Appear to be challenging (someone) to do or prove something.
"he glowered at her, defying her to mock him."
DATE - JULY 2ND 2015
"I tried to talk to him, Alvi.." Tabby's fingers fiddled as she sat on the floor by my mattress, "It was my fault, I didn't listen..." Tabby rested a hand on my tail that had winced away out of reflex, and she also jolted her hand back. The silence was between us as she remained in thought. "I know I'll read you a story!" She then jumped up and scurried over to the small pile of books in the corner, "What do you want me to read to you?"
I squinted at her, and she sighed heavily, "Cmon, Alvi, I'm tryna make it up to you..." She had a pouty tone in her voice, "Whaddya wanna read?" I eye her again after I let off a sigh; her persistence was always enough to push me over.
However, I squinted again and forced myself to gargle to try and reference the book I'd like to read. Tabby groaned, "No way, we aren't gonna read your dumb dictionary-nerd books!" She had slumped back. I gargle in annoyance before I turned away, which did not do much as I had eyes on the back of my head.
Tabby seemed to notice a different book. She knelt down and picked it up, "Oh, Alvi!" She cooed as she loudly shuffled back.
She had the book behind her back and waited until I turned my head before she showed it off, "Ta-da!"
In her hands was a novel, with a watercolor cover and a title that read, "Oliver and the Over-sized Apricot.' Which I now know as a crude knock-off. The book pile is littered with such shameless copies like 'Donny Plates and the Wizards amulet,' or 'The Mishaps of Bruce Badger.' And so forth.
But I sigh and let myself remember the enthusiasm of Tabby as she reads out the scenes, the voices she'd do, and how she'd act and do her own adlibs. So, it was easy to give in. I force myself to shift slightly and made room on the mattress for her to sit down.
"No need to make room, Alvi, I'm a performer, I'm born to stand!" She posed before she opened the first page. She fake cleared her throat before she began to read aloud, voice passionate and wistful as she set the scene.
Before the third sentence was done, the door was booted open, Warden stood tall and blocked out the light from the hallway, "Tabitha." He started, but before he even spoke, Tabby was tensed in the shoulders, and her TV head hung low.
"You ignored my messages and alerts." His voice was hollow and deaf.
Tabby took a moment before she responded, the silence of the room made the gears in her neck all the louder, "I... I wanna stay with Alvi today; I didn't charge properly." Her voice was quiet as the tension in the room rose.
There was a long pause, one that felt like a challenge to break. If you spoke, it was a declaration of defeat or war. Tabby stayed hung low, while the Warden's sharpened eyes remained stagnant on the cyborg.
I counted twelve seconds before Tabby's robotic legs started to walk herself out of the room, the book slowly let go on the way out, many pages surely smushed. The door shut harshly, a rattle trailed up to the hung lightbulb. A few taped papers on the wall slipped to the floor.
With an inhale of my gils, I brace myself and reach out to the book. My body strained and stung as I pushed my muscles, maybe a tad too far. I grabbed the book, my body had collapsed at the mental relief. Thankfully, the return to my bed was much more manageable.
The book pages were already crinkled. I pressed them flat before I laid my head on the book. By the end of the day, it would be pristinely flat. I was alone for the day, on my blood-stained mattress in the dark with the yellow lightbulb, slowly it faltered every now and again.
My muscles, though in pain, needed to be moved to keep up blood flow. I reached for a pencil and the closest paper that had fallen to the ground. That's when I started to write.
I switch my vision over to Naya. She was in her pitch-black solitude cell, eyed glued to the floor before the outside beep of a walkie-talkie went off.
The door was swung open. Two soldiers stared down at the young Naya. They both swooped her off her feet and held Naya by her arms. They dragged the Virus from the bed into the hallway of what was previously the quarantine cells. Which excluded both Adrien and Toby, who were in separate confinement areas.
Elsewhere Toby's door was swung open, and the insides were empty. Adrien's door was shut, with him inside it. Somehow my gut told me that Toby's escapes may be a regular occurrence. Somehow I doubted he was far though.
