《The Forest Emperor》Chapter seven: There and back again.


“Breathe in silently, breathe out slowly. No noise. Calm down. One with the tree, you are one with the naturai, embrace us. Escape from existence. Come little darling, don’t say a word. You are what dreams should be like. Still, slowly and ever-growing.”

With my eyes closed I saw the flora around me pulsing, heaving up and down, the breath of the forest.

In my small sphere of influence I feel the life around me, still like statues. A bird in mid-flight with his wings raised about to thrust them down and moving at the speed of a falling feather.

Pain echoes my being, I can feel it slowly lessening but the seconds feel endless and the pain not only feels worse than when I dislocated my shoulder but it reverberates back and forth amplifying it. However horrible as that sounds, I am somehow completely at peace with it.

I am healing at an astonishing rate it just feels like an eternity. I think I had some kind of breakthrough.

With my eyes closed I watch myself as I hover freely in the air, I can move around my body, I can reach about twice the length of a spear from my body.

I am watching the world flow slowly by and the giant wound that reaches from the left side of my lower neck down to my right hip bone. The bones would be visible if it weren't for the violently gushing blood painting me red.

I’m not sure how I got into this state of meditation but the mantra felt like it was whispered to me when I tried to hide and regenerate my maimed body at the same time.

Just throwing it out there, it might have been the adrenaline but I think the past, future and present me, would agree I have been favored by her holiness.

The spirit of the overgrowth saw me in my time of peril and guided me towards salvation. Blessed be the great treeness.

Slowly watching over myself and vigilantly watching for whatever sneak attacked me.

Unforgivable, what kind of respectable monster would mount an attack on a fragile and peace-loving adopted son of the treeity. Shameless.

Oh, that’s new. My blood is turning dark green, blending with the tree. Oh what, shit. My whole body is and clothes are all turning the color of the tree-bark. I see. So I have been called to serve? Of course.

I can feel my inner-child soul shaking in fear as a giant multi colored mutant beast slowly approaches me. It has eight legs and disgusting hairs coming off it.

Multiple eyes fluttering about in every direction it can. Not even my breath escapes and I can feel the pressure building, begging me to escape.

The only movement I am making is the final touches of wound healing. If I opened my eyes, there would be two fangs dripping with viscous liquid ready to pierce into my delicious tender flesh. Oh woe is me, to have such a majestic and tasty body.

The beast is staring at a strange looking clump of tree that is me, making clicking sounds. I can almost taste the disappointment in its many optical-stems.

It has to be noted for future reflection, that all this is happening at a speed so slow that it leaves shaken loose by the mutant monstrosity are almost still in the air.

A chill runs through the essence of my soul when I think how fast it is moving. It climbed up the tree that looked like a leisurely stroll.

My tree, were there monsters like this in the world? And I already thought the guardian snake was terrifyingly fast.


Finally my wound completely healed leaving a long menacing scar. I wonder if I die, would it fix or remake my body when I respawn?

I don’t think I’ll come out of this meditative trance for a while. Can’t risk meeting this thing again. So while I wait, let's do some theorycrafting!

Okay, first. It seems you can reach some sort of mastery of advanced versions of skills if you dedicate yourself to them.

The reason I meditate as much as I do is not only because it strengthens me but because it feels as if I am bathing in clouds.

In fact I doubt I’d ever come out of it if my body didn’t require nutrients. One day I might meditate to death.

Second is the empower abilities. If I am ever so bored that I want to take a journey through no-man’s land I’ll try to invent or a better word would be discover a new skill.

The first thing I can do with the information on hand is assume that every part of my body can be empowered by innate energy.

Second is, it would be likely I can discover things easier if I already see them used.

And of course third but not least, that using skills in either combat or dangerous environments increases the proficiency of the skill.

This can be seen from how I have hardly leveled empower: eye and feet compared to empower: hand. I can almost feel it breaking through.

