《A Man At Arms》Chapter 25


Between them it didn't take long to find evidence of the people who used to be trapped down there. Garth pulled a belt slick with black blood off the ground and a Dragoon found scraps of old clothing.

"What are we looking for Pyp" said Garth.

"Don't speak to the Prince so casually" said Murdoch the look he gave Garth was venomous.

"I just want to know were these people went" said Pyp ignoring the captain, "is there any sign of where they might have been taken".

"It may be better to look outside sire" said one of Murdochs men.

Pyp felt like an idiot, if he wanted to know where they went he would have to track them through the streets he thought. Before he answered he let his gaze sweep over the empty vault, he wondered if that old man had escaped alive or had they all been killed when the riot broke out. He tried to ignore all of the dried blood on the floor, he didn't want to remember the carnage.

"Outside then man, quick" said Pyp Captain Murdoch rounded up his dragoons and led them up the staircase.

"I'll be up in a minute Captain" Pyp shouted after them. Soon it was just Pyp and Garth stood in the cavernous vault.

"I don't like that Murdoch, he seems a bit eager to please" said Garth.

"he will be useful if we ever run into Erit and his company again" said Pyp.

Garth scoffed, "I doubt thirty men will count for much against Erits force" said Garth.

"Well its better than nothing" said Pyp finding himself annoyed at Garths disdain for the dragoons.

"Don't butt heads with Captain Murdoch Garth, it's not worth it" said Pyp turning to leave.

He didn't want to let Garth respond, now he had men following him Pyp couldn't allow Garth to walk over him. Father had given him lessons on leadership, he hadn't remembered many of them but he knew he could have no challenges in front of Murdoch and his men.

"Sire" said Murdoch his clipped tone cutting through the wind.

The captains men were arranged in a defensive ring around the front of the bank. The musketeers were kneeling on the ground and above them were halberdiers, Pyp recognised it as a normal defensive formation.

"Who is your companion sire, he doesn't seem to be the sort who a prince would associate with" Murdoch shot daggers at Garth when he emerged from the bank.

"He is my local guide Captain, you would do well to listen to him unless you want us all lost in this disgusting place" said Pyp.

He thought he saw Garth bristle at his comment but he knew it must have been his imagination.

"We need to find those people" said Pyp.

"A noble cause sire, you do your father proud" Murdoch chimed in.

"Garth any idea where in the city would be large enough to house that many people" asked Pyp.

"It's a big city there's lots of different places... Sire" Garth added after a withering look from Murdoch.

Pyp sighed, he needed to make a decision but he was stuck; they had no idea where the prisoners might have been taken.


"What about Erit his deal with the possessed might have something to do with this" said Pyp grasping for something.

"Maybe" said Garth.

"Who is this Erit" asked Murdoch.

Pyp replied quickly, "He's the leader of a bandit company in the city, I traveled with them for a while" he said.

"Were you their hostage sire" said Murdoch sounding confused.

"No I hid my identity from them and was a scout" he replied.

"Quite a feat, it will make for a great story some day" said Murdoch.

Pyp heard Garth sigh heavily from behind them. Pyp tried to picture the map Erit used, he was sending scouts out north of the bank; he remembered a strange half women half fish drawing.

"On the map Erit was sending scouts to a fish women symbol on the map" said Pyp.

Garth pushed forward past Murdoch "I know that place it the statue of the Mermaiden" said Garth.

Pyp gave him a confused look, "She is a local fishermen legend, they say she aids ships in stormy waters" explained Garth.

Murdoch laughed "A fairy tale for frighten sailors" he said, Garth began to growl something but Pyp cut him off.

"It's a place to start at least, Garth lead the way, Captain Murdoch get the men in marching formation" said Pyp. They both stood there for a moment both deciding if they would pounce on each other, Murdoch turned first snapping orders to his men and Garth followed Pyp down to the street.

Pyp felt very out of place at the head of the small force of heavily armed men, he stood in between Murdoch and Garth hoping to squash any conflict between them before it began. Garth had his map out again, Pyp noticed that his map was crudely hand drawn.

"Did you make that map yourself" asked Pyp.

"Yes I spent most of my time before as a messenger boy, so I made a map to help me find my way around the city" said Garth.

"I would hardly call it a map, more like the scrawling of a child" said Murdoch quietly from over Pyps shoulder.

"How much further Garth" said Pyp quickly over Murdochs voice.

"Not much further" said Garth eyes lingering on Murdoch, Pyp observed a noticeable decline in the quality of buildings during the course of the march. Stone houses with tiles roofs gave way to wooden townhouses with wattle and daub walls painted white, Pyp looked through windows looking of any sight of their inhabitants. He was eager to see this statue, Pyp had never heard of the Mermaiden of Finepoint before; the local legend hadn't left the city. Pyp could see in the distance that the street was ending and leading into another large open plaza, at the centre stood a disappointingly small statue. Pyp was still impressed by the craftsmanship of the statue, he could see the care went into every curve of the graceful feminine form.

