《One Punch Man : The New Saitama》House of Evolution last part


Even with an army of clones, powerful mysterious beings and incredibly advanced traps, Dr.Genus couldn't stop those accursed heroes. It took them only 10 minutes to find him, having destroyed everything on their way.

He knew he could count on his most powerful creature to kill some of them, but he wasn't confident in said creature ability to kill ALL of them. He had to find a way to escape from his house of evolution, and he needed to find it quickly.

" THEY ARE COMING!!!" Screamed one of his clones.

" Activate the auto-turrets" Said Genus, annoyed by how his clones were unable to handle the situation. Well it was normal considering that they weren't perfect and still needed a few improvements, but it was still annoying.

" B-But sir! They already destroyed them!!" Said the same clone who was screaming a few seconds prior.

"* sigh* Then activate the hidden walls, we need to stop them." Said Genus, only to groan as his clone told him that this trap had been destroyed too.

" Well then, what is still working ?"

".....U-Ummm, sir. All the traps were destroyed. The S-Class Hero child Emperor hacked our security system and deactivated pretty much everything in the whole building." Said a clone, sweat pouring from his forehead.

" Very well then, send Carnage Kabuto." Said Genus calmly, contrarily to his clones who were horrified by his words.

" And don't you dare to question my order!! Just do it!!" Roared Genus as he made his way to his office. He planned to wait there until Carnage Kabuto finished.....Well his carnage. He knew that there was a possiblity Carnage Kabuto would lose, but it wasn't a problem for him. He could easily escape by using the secret tunnel in his office. He could then make his way to the city and hide there for a while.


Genus was brought out of his musings when he received a certain notification, one that brought a smile to his face.

" I knew that Heroes were stupid, but that exceed my expectations. They're so stupid and arrogant, that they decided to split up, separating the stronger heroes from the weaker ones." Said Genus. He then ordered his clones to tell Carnage Kabuto about this. With some luck, Carnage Kabuto would decide to take out the weaker ones first. Actually now that he thought about it, Carnage Kabuto wqs clearly smart enough to know that this is exactly what he should be doing. How pathetic for those Pro Heroes to do something that even an insect wouldn't do.


( House of Evolution, with team Child Emperor)

" Not to call your strategy stupid, but are you sure it will work, Child Emperor ?" Asked Flashy Flash. He was quite confused as to why Child emperor would make their group split up, but the other seemed to be content with this.

" i know you're confused but trust me on this one. Team Tatsumaki is randomly wandering in this labyrinth, while we are heading right to the locationg of this Dr.Genus. I made it that way because it's quite obvious that the lone signature that i noticed before entering the building is the secret weapon of this House of Evolution. If it's this Carnage Kabuto that Mosquito Girl talked about, then it will go after team Tatsumaki without even thinking about it. They act as bait if you would. That's why the strongest Heroes of the group stayed with Tatsumaki." Said Child emperor as he looked at the small radar in his hands. And exactly like he said, Carnage Kabuto seemed to go straight for Tatsumaki and her team.


" Well it's a good plan i guess. But are you really sure that this Dr.Genus is stupid enough to send his secret weapon against the strongest heroes first?" Asked Flashy Flash. Child Emperor sighed and looked at the taller hero.

" Yes i'm sure. Mosquito Girl told us that while he's insanely good when it comes to biology and physics, he's quite bad at military strategy. He doesn't know how to command troops. That's pretty much why he only has one monster left." Said Child Emperor, feeling quite proud at the fact that the Heroes were going to win so easily.

" Ummm, Child Emperor ?" The child Hero turned around and saw Superalloy Darkshine pointing at his radar with a somewhat shocked face.

" What ?"

" Is it normal that the red dot is heading towards our location ?" Said

".....NO IT'S NOT!!!"

"Wait! What's happening ?!" Asked flashy flash when he saw that the red dot's location was changing at a frightening speed. Flashy Flash and Superalloy Darkshine then sweatdropped when they heard what Child emperor said next.

" I don't really get the 'Tornado' in 'Tornado of Terror', but it seems that the 'Terror' is quite justified."


(House of Evolution, Team Tatsumaki)

" Tatsumaki, you can stop now. He's already dead" Said Silver Fang while the other heroes winced when the huge corpse of Carnage Kabuto was crushed on the ground.

" No!! This freak nearly gave me a heart attack!!!" Yelled Tatsumaki as she continued to crush the corpse against the ground.

" I never thought that Heroes would act like that." Murmured Genos, which made tatsumaki stop while Metal Bat smirked, knowing that the cyborg had pissed tatsumaki.

" What did you say, tin can ?" Asked Tatsumaki as she faced Genos and tried to make herself look intimidating by floating in the air, just above him.

" I never thought Heroes would ruthlessly kill someone like that. I never thought Heroes would let some whiny brat throw a tantrum for such stupid reasons. And i really didn't expect that you would be more warriors than Heroes." Said Genos, as some heroes lowered their head, while Silver fang nodded and Tatsumaki bristled with anger.


" A hero saves, a warrior fights and a monster just mindlessly destroy. That's why i'm confused as to why the Hero association hired a monster to act like a hero, even though she refuses to do that and act like a warrior." Said Genos as he shook his head and just continued to walk.

"Well i guess it's not really a problem since we did beat the House of Evolution. We just need to capture Dr.Genus and it will be another victory for the Heroes." Said Genos as he snorted, while the other Heroes followed him.

None of them noticed the tears that were falling from Tatsumaki's face.

"I-I'm not a m-monster...."

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