There are so many things to consider. What entity changed the world? Has it some relation to the two circles that float above in the sky?

One scorching hot during the day and the other hauntingly lonely in the night. There is no correlation there but it makes you wonder.

Sometimes I wonder if there is a way to regain my memories. Another is how strong can I possibly get? Will I be able to tower over all of Abraser forest?

The beasts are already frightening there, some even require multiple spears before they finally fall. I must go to the sanctuary and look for a library, there might be, no there have to be some answers there.

So bored, I’ve been staring at the clock in my skill-book menu and there it feels like the world has stopped, when the minutes move forward I can’t feel happy because I know the next minute will feel even longer.

I’ll try to stop this out-of-body experience end, this is becoming hellish.

When I woke up from my trance, I heard something break inside of me. I looked at my hand and it was back to normal, the blood had dried into a green moss.

It crumbles and flows away as dust. I guess a few days have gone by. I have to get back, should I check on the beasts I killed? This is a hard choice.

Or not, let's go check. I’ll come back and strike with furious vengeance if my prey has been stolen from me. Just you wait you terrifyingly ugly fiend.

My mind feels clear and my body supremely lithe. I move at a rapid pace, I can almost sense the jungle flora and on instinct know where all the plant-life is.

This of course doesn’t help me as the plants won’t attack me but it feels amazing like I’ve become more than just me.

This must be what a true hermit feels. Hmph, and those people flock together in the fields of treachery painted with flowery words unbecoming of them.

Every day is a day I find a new way to detest my own race.


I am fighting back the tears in my eyes as I watch over my unspoiled spoils of war. Truly the forest guarded my gains.

I quickly grab the two still tied together beasts far more easily than before and quickly make my way towards the refugee camp.

When I show up, I see they have made some shanties, is that what they're called? Little wooden houses made from wood and vines.

It almost looks beautiful, I want to tell them they're idiots though. There is a perfectly safe canopy up in the trees.

How can they look up and not see that tree-houses are the houses of wise men? Aii, ignorance is a choice if the weak-willed.

Turns out that the area around them is rather safe, only large beasts roaming the outermost edge of the forest are critters easily killed when men and women gather with wooden sticks and various cold weapons.

Nonetheless I tell them I am going towards the sanctuary now. After skinning my beasts I load as much as I can into my backpack.

I picked it up after the monstrous creature sliced it free from my back. It took some work but I stitched it together, it still works, just not in the best shape.

Turns out that the people had some decisions to make, they were living rather well here in the forest area, I told them to at least send two or three people with me.

Mainly to carry leather to the sanctuary. They needed to know the way back and forth as well. Maybe the shops there could really help them make something better than their sloppy shanties.

After an uneventful journey back to the sanctuary, I can't even remember its name at this point and frankly I don’t care.

The two men and one woman that joined me are bombarding the guards with questions while I sit down and start to meditate waiting for them to finish.

After they finished they called out for me and broke my trance. I asked them if I learned anything of value. Turns out the rules were simple, don’t attack or steal anything in the city.

There were a great many things they learned actually, they asked questions I wouldn’t even consider.

For example, you can buy a house here. It only costs a few gold. Around a thousand silver kilograms are worth one gold.

That shouldn’t be too hard, but who would want to live here? Especially with these creepy bastards.

You can also buy farmland and hire people to work on it, and when I say people I mean this braindead NPCs with no quests.

Honestly where are the damn quests? I still got my unattainable quests to conquer Abraser forest, and yes I’ll get to that when I get back there. Eventually.

After asking a random dude walking down the main street where the library was he gave me directions and I said bye to them, what were their names again?

Hmm. I don’t know any of their names. As expected of a well-established hermit such as myself. I am really making progress on my hermit-tude. Hermit-ness? Hermit-ness.

I walk into one of the many plain buildings that is supposed to be the library, there is the usual creepy smile that is to be expected of these people.

