《The Traitor Games》Chapter 19


"And this big guy right here is BT. Luna is either out and about, or in one of the games right now. Either way, this is most of the gang from my first game. We went through a lot and stuck with each other." We had all gotten food and were chatting at one of the steel tables in the replicator area. To avoid the major crowds, we had taken one on the upper levels, far enough away that no one would bother us, and with a nice view of the berths below. I ate up here whenever I got the chance, but in all the commotion that had occurred the past couple of days, this was the first time I had truly looked at my surroundings.

Everything was so neatly organized down below. Berths were in multiples of 9 across, extending off into the distance. I had seen berth numbers as high as ten thousand listed on people's wristbands, which would make this place massive, especially given that this area only housed humans. Just how large was whatever we had been housed on once we included any sort of guard housing, the pod areas, and the prison? It couldn't be a spaceship, but we might have been currently housed on a station orbiting one of our other planets. Shame that there weren't any windows, otherwise it would be easy to tell. The bright steel walls, without any color, left an oppressive atmosphere over the entire area. You could tell, no matter how open it looked, that this was first and foremost a prison.

"It's nice to meet you all. I appreciate you keeping my brother out of his head, and keeping him alive. They broadcasted the games to everyone on Earth, and I saw how you kept him grounded. I swear he goes into space sometimes. Like right now for example." Lindsay nudged me with her elbow, looking over at me.


"What? I'm paying attention. I was just thinking about where exactly we could be. I heard you, you know." It was hurtful she would think so lowly of me, even if it was true.

"Mhm. Sure you did. But anyway, was there a reason besides meeting everyone that you brought everyone here? Not that I have any issues with it, there isn't much else going on outside of talking to the people here, and the less time to dwell on our mortality the better, but you seemed to have a different agenda when you invited me." Lindsay had always been quick on the uptake, I did want to discuss the method by which we could buy our group of 6 full citizenship and exemption from the games. I wasn't entirely sure she would go for it, she was the type to do everything she could to help others, and I doubted without her interacting with the group she would go for the arguably safest solution for us. It was more than likely I would still get some pushback and insistence on staying until the entire Earth was free. It was easier to justify this way. A little manipulative, I know, but this was the best way to protect her, without giving her the guilt of leaving everyone else behind. If I had a say in it I would have worked to purchase the single person option and just applied it to her, but I guarantee she would just join back up as soon as she got the chance.

"I'm hurt that you would think so lowly of me to have an agenda in having you meet everyone. I was going to discuss the option of saving as a group towards the 6 person citizenship option, and since there were 5 of us, I was going to ask everyone if we could include you as well. Okay, there might be a slight agenda...."


"There is an option for fewer people to earn citizenship? That's great and all, but it doesn't exactly fit the problem for the rest of Earth." Allison said. "Our friends and families will still be at risk this way."

"It's not an entirely selfish option. 10% of the points input for purchasing the option also go to the probationary period buyout. We can still contribute by doing this. It's a smart play and insulates us slightly from the risk of staying the entire time. Each game we play could go the other team's way if luck isn't on our side." I was starting to get the feeling I was going to be outvoted here.

"But think about all the other people still on Earth that will get pulled in after us. If we don't do it, what reason will they? Do you want Mom going through this? What about the rest of our family? If Dad was still around what would he do?" Lindsay said.

"He would protect you first and foremost. No ifs and or buts about it. And thats a low blow bringing him up. As I said before, you can't save everyone, we need to protect outselves first and then we can help others.

"Okaayyyyy. Sounds like you two have some stuff to work out. Catch up with me after and we will grab a drink Noah." BT stood up from his seat and walked away.

"It's fine. It's been great meeting you all and I look forward to working with you. Emma was it? If you want to hang out sometime let me know. It will be nice to talk with someone my own age, plus we have to stick together. My brother in the other hand, needs to chill out with his overbearing self. As much as he wishes Dad was around, he can't exactly replace him. He's welcome to talk when he wants to be my brother, and not my father." Lindsay stormed off, presumably back to her berth.

"Lindsay......" Maybe I was being a bit pushy. I'd let her calm down and then try and talk to her again. We'd need to be united when it came time for the next game.

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