To prove my hypothesis, I flicked through the vision of several visions of soldiers until I came to the Wardens. He approached the kitchen with Tabby, who was in stride silently beside Warden as his chest was puffed out proudly. He opened the door to the kitchen.
Inside, I proved my hypothesis. Toby was hung onto two open cabinets, feet on the kitchen board. He still wore the attire of a soldier, though this time had found a turtleneck and jeans for his smaller frame.
The two had stared at each other. I imagined the Warden's gaze remained untainted as if he half-expected the scene in front of him. Toby stared back as well, slightly surprised for a moment before that slow grin started to plaster, "Good morning." He jumped down from the counter.
"That's- really unsanitary." Was Tabby's first comment, and she was correct. Shoes do not belong on kitchen counters, especially not when they track blood. Which then raised another issue. Soft gargles shifted the attention from Toby to the floor.
The soldier reached up to the Warden. The gaze was met with little to no care, but an eyebrow raised look, "Tabby."
"On it, callin' the guys now." She replies as she reached down and started to drag the soldier away. The door was left open, which let the small room stay lit. Toby was sat on the support of a chair, boots on the actual seat. In his hands were a bowl of half-eaten cereal that had been left on the table.
The two continued to observe each other, Toby's slurps had become intentional to irritate the Warden. Successfully, Warden's eye twitched, "May I ask how you escaped your holding cell?" Was how the Warden started. It was rumored that soldiers and interrogators had never been able to get any info from the blond Virus. However, that was just word through the word.
Toby swung the spoon slightly as he finished his bite, "You may." He cooed somewhat before he returned the utensil to the bowl.
Sass and questions added to questions were not ever taken lightly by the Warden. It was bait; bait he would refuse to accept. Especially from a Virus. So, he changed the subject, "It's a fact that Soldier Bryant eats cereal in the morning..." He eyed the bowl, then Toby, "He happens to have been the soldier you assaulted," He acclaimed. He looked to Toby, who not even once flinched, "Or would it be a coincidence you're using his cutlery and dish?"
Toby eyed down at the distinct blue bowl and white-handled-silver spoon. He smirked as he spooned another gulp into his mouth. He then jumped off the chair and spun to the fridge, "Assult is your verdict, Mr. Vonelché?" Toby rummaged through.
"Do not answer questions with questions, Virus." Warden forewarned.
Toby shrugged with a snicker that followed, "You shouldn't eat cereal if you can't chew it." He likely rolled his eyes behind the sunglasses, "Wouldn't you agree, Warden?" He dragged out a carton of orange juice. He leaned against the now shut door of the refrigerator.
More bait. "You've been pesky even before you arrived at this compound." He proceeded to retake the charge. He took a step forward to tower over the barely 5'7 teenager, "Shall this be a habit, and your time here will be limited."
Before Warden could even finish, the Virus once more peeped in, "You're gonna kill me, Warden?" His face remained unchanged, big grin still plastered. His neck tilted up to hold the one-sided eye-contact.
There was another prolonged silence as the two glared at each other. As if there was a conversation, I could not hear or understand.
"He's gonna be ok!" A shrill electronic voice snapped through the silent confrontation, "Just got some rainbow crunch-flakes stuck in his windpipe."
Warden shifted, head turned to Tabby over his shoulder. He glared for a moment before he returned his gaze to the blond Virus. Toby had tilted his body to look at Tabby before back up at the Warden, "You will follow us to the cafeteria and not speak a word on the way there." He turned.
"Oh, will I?" Toby almost cooed, a test in his voice alone.
Warden swung around, "Yes you will-!" He silenced himself quickly. Toby stood with his gloved hands in his pockets. Quietly, he was proud. Warden brushed a hand over his face, in his attempt to hide any evidence of his brief snap.
He inhaled sharply before he turned around and marched. Tabby had shrunk away, still visible but obviously tried to retract herself from the scene. The fridge opened and then closed as the familiar crinkle of the bagel bag followed. He turned once they were in the hallway to see that the Virus was not behind them. He gazed into the kitchen. Empty. The vent cover, however, was in dangle from its place.
