《Dark Matter》Chapter 11 - Western Dalia


Chapter 11 - Western Dalia

Raiden sat beside Kai and across from Alex in the restaurant they had visited for dinner. Originally, the two sixteen-year-olds had intended to simply purchase fast food, but Alex insisted they buy a full meal, saying they had to celebrate Raiden being a Superior.

Since the meal was on Alex’s dime, the three had decided to order a small pizza entree and individual meals. Kai ordered a Chicken Pesto pasta dish, Raiden followed suit by ordering Carbonara, in severe need of carbs and calories from all of today’s physical activity. Despite paying for it himself, Alex decided to go for steak and potatoes with fried asparagus. The third most expensive item on the menu...

“Just how much money do you have?” Kai supplied, asking the same question Raiden had in mind.

“I’m not rich by any means, but I figure we should celebrate, it’s not exactly a small deal y’know.” Alex replied, “When my family learned I was special, they threw a party, saying I was the pride of the family.” His smile waned, “My younger brother, didn’t have the same opportunity. That’s why I joined the Pathfinders, to give him a chance to shine as well.” he added.

I should have known, despite his outwardly optimistic outlook, it wasn’t exactly sunshine and rainbows for him either. Kai looked like he was having similar thoughts to Raiden.

“Anyways, what did you want to do his the city, Raiden?” Salem changed the topic, reading the room.

“Well, there are a few things... “ he said, in turn, his hands combing through his hair. “First, I need to get my hair cut, I also need some more clothes, then I wanted to look at some weapons.”

“Weapons?” his two rivals asked in sync. “Why are you looking at weapons?” Alex added.

“Well, I figure that if I’m going to be joining rogues eventually, I should buy some decent weapons so I can get used to them sooner,” Raiden replied nonchalantly.

“Hold on, you’re joining a monster-hunting company?” Kai quickly said, shocked. “But why? You’re not gonna have any free time, what about your academy studies?” he continued, “What’s your family gonna say? I know mine wouldn’t be thrilled…”

“I agree, I can understand your desire to prepare, but you’d grow exhausted in no time, and what are you gonna tell em’ when you graduate?” Alex added, concerned.

Their meals arrived and Raiden took a sip of his soft drink before answering seriously. “Firstly, my family won’t be bothered.”

“Second, I don’t have much to do in my free time anyway, I plan on spending most of my time practicing. Lastly, I won’t be joining full-time, even better now that I know I’m a dark-wielding Superior, they’re likely to pick me regardless.”


“Still…” Alex added before Kai chimed in.

“But to do something like that alone, I’m aware that you’d be joining a group, but you won’t know any of them, and rogues can be kind of sketchy.” Kai finished.

Raiden knew that they were partially correct, but this was the fastest way to gain strength, the fastest way to provide for his sister, the fastest way to find the man who killed his father, the fastest way to look that man in the eyes, and take his life. “My mind is made, I’ve got my reasons.”

The three of them left it at that, moving on they didn’t say much. Dinner was finished not long after, and Alex and Kai left to explore the shopping district while Raiden left to get his hair done. It had grown out in the weeks since his birthday, himself not having had it cut for a while now. It was beginning to get in his eyes and disturb him.

After getting it cut, he went to his bank, withdrawing money he knew he’d need later. However, instead of running into the other two as he’d planned, he first found Olivia walking on the street, looking a little lost.

“Hey, you alright?” Raiden asked her before she turned to face him, surprised.

“Ah-, Uh Yes, of course I am,” she replied, stuttering before fixing her posture and looking at him properly now, only slightly shorter than Raiden himself. “Say, do you know where I might find the shopping district?” she asked nervously. “I was visiting with some acquaintances and they seem to have lost me.”

So she got lost… “I’m actually on my way there right now, just follow me if you don’t mind.” He responded, Olivia hesitating before following after him.

She must be from a rich family, I just can’t really see her fitting in with the other students here. He thought but kept it to himself. It wasn’t Raiden’s place to judge her, perhaps she wasn’t as high and mighty as she’d seemed.

“Are you sure you know where you’re going, er- Raisen?” she asked, it having only been about a minute since they’d started walking.

“Raiden” he corrected, “And yes, I’ve been here once before for a job, we’re not too far.”

In the five or so minutes they had spent walking towards the shopping district, Olivia made a few comments on Raiden’s newfound abilities. Asking simple things akin to what Alex and Kai had asked before.

Arriving at the agreed-upon area, Raiden found Alex and Kai talking to two other female students who seemed to be browsing as well.

