《Rantings of the Broken》Author Note


So in case if y'all didn't know, I'm going to continue to write the rants (yay)! Thank you to the two people who voted in my last poll because you guys are the ones who made sure that my rants will still be a thing. So if you are one of these two people, give yourself a pat on the back.

I also want to thank everyone who has commented, sent me a pm, or just read my rants. It's because of you that the Rantings of the Broken is still alive, so thank you for that. Thanks for letting me rant and ramble about whatever the heck I feel like, it does help and (again) I'm very grateful for your guy's comments and advice.

On a different note, I don't want to keep rambling on and on about the same things and I wouldn't mind talking about stuff you guys suggest. I created a discord channel (check out this link to access it: https://discord.gg/Y5SGxP ) so you guys can talk to me more and maybe give me more advice and whatnot on there. If you would like me to talk about a certain subject (my pov might depend on my mood, so maybe include that as well) please send me a pm, comment, or send a message over discord.

You all are amazing and thank you for everything! We'll see where the rantings of the broken take us next!

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