《The Exiles return》Chapter 9: A sudden interruption


As soon as the Human ship descended, i couldn’t help but marvel at the sleek, white vessel. Aglevis told me that they sent their small sized ship to descend to our world, as the ‘mothership’ as he called it, was so huge that it would flatten this city.

I was flanked by Aila to my right, and Aglevis, who had returned to Zenith ahead the Humans, to my left. I can tell that they both hide their amazement in the stoic faces of theirs. I am wearing a ceremonial dress, worn by my ancestors. While both Aila and Aglevis wore ceremonial military uniforms, with Aglevis wearing a dark green Captain’s uniform, and Aila wearing a royal guard uniform.

Both of them were wearing ceremonial military uniforms. With Aila's uniform belonging to the royal guard, and Aglevis' belonging to the navy.

After a while though, 4 people exited the ship and made their way to us. Two were wearing black business suits, while the other two wore military uniforms, with one being more formal than the other. Possibly belonging to a different branch.

The lead one in the group, who is a bit skinny, and has a thin mustache, extended his arms to me, to which I responded by giving a handshake.

"Your majesty, we are the Terran delegates. We come in peace, and it is nice to meet you." The man finally said.

"Yes, it is my pleasure to finally meet the humans of Terra," I said in response, "perhaps we should go to a more fitting venue?"

The man nodded.

I escorted them to a carriage that would take them to the fort, and noticed that the more formal wearing officer sent the less formal wearing soldier back to their ship. He then turned to me and smiled. I rode a separate carriage, leading them toward the fort.


We began to make our way to the fort and to the meeting room which was prepared a night prior. Upon entering though, the apostle, Miss Ira, was already seated in one of the seats next to my seat. A maid guided the Humans to their seats and I took a seat as well. Aglevis sat to my right, while Ira to my left. Aila stood behind me.

After everyone was seated, I stood up and began our introductions.

“First of all, you might already know of me, I am the current Queen of the Elven realm, Merula Zenith. It is my pleasure to have the esteemed diplomats of the Terran Republic who have taken their time to meet with us in person,” I said as I bowed slightly.

Sitting to the right of me, Aglevis bowed. While, Ira and Aila remained stoic.

"You've met Sir Aglevis before, he is the one I tasked to escort your ship and guide it to our world," I said, "And this is Miss Ira, an apostle to the Goddess Lady Terra." I introduced Aglevis and Ira to the Humans.

I finished my introductions and it is their turn now. I'm not gonna lie, but I've been waiting for this moment since the Humans agreed to send a diplomatic mission to us. It's fascinating on how life could prosper outside the holy realm. And more fascinating is the fact that there are humans in the great void!

The man with the thin mustache stood up and bowed, "It is our greatest pleasure to meet you, your majesty. Our president sends her greetings, it is a shame that she could not join us here," He said as he looked around the room, "I am Ambassador George Hawk, the one heading this diplomatic mission, along with Miss Madelyn and Sir Gonzalez,"


So he's the leader of this diplomatic mission huh? Though there are a lot of questions on which I'd like to get answers, we need to remain professional and proceed slowly.

"We also brought a gift for your majesty," The ambassador said as he gestured to the horned girl for something, soon he walked up to me and showed a small wooden box.

How could I say this? The box was clean, it had the words 'MADE ON EARTH' in small letters in the bottom right of the lid.

He pulled the lid open to reveal a small form of musket. However, it is unlikely to be a musket, as it is made out of metal and ornate gold. It has the words 'ZENITH' engraved in its barrel.

"This is a gift from our civilization to yours, your majesty. We hope you liked it, "he said.

"I have a question," I looked up at him, "what is this?" I asked.

"This is a ceremonial Pistol made especially on Terra, we usually gift them to other heads of state." The ambassador replied.

"What is a pistol-" I asked again before the doors burst open.

"Your majesty!" Said a voice coming from the door.

Aila quickly stood beside me, ready to protect me with all her strength. While Ira became wide eyed, and took out her weapon.

The humans meanwhile, we're just standing there looking at the direction of the door.

After I recollected myself, I looked at the person who stormed here only to find the ambassador of the beastmen realm angrily eyeing the human ambassador.

"Your majesty! You must arrest these animals! They are about to manipulate you!" The beastmen said.

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