The Warden let out a huff, he stormed over and reached into the vent. He dragged his arm back, a small boot and jeans soon followed. He then went in with his other arm and dragged the Virus out by the collar of the camo jacket. Once out of the vent, Toby had a small perked smile. Best guess was he was surprised, though the glasses made it hard to tell.
In his hands, he held an orange juice carton and a bagel bag. "Drop," Warden commanded.
"You first," Toby's grin had an early return. The Warden glared at the Virus for ten seconds. Toby would not look at him directly. instead, just he welcomed the burned gaze, "Ok, on one, we both drop." Toby let off an inhale. Warden and Tabby watched him for a second.
"Two-one!" With a thwack of the frozen bread into the Warden's face, The Virus was dropped. Tabby panicked and retrieved her page for Virus paralyzation onto her screen. Toby had recovered the abandoned cereal bowl and belted it at Tabby's screen; a crack broke out across the glass. The dish was shattered on impact. Tabby, of course, shrieked as she hit the floor.
Toby made a sprint for the door. He had virtually escaped. Warden felt his features, his hands flexed in front of his face. Blood had leaked from his nose. Thankfully, only because of reconstructive surgeries, it was susceptible to any blow. Toby did not seem that strong to begin with.
"Sorry Warden, I couldn't load in time!" Tabby was frantic as she got up to her feet
"Don't bother," He cut her off without concern, eyes glued to the door, "It's for the best."
I flick my vision over to Skylar, who was sat along with the cafeteria table. The room was, of course, empty, as usual, the soldiers usually eat at six. It was now eight. The storm Virus prowled her eyes across the room. On her right were four Virus; Naya and Dexter were deep in discussing the complexities of using their disease or 'superpowers' for everyday tasks.
"I mean it's not cheating, There isn't a rule in baseball against usin' superpowers to hit a ball twice as hard as it hits you." Naya opened her hands out to make a point, face exaggerating surprise.
A huff came from Dexter, who shook his head. "I dunno, it still sounds like a cheat to me."
Skylar raised her eyebrow, "Didn't you say you used your weird bagel-powers for hiding police evidence in your arms?" She had her face rested on her cheek.
He pointed at her, "Oi, the police cheated first, oight?"
"oight?" Skylar repeated with a smirk at the strange word, followed by Naya, who snorted afterward.
"It's ok and alright together!" He flailed his arms up, which a soldier behind him responded to warn the Virus to remind him to keep his arms down. He obeyed and sighed, "What did you use your little- clouds for, Babe?"
Skylar glared at Dex, who quickly shrunk away at regret for using the nickname, "Adrien and I used it to help on my dad's farm." She gestured to her brother, "And to get Adrien to calm his shit." Adrien had been chained a few seats away. He had a few flames that flickered off him as he stared intently at the table until he felt the eyes of the others on him. He darted his attention over and made Dexter flinch back.
Naya also made a noise of cringe, a hiss seethed through her teeth, "Yeah, what's his deal?"
Skylar scoffed, "I dunno, born that way?" She shrugged, voice raised rather loudly despite Adrien only being less than two feet away, "Maybe two sisters? Or maybe it's a side effect of all his clothes burning off every day for two years?"
"Two sisters?" Naya stuck her neck out, visibly surprised by the revelation. She then eyed Adrien again, "Yeah, I can see it." She chortled.
"I had six." Dexter butted in, his smile proud, Skylar let off an unimpressed 'wow' at his statement.
The door at the far end of Adrien stormed open. Toby stumbled in, orange juice and bagels still held proudly. He took a second to get his breath back before he smiled and waltzed over, "Is this what they call fashionably late?"
Each soldier raised their guns; in response, Toby raised his arms like a caught criminal as he went over. He noticed the gap between Adrien and the rest of the Virus, "Oh, this is cruel, you're making me choose?" He clicked his tongue before he took the seat beside Adrien, who scowled even more.
"They don't want him blowing us up or whatever." Skylar shrugged before she scoffed, "new outfit, covered in dust and dead soldiers by your door." She listed, not at all surprised, "Go on another vent-expedition, bagel-boy?"
