《A Man At Arms》Chapter 20


Arthur couldn't miss the Barons Keep, it dominated Finepoints horizon, it's ugly utilitarian architecture made it stand out from the lushly decorated buildings it towered over. Large keeps dotted with murder holes stood either side a massive arch, a large wooden gate stood wrapped in bands of steel. Arthur knew in that moment the sergeants plan was doomed to fail, no man no matter how nimble could climb those walls. They were made of glistening granite, not a single crack or furrow blemished it. Arthur was not close enough to see what was happening at the foot of the gate but he heard the unmistakable sounds of battle, the clash of metal and the screams of the wounded. He hurried down a massive boulevard rotting flags depicting the heraldry of the Baron hung from the homes of minor lords and ladies who were given permission to live near the Barons fortress. Arthur broke out into a sprint, he needed to get to Els, the noises coming from up ahead were getting quieter. Arthur was worried they would be massacred before he could reach them.

Arthur came upon a familiar scene of carnage, Els and her watchmen had been attacked outside of the gatehouse. Her men had been pushed back into a defensive semi circle. Arthur could see Els stood behind the battle line shouting encouragement to the men, the sergeant was stood behind her organizing the soldiers who were scattered behind her. Waves of possessed slowly clashed with the front row of halberds. Short bouts of intense fighting broke out along the battle line as the possessed pulled men from their defensive position and tore them apart. The battle hadn't been happening for long Arthur thought, only a handful of men lay dead on the street. More possessed poured out of the Barons keep, they began to slowly surround their position. Some of the shambling horrors turned to face Arthur, he'd been spotted. He wasn't going to wait for them to come to him, Arthur sprung forward sword drawn. The possessed were well armoured but whatever the witch had done to them had taken away most of their skill, they stumbled forward swinging clumsily at Arthur. Arthur cut them down with ease, only a small number of them had moved to engage him. Another wave had thrown themselves onto the front line and judging from the screams they inflicted heavy damage. A deafening roar spread through the square, Arthur knew that ment the bonemen were here. A dozen hunched figures moved into view behind the semi-circle of fighting men. Arthur had fought those things before and knew the watchmen would not last long. He pushed forward cutting down any possessed which stood in his way, he made it to the front line of halberds.


Els saw him "Arthur? what are you doing here, how did you escape!" she shouted over the noise of the battle.

Arthur was too busy defending himself from the masses of possessed to reply. He felt strong hands grab his shoulders and pull him back, for a moment he thought that the bonemen had reached them but he spun his head and saw two watch men pulling him behind the battle line. Arthur looked up at Els, worried she would order him to restrained.

"Arthur, I don't know how you're here but I could use your help" said Els a flash of fear rippling across her face.

It was gone as quickly as it came. Arthur was impressed with Els, she had kept the fear at bay and managed to keep a cool head in the chaos, unlike the sergeant. Sergeant Rodrim was a mess, Arthur could see he was cowering in fear barely holding himself together. The men behind him were scattered and it would not take long before they ran thought Arthur, and when that happened it would all be over. Arthur nodded at Els and said "we need to retreat, this position is to open and we've got bonemen".

Arthur pointed behind Els, this time she went white with fear. Their numbers had increased and the shambling horde would soon be upon them. Els was lost for words, her mouth worked up and down like a fish, "get these men ready to move" Arthur said gently shaking her shoulder "I'll give us a chance to withdraw".

He moved through the scattered throngs of men shouting at them to form ranks, the men responded sluggishly moving into a sloppy line eyes darting around.

"With me!" He shouted holding his sword above his head.

The front line was still under sporadic attack from the possessed, their polearms were keeping them at bay but the constant fighting was taking it's toll on the men. Their hands were shaking and they struggled to hold their halberds. Arthur led his line away from the semi circle, they were eager to get away from the melee and started to move quicker and the line became even less ordered.

"Halt" shouted Arthur in his best commanders voice, "line up ladies, halberds down" he had to shove men into line and pull halberds down.

"Any man turns and runs I'll cut them down myself" taking position behind the men.

Arthur got many venomous glares from the watchmen, he paid them no heed, they were required to fight and die they didn't need to like him.

