A harmful or corrupting influence.
"The virus of cruelty that is latent in all human beings."
DATE - JULY 1ST 2015
'Hello, my name is Alvis. I am a fellow Virus; what is your name? I apologize for the note, but I am mute, as you can tell by my lack of a mouth. My disease is Third-Person, I can see through your eyes once we make eye-contact with my millions of eyes, I am seventeen. You are fourteen, and it is a pleasure to meet you. I cannot wait to become your second best friend, next to my lovely sister, only friend, and accomplice Tabby.'
This note is what I received from Tabby, a 4'3 silicone child with a pink TV for her head. All of my seventeen eyes fix at her at once. She shrugged and made an electronic sound as she marched around the room, "Pretty legit, right?" She chirped, voice unmistakably electric, it was akin to a child vocalizing through a mediocre microphone, "I came up with the idea when I was writin' notes for my very-own welcome to the mound speech, wanna hear it?" She plucked up a paper, and I watched her before shrugged in compliance.
She pretended to clear her throat, which sounded wretched through her speakers. She jutted out her chest, her pinkie held to her screen, the cap of plastic skin split to show her built-in microphone, "Virus, and Virus. I present to you, me, Tabby Vonelché!" She then bowed. It went still for an uncomfortable time before she whispered, "Then you clap." I went along with it and applauded a few times.
"I am no typical Virus, in-fact, no Virus at all," She flamboyantly shifted with each tone she took on, "I am a supercomputer designed to zap yer asses if you step outta line," That was a lie for the most part, "Also, I can play you any of fifteen Bratz movies, including any episode," Only the second part had been genuine. Still, I clap anyway, "No, Alvis. you don't clap until I'm done now." I lowered my hands and listened to her spiel advance.
"I'm obviously equipped with VHS tapes, a camera, surveillance, email, and the sorts," She spun on her heel, "My hobbies include long walks around the Mound, and keepin' cozy while I watch a Bratz film." She finished up with a bow. Thankfully, I was right to clap this time.
"So, how was that?" She sang, thrilled about her self-indulgent speech. I give her a thumbs up. Tabby's enthusiasm over the past few days had festered. Her company had only included soldiers, scientists, myself, and the Warden who would refuse to give her the time of day. Since she is, of course, a computer and tells the time herself. She doesn't see it as much of an excuse, even though it's blatant the Warden is busy and should not have to be burdened with us.
She's what the soldiers called a 'social butterfly,' and so someone around our age with the capacity to speak is a luxury she has longed for. She does get frustrated with my slowness and lack of response. I know I was never in any way perfect company.
The moment had come. Tabby's screen went yellow, a reminder notification on her face. Our shared compartment had lit up with the bright display, a cause for me to cringe and flicker my eyes. Tabby removed the reminder and faked an inhale to calm herself, as well as stamping her feet. Both were habits she manifested years ago.
Once she had pacified herself, and I had stood up, her screen met my eyes again. With her nervous voice, she asked, "Ready, Alvi?"
I nod.
She reached up with her bulky, white silicone hands and gripped onto my coal-black elongated fingers. With that, we passed out of the bitter metallic comfort of our shared compartment. The even more frigid hallways of the same steel welcomed us.
Typically Warden would walk with us to another destination of the Mound, likely to give himself a sturdy look to the soldiers. But now was different from yesterday, and going forward, we knew daily expectations would change, That Warden's ideals would have to change.
Thankfully, seventeen years in the Mound helped me navigate the maze well, and Tabby's built-in directions helped us well. We were fine without him. For once, the gazes from soldiers felt more confused than fearful, maybe even more disturbed.
When I flicked through the soldier's vision, I often heard them discuss how they fear what I'll do if I am not watched or contained. It's understandable; I am, after all, listed as a monstrosity in my experiment file.
I wondered if the other Virus had tails that dragged across the floor with spikes. Or what color their skin would be? Would it be roughly textured like mine? Human flesh? I had no clue. But we were about to find out.
