《Assassin Type: The Rifle Girl- Rica Reyes》Assassin Type- Chapter 17- That what Happened?



Friday morning, Rica awoke on Caleb’s bed feeling cozy. She moved her hands around, but Caleb wasn't there. She opened her eyes and rolled into the warm spot he left on the bed. Then the aroma!

Rica: Sniff? Bacon! Oh yes!

Caleb yells from the kitchen,

Caleb: You awake?

Rica: No!

Caleb: Then I guess you're not hungry then.

Rica: Oh? Then I guess you a real funny guy who likes punishment.

Caleb: No, I don’t like punishment!

Rica: Then I suggest you make that bacon crispy if you know what’s good for you, you boy! Heh heh, nyah~

Caleb: Tsundere girlfriends be like..

Rica: What?

Caleb: Exactly.

Rica: Oh!

Rica mumbled bad girl stuff to herself and checked her phone. Three voicemails, all from Reyna. “How troublesome!” She pressed play.

Voicemail 1: WHAT THE FUCK RICA? I Just..DELETE.

Voicemail 2: Rica, you better hope that DELETE.

Voicemail 3: I know you have to get up for school DELETE.

Vrrrrrrrrmm! Rica’s phone rang, as expected.

Rica: Moshi, Moshi?

Reyna: Hello, are we having a good time? Even though the National Guard is looking for you after that shit you pulled last night, Rica! I told you to control that boy!

Rica: And I told you the kid’s stubborn, and Ma, we found out that Tseka was dead..or so we were told..sort of.

Reyna: Huh?..So it was the worst case. Tch, I knew something was up when even his lieutenant Asim Bora, didn't know where he was.

Rica: Lieutenant? You mean that frozen dead guy you made me carry around?

Reyna: Yes genius. So who killed Tseka? His own crew?

Rica: Ya, I guess that boss Tseka made too many enemies, so some of his own crew secretly took him out. Seems they were just picking the corpse of any money he left behind. I figure that’s why they kept going after Caleb, I think they all wanted his dad’s business or something.

Reyna: Yeah, something like that, I heard the Gashi crew was there last night, how did that happen?

Rica: Oh, that, Caleb called them and told them he knew where the Tseka crew was and proved it by sending them that frozen Lieutenant's phone number. The same number that appeared on the phone of the Gashi guy that I whacked in front of the club. I guess they believed him.


Reyna: Ha, clever boy, he used our dirty work to get the Gashi crew to kill for him. Tseka's crew were a bunch of idiots. I bet they thought if they could keep Tseka’s name alive it would keep other crews at bay. Hell, it just made it worse for them.

Rica: Yeah it did, now they're all dead, ha ha, karma’s a bitch!

Reyna: No, karma is just justice without the satisfaction, and you watch your mouth young lady, you're too fresh!

Rica: Ya, I'm sleeping in Caleb’s t-shirt just to get you mad, heh heh!

Reyna: You What? Listen to me little girl, womp womp womp womp and furthermore womp womp!

Caleb: Rica, you want sunnyside or over easy?

Rica: Over easy, and make it so I can break the yolk with the toast! and put butter on the toast!

Caleb: I’m sorry, spoiled girlfriend wants what now?

Rica: You heard me, and you’re the one enabling this behavior!

Caleb: Oh, I can stop.

Rica: Yeah, watch what happens when you do! (shows him her fingers pinching in the air).

Reyna: Rica, Are you making that boy cook you breakfast?

Rica: Oh yes, he’s on punishment cause of last night. Plus he feels guilty cause I’m homeless, thanks to you!

Reyna: Right, about that, I got the new place, you can move in today, its close to the school, much bigger, a two bedroom.

Rica: Two Bedroom? You mean, we're going to stay for a while?

Reyna: Yeah baby, you said you wanted to stay in this school, right? So I got a more permanent place, with a real lease and everything...kind of.

Rica: Ya, you're so awesome!

Reyna: Of course I am! And I’ll be back in the city late tonight, remember we have to go shopping for..

Rica: No! You can't go to Alexa’s party, you’re going to embarrass me!

