《Nurarihyon System in Another World》Chapter 7 The Night Hunt


When he's done checking the items he made up his mind and purchased the Long Sword of Three Tails.

He doesn't know how to use sickles and strings so it's not a good option. As for the nenekirimaru, it's restriction of only killing cultivators doesn't fit much in his current situation.

The spear of the four-tails has a good ability but he's not proficient in using spear so he decided to go with the Long Sword of Three Tails.

After purchasing his weapon, he then turned his attention to the only defense item that is available.

Iron Fan of the Two Tails (Nibi no tessen) a massive iron fan with good defense, when reinforced with fear, allows the user to deflect 30% damage back to the enemy.

Seems like a good item for defense so he immediately bought it from store which leaves him 1000 SP points.

'System, do you have something you can recommend? Something that can help me in hunting?

[Ding! Host can buy Tsuchinoko summoning token, it's a flying yokai mount, it costs 1000SP]

When he heard this recommendation, his golden eyes flashed with excitement and expectation. How can he forget this Nura Clan Main Mount.

[Would you like to confirm the purchase?]


Without delay he immediately purchase the token. It's already night time when he ended his purchases.

Darkness already covered the entire Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range, Edge area.

Multiple howls and roars can be heard from afar.

The moon was shining brightly in the sky, illuminating the sleeping snow woman on the Nura House entrance.

Hannya silently watch Setsura for a few minutes and then his figure suddenly dissappeared from his original location.

In mid-air his figure started to fall but was caught by a gigantic snake, it has the head of a human. Sitting on top of Tsuchinoko with his hands inside his sleeves their figure slowly dissappeared to the clouds.


There's was saying back on earth, "While the day belongs to humans, the night belongs to yokai".

It's true especially when the yokai we're talking about is the Lord of Pandemonium.


Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range, edge forest

The wind howled and blew a bitter chill past the trees; it danced with the leaves and dragged them away unwillingly from the ground.

The floor was damp and stagnant with the odour of woods and bloods of the weaker profound beast who died at claws of their predators.

The forest seemed to never end; tall silhouettes shadowing the ground, flying profound beasts circling overhead, and screams echoing through the wind.

Multiple red eyes hidden within the scattered tall grasses in the area. A pack of wild wolves at the elementary profound stage lurked in the area.

This wild wolves were hunting weaker beasts while oblivious that they were preyed to a being looking down from the sky.

Behind the dark clouds, a golden slanted eyes shone with murderous intent while surveying the entire forest.

When Hannya found a smaller pack of wolves he tapped Tsuchinoko, they slowly descended to the ground.

A wild wolf a bit far away from the pack is currently staring at it's prey, covered in grey fur it slowly crouched down while it's demonic eyes is completely salvage with killing intent. It was about to leap from it's location when a flash of light flickered

A red line slowly emerge from it's neck, causing it's slowly head to slowly slid from it's neck. A wolf head dropped rolling on the ground leaving it's body which is still crouching while blood spilled like a water fountain.

The whole process was so smooth and fast, not giving the wild wolf some time to even release a sound.

A silhoutte emerge from the shadow, standing beside the decapitated corpse.


With the help of the moonlight, the figure slowly came into view.

Aside from his face which was covered with darkness what can be seen is His body, red cloak together with the three-tailed wolf hanging around his shoulders like a shawl fluttered along with the wind.

A stream of 'fear' slowly emits from his body rises and into the air, dancing with wind, creating swirling patterns. Raising his hand, a sword covered with blood can be seen, the sword was swung down and blood splattered on the ground. The rising dark smoke from the 'fear' flows with it's surroundings, creating an eerie but demonic charisma.

That figure is none other than Hannya.


Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range, Nura Clan Headquarters

At the Nura House Entrance, Setsura's eyelids trembled and slowly open, her crimson eyes scanned the surroundings seeing that Nurarihyons figure isn't around she Slowly and reluctantly, sat up slowly streching her arms above her head and yawn.

Streaks of moonlight penetrated the entrance. Extending her senses she realized that Nurarihyon is not in the headquarters.

'So that closet pervert left and did nothing while I was defenselessly waiting for his assault?, shaking of her thought she left the headquarters to find his whereabouts.

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