We stood before the entrance to the gymnasium hall. My gills gargled to alert Tabby of my anxiety. She tilted her screen at me, "Hey, if they're horrible, at least we won't feel bad when they get experimented on and tortured," She pet my wrist a few times.
This brought me a slight comfort.
We pushed open the door together. A loud beep had been a new addition to the room. Two soldiers stood by the door with rifles in hand. Warden stood about fifteen feet ahead of us, faced away with his eyes fixed at what we thought was a Virus. But there was zilch. Beside him was a fair few human silhouettes.
We moved forward together, Tabby bounded over the lines and paints on the gymnasium floor used for the games of basketball that are never played.
We reached about four feet behind the Warden, at the edge of the bleachers in the hall. From there, we could see them all, each of the six Virus.
I first examined MMHV - 01. I only briefly saw her the night before. She was now fitted in an orange jumpsuit. Her black and greyed hair waved and hung flatly all across her face and body, which covered her petrified and grey eyes.
What caught me most that I neglected to see the first time is her odd physic. Broader shoulders, even more, exposed now by her sheepish posture. Her body slimed the further down, little to no weight or curves... Not typical of a woman body-type. Although, very few women are here in the Mound. Maybe it was a side-effect of the Virus gene.
Her hair with the grey strands reminded me instantly of the Warden, he's only fifty, and his hair was more grey than it's original chestnut color. Soldiers say it is from stress, which seemed to be reasonably plausible.
MMHV - 02
What I initially thought was another female, until I noticed the slight stubble and mustache hairs. He was a Hispanic lanky boy. His curly coarse hair wired about, which matched his furrowed, black brows.
Quickly, his disease was evident. His hands had morphed into the cuffs and confines; due to his lack of concern about it, I imagine it was either his own plot, intended or not; was regular. Though, since he had not escaped, I doubt he can.
MMHV - 3
A girl. One who I had to pause on for an extensive period. Her appearance was the most awe-worth pure white, short, rumpled hair. Her skin was porcelain white, with small purple and red dots over the face. I was aware of them being called pimples and is unfavorable typically, but on her, it somehow complimented her. Her eyes, encased by unstained lashes, were magnificent red-pink planets that seemed so gentle. I had thought perhaps her red eyes caused by her disease as a side effect?
Her disease was simple enough to recognize, her body was afloat about three feet in the air, her body swayed in the sky as if she was in zero gravity. Again, she seemed unphased, even bored. Her limbs were entrapped in chained cuffs that were sealed to a wheelable metal slate, to ensure she was grounded.
MMHV - 4
Another girl, though she seemed significantly more normal. She was Asian, with straight black hair that formed a neat bob at her ears. Her round face stuck upwards to the Warden as he stepped by, her shoulders tensed, cheeks puffed up like a creature when she was stared at for slightly too long for her liking.
MMHV - 5
Yet another short girl who wielded ardent blue eyes, her wild ginger hair resembled a cloud to match the storm in her eyes. She glared harshly when the Warden walked by, and I swore I saw small sparks of light spring through her frizzy hair.
MMHV - 6
The elephant in the room, as the phrase supposedly goes. Virus MMHV 6 was chained down more than the rest, was this radical boy who writhed. He was encased in a tomb of iron, with tyrants of curse-filled spiels being the only pointer to his gender. By the shade of the metal bars over the confides, I saw certain parts were made of tantalum carbide. Almost wholly heat resistant.
The flames that flooded out of the window bars were unquestionably a disease related to fire. Other than that, I could not at all see the Virus, only hear their angered screams and threats.
MMHV - 7
Not present. I figured perhaps the soldiers were late bringing him from 24/7 watch? MMHV was, after all, placed further from the rest of the Virus, much like MMHV. But that would not have made sense. They were in the same precinct and should have arrived together or soon after each other.
MMHV - 8
Also was not present, though this one was given a reason for. The Virus supposedly had a violent withstand while being retrieved. So that Virus had been escorted to the solitary medical unit immediately.
In front of the white card of MMHV-07, there was an unaccounted for Virus. They were meant to be brought in earlier by a squad of soldiers. But this one had no trace. Warden stood before the card, eyes pierced down.
