《A Man At Arms》A Lord At War Chapter 26


On the third day of the High Princes illness Captain Bolbec made his re-appearance. Joth was busy spooning porridge into the Princes mouth and De Feffer was mixing liquids and powders for his morning elixir.

"Sirs, I'm here to inquire on the High Princes condition" he asked.

Joth let De Feffer speak, he had spent more time observing their patient.

"Little has changed, he has come out of his delirium only twice and only for a few minutes".

"He's been eating and drinking well, which is a good sign for recovery" said Joth.

"But when, when will he be recovered, when will he be in a state to rule again" Bolbecs' impartial mask broke entirely, his eyes were furious and his mouth was twisted into a snarl.

"What's wrong Captain" asked Joth.

"It the Lords, you were right as soon as word of the Princes' condition broke half of them had massed their household guard and the other half were preparing. If the High Prince hadn't gathered so many men, if I hadn't ordered them to the streets, there would be blood on the streets. So thank you but the Principality needs it's Prince, I've caged them for now but soon they will be out here demanding answers" said Bolbec wiping the flop sweat from his brow.

"Was Prince Baldwyns grasp on power so tenuous that a few days away means it all falls apart?" De Feffer had finished his mixture and handed it to Joth.

"His father had many enemies, when he died most in the Keep thought there would be a civil war, but the lords accepted Baldwyn. The young Prince tried to build back the bridges Godwyn burned but it seems the anger runs deep" Bolbecs' broad shoulders were slumped in defeat.

"Well you'll need to keep them in line, it will still take time for him to recover and when he does he may not be the same" said Joth.

"The High Prince is strong, he's fought his whole life. I have no doubt he will be fine, but he needs to get fine now" said Bolbec.

"We can't perform miracles Sir Captain" said De Feffer with a bored tone.

"It might be best for you to get some sleep Captain, you won't think clearly with a fatiged mind" Joth put his hand on the tall mans shoulder and gently led him to the door.

"A Principality on edge of war, a High Prince dying in my care, I never thought my career would be this bothersome" sighed De Feffer.

"It'll be more bothersome should it happen" said Joth.

"How did it come to this. You're and old man like me, remember when we were young and Tybalt the Second was High King, before his reprehensible son was crowned. A peace which lasted nearly 40 years, I studied in peace, I experimented in peace. Gold for new research into the human body was plentiful. Now it's all uncertainty. Will there be another King? Will there be a war over it? Will I get dragged into it?" De Feffer reached over to the tray of refreshments and put a cup of wine to his lips.


"I didn't spend much time in the Kingdom in my youth, I spent most of it fixing dying soldiers in far off wars" said Joth.

"Then this won't be much of a change for you" said De Feffer.

"I left that life decades ago, when I made enough money to buy my way into one of the most prestigious surgeons guilds in the world".

"You were a member of Finepoints barber surgeons" De Feffer raised a long eyebrow.

"Yes and I was happy, peace and prosperity across the land, then there was the war and I lost everything" said Joth.

"My condolences Sir surgeon" De Feffer handed him a cup of strong wine and Joth drank deeply.

Joth awoke to shouting outside of the door. He heard Captain Bolbecs' strong but weary voice booming through the halls. There were many other voices all shouting over each other. De Feffer ignored the commotion and kept an eye on the sleeping Prince but the noise grated Joth and so he cracked open the door to see what was going on outside. Bolbec and two of his guards were physically blocking two men from getting through the door.

"Lord Hyde, Lord Wood please, the Prince is sleeping and he specifically asked not to be disturbed".

"Bullshit Bolbec we've heard the rumours and your men outside my gates confirm my worst fears, he's dead in their isn't he" shouted solid Lord Hyde.

"We need to see his condition with our own eyes Captain, these whispers need to be stopped" said the smaller Lord Wood who looked calm compared to the two bearish men.

"Lords" snapped Joth. Stepping out of the room he squared up the the arguing men.

"Who's this" huffed Hyde.

"The High Princes surgeon" Joth snapped again.

"How is he?" Lord Wood immediately asked.

"He isn't dead if that's what you're wondering" said Joth calming himself.

"Then why can't we see him" Lord Hyde shouted.

Bolbec pressed his hand into Hydes' chest stopping him from moving forward.

"He is in and out of sleep, his body is recovering and he needs to avoid exerting himself, he will recover soon Lords. I would appreciate it if you could have your argument somewhere else" Joth turned to walk back into the room.

A hand wrapped around the door and stopped it from closing. "Sorry Mister surgeon but I won't be leaving empty handed" Lord Wood had slipped past the guards and fought with Joth to get through the door.

"Unhand me this instant, I won't allow the High Prince to be disturbed" shouted Joth.

"Why did you open the door Joth, we could have let the apes beat each other senseless while we do our work but you had to peep" said De Feffer as he rushed to Joths aid. But two old men were hardly a match for a young Lord.