"Forward" they moved forward slowly, Arthur moved up and down the line shouting at men who fell behind.

Arthurs watchmen sped up before slamming into the disorganized mass of possessed, the possessed crumbled under the weight of the charge and soon the possessed had been pushed away from Els's men.


"Withdraw" Arthur shouted at Els, she responded quickly gathering her men around her and jogging away. She withdrew quickly and lost a number of men when the battle line folded in on itself, however brave she was Arthur could see she was not experienced in battle formations. Arthur moved over shouting as he went, they needed to reform the line. His own men were buckling and Arthur had to press his sword into a number of backs to stop them pulling away from the line. The approaching men had broke formation and were running for Arthurs line, Els had fallen behind the retreating men and was getting dangerously close to the possessed.

"Hold the line!"shouted Arthur as he pushed forward and dashed toward Els.

She was fending off a well armoured possessed warrior, Els was clearly the superior swordsman but her short sword was not getting through. Arthur grabbed the blade of his sword and swung the pommel down onto the possessed helmet hard. It hit the head with a satisfying crack and the possessed fell back into the crowd. Arthur pushed Els behind him as he cut down more possessed. The men had formed into one long line two men deep, Arthur could see a young man moving up and down the line instructing men into place. Arthur got behind the wall of halberds and was relieved to see Els was also there safely. They needed to get away from the Barons keep, Arthur hoped the possessed would not abandon the keep to follow them. Arthur head screaming come from further down the line, a number of men lay dead on the ground, their bodies were horribly mutilated. The bonemen had arrived. In an instant the situation changed, men broke ranks and ran as fast as they could and the bonemen tore through the watchmen each one killing three or four men before being brought down. Els stood firm trying to rally men around her, they just ran past her some dropping their weapons to move faster. It was hopeless thought Arthur the majority of the men had broke and soon the rest would follow, and most would be cut down trying to escape.

"Come on move" he shouted at Els pulling her away.

The bonemen were currently cutting the rest of the watchmen to pieces, it was their only opportunity to escape.

"We can't leave, we must get into the keep" insisted Els resisting Arthurs grip.

"It's over Els, there's no way to get into that keep" said Arthur pulling her away more forcefully "staying here will only lead to more pointless deaths".

"None of these death were pointless, they all died in defence of their city" replied Els through gritted teeth.

Straining against Arthur grip. "I doubt they feel the same way" said Arthur easily overpowering Els and dragging her away from the fighting.

Els screamed as a boneman landed right behind her. She dived past Arthur dodging a blade, Arthur wasn't so lucky, the blade slammed into his side. The force of the blow pushed Arthur aside. His sword flashed around and was deflected by the boneman. Arthur engaged the abomination in a furious exchange of blows. Els lay on the ground and watched the duel in awe. Slowly Arthur gained the upper hand, severing one of the bonemans arms, the things face twisted into a parody of pain as Arthur sliced through its head.

"RUN" he screamed as two more bonemen shambled toward him.

He and Els ran down the boulevard at full sprint, all around them bonemen lept down from the roofs to land on fleeing watchmen. Two men ahead of them were impaled on the end of bone blades the length of spears, a huge boneman the size of three men let out a bestial roar as it began to cut through swathes of retreating men. Els grabbed Arthur and pulled him toward one of the large buildings, she pulled at the door desperately trying to force it open. It was a solid door and refused to budge, Arthur took a step back and threw himself through the window. Blood was streaming down his face, the wound he took back at the dungeon had torn itself open and many shards of glass were stuck in his face. Els hopped in behind him, Arthur groaned as he pulled himself off the ground.

"I have to stop doing that" he said to himself as he followed Els into the house.

When they were far away from the broken window Els slumped against the wall.

"What do we do now" she said breathing heavily.

"We find Pyp and we get the hell out of this city" said Arthur.

"Pyp" said Els slowly "You're still looking for him".

"Yes, and I need you to lead me to the Bank" he said.

"So thats why you came" said Els.

"Why else would I be here" said Arthur looking confused.

Els looked down at the ground "I thought you may have came to help with my quest".

Well that was never going to happen thought Arthur, even before he had been betrayed as soon as Pyp was found they would have left Finepoint.

"Come on, lets get going" said Arthur.

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