Tabby, who was priorly by my side, had placed herself by the Warden, "Ooo, invisibility!" She thrashed her arm into the empty space, "very, very original!" She nodded, unmistakably sarcastic while she gawked into blankness.
"The Virus isn't there," The Warden corrected. He swerved around and attended to his walkie talkie, a digit over the button, though no pressure was put to it, "The soldiers who were put on his watch haven't been in contact with me since last night when the Virus arrived."
He pressed the button, "Does anyone copy? Do we have any leads on the seventh humanoid Virus?" He gruffed out. While the static rang back, I noted Warden's already sharp appearance was more precise than usual, his green suit had been pressed, all of his medals pinned in a straight line when they are usually never pinned at all. He only displays them when he wants to assert dominance or feels like he may need to.
His haircut is freshly shaved and his face sterner. Though, that may just be because of the delay.
"Ya reckon, they've carked it?" Tabby asked in her politely morbid tone.
The Warden rumbled, "Can't think of any better excuse."
The gym went mute, aside from the screeches and roars from the fire Virus. Followed by finally, the ginger girl's frustrated plea, "Oh my god, Adrien, shut-the-fuck, up, please!" She glared at the case, "I'm begging!" The shout grew gruff and strained near the end.
Caused only more howls, "Fuck you, who the hells side are you on?!" which were deadened by the metal. The girl let out an annoyed growl and groan, eyes rolling with such dynamism it could be mistaken for her disease.
"Warden, we've found Virus seven!"
The doors to the gym opened, and all heads perked. Enclosed by four officers, with their guns drawn, was what must have been a Virus. Not in a jumpsuit, no visible wounds or even restraints, but instead a self-satisfied smirk with his hands in the air like a caught criminal, "Wow, the luckiest number saved just for me?" They scoffed, "Should I be honored?"
MMHV-07 was now accounted for. His blonde, scruffy, but somehow well-kempt hair seemed to define what his personality would later tell. The orange jumpsuit was not what he chose to wear. Instead, he had stolen a military camo jacket and a turtle neck, paired with thick rounded sunglasses, which hindered me from using my disease on him.
Virus-seven spoke, "I apologize for the delay, folks," He bowed, "no harm caused!" he held the smile, then saw the crowd of other Virus and the Warden, "Hello!" He saluted, which provoked a soldier to give him a slight nudge with the nose of his rifle.
"Keep your hands up." One of the militants behind the Virus demanded. The Warden moved forward and observed the blonde, who just looked him up and down.
A smirk grew from the side smile, "Hello," He greeted, obviously unbothered, "Someone's dressed up for the occasion" He lifted a finger and flicked at a badge on the Warden's chest.
Another soldier's warning arose from behind the blond "Hands off." Though the blonde refused to display a lick of concern.
Warden then marked to the soldiers, "Where did you find it?"
"The air-vents, sir," He began, "We had to chase him out; we also found food unaccounted for from the cafeteria, property damage, and the two escort soldiers were found deceased."
"Hold your horses," The blonde started, "I was not fed on the way here, refrain from judgment."
He was hastily disregarded, "Any signs of a struggle?" the Warden prodded.
"No, sir; It appeared to be a murder-suicide," The soldier retorted. The Warden made a harsh noise to note the newfangled news. His eyes trailed down, where he discovered the Virus was gone again.
He and the cadets jolted their heads to locate him, which they did rather quickly. Virus seven had started to study each of the other Virus, "Quite the trail mix of characters..." He pressed his fingers together, which I noticed were gloved.
The Hispanic, long-haired Virus spoke, "Dude, you're buggin' me out," he paused as he scanned MMHV-7 up and down, "You're creepy as shit, mate."
"Could be creepier, my hands could be fleshed into my handcuffs," Was the prompt response the blonde produced, still stuck with that grin. When he saw the ginger girl, his head tilted at her when her eyes grew narrow with precaution. His eyes were then displaced to the monument of steel, which encased the fire Virus.
"Well, hello..." He muttered coyly. He vaulted upon the wheelable platform and attempted to scale the steel container. The gloves on his hands must have been a muffle from the heat that the thick steel hadn't suppressed.