“Oh! Olivia, where did you wander off to this time? You keep getting lost!” the taller one exclaimed, provoking a response from the woman.


“Wha- I wasn’t lost! I was just... Looking around.” she said timidly, “Besides, I’m not used to the streets here yet, so it’s not my fault!”

The two others laughed, Alex finding himself chuckling as well, Kai far too intimidated to add anything to the conversation. Raiden had noticed as much in the short time he knew the boy, Salem didn’t respond well to crowds and people, much too shy to properly interact. This of course wasn’t the case in battle, the man still knowing how to carry himself under pressure.

Raiden found himself in a group of six now, Olivia, Claire, and Alyssa having joined them now.

They wandered the streets for a while, occasionally entering shops, Raiden picking out some new hooded sweatshirts, a few pairs of tracks, and light athletic wear. Mainly general apparel that he found light and mobile enough to warrant wearing it in combat.

Most articles of clothing he picked were monochrome, accenting his freshly cut white hair nicely.

When the girls had decided to return home, the men made their way towards the weapon merchants to accompany Raiden.

Browsing the merchandise, all three were surprised by not only the wide selection but the price. Everything was incredibly expensive, even the items on the cheaper end easily costing about two thousand Ukeronian dollars, the currency used on the continent Dalia found itself in; Ukerion.

Raiden was aware that blacksmithing had become a lucrative profession in the modern age, rifles losing their luster due to their inability to be wielded with elemental matter.

It was nightfall when Raiden had found a pair of twin daggers he’d liked. After having spent about an hour looking at varying arms, he had come across only a few nice blades. Some being ridiculously expensive, some not being intended to be dual-wielded. But these… Raiden watched the dark light of the moon, Xithor, shine down on the spines of the daggers. They were a pair, both being double-edged and made of shined steel, cobalt accents lining the hilt and pommel of the weapons.

It was well crafted, the blade was made of steel, keeping the price low, at least compared to many of the other choices. It was just over four thousand units of currency, it would leave Raiden with much less than he had calculated, but if he earned some money with a company, he could account for the difference. Considering it for a small time, he knocked on the glass, catching the attention of the frail but wise-looking merchant who sold the armaments.

“Are you truly going to spend tha-” Kai was promptly interrupted by a man who instigated a conversation with Raiden.

“Why hello there young’n.” The merchant looked with a curious look at the three young men, “You looking for something boy? These weapons aren’t toys, as I’m sure you’re aware.”

Raiden sighed and took out his ID, identifying himself as a student of Frontline and a prospective Pathfinder. “These daggers, I’d like to purchase them.”

He dropped the cash he’d withdrew earlier on the man’s countertop, showing that he was serious.

“I see, a customer then.” The salesman counted the three thousand dollars on the table and countered. “Thirty-Eight Hundred, I won’t offer you any lower.” the man finished, Raiden dropped another five hundred dollars on the counter and the man smirked.

“Deal!” The old man grinned eagerly and handed the boy his sharp new toys.

Turning, Raiden walked over to the nearby bench, where Alex and Salem had been listening in to their dealings.

“Y’know, you’re surprisingly good for someone so young, where’d ya learn to haggle like that?” Alex asked him earnestly.

“I come from poverty, to be completely honest with you. Money was tight, we made do,” he replied, holding two sheathed daggers.

“I see,” he added with a sullen expression.

“Anyways, it’s getting late, I’m gonna start heading back to the dorms, you both gonna follow?” Raiden asked, not wanting to stay under the lamp-lit shopping district any longer than they had to now that he was equipped with what he needed, his pockets significantly lighter, however.

“So where’d you get the money, if you don’t mind me asking, those daggers weren’t exactly cheap…” Kai asked, following him, Alex giving him a dispirited look.

“I’d rather not say where.” It’s none of their business, besides, I really don’t know them all that well. Raiden shook off his darker thoughts and returned to walking.

“I see, apologies,” Kai said apologetically, immediately realizing his error before Alex laughed.

“Cheer up, let’s just get you both back to the dorms, my apartment is north from here, the residential area, so I’ll be splitting off now.” Alex added, “I’ll see you both tomorrow, til’ then!” he finished, turning and walking north.

Raiden didn’t speak much with Kai after that, the other boy too embarrassed to initiate a conversation with Raiden following his blunder. It was nearly 10 PM now, Raiden reading one of the books his father had purchased. Which pf course found itself collecting dust in a closet. He sat on the provided couch in his modernized dorm while listening to the ambiance of music playing in his background.

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