《The Exiles return》Chapter 7: A change of plans


“C- captain, are you sure you want to do this?” a crewmate onboard the pirate flagship asked his captain.

“Of course! That thing destroyed my scouting fleet! That thing better damn pay!” the captain shouted.


“Shut yer’ mouth before I cut off your tongue- hmm?”

The captain turned from his crewmate and saw a shooting star in the distance approaching his ship with ridiculous speed. A blinding light will be the last thing he saw before his fleet were obliterated by unknown force.


“.. aaaand they’re dead,” said Hawk as he watched the explosion from the deck.

“I must say, you humans have several interesting weapons at your disposal,” said Galathar who stood beside him.

“That is a product of progress! and fighting each other for centuries..*Ahem*.” said Hawks as he turned to face Galanthar.

“I once again extend our greetings from the Terran Republic to the Elven realm” Hawk said as he extended his arm.

“The pleasure’s all ours,” Galanthar shook his hands.

After the pirate incident, they both went back to the captain's office to continue their discussion. Eventually, the humans went back to their ship and Galanthar ordered his ship to escort the humans.


In the captain’s office, after the humans left.

“So, what do you think?” Galanthar asked Aglevis.

“About the humans?” Galanthar nodded.

“I think they’re unique, definitely not the same humans we are accustomed to. There’s a sort of… different air, around them,” Aglevis answered.

“How so?”

“I mean, they’re literally from the void so…” Aglevis shrugged.

“Okay I get it. You may leave” Galnthar sighed.

After Aglevis had left, Galanthar sat quietly in his seat for a moment, before he started to write a report.

“To Her Majesty Queen Merula Zenith, Ruler of the Elven Realm and all Elves.


From Galanthar Mirilet, Admiral of the Void Ark HMZS Eden.

Today, I have contacted the Void Humans. It is, as your Majesty had expected, they are different, although the difference is subtle, than any humans in the holy realm.

I can see that they are slightly taller than our humans here in the holy realm. Their posture is also straight, like most noblemen. When I inquired to Sir Hawk on wheter or not he’s of noble descent, he simply said ‘no, i’m not’. Other than the dragon horned woman, they all look like normal humans in the holy realm.

Our human maids took a liking in them, and even tried seducing their captain who accompanied the ambassador. I guess they found a new hope in liberating their race. Here’s to hope they don’t commit acts of terrorism again now. The void humans also took an interest in our humans, Sir Hawk told me, ‘it’s interesting on how two exact same species exists in different galaxies’

Nevertheless, I will continue to escort them to Zenith as your Majesty commands.”

I finished writing and sent it through the teleportation crystal.

I laid back on my chair and closed my eyes, before I realised I'd forgotten something, but what was it? I remembered the head maid telling me of a missing maid recently, I should have a look at it.


At the canteen of TSS Explorer, Hawk and Julian we're discussing their recent contact over a glass of 300 year old wine. Which Hawk sneaked on board.

'I hope your cowardly side returns, Hawk. I'm getting bored of this'

Hawk is proudly bragging about his daughter to Julian, she was accepted to the Terran Interstellar Warfare Academy, one of the most prestigious military academies in the galaxy. Two galaxies.

'How did our previous conversation get derailed?' Julian thought.


As he sipped on the glass of wine, an officer went up to him and handed him a paper. It's a response from Terra.

"Hawk, an important message from Terra," He nudged on Hawk, who has collapsed.


"HAWK!" He yelled into his ears.


" I got an info message from Terra, here," Julian handed Hawk the paper.

"Did they fire me?!“ said Hawk panicking, clearly his other side took a hold of him.


'At a time like this.. '

"Never mind, get back to your room. Or else.. "

"Yes sir!"

And with that, Hawk ran to his room.

"Fuckin' bitch," Sighed Julian, "now whatever is your content, dear papyrus" Julian said as he began to read the message from Terra.

"... "

After a couple minutes of reading the small and tightly packed words, he folded the paper and got up from his seat. And began walking towards the exit. Only to realise he hadn't paid.

He went to the cashier and paid using Hawk's card. Source? His wallet that he left on the table.

Afterwards, he went towards the exit.

In the hallway, a guard ran up to him.

"Sir Julian!" The guard said.

"What is it?" Julian asked.

"Sir Yatz told me to get you, he said he found an intruder!" The guard exclaimed.

"Yatz? Wait an intruder?!" Julian yelled a bit, he was taken surprised when the guard told him that there was an intruder who managed to infiltrate the Explorer.

"Yes! She was found in the engine room!"

They both begin to run to the engine room, and when they got there, the entrance to the room was crowded by guards and curious crew members. As Julian managed to get inside the engine room through squeezing the crowded space, he found Ritz.

"Ritz! Some guy named Yatz found an intruder, where is it?" Julian said, panting, "also, who the hell is Yatz?"

"Yatz is me, it's my nickname," Told Yatz as he pointed at himself, "also yeah, some poor engineer was performing routine maintenance when he was jump scared by an eldritch being. Turns out, it was just some girl on a maid dress with messy hair, presumably from all the exhaustion. This was realized AFTER the engineer bludgeoned the poor girl on the head."

"Wait, so she's knocked out?" Julian asked.

Yatz answered with a simple "yeah."

"Unbelievable.. Oh yeah, I got instructions from Terra, here" Julian said as he handed Yatz a folded paper From his pocket.

"Hmm?" Yatz took the paper and unfolded it.

After reading it, he sighed, and looked at Julian.

"Already eh?" Yatz said.

"Best of luck, and God bless Humanity" Julian replied as he positioned his military cap.

The message read;

"Orders from the Ministry of Habitation, Congress has passed a bill to search for a planet/solar system suitable for a permanent human colony and naval base. Use any means necessary to acquire them. Establishing friendly relations with foreign species is to be put as a secondary objective. Godspeed and God bless Humanity."

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