《Rantings of the Broken》Question and Answer


I want to take a little time for you guys to ask some questions and I'll answer as honestly as I can. No crap about like what my social security number (if you want to know it is 11 😉) because I will not answer those questions. Any questions or advice is needed and wanted! I am always grateful for your guy's advice and care about my wellbeing, y'all are amazing. Even if I'm a moody broken bean, I really appreciate even you guys just commenting on my rantings. I am going through a hard time (if you guys didn't know that, then I am like shocked and wonder if you think I'm referencing my Aunt Sheniqua) and I just want to say that you guys do make my day better. Ranting does help me see my thoughts and help me think through them, so I'm grateful for those of you who voted for me to continue my rantings.

Again, I'll answer the questions as best I can and I'll post my responses in another chapter.

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