I start struggling to ask the right questions the right way. The guy keeps repeating. “I don’t know.” And “I am afraid you don’t have the authorization for that information.”

But luckily these guys clearly haven’t closed all the loopholes and usually fall for yes and no questions. My tree, this is really taxing on me and is bad for my ‘silent but strong’ image.

Turns out there are restricted areas here that have literal invisible walls. I almost threw up blood when I walked into it.

Goosfraba, goosfraba. One with the tree, escape from existence. I am not sure where these words came from but they are truly soothing.

I find a rack of books in one of two areas I am allowed to even look at. Oh mother of all that is treely. They got introduction books to leather-working, blacksmithing, tailoring, energy enhancing.

Turns out tailoring is very much needed for leatherworking. As I do sew them together it makes sense.

I was really hoping to find some kind of guide to the system commands, like you know a beginners guide to the apocalypse or something, or how-to-commands for dummies but no.

still thrilled about the other books, not sure about blacksmithing, where am I going to smith? Carry around a furnace? That’s out, but I’ll buy it anyway.

What’s the first thing to do? Sit down and read “leather, how does it work?” And “Sometimes a good needle is all you need.” And of course “Honey, does this dress make me fast?” which is for item enhancing.

The books didn’t really tell me much more than what I already knew, tailoring helped me the most with different patterns you should use when sewing leather.

Got some better basic designs for the leather-working book but item enhancing just explained that you need to channel energy into items until it has a glowing hue around it.

Turns out the enhancement is dependent on the quantity of the material used as well as quality.

After buying some materials to sew with I went to the leather-worker’s building and started working right in front of him just to spite him.

Bastard wouldn’t teach me or tell me where I could learn anything. It was literally a brisk walk away from his shitty workshop. Aaaaaah! My blood is boiling just thinking about it. One with naturai. Breathe.

After I managed to calm down, I got to work. I tried out a design for a leather robe from the book. It is the most complex design but it is just marking things on a piece of leather then cutting it, nothing that needs great concentration.

I started with the skinned leather of the brown furred beasts and carved out the form.

It is sort of clever, the hood part is the most complex as you carve out strips which you then sew back together and it leaves you with something like an open ended bowl.

After that it was easy and I quickly finished my first robe. I tried it on and it is fantastic. Not the best to move around in so I plan on selling it after I enhance it.

The hardest part was making the boots, I picked up a trick from the book, which is essentially picking the right leather for the boots.

Soft leather wears out quickly but tenacious leather works wonders. So I used the scaly leather.

I had to work the soles of the boots a bit but it came together in the end and they ended up looking pretty good in my personal opinion.

The annoying part is that the leatherworker is just ignoring me, minding his own business.

So I finished up all my leather, even managed to make odd looking leather belts with the scraps after extensive sewing.

Now the truly draining part is left. Enhancing the items. There is no trick to it other than what I already did before and that’s channeling energy into items one at a time.

After repeated enhancing and meditations to recover I finally managed to complete them all.

I kept one new outfit, currently I have some fancy new boots, possibly fit for an eminent person such as myself. Along with a little bit too tight furry leather pants.

I also made gloves, a jacket and best of all my own design, I might add. A cloak with a hood. Proud of that.

They all match except for the boots but they look great nonetheless. Who said that hermits can’t look dashing? No one?

I can feel some serious improvements with my new outfit and a sense of accomplishment.

I plan on selling the rest of my items, as I can make these clothes anywhere with either vines or preferably some proper needle and thread.

Staring at what I believe to be a general goods store owner I slowly bring one piece after the other to let him appraise them.

He bought my items for around the same amount each but once I had duplicate items he started lowering the value.

And since I had so many belts their value was greatly lowered. I still ended up with seven kilograms of gold, which is like what? Seven thousand grams.

It is actually seven thousand and four hundred thirty eight grams of silver. To put in context. If I so choose, it would be easy to stay here permanently.