Toby snorted as he opened the bagel bag, "That's a fun way to phrase it." He chuckled, "The old jeans didn't fit." He then looked to Adrien, who was already clenched at the jaw when Toby first entered the room, "Blow us up?" He tilted his head, already pestering the ginger by nudging his shoulder, "How extravagant, hot-s-" Quickly Adrien set ablaze. Perhaps thankfully, Toby flew from his seat and rested on the floor.
"The dust and sweat don't really work with the get-up, though. Can we expect you this gross every day or?" Skylars head tilted, unphased by the explosion.
"I'll have you know I care very much for personal hygiene, thank you very much." He stood up and sat back down by the firey Virus, his legs placed across the other seat, "In related news; showers are on the agenda today." He explained, which was true.
"You know that how?" Naya tilted her head.
Toby took out a frozen bagel and placed it on Adrien's head, "The vents hold many secrets." He took a switchblade from his jacket pocket. He pressed the knife close to the top of the carton, effectively shanking it.
Toby looked down to see the white-haired Virus had perked her head out from under the table. Her soft locks scrambled as if she had just woken, "Did you see any loofas?"
The silence from the blonde made a few people worry, mostly for the homicide committed against an innocent carton of orange juice. Adrien had even decided to glare at Toby, who paid no mind, "Apologies, I did not hear of any loofa related discussions, slumber-bunny." He poked her nose, a small smile still present on his face.
In response, she stuck out her tongue and made a fart noise before she hid away under the table again. Toby snickered with a high-pitched toothy laugh.
With that, the door opened. A very disgruntled Warden entered the cafeteria from the same door that Toby had wandered through earlier. Everyone stopped and stared at the Warden with a mix of different glances.
Naya was the first to whisper, "y'know he was fifteen minutes late, so legally, we are allowed to leave." I assumed this was a joke.
"You think that'll work on him?" Dex whispered back. Naya had raised an eyebrow, unsure if Dex was playing along or genuine.
After a second or so of silence, the answer became more evident "No, you- what? She made a joke- She was joking." Skylar hissed through her teeth.
"Good morning, Warden," Suddenly Toby cooed his head in his hands, "Didn't sleep well?" His head then rested on his palm; his chin lightly tilted.
Warden seemed on the verge of a snap, his eye twitched. Tabby then walked into the room from under Warden's arm, a fresh new glass screen over her face. "Good morning, Virus-friends!" She stepped in and took a bow, "Excluding you!" She pointed to Toby, voice raised and furious. She spoke again, "unfortunately, due to an abnormal amount of dead bodies, broken limbs, and screens, we had to be delayed."
It took two seconds of silence before they looked to Toby, who was the last in. Toby held an active disinterest, already focused on the bagel above Adrien's head, held up by a metal stick. He giggled as Adrien gazed over and violently blew up, charcoaling it instantly.
Adrien then grabbed the blonde by the collar, "Cut that shit out!" A spray of fire extinguisher alerted Adrien's attention to Tabby who's third finger cap had split. Toby was dropped, and Adrien turned around to escape from the floor chains, "Try that again, see what happens, shitbag."
Tabby obliged, more white foam hit the other. Adrien sizzled, the foam slowly dissipated. His eye twitched as it became visible, teeth bared in a smile of rage.
"Both of you, sit down," Tabby tensed, arms lowered, and chest puffed out, "Silence, murder-Virus!"
Toby sat down and huffed, "Never laid a hand on anyone ever." he let off a perky smile. He raised a gloved hand and pressed it to Adrien's face, "Now I have, right, hot-spur?" he snickered again as Skylar gave a perfect look of chagrin to the duo.
Adrien screeched, flames still neglected to rise off the other "Fuck off already, Jesus!" He scrambled to his feet and grabbed the other by the neck, already slammed Toby into the table.
Toby barely squirmed, only slightly to shift to stay comfortable, "Last I heard, I was called shitbag," He slightly laughed under his breath, much too quiet for the Warden to hear. He reached up and poked Adrien's nose, "Or shall noncommittal nicknames be our thing now, fire crotch?"
