《GemZ: Chronicles of Le'Tayah》1.1.2 - Falling


Hi Megimi stood at the aft deck of the Clock Ship, leaning on the railing as she looked down at the landscape speeding past well below them. It was making her feel a little queasy, so she looked at the horizon again, clearly able to see where the natural light made way for the artificial light.

She yawned and turned to go back into her luxurious room. A breeze ruffled her skirt and lifted it slightly. She giggled though, no one was here to see her, not even her father. He would not have approved of the short skirt, tight top, and open jacket she was currently sporting. If he had his way all she would be wearing are long flowing gowns with her hair done in tight buns on top of her head. It was so old fashioned, so… traditional.

She hated traditional. Mind you, wearing them every now and again still felt wonderful, and they were awfully expensive. And wearing them made getting out of them and into other clothes so much better.

She ran a hand through her hair, knocking the two loose strands down in front of her eyes again. She blew them back on top of her head.

I don’t really know why father insists on it so much, she contemplated, surely my hair looks better like this?

She had also enjoyed the way the others on the ship had looked at her. The older men, mostly men of station, blushed and looked away, or tutted to themselves. The younger ones could barely take their eyes from her. A few her age had even tried to talk to her. But she wasn’t interested.

She moved over to the lounge that was sitting between to the two large doors that led back into her room and flopped down onto it. Looking above she could see the sails strung taught by the flow of the Clock Line through them. The power for the ship was generated through the Clock Line, and that was what kept it sailing through the sky.


Suddenly the Clock Line flickered and went out. She stood and looked about. The Clock Line had simply vanished. The sails started to lose energy, and what was holding the ship in the sky was gone. Slowly it began to arc towards the ground, the momentum carrying it forward.

Megimi stumbled on the deck. She tried to push herself back up but she could suddenly feel herself being lifted from the deck. Or maybe it was the deck dropping away below her. The ship jerked as weight inside began to shift and suddenly she was thrown against the back railing.

Hi Megimi blacked out as the ship brought her plummeting to the ground.

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