"Sir Captain we could do with some assistance" shouted De Feffer.

They heard Lord Hyde roar from the hallway and the crashing of the armoured guards onto the ground.


"ENOUGH" shouted High Prince Baldwyn.

Everyone froze. Baldwyn was sat upright in his sick bed, his sweaty unwashed hair covered half his shiny face.

Lord Wood let go of Joth and De Feffer and dropped to one knee. Outside Captain Bolbec and Lord Hyde pushed past each other to lay eyes on the High Prince. Bolbec approached the bed and fell to his knee.

"Sire, you have no idea how good it is to see you well".

"Yes, yes Bolbec what is going on here, Rowan, Tybalt why are you fighting with my Captain of guard".

"Sire I can explain" began Rowan Wood.

"We thought you were dead man, your Captain refused to tell us the truth and so we came to see if the rumors were true" said Tybalt Hyde, his voice still raised.

Baldwyn pushed the hair out of his face and turned to De Feffer. "Water please".

De Feffer manged to stifle a scowl as he handed the Prince a cup of water. He drank deeply and with each gulp his face looked less drawn and sick.

"So news of my Illness has spread" said Baldwyn.

"Indeed sire, and your Captain ordered all the men you've gathered to the streets to bottle up each Lords guard inside their estates" said Lord Hyde.

"It was suspicious sire, we thought the worst had happened and the captain was seizing power" Lord Wood added.

Baldwyn managed a quick laugh before Captain Bolbec sputtered an outraged response.

"Calm down Bolbec they meant well, at least they didn't lay siege to the keep like many other of my Lords" said Baldwyn.

The Sir Captain finally managed some form of calm when he saw the High Prince relaxed.

"What is the mood of the lords" asked Baldwyn.

"Not good sire, most of them are uncertain and Lord Weimaers' allies are putting the screws on them, they need to see you on your feet and healthy before we can make any more moves" said Lord Wood.

"Should we be discussing this here" muttered Hyde glancing over at De Feffer and Joth.

"These men are busy saving my life Tybalt, those are not the actions of an assassin or spy" said Baldwyn.

Joth and De Feffer continued their duties as the three men discussed politics. Bolbec didn't leave his spot at Baldwyn side as if his mere presence would ward off any further danger the High Prince might be in. De Feffer continued to take his notes and interrupt the High Princes' conversations to ask question about his condition, much to the annoyance of his Lords. Joth stood back and listened in on their talks.

"Weimaer desires your title, he has made his ambition plain. Forcing his son on the cavalry, marrying his daughters to influential bankers at the capitol" Lord Wood explained.

"He needs to be brought to heel" said Lord Hyde.

"Easier said than done Hyde, worm he may be his wealth rivals my own and I cannot match his reach around the kingdom" said Baldwyn.

"We can only play to our strengths, your authority is absolute in the Principality, especially with the absence of a King. We find any charges we can make stick and lock him in a cell" Lord Wood suggested.

Hyde and Baldwyn considered his proposal, when Joth saw the High Prince nodding he stepped forward.

"Sire that course of action is a fools errand".

All eyes were on Joth. "Seems the Surgeon has something to say" said Hyde, he spat the word 'surgeon' like it was a slur.

"Indeed I do and as someone with more experience in the world you pups should listen. Lord Weimaer is no fool and you are fool to believe he might fall for such a simple trick".

Lord Hydes' face went red as the words broke from Joths clenched jaw. Lord Wood looked ready to bark some sharp reply.

Captain Bolbec cleared his throat and stepped forward. "Sire if I may, Mister Joth offered me sound advice when you first took ill, I would not discard his words so easily" the gray haired man nodded to Joth.

"What would you propose instead surgeon?"

Seems the Prince has faith in his old Captain thought Joth.

"I cannot give you a solution sire but I have served under many men of same ilk as Weimaer. Cold, calculating, obsessed with power. The truth of his plans with only be known to himself, it would be best not to assume anything about his intentions".

"Thank you for the insight but it isn't terribly helpful" sighed the High Prince.

"The greatest criticism of your fathers long rein was his inaction during the spymasters war, he wasn't seen as a man of action, only action will silence any dissent" Joth found it hard to say the words. He knew the advice rang true but the thought of more violence, more death and destruction made his stomach turn.

Lord Hydes laughter broke the silence. "Now there are some words with balls, this is a plan I can get behind".

"It isn't a plan, it's a guarantee of civil war" said Lord Wood with his calm voice.

"Not necessarily, if the Lord Weimaer were to be taken into our custody quickly and efficiently, before any of his allies can act. They may be to scared to move against us" Baldwyn slowly swung his legs out of bed. His hacking cough made them all rush forward to push him back. He waved them off with a deadly glare.

De Feffer handed him his cane and he stood shakily to his feet. "We take the head of the snake and the body will wither quietly".

Joths heart sank at his violent words. And so it begins.

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