《Guns in another world》Registration



"Why would I need to prove anything to you, and what kind of surprise a rank-zero kid like you would give me, a descendent of the Wilson family" said Cloud with a derisive tone.

" True, not proving is your choice & as for what I can give you.." said Fionn while walking towards Cloud, a couple feet away from Cloud, Fionn stopped and raised his hand.

Seeing Fionn raise his hand Cloud flinched, while the previous punch replayed in his mind, but what Cloud saw afterwards blew his heart out.

After Fionn raised his hands, mysterious tattoos started appearing in his hand and a red light in the shape of a wolf's head began to emanate from his chest.

An unusual red energy came out of Fionn's raised hand, resembling a red fog and lingered there.

" Can you feel it?" Questioned Fionn with a smile.

Nodded Cloud while staring at Fionn's raised hand as if enchanted.

" Well, you know what to do, if you want to get it, " said Fionn, simultaneously retracting the energy into his body with the energy gone the tattoos and the light from his chest also disappeared.

"Nooooooo!" howled Cloud as if his wife had been stolen.

Fionn looked at him speechless and said "stop acting like a child, aren't you a tough guy"

Hearing Fionn sarcastic words Cloud coughed and dusted his non existing clothes and said " All right, I accept your challenge, but aren't you too arrogant by showing me the thing I needed on my turf, on top of that demanding conditions."

Fionn grin and said with a provocative tone" You try Forcing it from me"

Glaring at Fionn for a while, Cloud sighed and said " I can tell from your demeanour that you are not a commoner, I don't even know your motives for helping me, but I need that thing you possess, it's the only hope I've seen in the last two years.


"Wow, that's unlike your prideful self" said Fionn while clapping.

"Pride, what do I have to be proud of, my rank? Long gone, my family? they don't care about me, nor respect me"

Said Cloud with a sad tone.

"Well, you have an opportunity now, go work hard to seize it," said Fionn as he walked towards the building.

He then suddenly stops and after turning around said" A free tip for you, if possible, leave your home, it is not good to live in a toxic environment, their numerous opportunities awaiting you outside.

Cloud got a thoughtful look on his face as he watched Fionn walk into the building. .

Fionn has two reasons for helping Cloud.

First of all, Cloud reminds him of his friend from his previous life who became a delinquent after getting some setbacks in his life and got into some legal troubles later in his life, that incident made him pretty sad, so he didn't want Cloud to go through the same.

Second, he could feel that Cloud has great potential, it's not just an intuition, but he felt it through his SMG Avatar.

Upon entering the building, Fionn sighed as he saw the damage done.

"Do I have to pay for all this?" thought Fionn with a heartache.

The place was quite empty in the first place, but after Cloud's appearance, it became deserted, because people avoid him like the plague.

Following the directions displayed, Fionn came in front of a counter, he then asked the lady behind the counter, with an apologetic face" how much do I have to pay for the damage."

"You don't have to pay for the damage, that's the bosses order." Said the lady while looking at Fionn with a intense glimmer in her eyes.

Unsettled by her intense gaze, Fionn asked with a forced smile "why?"

" Don't know" replied the lady, this time a bit mindful and embarrassed.

Unable to understand the situation, Fionn shamelessly threw it to the back of his mind, and asked" How do I proceed with my registration?"

" Just pay me 10 mana crystal and go to the first floor, the staff there will explain you the further details." Answered the lady with a professional smile while handing Fionn a token.

Fionn nodded and paid her the crystals, then started walking towards the first floor.

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