Adrien let off an angered growl, a hand quickly forced over Toby's face to silence him, "Shut up, shut the fuck up, you annoying little-!" Toby merely giggled behind the hand. He gripped over Adrien's wrist to try and pull it away.
Dexter and Naya let off an impressed 'ooo' as Skylar stood up and tried desperately to pull the two apart, "Adrien, cut it out!" Once Toby was free, he instantly started to annoy the other again, a finger pressed to the furious gingers cheek.
"My, my are you always this handsy, spitfire?" He cooed, however more of an aggressive tone was in this tease, "Be careful, people talk you kn-" Adrien had finally flamed up. He grabbed Toby by the wrist and slammed him onto the floor.
"Do you ever shut up?!" Adrien was on the other in a second, one hand covered his face as the other got into a fist. Toby squeaked and flailed his hands, to force Adrien's face away. Adrien's fist remained in the air as the two seemed to be stuck in a frozen tangle of attempting to fight each other. At least it sounded like Adrien was in a strain to try and hit the other.
Naya, who was stood up, furrowed her brows, "Hit him!" She called out, which caused Skylar to make a threatful 'shush' to her.
"Sock his nose in!" Dex called out for her after Naya had coiled away.
Adrien's eye twitched. He turned his head, "Don't tell me what to-!" Before he could finish, his eyes rolled back, and he collapsed to the side, a red light in his neck. Toby took a second before he sat up, breath heavy. A trail of blood came from the blonde's nose, despite he clearly had never been hit.
Toby first looked to the Adrien, who Skylar had already sat next to, "Jesus, Adri..." She huffed and helped him onto his seat. Toby wiped the blood from under his nose. He turned to stare at Warden as he slowly breathed from his maw.
"Uh yeah, sorry for the uh... Delay... Again" Tabby fidgeted. Warden held his gaze on the blonde as he slowly used his thumb to scrape away the excess blood. He then sat down by Adrien again who's head was left to rest on the table.
Warden walked over and stood in front of the table, opposite the Virus. He mentally counted each of the Virus. Joslyn sat perfectly still throughout the whole ordeal beside Dex, forgotten by the crowd, then where the sleepy Virus would sit.
"Where is MMHV 3?" He furrowed his eyebrows. Naya tapped the table as a response. Warden seemed to get the message and trailed down the line. His eyes lingered on Toby, "You." He clicked his fingers to try and grab the other's attention. Toby gazed up from his lint-picking with a 'hm?'
"Other side of the fire Virus and down a few," He ordered, "You're in order of most deadly, and you, you are a magnet for havoc."
Toby snorted, "Havoc?" He grinned with his smug expression more tired this time.
"Multiple murders is havoc now get down the line." He repeated.
Toby seemed to audibly roll his eyes, "Don't be dramatic, it was eight suspicious deaths."
Warden held the glare, which seemed to convince Toby to stand up, with a click of his tongue. He went to the seat on the opposite side of Adrien before he was halted, "No, seven seats down."
Toby groaned loudly, going further down the seats until he was far away from the rest. He slumped, legs crossed on the bench. Warden then glared elsewhere. He turned his back and mumbled into his walkie talkie, "Bring in the leftovers."
A static 'yes sir.' was repeated back.
It took a second before Tabby spoke up, "Yo, chief. Can I go through the schedule today?" She asked as she rocked back and forth on her heels.
"If you must," Warden refused to look in her direction, You have two minutes." He warned.
Tabby wasted no time. She jumped onto the bench-seat, "Ahem!" She cleared her throat, which made a few Virus wince.
"Ok! So first off, there will be showers, girls first then boys." She explained, then thinking for a moment, "I think Blondie will be separate-"
"Don't bother, I already showered." Toby hummed, flicking the lint off his glove again.
"I- ok." Tabby shrugged, vaguely, she looked to Warden, who paid no attention, "Then! We have our experimentations and check-up!" Her voice chippered, "Ykno' gotta see what your diseases are- also y'know, other people stuff."
Joslyn's hand trembled as it slowly raised. Tabby made a 'hm' as she watched her. Joslyn's hand fiddled with her hair, "I would like to bathe separately..." Tabby turned to the Warden, who gave no response.
