《Two Brothers》21: Volcobar Fenrikin. Magic and Gods


"Imagine yourself by a campfire underneath the open sky, far away from the rattling of society. Nearby you notice a raven spreading its wings; croaking as it solemnly stares out across the surrounding landscape. As you turn you can hear a fox crying out in the distance, followed by what can be perceived as a drum beat derived from the earth itself."

-Vilgrux Forndum

"you are level 107?" Jack was sitting across a table, Siegfried nodded and laughed at the brother's faces.

"after level 80 and your 4rth tribulation your bottleneck and its way harder to level up, besides the Tribulation at level 100 its a milestone, usually half of the people that are tested by their god die so many avoid it." he paused for a moment and then laughed "my grandfather was fighting in with the enemy chieftain of the Mountain Dwarfs, as they where treading blows some fool ran in front of my Grandpas Axe " Siegfried waves his own battleaxe around depicting the scene

"before his next blow could land, he turned to stone. they had him set to rest on the Village Main square. I still remember his face. An twisted and ugly expression saved for eternity" he tapped his knee as he laughed. "From the stories i heard, i bet he was not upset about dying, but more about not being able to kill that mountain dwarf fuck." Siegfried exhaled loudly and calmed down

"Your magic is strong though" He nodded to himself as he poured himself another glass "i guessed you where some kind forest hermits" He said while roughly pointing at their wooden armor and stone spears "but estimating your skills and stats i could have sworn you where level 50, i guess with your amount of skills and their rank they kinda work as a buffer" he rubbed his chin for a second and frowned

"So you say in your world you are far more advanced technologically, not only that your are both Apprentice Scholar..." he paused " i mean the owlbear was fucked up as your first kill but besides that, you been fortunate so far" he downed his cup quickly and burped silently to the side.

"I doubt other people could have made it... So in ten days" Siegfried stopped to bite on a pice of fruit "fight to death" he said with half of his mouth full " i mean you could name a proxy... but if i fight with that triton i clam the Bride for myself" he laughed while biting down on the peach again.


Jack refused that possibility immediately, Bosco was a dog, and Brandon had a bad matchup since he was a fire caster. Siegfried had estimated the triton to be a around Level 80 melee, and he was of water element like everyone of his race. Besides he was not a coward and by principle Jack refused to let others fight his wars.

that left only one option "i power level you, and you create new skills, then as the defender you chose terrain and weapons... there aren't any mountains in the vicinity, but as long as you stay away from big bodies of water you should have the advantage" Siegfried's eyes had passion, he seemed to sober up each second.

"Yes" jack rose from his seat

"don't worry, it will all resolve on time" Brandon seemed more secretive than usual "You will understand" he reiterated. Jack trusted him. as he said before with his life.

"ok, chop chop, monsters will not kill themselves" Siegfried clapped his hands cleaning them from the fruit juices and the spilled wine, he opened his travel backpack and took out a thin bladed sword out. "you only saw me fight with the battle axe" his lips curved up "let me show you what the Walking Storm does" the blade whistled as he waved it around resembling the sound of the wind "i will show you despair. i will split you in half, i will pierce your soul" as he stated his last word the flat of the blade meet his lips. He kissed the blade lightly and blinked "lets go"

"Foolish" Bosco said with a growl as he ripped the head from a Giant centipede that overextended her position.

The Doberman was no longer a dog. Siegfried explained that animals sometimes undergoes racial changes similar to his. the fact that he could speak now Meaned he was a Spiritual Beast. a Wind Element Spiritual Beast to be concrete. his race changed to Volcobar Fenrikin. the brothers estimated he now weighted roughly 500 or 600 pounds, and his fur had a transparent light gray tone.

He worked as the groups flank, even though he specialized on quick flash attacks that oneshoted the monsters it did not mattered right now. they had been raiding the Centipede's nest for the past 30 minutes. Jack had killed 15 of them siegfried's blade pierced their tough carapace without trouble. Brandon stayed on the back and his arms shook while holding his knocked bow.

"Maybe two more until 40" Said jack as he pushed a dead centipede to the side with his arms


"not here. maybe the next nest" Siegfried Cleaned his blade with his Cloak, his clothes where immaculate, hi's battle arts allowed him to move with grace and skill, not even the splashing blood reached his frame as he pierced left and right.

"You hit them good boss" Bosco said. he called them Master Jack and Master Brandon the first two days after gaining his ability to speak, they made him change it to Boss since it was lees awkward.

"lets just pray that the next tribulation is less painful" Brandon said as he frowned remembering this first time meeting his goddess.

"fire gods are a bit... particular. you just got bad luck." Siegfried noted.

