《Guns in another world》Aftermath


After what seemed like an eternity, Fionn's head cleared up.

While Fionn opened his eyes, he could see a land that appeared to be wrecked by a storm.

As Fionn was wondering what had happened here, Oliver's voice came from his behind " you woke up."

Fionn turned around and saw Oliver heading toward him, looking exhausted.

"What happened here and why do you look so exhausted?" Questioned Fionn confused.

Oliver sighed and answered" it's all caused by your awakening, you released quite a lot of mana, wrecking everything within a 100m radius."

Then, while pointing at the red gem at Fionn's chest, he continued," You've been unconscious for a day, during this time quite a lot of beasts have been attracted by that thing on your chest, from rank 0 to rank 2 a lot of them came, heck! Even a couple of rank 3 beast was drawn, I didn't use any high grade spells because It would've alerted the nobles in the kingdom, I think you should do something about it as soon as possible, otherwise the situation would be rather complicated if the nobles got wind of this situation. " Said Oliver with a grim tone.

Finn touched the crystal on his chest, he knew what this thing is, it's a component of the innate spell that he got from his SMG, it can house his bonded beast and also store the blood energy of his slain enemies.

" I'll take care of it now, " said Fionn, as he walked toward ether who was sitting on the side, while impatiently looking towards him.

Ether seeing Fionn walking towards him started growling excitedly.

Seeing Ether this excited, Fionn smiled and said while rubbing Ethers fur "Buddy do want to be my summoned beast."


Hearing Fionn's words Ether growled and started licking Fionn's face, as if affirming to his proposal.

"Grandpa could you Gimme a dagger." Said Fionn.

The ring in Oliver's finger flashed and a dagger appeared in his hand, which he passed to Fionn.

Holding the dagger Fionn cut open a little wound in Ether's paw and squeezed a drop of blood out.

Fionn then applied this drop of blood to the crystal in his chest, suddenly a blinding red light started to radiate from the crystal and Ether's body began to transform into red fog.

The red fog started converging towards the crystal and disappeared.

After the light from the crystal stopped radiating Fionn can see the outline of the crystal has changed from a diamond to a Wolf head.

While looking at all this Oliver asked, curiously " What kind of avatar did you get."

Listening to Oliver's question, Fionn raised his hand, while the green light flashed a desert eagle materialized in his hand.

Looking at the oddly shaped object Oliver questioned with a weird tone"what is this."

"It's a gun." replied Fionn patiently.

" What can it do and how did you even awaken this." Questioned Oliver, sceptical.

"I don't know how I awakened this avatar, and about what it can do" answered Fionn, as he pointed the gun towards a boulder in the distance.

With a BANG, a green mana bullet fired from the gun drilling a hole through the boulder.

"I have not experienced any deadly poisons yet, otherwise the results would've been more then that." Thought Fionn.

" That's pretty incredible, " said Oliver with a bit of a surprise.

" I've awakened a few more guns, they do pretty much the same things." Said Fionn, unwilling to explain much because of the shock it would cause.


Oliver nodded and made no comment about Fionn's Shameless behaviour.

"Grandpa, do you have any clothes of my size," asked Fionn Embarrassed looking at his practically naked body.

Oliver chuckled, as he took out a white tuxedo with black trims along with matching white shirt and black pants.

"I bought this for Keith as an apology for not being present at his granddaughter's awakening, but I couldn't give it to him because of what happened after Gin's awakening, this should fit you perfectly, you can wear it I'll buy him another one." Said Oliver, as he handed the dress to Fionn.

"Thanks grandpa, I Will go and take a bath now."said Fionn.

"Go bath at the Stream in the forest, our villa is wrecked, and go to the city after that, you should register yourself at the skyfort, also keep your stuff in this from now on." Replied Oliver while handing Fionn a space ring.

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