"Uh, yeah, no, soz', Jos." Tabby then made a surprised noise at the rhyme she accidentally caused.
"Also, diseases?" Skylar raised an eyebrow, cheek rested on her hand, "We know this isn't some quarantine shit."
"Ugh, you're Virus!" Tabby groaned, "That little cloud thingy you do is your disease." Tabby's knees slumped, "Keep up, girl for real." She jumped and walked up and down the length of the table, "Then, of course, background checks, gotta check you for any allergies, definable marks, yadayada... Y'know, trackable stuff."
At the far end of the table, Naya quickly stood up, which prompted the soldiers to raise their guns. Tabby tilted her head at Naya, who promptly spoke, "Sorry, I don't know why I did that..." She sat herself down. A weird amount of sweat was being emitted from the girl, then it was noticed from Dex as well.
"I feel- is it hot in here? I think the uh-fire guy is like- back on again?" Dex pointed to Adrien with his thumb.
"Really? I feel cold..." Naya added on. More people down the line started to show peculiar symptoms. It took Tabby a second before she turned to the Warden. He was sweating under the collar, eyes now glared at the furthest line member.
Joslyn; she was pale in the face, hand her hand gripped to her hair as she had started to hyperventilate. Once she noticed the eyes on her, her shoulder clamped up, "Sorry."
A silence went by as Tabby looked to the Warden, unsure of how to go about what was obviously Virus-activity; "Take MMHV-One in early." Ordered the Warden, and the guards shifted, "To the observation bay. Begin tests immediately."
Joslyn's eyes widened as she heard a pair of footsteps behind her, "No, no, no, I'm sorry I can turn it off." Once she was grabbed, her pleas ceased.
She seemed to freeze for only a second, "I-I can tell you what I have!" She started to flail her legs, "I don't- I don't like needles!" was her last shriek before getting dragged out of the room.
A full silence invaded as Naya and Dex seemed to clear up their anxiety symptoms, or at least the ones caused by Joslyn. Tabby was tense as she tried to figure out a way to continue "Uh, ok- after the check-up, I'm not too sure of uh..."
"Times up, we're going." Warden had already started to make his way to the exit of the cafeteria.
Tabby looped her head back to the table and the door, "Uh-oh, ok!" She started to run her small feet and the wooden table, "Enjoy breakfast, everyone!" She called back as she jumped off the table, "Except you!" She pointed at Toby.
A definite five seconds of silence passed, "Virus.." Skylar winced under her breath, "What kinda shit is that, honestly?"
Each of the Virus gazed over to her as she continued, "Like- what does that even mean?" She gazed at Toby as if he'd know. He glanced over and thought, "Is it cus a virus is alive?" She thought aloud.
Naya voiced up, "Parasites are alive, though, why wouldn't we be called that?" She made herself shuffle to look over at Skylar.
"Well, a Virus is a parasite... Rectangles and squares deal y'know?" She answered, in thought for a moment, "Parasites feed on a host, and I don't- think we do that?" As Skylar was quietly in contemplation. The doors re-opened, and a trolley came in with food leftovers.
The soldiers behind the Virus' table moved out of the room. The cooks stayed present, guns in their belts. The chefs slid the plates of leftover food to each of the Virus; fruit, random assortments of eggs, and bread with moist potatoes. Skylar huffed, unimpressed as anyone would be with the offering.
She looked to her brother, who was still paralyzed to the table, his eye twitched as the only expression of anger he could have given. The plate was nonchalantly slid to him, no regard for if it hit him in the face. Which it did.
On the other side of the table, Naya had let off a 'hell yeah!' followed by her boast of optimism, "Protein on a plate right here!" She slapped the table, which summoned the white-haired Virus to pop her head out and glare.
Skylar huffed, "It's shit, say it's shit..." She snapped over to Naya, who shrugged.
"Yo, as a baseball captain, you appreciate the worth in a chunky breakfast." She pet her own upper-arm muscle, which compared to Naya herself, wasn't much, but when Dex raised his arm to parallel, it was evident who was the sportier of the two.
"Softball, you mean?" Dex started.