Warden had grasped the blonde from the back of the stolen coat, akin to how you would hold a cat by its scruff. He was quick to relocate the Virus over to its spot. Virus seven's smile shrank into a perky surprised one as he was being held up like a cat. He stayed put once he was placed down, and his grin returned. Warden escorted himself back to the center of the room.
His stillness prompted Tabby and me to stand at the Warden's sides. The stares were intense on both ends. I was staring with seventeen eyes, and 12 were staring back. Since I had been mostly unseen up until that point. It was grossly nostalgic. Fear of the shun from my own species felt strangely more upsetting than a band of soldiers disgusted by my presence.
"You are all Virus." The Warden commenced.
Tabby, as her typical self, started to add quiet criticisms, "bold start."
"You're all medical abominations and have no place in regular society."
Tabby fakely hissed, "Coulda phrased it better but alright."
"As of this day, you will call this base home, it is known as the Moth-Mound," The name of the base cocked a few eyebrows, "It is stationed in the middle of nowhere, so any attempt to escape will be futile, and the penalties for such attempts will be worse than death."
"very ominous," Tabby approved with a nod, "well done."
Warden's eyes trickled across the line of Virus, "Your days will be occupied with experimentation and prison-like lifestyle," He blatantly eyed the Virus with the molded flesh. Virus-02 just returned with an offended and confused glance, "Your names should be forgotten, as they do not matter anymore."
The Warden's radio hitched, which he immediately seized as he twisted around to snap into, "This better be important."
"Virus eight is currently- has displayed... Activity?" The female voice echoed back, "It's- I can't describe it."
Warden paused for a long time, "I'm on the way, keep it stable," He added back before he turned to Tabby and I, "Alert me immediately if they arise; control them." He then fled with no spare word.
Once those doors closed behind him, Tabby and I turned to look at the other seven Virus. It took a second or so before Tabby skipped up to them all. She scanned their faces both literally and metaphorically, "Hey, I'm Tabby!" She started before a loud bang made us all divert our attention.
Virus seven had a screwdriver. Not even a second later, the blonde had started to unscrew the bolts from restraints for the afloat Virus.
"Hold on, hey!" Tabby ran over to them both, "Let me finish my speech before you try to escape!"
Virus seven fractured the last chain before he gripped the metallic twine and let himself float up with the unnaturally calm girl. They reached an air vent, and the white-haired maiden hit the roof like a balloon. She gave little to no care of it, limp like a ragdoll.
"Shit escape attempt..." The ginger whispered quietly, intensely unimpressed.
"I wish I thought of it." Was what the curly-haired boy said in marvel, which made the ginger wrinkle her eyebrows at him.
The seventh Virus had unscrewed the air vent on the ceiling. The vent hit the ground with a loud clang. What I hadn't expected were the doughy round shapes that fell from the vent.
Many bagels had started to rain from the air vent.
The Virus had all been confused like us, except for the afloat girl, who only seemed slightly surprised at best.
"Down, please?" The seventh Virus politely asked.
"Kay, Kay." Was what the softly sweet, buttermilk voice of the girl replied as they began to descend. Once on the ground, the blonde had done a formal bow.
Each of the other Virus stared at him, with MMHV-03 clapping with an impressed grin. The ginger Virus was the first to speak, "Gonna eat all of that in front of us, asshole?" She scoffed. The blond snickered, he picked up a bagel.
"Tempting, but no," He waltzed over to the albino girl again, offering her a bagel in front of her face. She opened her mouth and casually accepted it to be placed there. He then went over. to the ginger, and began to unscrew her handcuffs, "I ate earlier."
Tabby glanced at me, then at the Viruses. We had a comparable thought of 'what do we do?' truth be told, neither of us wants to attack them or cause a commotion. These are fellow Viruses, and so far showed absolutely no sign of threat. An attack would cause an outbreak, it's seven against two, and I absolutely was not and never would be a fighter, so it was more like one against seven.
