《Emperor Of The End of Times》Chapter 7: Survivors


Zhao Ruxue is a thirty-two years ‘old woman, she is a teacher at the university of science of Beijing, she took a week off work to take care of her sister who is ill because her husband was on a business trip.

But what she didn’t even think of was that the end of the world just happened when she took vacation, she witnessed how her bedridden sister who had a severe cold transformed into an ugly creature in the span of a few minutes.

Fleeing from the house she noticed that many of these creatures filled the streets and slaughtered the remaining normal people.

Overwhelmed by fear she hastily took refuge in a hotel, there was also many other survivors, men and women and even children.

For the first two days everything was alright, there was a reserve of food so they didn’t starve, but by the third day things began to become ugly, the food decreased and wasn’t enough for dozens of people.

Quarrels happened from time to time and finally an old woman couldn’t take it and died of sickness, the survivors then panicked and didn’t know what to do.

Observing those people Zhao Ruxue noticed that some of the men began to have a different look in their eyes, they became easily irritated and even beat some of the women, seeing no one resisting them their behaviour worsened as time passes by.

Zhao ruxue wasn’t stupid, she knew what will happen if things continue like this, but what can she do? going out is a death wish, what can a weak woman do against those monsters, what was even more frightening is that yesterday they saw a horde of hideous giant rats flooding the streets which filled her mind with even more fear.

Then the Zhao ruxue who was always by the window saw an unbelievable sight , the survivors were on the top floor of the hotel which was the tenth floor , they hide inside a spacious conference like room , Zhao ruxue hade a panoramic view of the streets below , she saw a black cloaked man with a tang sword killing some sub Humans and remnants of these terrifying rats , she couldn’t see his face because it was hidden under the hood , his figure was tall and full of strength.

What was even more surprising is that after killing these monsters he walked toward the hotel and entered inside.

Zhao ruxue eyes then lit up, she wasn’t an ignorant woman, quite the contrary being a young female teacher at a university full of old male professors with a mind full of archaic thinking she knew that the strange powerful man was her only chance to leave this place.


Suddenly a cry was heard inside the lobby, turning her head, Zhao Ruxue expression turned ugly, the worst thing finally happened.

One of the prettier young women was caught by one of the men and dragged in another room in front of the frightened eyes of the other people, no one tried to save her, they all lowered their heads in fear.

The man expression was evil and wretched, Zhao ruxue was filthy due to her fleeing wasn’t noticed yet, she lowered her head thinking about how she can contact the black clothed man.


After the crisis of mutant rat horde, Ju long didn’t rest for a long time and departed, now it was afternoon he wanted to find a safe place to spend the night.

Ju long has already crossed three or four streets, along the way he killed some sub humans and even some mutant rats, what made him extremely happy is that he collected another 1 ml of Barrisium, so he was eager to find a place quickly.


Crossing another street, he noticed that there was a hotel on the other side, this hotel was a good place, the height is appropriate, so the top floor should be free from danger.

“then it decided”

Ju long passed through the main entrance, the reception was wrecked badly, it looked like a hurricane just passed by, the sofas were destroyed, the floor was tainted with black dried blood, some bones were even scattered here and there.

Walking slowly, Ju long hand was always on the hilt of his sword, looking around he found an elevator, pushing the button he was surprised that it was still working.

When the doors opened, a stench instantly filled the air, a corpse was lying there, it was in a state of decomposition, and worms were jumping around inside the decaying meat.

Examining the corpse, Ju Long noticed that it was a young man in his teens, a big wound was on the side of his stomach, clearly a bite mark, looking carefully Ju long brows were knitted together.

“this wound …”

It was too big for it to be inflicted by a sub human and he can also be sure that it wasn’t a mutant rat because the traces of teeth aren’t comparable to the small sized jaw of a rat.

Maybe this building is hiding a dangerous mutant animal, that’s what Ju long idea was, based on the corpse he could easily imagine what happened.

The young man was surely running away before being bitten by something making him loose a large chunk of flesh, so he hides inside the elevator but with too much blood loss he still died in the end.

From the outside there was also a slight dent on the metallic door meaning that there was some impact due to a collision.

“for the time being let’s go to the top floor “

Ju long ignored the corpse and the stench and pressed the tenth-floor button.

Arriving without a problem the elevator made the familiar sound and the doors separated, a corridor appeared in his field of vision, there was a long red carpet on the floor extending to the two extremities.

There was no blood on the walls and nor residual limbs, it was clean indicating that nothing happened on this floor.

Ju long inspected some rooms and was going to choose one to spend the night but then his ears suddenly twitched.

“this sound …”

He heard a female cry, coming from the other end of the corridor, it was almost inaudible but Ju long wouldn’t think it was an illusion he is confident about his hearing.

“meaning there are survivors here “

Ju long walked toward the source of the sound and a large wooden door appeared in front of him, this was a special room.

Opening the doors what appeared in front of him are a large conference room with a dozen of frightened eyes staring at him stunned.

Ju long was wearing a black clock and his body was hidden from head to toe, his appearance with his tall height, hidden face and the sword on his waist made them have the illusion of seeing the god of death so they screamed with fear and gathered in a corner trembling.

But then there was an exception, a dirty woman was looking at him with a strange look, that wasn’t fear and Ju long even saw traces of hope from her gaze.

