am to think about this even further, I’m totally reacting to this as if it’s supposed to happen. Just like how I was beaten and robbed of my money every day for their cigarettes. Just like how they can insult me, berate me, scold me, humiliate me…

I shake my head, trying not to recall all the bad memories.

I hear a cling.

“This is the one.”

A brown-haired man, tall and dashing with a sharp nose and eyes looking like bright, enters the holding room. His armour is equally as bright as well, glimmering even under the candlelight. His steps are light and full of vigour. He quickly reaches the cell gate.

Instantly, I feel uncomfortable, like prey being judged by a predator on whether it’s worth to eat it now or later. I quickly avert my gaze, turning away and instinctively pulling my coat closer.

“Those clothes are foreign.”

“Yes, you are right, Captain,” Melissa says, her tone gentle and lulling. This man would most likely by the ‘Captain Gillard’ that she mentioned just now.

“He’s a spy.”

“Yes… wait, yes?”

My eyes widen in shock—though it’s not like I didn’t expect this. I just didn’t expect that I would be considered a spy this easily.

“Yes, he’s a spy,” Gillard says, “It’s obvious from his behaviour. He’s averting my gaze, he’s trembling and he’s not trying to explain. His lips are tight because of obligations. He is dreadful spy.”

Fuck no! I’m averting my gaze because looking at other people straight in the eyes is awkward as fuck to me. I’m trembling because I’m slightly cold and because I’m so nervous. I’m not explaining because I already did to Melissa! My lips aren’t sewed tight, damn it.

“Execute him at dusk and dispose of his body in secret.”

“Who shall be his executioner?”

“If you’re free, you can take his head.”

Melissa grins. “As you wish, Captain.”

The captain leaves the holding room and Melissa follows. Once again, the holding room is quiet except for my quick, shallow breaths. I can almost hear my heart beating in my chest.


There is no option right now. Since those two won’t listen to reason because of their belief that I’m a spy, there is no other option… unless…

I can’t prove that I’m a hero! That sucks! If I can do that, then this would all be okay.

Shit. Fucking Elgia. I get summoned, and this is what you put me through?

I sigh. I must think calmly right now.

If I can activate my Game Menu, I can most likely access my skills or find something very ‘hero-like’—maybe something that’s game-breaking. In that same vein, I haven’t felt anything ‘hero-like’ since I came here though. I was roughly expecting some kind of magic in me, or at least I can get my nagging back pain away from me…

So, it’s either I prove that I’m a hero or I leave this place.

Since I have no way of proving my identity, then I have to find my way out of this place.

I have to escape.

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