Naya went silent, "No, I mean baseball."
"No, you mean softball, that's the version girls play."
"Softball is for sissies, poindexter." Naya scoffed, taking offense, "You think I'm some soft-skinned private school kid?"
"Babe, guys are stronger than girls. I'm sorry, it's just science." He shrugged, which made Skylar snort.
Naya watched the other for a moment, unsure if he was joking or not. She slammed her elbow onto the table, "Alright, walk-the-walk then, Papi." She grinned, arm held out in a familiar position, sleeves rolled up.
A toothy scoff came from the Hispanic as he landed his opposite elbow down in agreeance, "I'll be gentle." He grinned.
"Guess someone has to be." She lightly cackled in reply. Naya gripped the other hand, he slightly jolted and took a second before clasping her hand back. Naya was rather bulky in the arms for her size, regardless of what her disease was.
Skylar opened her mouth slightly before she shrugged it shut it, deciding to watch. She assisted her brother by shifting his head to look in that general direction, which made him growl, no more, no less.
"Count down for us, Clover." Naya gave a look to the barely awake Virus. She made a hum in agreeance. The newly named Clover raised three fingers.
Instantly Dex's wrist was shoved near down significantly, then his eyes widened, and his veins popped from his lanky arm. He managed to push Naya up slightly, which was met with twice as much pushback from Naya, who sat with a smile, arm only shaking from Dex, who was struggling to stay up.
As they arm-wrestled, Naya reached over to pick up a piece of fruit from her plate, then fragments of the omelet. While Dex struggled, even using two hands to try and push his opponent's hand down as his own support was mere inches from the table.
Skylar was leaned over the table, and I was forced to check through the chefs who were either too embarrassed, amused, or dumbfounded to stop them. "Dexter, please." Skylar sighed, "You look... stupidly stupid, you're not going to win."
Dex was red in the face and audibly pained, "Sh-shut up y-yes I can!"
"Dex can't." Clover had retrieved her tiny fruit bowl and was sat and watched, "Dex looks constipated." She stuck her tongue out, face visibly unimpressed, which seemed to be somewhat stationary.
Naya slapped the table with her spare hand, "Yo, can I get seconds?!" She called out. Her plate was clean, "Josy isn't here, so can I get hers?" The chefs looked up to their boss, who shook his head.
She let off a quiet, "Damn," before she got an idea. She looked over to Dex's food and smiled, "Yo, Dex, can my winning prize be your plate?"
Dex was hunched over, face flat on the table, "Y-yeah, b-but you wont-you won't-"
"Cool, thanks!" Naya, in a second, slammed down the other's wrist onto the table, "Cheers, good game, Poin-Dexter." Dex lied still, wrist in the same place. Skylar had her lips pursed as her body lightly vibrated in suppressed laughter, eyes even lightly watered before she covered them.
Naya finished the second plate in record time, hand slapped it on top of her already finished dish, "Yo chef," She flicked her fingers before she pointed to the middle chef, the boss, "the big guy!" Naya's elbow slammed down, "Arm wrestle for a third breakfast?"
The boss was a bulkier and more heavyweight man with darker skin and grey, hung eyebrows. His thick arms were crossed. Charlo, he's worked here longer than the Warden, never been on the field himself. But He's been the feeder of over one-hundred soldiers under half his age.
The two younger chefs looked up before they chuckled. Under their breaths, they beckoned him. They silently argued on what he should bet on. "Naya, oh my god, do not." Was Skylar's warning, even though she lightly scoffed under her own breath, "They're- they'll tell the Warden." Her voice became hushed and careful.
Naya snorted, "They'll tell the Warden they lost to a child?" She raised her eyebrow before she thought, "How about, listen to this; I win, I get one custom breakfast and the spares ya got." She started.
The wired brows of Charlo raised, "What could a better or worse hostage give me?"
She contemplated before a wide grin consumed her, "You get the honorary title of being the first soldier here to beat a Virus in arm wrestling!" She slammed a hand into the table, and it slightly recoiled, "Name better braggin' rights, chef!" She was overly proud, her thumb pointed at herself.