Before I leave this place again I’m getting all the books I can carry, which is around forty I think. So I’m getting three of those energy lightening bags. Fill them with books, materials to craft and of course food so I don't have to make detours into nearby forests to hunt.

But first, I have to finish this new skill-book. I now have twelve skill-points, at some point some skills have consumed up my skill-points.

I should also dedicate some time to randomly call out system commands. Worked for my skill-menu and quest-log but those were both lucky guesses and really straight forward. Who knows how complicated or specific they have to be.

I never saw those people I brought here again but that’s fine, I went into a hotel and started reading the book and meditated when it became too much.

It was rather easy to get through which makes me think it is not a very strong skill. Also I don’t know why but I can’t even call to talk about what is in my books.

There is like a mental block that doesn’t allow me to verbally tell anyone. Best I can do is show people how I use them.

The only skill-book that made me do physical movements was nature affinity and now I don’t even need to do them anymore. If I chant the mantra I discovered after the beast attack I fall quickly into trance.

After finally getting through the whole book I got a new skill, and I got to say it wasn’t as disappointing, though I am getting worried about how fast I am going through my skill-points.

Enhanced regeneration

From repeated injuries your energy has started to regenerate your wounds of its own volition. This skill is always active and continuously drains your energy whether you want it to or not.

It’s not bad, but I feel this is going to get me killed somehow. Shit no, knock on wood. Uhm? No salt available. Ah I jinxed it. No, hermits are notorious for being immune to superstition.

Nature boys log: day three. I have been walking by the river in this desolate wasteland again, heading towards my one true home. Abraser! Where the grass is green and trees welcoming.

How I miss you mother of trees.

Luckily, for this trip I am more than ready for the food situation and can run at full speed. Or near full speed.

The books are weighing me down a bit and I have to stop every once in a while because empower: feet advanced a level making it require more energy.

But that’s all fine, I regenerate energy at an amazing rate now, I can’t tell if my energy regeneration has ever upgraded since it is a true passive ability but I have to believe it has, right?

It took me far shorter time to make it back towards Abraser than from it, it must have been my undying longing for my home or because I have become a little bit stronger

As much I’d love to hang around by the ever-growing tree I plan on just stopping by then checking on the survivor camp. In and out.

Standing on the edge of the forest I watch over the survivor camp, it has become surprisingly bigger. I can’t quite count all the people but there has been a significant increase.

How do they find all these people? Is this place a designated respawn point? That has to be it, I never see people anywhere aside from towns.

Oh, by the way. There had been some serious renovations in the tree when I came back. My imaginary gal pal must have been busy.

Anyway, back to the settlement.

There are no guards at the gate of the city, just a small door now. The walls have been expanded continuously and they built either more shanties or farmland in the surrounding area.

I just casually walked in and no one batted an eye. This is strange right? Not even a guard. Maybe beasts don’t come around here. Like my tree.

These walls are much more impressive; they are at least three times my height. I can still jump over them but I definitely couldn’t do it without empower: leap.

I walk to the training center, which has been renovated. It is five times as big with wooden training dummies and some primitive lifting-weights.

There is a circle with people running. Why would they do that? Just run in circles? Strange. This place is much better than the sanctuary. People don’t even look at me. How pleasant.

I spoke to some people, as much as it pained me. There aren't exactly people spawning in the town, it is clearly a town now.

They however spawn on the outer edges of Abraser forest and the first thing they see is this town, named Harros. Named after the leader supposedly.

This town has new weird beasts as well. There are two different types, one has four long legs with hooves and they are riding them.

The other is a kind of similar creature with a giant balloon under its stomach with four short tentacles coming out of it, I’m not sure what its use is. It’s eating grass.

Back on point, looking for skill-books. After looking around and talking to an old guy sitting behind a desk I came to know they still only have their two skills.