The ginger lass rubbed her free wrists. She eyed the blonde Virus as he went down the line and undid the binds for each of the Virus, which initiated some brief banter with the taller Virus.
"Man, why did you put bagels in the vent?"
"To feed the flock."
"The flock, are those fightin' words?" He tilted his head, snarl present.
The blonde sighed in what sounds like a mix of laughter and frustration, "I'd imagine it would be hard to fight me with your hands in cuffs."
"True, true." He acknowledged, eyes already lingered off to the side.
"Very true, now please put your- flesh back." The blonde prodded the hands engulfed in and about the cuffs with his screwdriver.
"Ah, yeah, right, no bothers." He clicked his tongue, quickly morphed his hands back into place. Then, with a few more tweaks to the screws, they fell with ease, clanked to the floor.
He went down the line, and Tabby came to me, her TV head bonked against my leg, "They didn't even let me finish my speech..." She whined, I awkwardly pet her head as a weak effort to soothe her hurt electronic soul.
Each of the Virus had been freed from their confides and instinctually went to the bagel pile. It was likely the first time they all had eaten since early yesterday. The palest Virus, however, did not eat and instead just hovered in the air slightly as she dozed off.
MMHV-01 had taken two bagels and stuck far away, basically scurried under the bleachers. Tabby then jolted her head up, "Oh, oh!" She pushed me away in excitement, "Hey, my name's Tabby!" She became animal-like in her own sense when sprung over the metal bars of the bleachers to talk with the lone Virus.
In my jumpsuit pocket, I fiddled with the small scrunched up paper that Tabby had written in my favor. I hesitated before silently started to step over. They each tensed up upon my arrival, stared up at me; I tried to hunch slightly to reach their size to be less of a threat. It appeared to work. The fear had been replaced with confusion.
The blonde had moved away after they stared at me with an indifferent cold glower. He then retreated over to the tomb with the screwdriver to investigate.
The ginger Virus as well rewarded me with a harsh glare, enough so to make my gills gargle, which prompted the curly-haired Virus to speak, "That's the noise patricó makes when his lunch fights back."
"patricó?" The ginger raised an eyebrow, her arms crossed, and slightly curvier hip jutted out, "Can I get some context?"
"My lizard, he's a bearded dragon." He scoffed like it was evident, "Obviously, I feed him live bugs."
"Not when it's not specified Patricó, is a lizard." She furrowed her hardly seen eyebrows.
The Asian lass finally spoke, her voice frail and frightened, "I have a dog," She poked in, lips pursed, "But uh, I-I was saving up for a leopard gecko before I was abducted." She smiled up at the significantly taller Virus who seemed to take a while to process what she had stated.
"Yeah, man, dogs are pretty aight, the ones in my town are fun to feed when they aren't stealin' shit."
This inspired another line of questions and chuckles from the two. The ginger's eyes had slightly softened, but the constant face of 'unimpressed' still heavily lingered. Her focus was more on the duo who discussed towns and animals, so I felt safe to squat down by the somnolent Virus and try to offer her my small piece of paper.
As she was asleep, she didn't notice. So, I awkwardly pressed a finger to her shoulder, "Hey!" The ginger's voice sharpened to a snap at me, I dropped the paper and got on all fours, and scampered away to a safer area.
Once safe under the bleachers, I just watched through their eyes as the ginger picked up my paper.
They had all gone silent to listen. The blonde and the fire Virus were excluded. Both started to become more frustrated, to the point where the blonde had retorted to jabs at the steel cocoon.
"Hello, my name is Alvis, I am a fellow Virus, what is your name, I apologize for the note, but I am mute, as you can tell by my lack of a mouth. My disease is Third-Person, I can see through your eyes once we make eye-contact with my millions of eyes, I am seventeen. You are fourteen, it is a pleasure to meet you, I cannot wait to become your second best friend, next to my lovely sister." She read out in a stale, unhappy, unimpressed voice.
I cringed. It was worse when it was from another person's voice. I coiled into a ball, guilty and stupid. At least the frail, tired Virus was still asleep, thus did not hear the idiotic speech.