A second of pondering was needed before Charlo took a few steps forward and stood on the opposite side of Naya, hand outstretched, "That all you want?"
She tried to stand up but stumbled over her leg chains slightly. She then spat in her hand and slapped it to Charlo's, her arm so much smaller than the older man's. He didn't seem to mind, but Skylar slightly winced, gazing to her side, "Can you believe this shit-?"
Apart from Adrien, that side of the table was completely empty. Toby had once again disappeared. Empty food tray left behind. Skylar's eyes darted about the room before to her brother, "Hey, where'd he go?"
"Where'd who go?" He growled in reply, slightly sluggish as the tranquilizer slowly wore off.
She huffed, "Toby," Adrien merely gave her a look for a second before she continued, "Oh my god, the blonde you were trying to-"
"I know the fuckers name," Adrien spat and shook his head slightly, "Just- why should I care?"
"Cus' he's disappeared!"
"Great!" Adrien shouted, "Let's pray that he never comes back!" He lifted his head by an inch, "Or did you forget you moved my head specifically away from his general direction?!" Adrien's voice cracked as he snapped, "Because I can't fuckin do any of that right now!"
Skylar glared down at her brother for a prolonged period. She picked up an old bread piece from her tray and placed it on Adrien's head, "Shut up and cook this for me, asshole."
- In Serial155 Chapters
World Step (Rewrite)
This is a rewrite of my story World Step. Though, in reality, this is my first serious draft. The shadows grow deeper on the planet of Whorrl even as a dark, and ancient ritual takes place within the depths of The Abyssal Mouth—a chasm of both fortune and calamity. The story follows Quintin, a Grandmaster Martial Artist from Earth, as unforeseen elements conspire against him from the depths of space. *No Harem *Strong MC, but by no means does he go through enemies without injury or at least learning something. *Throw on [Horror], and possibly [Psychological] elements. *Dark Fantasy with some [Grimdark] leanings. Notes: this will be a place where I endeavor to rewrite and fix issues. With that in mind, expect revisions, edits, and other things of that nature.
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Everlasting Aeternum
A New World Fanfic Set in the New World Universe Our MC is torn from his life and thrown onto a mysterious island filled with magic
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- Human beings are divided into four types, namely: Elementals, Fortifiers, Metamorphic and those who do not have powers are pejoratively called Void. In this fantastic world devoid of magic and spirits, Kalui finds himself alone, without memory and about to die, when he meets Roldi, a strong and kind man, who makes his first family. The threat of the big monstrous animals is nothing compared to the danger involved with the boy's unknown past, which forces them to flee looking for answers. No place is safe in a world where virtually everyone has some kind of power. ------------------------------------------------ OBS:For Speech: -For Thoughts: " "For Observations: - New chapters every 15 days
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Fox With System
Lucas was a human, but was hit by a car and reincarnated as a fox with a system. Lucas's system will help him cultivate and Lucas will fight to become stronger. Lucas will get skills and techniques, some powerful that no one ever seen. Powerful monsters that can swallow Lucas whole, forbidden techniques that have been forgotten, ancient runes that hold powerful items and other powers inside, and bloodlines that can change someone's appearance.
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Instagram [✔️]
Where Jeonghan is a rising celebrity star and Seungcheol is one of his instagram fan site accounts.Completed: May 14th 2019Highest Achievements:#1 in yoonjeonghan#1 in choiseungcheol#1 in pledissvt#3 in pledisseventeen#8 in jeongcheol#15 in pledis#84 in seungcheol#155 in jeonghan#483 in seventeen
8 229 - In Serial10 Chapters
I Don't (August Alsina)
"Just tell me you love me, man." He said. I thought about and after what he said, my love for him died. There was no love. He wasn't the same man I fell in love with. He was different. He changed and I didn't love this new guy in front of me. "I can't." I said. He looked at me, tears in his eyes. "Don't do this, man. You love me, baybeh. I know you do."I bit my lip, trying hard not to cry in front of him. "August," I gulped, cursing myself because the tears I said I wouldn't shed, were shedding. "I don't love you anymore. I don't."
8 96