They however allow everyone to learn them now, too bad I have them both. There are still two more skills that the leader and his entourage have.

So guess I’m going to talk to them, I won’t trade skill-books but information. Learned from my mistake from that tyrant Jar. Greed is what makes these people breathe.

“Hello, I hear you are Herros, leader of this town.”

The incredibly tall man stares at me like I stole his spear.

“And I hear you got valuable information for sale.”

Wow. The man has an incredibly deep voice, it almost lets out small tremors.

“Aye! I found a sanctuary where you’ll find a safe town, you can buy various materials, weapons and armor. There is also a library with crafting books and explains how to for example enhance any item. I got more information but this is what I’m offering now. So depending on what you have to offer we could trade.”

My mouth feels dry after that. Herros smirks in an almost friendly way. Before continuing to assault me with this bass voice.

“That is some claim my friend, and you say you have even more valuable information? Then it is only right we sit and talk this over, please come join me inside. We’ll have something to drink.”

After he gestures to me to follow we arrive in a three story high building. There are beasts furred on every inch of the floor and some nice looking chairs and sofas.

We sit at a table and after a few moments a man brings a tray with four tall glasses filled with white liquid.

It tastes alright, a nice change from my usual water but it is far inferior to my tea. Something I found in the sanctuary.

I simple dip this bag filled with some kind of herbs and it flavors the water. It is best heated.

“I guess you’ll want to know what we have to offer you for your information, hopefully it will hold value to your information. May I have your name?”

I thought I’d dislike this man but even though his voice is a weapon he gets straight to the point, or at least he doesn’t waddle around it.

“I would very much like to hear what you have. You can call me Lord Abraser, leader of the free forest. I also go by the Jade king or Prince of the ever-green.”

He looks at me with the same dull look but simply continues on, what? I even gave him my full title and this all I get?

Truly ungrateful, you won’t have a high position in my kingdom with that attitude. You can be stationed on top of some tower as a guard, your voice should cover the entirety of Abraser.

“We can offer you a house to live in, possibly a leadership position in our militia. You won’t want for food, and have a custom made water relay system that allows you to draw water at any time.”

Hah. What? No no no that won’t work at all. You can’t offer me, an emissary of the great omnipotent tree some housing and food. This is beyond insulting.

“I see we have some sort of misunderstanding, all I want is access to the skill-books you have at your disposal, I have no need for anything else. The never-ending forest, the sanctuary and the tree-mother truly blessed me with bounty you see.”

Why in the name of her tree-ness would I want to live in your human filled town? Oh. He doesn’t look happy, him and his two buddies aren’t looking too good.

“Very well.”

He gets it.

“We have two skill-books, but you can only study them and only under our constant supervision are you allowed to train in their knowledge, but let me warn you.”

He’s paused. I assume for dramatic effect.

“It took me a long time to make heads and tails of the books and even after acquiring the ability and even then I cannot utter a word of what is contained within. Some have even been mentally wounded after trying to read it.”

Hehehe, good! Turns out it should be better than their two empower books.

“Of course Herros, I accept your terms and will share with you my knowledge of where I have traveled, I’ll even give you a map if you have the utensils required to scribble down on.”

I would have asked to see how their power works, but it shouldn’t matter if I just read the books. Since I can use the easy way, there is no point trying the hard one.

But it would be an interesting experiment to see if I can replicate the abilities. But I’ll skip it this time around.

So I wrote down whatever information I had on the map, it wasn’t as detailed as my map but more than enough for them to send some people on their mountable creatures they call horses.

After that I was left in a room with the two books.

Aiii, he truly wasn’t lying when they said they were hard to read, the first I picked up is a bit harder than the energy regeneration book.

But the other is just a tad harder than nature affinity. I wonder if they go out hunting monsters as I do or if they just work on making this town.

Seeing all the improvements here I doubt they had the leisure time to go on a grand adventure like mine.

These books are going to take some time to go through.

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