"Battle lines men!" shouted Murdoch, Pyp heard the clattering of hobnailed boots on stone as Murdochs men rushed past him to fall into position. Pyp suddenly noticed that the bottom of the statue was crawling with possessed, he recognised the well dressed individual stood on the steps next to the small statue. The nobleman jumped down in surprise and sharply the mass of possessed turned and began to slowly march toward them. Murdoch was busy shouting at his men, the halberdiers rushed forward and stood evenly spaced out at the junction between the plaza and the street and from behind them the musketeers kneeled down aiming their matchlocks toward the incoming horde.


"Hold!" shouted Murdoch. Pyp waited for the booming of musket fire but Murdoch hadn't gave the order to fire, Pyp watch with horror as the possessed stomped slowly toward the thin line of soldiers. He was about to scream the order himself when Murdoch shouted.


Suddenly Pyp couldn't see a thing, the street was thick with white smoke and Pyp heard screams from the front line. All twelve muskets found their mark throwing twelve possessed back but the horde pressed forward unaffected by the booming of muskets. The halberdiers were cutting down rows of possessed and Pyp could barely stand to look it, slowly men started to get dragged out and torn apart.

The musketeers slowly reloaded their weapons, "free fire" shouted Murdoch.

Pyp heard the sporadic retorts of gunfire as the musketeers rushed to throw lead into the wall of possessed. The halberdiers held firm against the possessed, each man cutting down three or more. Pyp understood why the halberd was the weapon of choice for state troops. It was hellishly effective. Possessed were hacked apart, foul black smoke leaking out of gaping wounds. Men screamed in terror and rage as the possessed threw themselves onto their weapons, a man covered in blood fell silently from the battle line, his throat ripped out.

Suddenly the fighting stopped, a final flurry of musket shot blew the final possessed apart. When the smoke cleared there Pyp saw how many possessed they had killed, mounds of corpses lay at the feet of the dragoons.

"What are these things made of" said Murdoch.

Pyp cleared his throat "your men seemed to kill them easily enough captain" he said.

"Yes but any normal men would have broken and ran long before we killed this many, anymore of them and my men would not have held" replied Murdoch looking down at the possessed his eyes wide.

Garths face was pale when Pyp looked over at him, he was looking at the dead men mingled in with the corpses of the possessed. The dead soldiers were markedly different form the dead possessed, their faces were frozen in horror and pain. Pyp fought back the urge to vomit when the dead men were lifted from the pile and placed in neat rows.

"We must be gone from this place soon Pyp" said Garth "if what you said is true then Erit will be here soon".

In all the excitement Pyp had forgotten about Erit, the same possessed that had dealings with Erit was stood on those steps thought Pyp. "We need to find that possessed" said Garth "we've seen it talk, if we want any chance of finding those people he will know".

"What we do is for the prince to decide boy" spat Murdoch, he lunged forward and grabbed Garth, "do not presume to command me or my men, you are nothing but a up jumped peasant".

"Captain enough!", all eyes were on Pyp as he barked his command.

Murdoch slowly let go of Garth and stood facing the prince. Pyp could hear the muttering of the dragoons behind him, the captain was still stood there waiting for some punishment to be meted out.

"Tend to your men captain, make sure they are ready to move soon" said Pyp, he didn't know what else to say he was no leader, no commander he spoke of the dragoons like they were horses.

'Tend to your men' what had he been thinking. Murdoch awkwardly nodded and walked off to organise his men, Pyp moved to speak to Garth missing the furtive glances of the dragoons.

"Things have changed now Garth, you must be careful how you speak" he said softly meaning it for Garths ears only.

"Does that mean I can no longer breathe without your express permission" said Garth his face twisting and his eyes rolled.

"No it means you must defer to me in all situations and address me by my given rank" replied Pyp, his words wooden as he repeated the lesson in etiquette he had received as a boy.

"I'll keep that in mind sire" said Garth the low tone brooked no response as he gave a fast and sloppy bow. Pyp sighed as he watched Garth walk over to a nearby wall and lean back, glaring at Captain Murdoch.

The statue of the Mermaiden loomed tall in the distance despite its diminutive height, Pyps gaze was drawn to it once again. He approached the foot of the statue, slowly walking up its crooked steps. An inscription was chiseled in the stone where she stood, 'The Fishermans Mermaiden, laid down by Baron Wenceslas the First in 960 Hk'. The statue had been built 62 years ago, during the reign of the first Baron of Finepoint. Pyp remembered his lessons in the High Kingdom's history, and a great general of High King Maws led the conquest of the Southlands and for his victories he was given its jewel. Finepoint. This must have been built to appease the locals thought Pyp, if it had been built for Pyp he would have been offended it was not the most impressive statue. Pyp turned and marched back to his small force, his curiosity satisfied. The dragoons were busy tending to their wounded and Murdoch was surrounded by a small number of soldiers who by their sashes Pyp identified as Sergeants.

"Sire come we must discuss our next move" shouted Murdoch waving at Pyp, he looked over at Garth who was still stood by his barrel.

Pyp watched him shake his head and turn away. Pyp felt alone despite the presence of men all around him, more alone than he had in a long time.

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