They all eyed the bleachers where I went to hide, then back at each other. They were silent before the Asian girl spoke, "Naya, my name's Naya." Naya inhaled, a smile slowly rising.
Next was the Hispanic Virus, "Dexter, but you ladies can call me Papi."
"No, Neither of us are doing that." The ginger glared harder, "And are we gonna ignore how that... that creature can see through our eyes n' shit?"
The tired Virus mumbled quietly in her half-asleep state, "Papi sounds cute.."
"Ay, Papi!" Naya lightly punched Dex's arm, followed by laughter. Dex, however, winced and clutched the spot with a hushed 'ow.' Naya, who was only about five feet tall, was apparently strong for her size, which I made a quick mental note of.
The ginger rolled her eyes, "I won't be calling you that." She returned to the bagel pile and picked up a bread circle.
In a desperate attempt to get her to stay, Dex flailed slightly, "Wait, wait, I can do this!" He picked up a bagel and morphed a finger through it.
The ginger let off a slow unimpressed blink, "I noticed." She turned and walked to the steel tomb.
"Yknow, bagels have holes, so you didn't have to do that." Naya perked up, which made Dex's face contort into even more disappointment.
She approached the duo, arms crossed and back leaned against the steel tomb before she quickly retracted herself, "Careful, it's hot." The blond warned just a tad too late.
"Yeah, no shit," She snapped, which just made the blond cackle under his breath.
A second or so passed before she re-asked, "How's it going?"
The blond Virus inhaled before he sighed, "Not too promising; it looks like the bolts have been melted into the seals here..." He dragged the now-bent screwdriver across the blacker steel, "So looks like you'll be brother-less for a while, sorry."
Her eyes rounded, eyebrow raised, "Hold on, how'd you know that we were related?"
The blond grinned as he snatched the bagel from the ginger, "I noticed some personality patterns." He snickered at her.
She snapped, "Hey, dude, the fuck?!" She grumbled.
The blond ignored her. He jabbed the bagel onto the screwdriver and hovered it in front of the bars of the tomb. He tapped the tiny jail with the back of his hand, "Oh, matchstick, would you mind toasting this for me?" He sang.
A few sparks after a while of silence started to flow out of the encasement. "Uh, I wouldn't do that. He hates nicknames about... Fire.." She hissed at the last part, "And being.." She gestured to her cloud of ginger fuzz upon her head.
"Ah, so matchstick won't do?" The blond giggled, grin only had grown, "Better pick a special nickname for this one, then."
The ginger lass' eyebrows furrow even more, "He's gonna kill you." Her voice was an annoyed sigh.
"Not like this, he won't." He pressed a hand to his chest, "Why, I think we will be perfect friends." Skylar's head cocked slightly, "I can tell we'll bond well, even if he spends the rest of his days encased in a steel tomb." He made a strange face to the tomb's open space.
"In fact, while he's in this state, maybe I can even talk to him about my own ideas and problems for hours and hours!" He exclaimed, "Ah, doesn't that sound nice, firecracker?" He leaned on the case, one leg perked up, "Hours and hours of me talking and you staying still and listening?"
At that, everyone noticed the growing thick black smoke from the tomb's bars, which made Dex and Naya cease their conversation and peer over.
"And all that time can be used to find a nickname to suit you, Firehead!" He then shook his head, followed by a tongue click "Yeah, that's a cheap one, we can do better." He waved his hand as if he had swatted a fly, "How about spitfire?"
At this point, what was the biggest concern was the lack of fire and the growth of black smoke that lifted to the high ceiling.
"Firemuff?" He shrugged, an eyebrow raised, everyone's eyes were on the smoke, attention on what the blond had been up to as a close second concern, "Y'know fire-crotch is a pretty good one, kinda vulgar though, so I'm on the fence."
The steel's color had started to shift a threatening orange in corners, like when an old kettle burns.
"Ah, I have one!" The blonde coughed at the smoke but proceeded to continue anyway. He gave a look to the sister. Her eyes widened as if she had a slight idea of what was about to happen. She stepped away and ushered the others away from the tomb, pulling the sleeping girl who only dragged along in float.