Looking at her carefully, Ju long felt a sense of familiarity but with all the dirt he couldn’t recall who she is, the woman state was embarrassing and her hair was filthy but from the traits of her face Ju long can definitely conclude that it’s a beauty.


Ju long ignored the scared people and walked toward the dirty woman gazing at her with an expressionless face.

“what is happening here?”

The woman looked at the tall man and was dumbfounded.

“this voice …a..are you Ju long ?”

Ju long was then taken aback.

“how do you know me?”

Ju long then took off his hood and revealed his face.

The people still huddled together in their corner were now frozen, the god of death was in reality a young man.

The woman was further surprised, what appeared in her eyes was a handsome and delicate face but it was filled with coldness and the eyes were sharp like an eagle, the long hair was messy but added a trace of wild taste to his temperament.

The woman gaze made Ju long uncomfortable.

“I said do I know you?”

The woman then was driven out from her dazed state and trembled with excitement.

“Ju long its me your teacher Zhao Ruxue!”

Ju long hearing the name was stunned.

“Zhao ruxue …the physics teacher?”

“yes! it’s me I was your teacher in your third year”


Ju long flatly responded but in fact he was feeling nostalgic, he certainly knew this woman and he suddenly was deep in his memories.

Zaho ruxue a charming mature teacher, all the male students had a crush on her and was their dream lover but what made Ju long remember her wasn’t that.

This beautiful woman always helped him in his studies, and hearing that his only parent, his father disappearing, she felt sympathetic about him and always tried to be of assistance when in need.

When the tragic abandonment of his fiancé happened and in his most miserable moment, he met Zhao ruxue by chance and was consoled by her for hours.

That is why he had a special feeling for this woman, looking at her now she was so embarrassed and awkward he felt a little pity for her.

“teacher tell me what happened, I heard some cries”

Zhao Ruxue eyes were filled with fear and disgust but when she was going to explain, suddenly a door of a certain room was rudely opened followed by the appearance of three different men, one of them still adjusting his pants.

“man, these chicks were something else!”

“don’t tell me, the body of that college girl was so supple hahaha!!”

“brother her mouth was so slippery, if I could I would go another round “

All types of filthy sentences were spurted by them, looking at their appearance, one of them was fat with a bald head wearing a gold chain on his neck, another was tall and well built but his features were mean and his skin was somewhat dark, the last one was a muscular brawny with curly hair.

Noticing the intruder, the three of them were stunned before having a vigilant expression.

“who are you?”

The fat man asked glaring at Ju long.

Ju long looked at them coldly before taking some steps and glancing inside the room.

Ju long knew that in the apocalypse, moral ethics and principles will be destroyed and all types of inhuman acts would see the light but calm as he is, he still felt a terrible wrath invading his mind.

The sight in front of him was so miserable that his forehead was full of veins protruding.

Three women were inside the now filthy room, they were naked and full of bruises, one of them wasn’t even 18 years old.

One was lying on the floor with her legs open and her hands attached, some disgusting white liquid was covering her privates.

Another was trembling in a corner her mouth full of blood.

All three of them had a gaze void of emotions, Ju long retracted his gaze and stared at the three men in front of him.

“what? kid, why are you glaring at us?

“do you want to play the hero?”

The three men were looking at the sword that Ju long had on his waist.

“don’t think that you have a sword that you can scare us “

The tall and thin man saw that Ju long was silent thought that he was timid and walked toward him with disdain.

“kid, give me that sword or I will make you feel miserable “

Extending his hand to the sword, he thought that he could take it but then his wrist was immediately caught and couldn’t reach the weapon.

“what are you trying to rebel”

Ju long gaze became extremely cold, so cold that the room temperature felt like dropping all of sudden, then with lightning actions withdrew his sword from its sheath and slashed without the slightest hesitation.

An arm flew high and fell on the floor, a stream of blood spurted out from the wound and a miserable cry rang inside the room.

“what! Ahhhhh!! my arm! My fucking arm!!!!”

Not waiting for him to continue screaming another flash of light ended the cries and a head still having an expression full of pain flew.

All the people inside the room froze momentarily.

“ahhh killing !!!”

Some people screamed with fear.

The headless body of the tall thin man crumbled on the floor, Ju long expression was light without the slightest fluctuation, it was like killing a fly.

All along his years of survival he didn’t even remember how many people he killed.

The remaining fat man and brawny looked at Ju long like seeing a devil, they have never seen a person kill without the slightest emotion, this made them have cold sweat all over their body.

Ju long bloodthirsty aura emanated from him covering the two men amplifying their terror.

“please don’t kill us! …please we know we are wrong please!”

“yes, yes, little brother I ask you to spare us we will do everything you want us to do in the future”

Finally, the two kneeled on the floor weeping like two abandoned dogs.

Ju long still looking cold gazing at them with deep disdain.

“I don’t need dead people to serve under me”

The sword flashed and two other headless bodies were on the floor, cleaning his blade from all the blood, it was recovered in the scabbard elegantly.

The two heads still with unbelievable expression laid on the floor, just moments ago they were indulging in pleasure and now they were dead, fate is amusing.

Zhao ruxue was looking at the back of Ju long Absentmindedly

“is this still the introverted and shy student I know?”

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