《One Punch Man : The New Saitama》The new Saitama


It was quite hard to imagine how it would feel like to wake up in a different body than yours. Your mind will be in a complete shutdown, trying to understand what the hell was happening. And that's exactly what was going on for the young man that woke up as Saitama.

He spent an entire hours looking at himself in the mirror, trying and failing to understand how he could go from his old black-haired handsome self, to this new body. Atleast now he knew why Saitama hated being bald, it was a weird sensation to put his hand on his head and not feel any hair.

After finally understanding what happened the young man entered a new phase, denial.

"That's not possible! Like really and totally impossible! I mean how the fuck did it go from a dream to actually become Saitama?!...Maybe i'm still dreaming! Yeah, that must be it! Sometimes you think you woke up, but you're still dreaming, peacefully in your bed....Not being in another world, in the body of an overpowered bald hero...." The young man came to this conclusion, and as such spent the next hours trying to wake himself up. But of course, nothing worked.

That's why the young man was currently slouched on Saitama's couch. Which technically was his own now.

"I don't fucking get how all those protagonists from novels react so easily to this!! How the fuck am i suppose to live now that i'm in another body, in another world filled with fucking heroes and monsters?!" The young man was so mad he tried to grab his hair in frustration but grabbed nothing but air.

"AHHHH FUCK IT !!!!!" The young man yelled before rushing to Saitama's bedroom and jumping on the bed.

"I'm just gonna sleep and everything's going to be fine...." Said the young man, closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.



(2 hours later)

Now it was official, he was pissed. The young man had tried all the sleeping positions humanly possible but couldn't even sleep. It was starting to seriously get on his nerves. That's when he got an amazing idea.

"If i am Saitama, then i should have all his powers. I should go test it out!!" Shouted the young man. He was quite surprised that none of the neighbors had yelled at him to shut up with how loud he was. But then he remembered that Saitama had no neighbors. No one was stupid enough to live in the Ghost Town.

The young man searched for Saitama's costume and after finding put it on at an incredible speed.

"I now know how Superman feels when he changes clothes at super speed." Said the young man, before exiting his apartment and going on the street. He walked for half an hour, searching for a deserted area before he found a scrap yard, large enough for him to pretty much experiment anything he wanted without totally destroying the area.

"Okay....Saitama should be super fast, as shown when he used side-steps to create afterimages. So technically.....I should be able to do it." Said the young man, reassuring himself. He then got into position, prepared himself and did just that.....Side-steps. Except that it wasn't working, he was just doing normal side-steps albeit faster than how he would've been able to do it in his old body.

"Well it's kinda logical. Saitama always control his strengh, that's why he doesn't go around breaking everything he touches or walking at inhumane speed. But how the hell am i supposed to control this body when it's not mine....Well Saitama got those abilities while training, so maybe i will get them back by training too...OKAY I'M READY!!!" Shouted the young man to himself. He appeared to be quite hopeful, but he was still unsure how to react to this whole situation. However he was smart enough to not ask himself too much questions. Situations like that weren't supposed to happen, as such he wasn't going to get any answers that easily.


"Yup i should just roll with it and sees what happens." Said the young man, and with that a long and painful training began. Nah just kidding!!!


(3 days later)

It only took him three days to get Saitama's abilities back, which didn't surprise him all that much. Those abilities came from his body, and since he now had Saitama's body, he just needed to get used to it.

But now a problem came...He seriously started to hate Saitama more and more.

"HAHAH! I don't get how this dumbass could consider these abilities to be a curse! It's so fucking cooooooooool!" Yelled the man, though no one could hear him since he was high up in the air. He was currently acting like a little kid, jumping around because of how excited he was.

The feeling was intoxicating to him. All this raw power inside him filled him with an euphoria that he had never felt before. He felt like he could do anything he wanted and nothing could stop him. Which was entirely true.

"Well i should stop acting like a dumbass and get a little serious.....Firstly it looks like canon still didn't start, since Genos is nowhere to be seen and i'm not a professional Hero yet. Now that i think about it, the Hero Association was built after Agoni's grandson was saved by Saitama, which means that Saitama is the one that lead to all this. Which brings a question, why didn't Agoni contact Saitama after that ? Saitama saved his grandson and gave him the idea to create an association full of people who would save the defenseless civilians. So why the fuck did Saitama never get the recognition he deserved ?" Asked the young man, striking a thinking pose while still in the air, even though he was falling to the ground at a frightening speed.

"Well i guess i should contact Agoni myself. The only reason i can think of is that Agoni did try to reach Saitama, but Saitama like usual didn't give any fuck and just acted like everything was normal. But what should i tell him ? I can't just send him an E-mail and tell him that i'm the one who saved his grandson, only a person seeking a reward would do that. It would show me in a bad light, though i do only seek a reward. But Agoni should know Saitama's name, as such if i introduce myself as Saitama to him, he will recognize me. I should send an E-mail to him, asking if i can be registered to the Hero Association. It will seems like an innocent request from a guy who doesn't know anything about the association, and therefore Agoni wouldn't suspect a thing. Agoni would want to know if i'm really Saitama and ask me to him at the HQ. Yeah it's gonna-" Said the young man. He would've said more but he suddenly crashed into the ground, creating a small crater in front of his apartment building. The young man got out of the crater, dusted himself and smirked.

"I think it's time to change Saitama's life a little."

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