"But I'll need your permission for it, so." He leaned an arm against the tomb, smirk held steady up at the bars, "Whaddya say, hot-stuff?" The cloth of the camo jacket blackened and burned, a clear signal the blond to jump from the metal platform. But he only got one step off before the tomb literally burst, violent blue flames shifted to orange in mere seconds.
The blond was grabbed by the collar from the now free and engulfed Virus. Within less than seconds, the nameless Virus had been slammed against the bleachers with a putrid thud and crack. I crawl out from under those bleachers and to the other ones that Tabby had seated herself on with the other Virus.
"God, your voice fucking pisses me off, do you not know how to fucking shut up, you-," He stammered, "you annoying piece of shit!" He screamed, flames on his back, becoming more violent, "Give me one fucking reason not to blow out your brains right the fuck now, I swear, you..." Another stammer, "Why the fuck are you grinning like that?!"
He was right. The blond had a proud smirk, even as a flamed up fist had him by the chest, and his life was actively threatened with evidence to back it up, "You're welcome." He chirped, completely unfazed, he pointed to the tomb behind them that was a smolder of ash and orange metals.
"You- fucking-" He started to burn more, his snarled expression leaned in closer to the blonds smug face.
"Kiss or kill distance, matchstick." The blond said in a strange tone.
"Adrien!" His sister scolded, a literal storm cloud was formed around her frame, and her hair's frizz heightened.
With that, after a growl and huff, the fire Virus dropped the other one, and the flames slowly died down, so only a few remained over his apparently fireproof jumpsuit.
The visual similarities in the twins were uncanny; apart from the eyes, his were honey, while hers were a violent ice blue. He stood up properly, before he spotted the blond with the same searing hate, "I didn't need your shitty pity help, asshat." He spat before he turned around and marched himself off the bleachers.
"It was my pleasure!" The blond called out in the same chipper tone. He stood up and started to hop down the bleachers to the twin who he gave a perky smile too.
She didn't notice him as he approached and stood there for a few seconds, as her eyes were glued to her brother. Once she realized his presence, The blond already spoke, "He appreciates it."
Unsure if he was sarcastic, she just scoffed, "Nearly got yourself scorched there, Bagel-boy." She had her arms crossed. The storm had slowly started to soothe.
"Cheers, storm-cloud." he giggled in response, playfully his fingers floated by the red-heads hair, a jolt of static that visibly attached to his glove.
They both let off a light laugh at that, then silence as they both watched Adrien hide into the corner of the bleachers where he was attended by everyone before he loudly shrieked a threat to us all. In what seemed to be unison, we all turned away. Naya had snorted quietly at the others' overreaction.
The ginger girl's raspy voice spoke, "Skylar." She stated, which caused the blond to give a confused 'hm?' in response, "My names Skylar."
"Ah, Sky- like a cloud. That's fun." The blond jeered playfully, his own fingers pressed against each other. Skylar rolled her eyes, smile still there.
There was more silence, that once again, the cloud Virus broke, "And you?" The blond made another confused noise as he still watched the Virus who brooded in the corner, "Your name?"
He smiled and held out a hand to Skylar, "Toby West." he chippered, grin proud and full.
She accepted the handshake, a scoff followed, "How formal."
The Virus, now known as 'Toby' shrugged with a small noise to match. He gazed at the group with what I imagine was with fondness. Toby tucked his arms behind him. He then proceeded to walk over to the carnage of burned and sizzled metals.
He lightly pressed his heel to the remains of the scorched bagel. He mumbled something so quietly that even Skylar from a foot or so away couldn't hear.
I was snapped out of my disease, Tabby's voice chirped loudly, "Alvi!" She sang slightly, but it more or less burned out my hearing sensors. I looked to her and saw she had the shyer Virus with the slim-masculine frame held still by her arms, "Check it, this is Joslyn!" Tabby introduced proudly.
The girl tensed up as she turned her head away, "Hello." Her voice quivered, her somewhat restrained hand waved. I blink at her, then turn to Tabby, who I imagine will speak for her.