"we can only hope" Brandon prayed and his brows twitched slightly "i bet she is listening"

Siegfried laughed "don't make it hard on yourself" he patted Brandon on the shoulder lightly "not every man can become a Herald"

Spoiler: Spoiler Brandon Callahan Age: 24 Race: Ever Lasting Fire Herald (Human variant) Status: Healthy Level: 36

Titles: Aprentice Scholar(+2 Int +2Wis)

Restless one(-2h of sleep neded each day to be fully rested)

Revenant(+2 Will, +2 Wis)

Dancing With Mermaids (Imroved Water Element Resistance)

God's herald [unique skill aquired]

God's lover

Stats Status modifier Strenght: 12(+2) +/- 0 Agility: 9 +/- 0 Constitution: 11(+2) +/- 0 Dexterity: 17(+6) +/- 0 Inteligence: 24(+12) +/- 0 Wisdom: 24(+10) +/- 0 Willpower: 15(+5) +/- 0 Perception: 12(+4) +/- 0 Charisma: 11 (+2) +/- 0 Unasigned Status points 35 skills Advanced Literacy: Level 9 (+4 Int, +4 Wis) [+1 Level] Advanced Carpentry : Level 5 (+4 Dex) Advanced Improvisation: level 8 (+4 Int, +4 Per) Intermediate Brawling: Level 3 (+2 Str, +2 Con) Intermediate Musician: Level 8 (+2 Dex) Intermediate Wits: level 2 (+2 Int, +2 Wis) Intermediate Animal Training: Level 1 (+2 Char) Intermediate Meditation: Level 9 (+3 Will) Intermediate Well of Power Control: Level 9[+5 levels] Intermediate Fire Element Control: Level 9[+3 Levels] Intermediate Bowsman: Level 9 [+7 level] Begginer Flint Knapping: Level 3 Begginer Weapon Crafting: Level 3 Begginer Spear Mastery: Level 1 Begginer Woodsman: Level 7 Begginer Interrogation: Level 1 Begginer Hide treating: Level 4 Active Skills

Firestream Projectile

Imbues a projectile with mana, a Firestream will be projected forward after impact dealing fire Dmg to anyone hit by this Spell


A steady stream of flame projected from any part of the Casters body dealing high Fire dmg to anyone hit by this Spell.

Advanced literacy modifier: -5 to mana drain per second

Exploding Fireball


Fire Walk




Jack Callahan Age: 31 Race: Shadowbinder (Human variant) Status: Minor wounds(Recovering) Level: 39

Titles: Aprentice Scholar(+2 Int +2Wis)

Death Defier(+4 to Willpower)

Blood Sworn(+4 Willpower +2 Charisma)

Peace Finder(+2 Int, +6 Willpower)

Engaged (+2 Char with Fiancee, -2 Char all other members of the oposite sex)



Stats Status modifier Strenght: 22(+7) +/- 0 Agility: 12 +/- 0 Constitution: 22(+9) +/- 0 Dexterity: 21(+10) +/- 0 Inteligence: 17(+8) +/- 0 Wisdom: 14(+6) +/- 0 Willpower: 22(+10) +/- 0 Perception: 19(+4) +/- 0 Charisma: 10(+4) +/- 0 Unasigned Status points 38 skills Master Carpentry : Level 5 (+8 Dex) Advanced Literacy: Level 2 (+4 Int, +4 Wis) Advanced Fitness: Level 4 (+4 Con, +4 Str) Intermediate Boxing: Level 7 (+3 Str, +5 Con) Intermediate Combat Sense: Level 4 (+2 Per, +2 Char Intermediate Fishing: Level 5 (+2 Dex, +2 Per) Intermediate Flint Knapping: Level 5 (+2 Dex, +2 Per) Intermediate Woodsman: Level 1 Intermediate Spear Mastery: Level 3 [+2 levels] Begginer Battle tactics: Level 7 Begginer Ambush Countermeasures: Level 9 Begginer Weapon Crafting: Level 7 Begginer Armor Crafting: Level 5 Begginer Hide Treating: Level 2 Begginer Clay Crafting: level 3 Begginer Well of Power Control: Level 8 [+4 Levels] Begginer Shadow Element Control: Level 7 [+5 Levels] Begginer Wood Simbiosis: Level 5 [+2 Levels] Begginer Infiltration: Level 1 Active Skills

Shadow strike


Shadow Step




Blindeside Strike


Bosco Age: 7 Race: Volcobar Fenrikin (Dog variant) Status: Healthy Level: 38

Titles: One of a Kind (+5 to all Atributes)

Guard Dog (Increased Dmg when defending Claimed Land from Hostiles)

Reaper (Critical Strikes are doubled)

Fenrir Kin (All Bite attacks are subjected to a 1.5 Dmg multiplator) [+1 Unique Active Skill]

Stats Status modifier Strenght: 21(+11) +/- 0 Agility: 22(+10) +/- 0 Constitution: 28(+15) +/- 0 Dexterity: 12(+5) +/- 0 Inteligence: 12(+8) +/- 0 Wisdom: 17(+8) +/- 0 Willpower: 26(+11) +/- 0 Perception: 46(+26) +/- 0 Charisma: 19 (+5) +/- 0 Unasigned Status points 19 skills Master Guard: level 5(+6 Per +6Will) Master Dog Senses: Level 9(+8 Per) Advanced Bite: Level 9 (+3 Str, +3 Agi) Advanced Hunting: Level 6 (+3 Per, +3 Con) Advanced Commands: Level 2 (+3 Int, +3 Wis) Intermediate Fitness: Level 4 (+3 Str, +3 Con) Intermediate Sneak: Level 5 (+2 Agi, +2 Per) Intermediate Feasting: Level 4 (+4 Con) Intermediate Tracking: Level 2 (+2 Per) Begginer Well of Power Control: Level 9 Begginer Wind Element Control: Level 3 Active Skills

Fenrir's Bite

Magically Empowered Bite attack that can pierce even through stone.

Wind Step

Using the Wind as a Vessel the Caster can move extreamly quickly without making any sound for short distances.

Wind Fangs


Strom Breath


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