《Assassin Type: The Rifle Girl- Rica Reyes》Assassin Type- Chapter 15- That Boy Caleb!


Caleb's Plan

When Caleb read the address that Alexa found for him, he recognized it immediately. The address was to an old church, but Caleb knew that church was a front. Tseka's real hideout was two blocks further down from the church. Just past the subway depot, in a lumber yard away from everything.

Caleb remembered that his father met with Tseka once at this lumber yard while Caleb sat in the car. And right now, at 2 am, there wouldn't be an honest citizen anywhere near that yard. The perfect time to strike.

Caleb ran two miles from his apartment to the church address, and broke in. After leaving the church he ran the two blocks to the lumber yard and walked through the empty entrance, no guards.

The whole lumber yard was pitch black, in the center of the yard stood a two story building, a cutting mill meant for backing trucks in and out with lumber. Caleb could see the lights on. That's where Tseka would be. And Caleb had a plan.

Caleb opened his phone and pressed the number that he had for Tseka. After a moment the phone rang and someone picked up, "Yes!"

"How much are you willing to pay for that deed? And don't pretend you don't know who this is!" Caleb growled.

"Ah," the voice responded.

"I asked you a question."

"Yes, and I know you. You are the boy who plays games!" Click! The voice hung up.

"Hello? hello?" Caleb re-dialed the number. The phone rang, and a different person picked up.

"Hello, why are you calling this phone?" a deeper voice asked.

"Because I'm standing outside your church on Connor Ave and I'm gonna burn it to the ground if you don't talk to me about this deed that you killed my father for, how's that?"

"Church? I don't know this place."

"Oh you don't? Then let me jog your memory!"

Caleb whipped out an old school flip cell phone and pressed a number key. Genius that he was, he learned how to make a digital detonator with a cell phone on YouTube and planted homemade incendiary bombs in the church. And as the number rang on the receiver phone...


....nothing happened.

"Is this your phone number? Ok, now we know!" Click!

"Wait! I have the- Hello! Shit!" They hung up and Caleb was behind schedule. His plan was to lure Tseka's goons away from the lumber yard and two blocks down to the church with a fire from his, YouTube learned, digital cell phone detonator. But that didn't work.

There must be eight guys in that mill! He reasoned based on the number of parked cars outside.

Caleb had no intention of trying to massacre a bunch of men. He just wanted one man. Tseka. And since his phone call and diversion fire bomb didn't go off, he'd have to switch to Plan B.


Improvising, Caleb ran down through the darkness of the lumber yard and out the exit, back down to the church where he'd planted the incendiary bombs. And as he ran toward the church, he saw them, Tseka's enemies, the Gashi crew! Two cars full of them, armed to the teeth.

"Whoa, these guys are punctual!" he thought. He knew they would be there, because he had called them, sort of.

Caleb ran toward the first Gashi car which circled the block of the church. He could see the men in both car's keeping their eyes on the church. And none of the men saw the three M80 firecrackers flying at the windshields of both vehicles.


The explosions cracked the windshields on the vehicles and immediately bullets flew at Caleb. Caleb ducked behind an abandoned car and then ran as fast as he could back toward the lumber yard, still dialing his phone, "Come on, blow up!" When suddenly.


Caleb's YouTube detonator finally worked, the windows of the church blew out and the bad boy genius wasn't done. While running, he lured the Gashi crew into the entrance of the lumber yard. Where, as expected, Tseka's crew would be heading out to check on the church explosions.

Ping! Wizz! Bullets from the Gashi crew whizzed by as they shot at him while chasing him in their cars. When he reached the inside of the lumber yard he saw headlights racing toward him. And for one brief moment Caleb thought to himself, "Oh man, it's so great when it all comes together!" He then tossed a lit M80 right at the oncoming Tseka crew car and jumped behind a stack of lumber.



The driver of the Tseka crew car lost control and crashed headlong into the first car of the Gashi crew, in moments gunfire erupted between the goons in the two crashed cars. Behind the Tseka car, a trailing car with more of Tseka's men, turned and raced back toward the mill, a last Alamo to protect their boss.

The following Gashi car chased after the Tseka car firing at it the whole time, both cars heading to the light of the mill. Caleb, running in the dark behind the lumber, also raced toward the mill. Causing this shootout was the first part of his plan.


The Gashi goons fired at the mill from a distance behind their car. Four men, each with mini AK 47's and one with a Mac 11. Tseka's crew had mainly handguns, but had a good vantage and could keep the Gashi's away from the mill.

Hidden behind lumber, Caleb tossed three smoke bombs in three spots in front of the mill, creating a curtain of smoke and chaos in every direction. And under the cover of the smoke and shooting, he ran inside the mill.

Three Seconds

Rica Reyes finally arrived at the lumber yard fence behind the mill. Rica could hear the gunfire, when she hopped the fence and witnessed the scene in the lumber yard she was awestruck, "Jeezis, Caleb!" she muttered.

The mill in the lumber yard stood surrounded by colored smoke, and in front of the mill were two cars, 100 feet apart, with two sets of goons shooting it out with each other. She checked her app on her phone, Caleb was inside the smoking mill. She had to move fast.

Rica pulled Strongbow out of her bag, he was top heavy with his suppressor on his barrel but Rica needed the stealth. She ran a straight course for the front of the mill, and while running, she picked her first target.

The Gashi guy with the Mac 11, he was the loudest in the crew of four, "RAAHHHHH! WE GOT EM! HIT EM! HIT EM, HIT EM!" Yelling at the top of his lungs. Still running, Rica lined him up, and fired one shot, FWAP! The bullet tore into the Mac 11 guy's stomach and exited his spine. He collapsed behind the Gashi crew car, no more yelling orders.

Still running, Rica chambered another round, selected her next target and fired again, FWAP! This time her target was one of Tseka's crew. A tall, pony tailed goon defending the lumber yard mill. The shot went threw his arm and entered his torso, he dropped dead on the spot.

From that point it only took a second for Rica to figure out Caleb's plan in the lumber yard: Create chaos. And Rica knew exactly what to do to keep it going.

The men Rica shot, Mac 11 guy, and Pony Tail guy, were not random. Rica had selected and executed them as they were the leaders on each side of the goons attacking and defending the mill. No leaders, no cohesion, more chaos, more fog in this battle. A simple plan.

As she ran head first into the mill Rica thought to herself, All of this commotion is exactly what a Rifle Girl would never do! And that boy Caleb, who could really cook by the way, was the very definition of an idiot! Rica chambered another round. She was so going to Punish Caleb! But first she had to rescue him.


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