"I just thought you two could have a lot in common. She's shy, dull-colored, and doesn't really talk!" She tried to match us up. If she considers my red pupils and Joslyn's middle eastern skin bland, then her standards are beyond me.
All of the commotions had made me realize that not once had I even considered to look through Warden's vision to view the final Virus. I had decided to finally switch to his sight.
What I saw, encased in a blue chamber, was a dark-skinned boy, and only half of a face, skull and teeth visible on his left side, cheek to hairline, skin, and muscle went so cleanly. I barely took notice of the surrounding area before my hearing was bombarded with screams. Distinctly curse-filled and desperate to scare or assert dominance.
I turn back to my own vision to see Toby already started to harass the fire Virus, with a pole, on end, a bagel that was hovered above Adrien's head, a few stray flames had begun to toast the dough. Despite the apparent danger and state of abduction, everyone was unnaturally blissfully content for a moment.
- In Serial94 Chapters
Sometime in Autumn: A Fallen Noble’s Journey to Immortality
In a sudden twist of fate, marked by vicious scheme, Marcus Cornelius, a fifteen-year old Bronze ranked Knight and the second son of Count Augusto of Thorns, suddenly became a Baron but was subsequently ambushed on his way to his new fief.. Upon death, he woke up in a body of a three-year old boy in a world distinct from the lands he once knew.. After having been played by fate, he opportunely took the identity of the boy and went on to live a new life.. in a world full of fortune and secrets.. a place where men can transcend mortality.. a vast land where Immortals reign supreme.. Follow our MC in his own journey to Immortality.. Hello fellow novel readers, This is just an attempt to write my own novel. And from hereon, I will have to warn you that english is not my native language, so please bear with the grammatical or spelling mistakes. Also, this novel is really intended to be a short one so there might be a lot of time skips. Thanks and enjoy, Qairi
8 181 - In Serial38 Chapters
The Mythfits - Books 1 & 2
The key was never supposed to be seen again. It was destroyed after a group of mythical warriors locked away the embodiment of darkness. So, when the key reemerges in present-day New Orleans to an easy-going college student named Aidan, a group of what goes "bump in the night" comes seeking it intent on condemning the city to a “Purge” style curse. As if supernatural slammers, malevolent monsters, and hellish hexes weren't enough, Aidan discovers he and his friends are reincarnated from the original group of mythical warriors. Is history repeating itself or are ancient and deadly secrets from the past ready to reveal themselves? A pinch of primordial evil mixed with a fist full of Fat Tuesday and it's a recipe for one hell of a party.
8 187 - In Serial76 Chapters
When rainbow lights flicker across the face of the moon, Fand believes it is a good omen, at least she hopes it is. But is it? All she knows is that she doesn't want her cousin to join the Council and move far away. The only one who could prevent his leaving is the Keeper. She asks the Keeper a single request, a request that has the power to up end the lives of those she loves best, but she doesn't even consider this. Will her request be granted?
8 281 - In Serial21 Chapters
A perfect love story {Completed}
Vanessa is 15 year old girl who's life story is pretty simple. She has a twin sister Lori that's a life guard. She has a major crush on Adam baker. One problem Adam likes Lori her sister. But when adam clones himself accidentally he might but the world in danger
8 62 - In Serial15 Chapters
[Turkish] Kahraman Dünyâsın Da Ki Dede
Hide her şeyin bittiğini sanıyordu. Hayâtı boyunca düzelme uğruna çalışmış, acı çekmişti. En sonunda başarmıştı. Tüm yorgunlukla kendini kapattı. Ve ne şaşırtıcı ki darı yine uslu durmadı. "Bi bitmediniz amk." Tek cümle de; Daha önce şinobi dünyasının Tanrısı olmuş adam DC / MARVEL / X-MEN dünyâsın da yeniden doğar. Daha önce okumak için; https://tengriata.wordpress.com
8 235 - In Serial34 Chapters
Re: Dystopia (Completed)
This is the story of Mithneel. A boy (who grows up from being a baby to a man during the LN) and all of his adventures. This is the sequel to "Dungeon of Apples?"
8 113