《Different》Chapter 11 - First Foe


"EH !? YOU !? ABILITY !?"


"Why didn't you tell me before ?"

"I didn't know how to tell you, I mean it is a strange thing after all"


"What ?"

"What's your ability ?"

"Are you that curious ?"

"Heck yea, if one of my best friends has an ability i'm definitely gonna wanna know about it"

"Hmm...okay fine i'll show you, get your phone out"

"What, why ?"

"Just do as I say"

Soro slipped his hand into his pocket and took his phone out. He waved it at Akame.

"What now ?"

"Alright, now turn around and dial a random number on your phone"


Soro turned around and held his phone up to his chest. He began dialing the number 5500071 on it. He then turned his head around and look at Akame.

"Finished, what now ?"

"Now stare at your phone"

Soro turned his head again and looked down at the digits on his phone. Both Akame and Soro's eyes lit up for a split second.


Soro turned around and looked at Akame with a shocked expression on his face.

"Woah! How did you know !?"

Akame smiled cheekily.

"I used my ability dingus"

"So you can see what people type on their phone ?"

"No you idiot! I can see what people are seeing whenever I activate my ability, and hold my breath, but I have to touch them first"


"Ah so that's how you knew I was being chased"


["That must be the reason why she touched the cut on my face before I left the classroom"]

The school bell began to ring loudly across the entire school.

"Looks like it's lunch time, let's go Soro"

The two of them walked over to the lunch hall and spotted Yugo sitting down by him self with his eyes fixated on the book he was holding. Akame ran up to him with a joyful smile.


"Yugo. what's up"

Yugo raised his head and noticed Akame in front of him.

"Shouldn't you get lunch before coming to the table ?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot hehe"

She walked over to Soro, who was currently helping him self to a food tray and picked one up for herself. They both got their meals and sat down next to Yugo. Soro picked up a burger from his food tray and then glanced over at Yugo's which was completely full.

"Hey Yugo you need to eat"

"I'm not hungry, I ate at home this morning"

"Hasn't it been like 4 hours since then ?"

"No, it's only been 3 hours and 43 minutes"

"Right, of course you counted"

A group of people sitting behind them began creating a massive rumble, throwing their food trays at each other and banging on the table. It started getting even more noisier when one of them decided to use their ability to shoot mini beams at knives and forks that were being thrown in the air. Akame, having tried to ignore the noise coming from behind her, for quite some time now finally stood up and walked over to them. She slammed her hand on their table with an enraged look on her face.


The group of people paused and looked at her. A tall large blonde student got up from his seat and walked over to her. He leaned down to see her face.

"Hmm, what do we have here ?"

He placed his hand on Akame's chin and raised her head up so she would make eye contact with him.

"What's your name ?"

"It's Akame, and get your hand off me"

She smacked his hand off her chin. The blonde student smiled.

"A feisty one eh, it's okay...I like girls who are brave, my names Mako"

"I don't care what your name is, tell your friends over there to stop making so much noise, it's really annoying"



Mako turned over to the group of people he was sitting with and smirked.

"You heard the lady, keep it down"

The group smiled and whispered to each other as if they were plotting something. Mako turned around once more and looked at Akame. He raised his eyebrows.

"Good enough for you sweetie ?"

"Yeah, it's a lot better than before, thanks"

Akame turned around and went back to the table Yugo and Soro were sitting on. Soro looked at her as she sat down.

"Are you alright Akame ?"

"Yeah, i'm fine"

Yugo raised his head from the book he was reading and lightly smiled at Akame.

"Nice one, It was getting hard to read with those water heads continuously making all that noise"

Soro looked at Yugo with an impressed face.

"Did you just smile ?"

"I did no such thing"

"Heck yeah you did, I saw that"

Yugo raised the book on his hands to cover his face.

"Don't say such foolish things"

"Yeah yeah, I bet you're smiling behind that book right now"

Akame giggled at both of them. Soro turned his head to look at her. His eyes widened as he spotted a student standing behind her with a plate of lasagna held on his hands.

"Akame watch out!"

It was too late for Akame to react. The student smiled as he spilled the food on his plate on top of Akame's head. Both Soro and Akame jolted out of their seats. Yugo remained sitting as he glared at the student with a sharp look on his eyes. Akame turned around and swung her arm towards the students face, however the student managed to grab it before it hit him. He gripped onto her arm tightly to purposely injure her as he smiled.

"Now now, it's not nice to attack your fellow seniors"

Akame tried to struggle out of his grip.

"Tch...Let go !"

Soro gritted his teeth in anger, he ran up to him with his arm raised, he was completely ready to throw a punch at him.


As Soro's fist just about reached the students face it was blocked by the large hand of Mako who was now standing behind the student. Mako looked down at Soro and smiled.

"This doesn't involve you kid"

Soro quickly grabbed an empty food tray on a table beside his other arm and launched it at Mako. The tray hit his face before falling on the ground. Mako clenched his hands as he furiously glared at Soro.

"Now you've angered me"

He raised his hand up getting ready to throw a punch at Soro. Before things further escalated a tall muscular man who usually kept guard of the school gates, had slammed the door of the lunch hall open. Next to him was a short girl who had most likely told him about the situation. The teacher looked over at Soro's direction.

"What do you boys think you're doing !? eat your damn food or get out !!"

The entire lunch hall had gone dead silent after what the man had said, as if everyone had lost the courage to speak. After a short while students began to whisper to each other.

"That's him right ?"

"Yeah, I heard he spent time in prison before working as a guard for the school"

"Shhhh....he might hear you"

Mako growled at Soro.

He began to walk off with the group of students from before. The one who had gripped Akame's hand let go and followed them. Mako turned around before exiting the lunch hall and looked over at Soro.

"I'll be waiting for you outside after school, you better be there or else"

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