Reyna: Rica!..oooh, you little brat! Let me share something with you, Alexa’s father who’s throwing this party, Assistant District Attorney Richard Vega?

Rica: What about him?

Reyna: I googled his ass, turns out he is a gorgeous man and separated from Alexa’s mother some two years now! I texted you a pic.

Rica: (checks her phone) oooooh! This is Alexa’s dad? He’s sexy like Aaron Diaz, only older.


Reyna: That’s right he is, and he has a good job with the city and maybe political ambitions. So you go ahead and keep messing with me and watch! By the end of next week, I will make Alexa your step sister you little bitch!

Rica: Nooooooo! I’ll be good, I promise.

Reyna: Hmph too late, I already emailed and asked if he needed me to cook anything for the event.

Rica: But you can’t cook!

Reyna: Shut up! That’s what caterers are for, hmph!

Rica: Heh heh, but Mom, Alexa’s dad is a prosecutor and you’re a criminal.

Reyna: Well you know the old saying, keep your friends close, and sleep with your enemies ;)

Rica: Who the hell said that?

Caleb: Rica, come eat this food while it’s hot, or not at all!

Rica: Oh! I’m coming! Ma, I'll talk to you later, someone cooked for me too!

Reyna: Rica!

Rica: Yes, Yes, I miss you too!

Reyna: Pumpkin, we have to look cute on Saturday!

Rica: Uhh..right ..

Reyna: See you tonight! Click!

Caleb heard most of Rica’s conversation and had a laugh. Rica popped in the kitchen, still wearing his t-shirt.

Rica: How do you feel, does your head still hurt? (touches his bump).

Caleb: No, I’m okay, mua (kisses her on forehead) you guys are cute though, you and your mom, or whatever.

Rica: Eh? You making fun of us?

Caleb: Not at all, I actually envy you. I don’t think you realize how close you two are. And she totally spoils you.

Rica: ...mm..we are close..and she does spoil me, but that’s because she feels guilty, like you!

Caleb: She feels guilty? About what?

Rica: This boy is slow.

Rica turned on the television to the Bronx 12 news channel. A reporter stood live at the scene of the lumber yard explaining how the police didn't have leads but knew the shooting last night was part of an organized crime war.

Rica: In any civilized country my mother would be arrested and tried as a war criminal for how she raises me.

Caleb: As... a killer?

Rica: Ha, you funny boy. But I would say calling me a killer is an understatement.

Caleb took a second, but he got it, and he understood her. Even at his age he could imagine the brutal training Rica must have endured for years to become what she is now. At age eleven Rica was no killer, she was a fully loaded weapon who would not blink, nor hesitate for a fucking second to cut a man down, just like Reyna Rai.

Caleb: I get you..but I really don’t think your mom feels guilty about...what you've become.

Rica: Right, she doesn’t feel guilty about that, she feels guilty for not feeling guilty about it. Ha ha!

Caleb: Hunh? Ooooooh I see now! Heh heh you guys are really messed up!

Rica: Yeah, yeah laugh it up, we're a criminally dysfunctional family, but you know all about that don’t you, gangster boy?

Caleb: Yeah I do, and I still envy you.

Rica: Me? Why?

Caleb: Because I loved my old man to death, he was so freaking awesome, but even me and him were never as close as you and your mom are….I’m kind of jealous.

Rica: Oh?

Caleb: Yeah man, I don’t know what your story is with her, or where you came from, but that lady really loves you, and I just think you shouldn’t take her for granted, and if I were you I would be happy she wants to date Alexa’s father and give you a step sister!

Rica: YOU BASTARD! I’m gonna pinch you good!

Caleb: Ha Ha ha Owww! PINCH Rica no! ha ha PINCH! you know I’m right!

“Stupid Caleb!” Rica knew he was right and she felt sad. She never really thought about the prospect of losing her mother, and she totally took her for granted. Maybe she would tone down teasing her...just a little. But Caleb, he was still on punishment for the lumber yard incident.

Caleb: Owww! I’m sorry I put your life in danger Owww!

Rica: No, no, I will let you know when you’re sorry enough, nyah! Pinch!


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