《Assassin Type: The Rifle Girl- Rica Reyes》Assassin Type- Chapter 5- Pretty and Smart


Wednesday Morning

Caleb watched Rica cross the street to meet him and noticed her styled bangs and tinted lip balm. He liked it, and Rica knew it.

"You look vibrant, you sleep well?" he asked.

"I did (she lied), and I watched that stupid anime you liked, the one with the kung fu lady lawyer that fights for justice."

"District Attorney Olivia Makepeace? You watched it? You're so awesome, that anime is crazy!"

"Haha, if you say so!" she laughed.

"Now we gotta talk about it! For one thing they don't stray too far from the source material, blah, blah, blah!"

Rica laughed listening to Caleb, she did like the anime. She watched it in the late night and was ready to discuss the episode, when.

"Awww! How cute! The new transfers are boyfriend-girlfriend!" said a voice.

Rica turned and saw three girls walk toward them. One was Tiara, but Tiara didn't make the comment, a beautiful girl did.

Alexa Vega, a seventh grader. At twelve going on thirteen she was already print model material. Fair bronzed skin, long legs, wavy black hair and her parents had money. The cherry on top, she was the seventh grade student rep. Smart, connected, and interested in Caleb and Rica.

Caleb smiled when Alexa walked over. As a class rep, she was the first student he met at the school, and nice to him.

"Hey new boy! Mua, kiss on cheek. I heard you were making trouble," said Alexa to Caleb

"Not me, Ima straight arrow. Alexa, this is Rica, Rica, Alexa."

"Hello!" greeted Rica.

"Oh my god you're so pretty! No wonder Caleb smoke bombed the cafeteria for you!" said Alexa, staring at Rica's slim body.

"Eh?" blushed Rica.

"That's not true!" Caleb yelled.


"What's not true? You setting the bomb or doing it for her, or were you fighting over Tiara? I forget. Lie to me Caleb, I'll believe you!" said Alexa, grinning.

But Caleb avoided Alexa's trap, "Believe what you want, makes no difference," he told her.

"Yes it does make a difference. Heart makes a difference, wouldn't you agree, Rica?" asked Alexa.

"Among other things," Rica answered.

"See Caleb! Rica likes bad boys too!" Alexa whispered in his ear, and glanced at Rica.

Caleb turned red, he'd never admit that he kinda liked Alexa. She may be a troublemaker but she was smart and fun and definitely hot. Rica saw all of this.

As other students arrived to join Alexa's entourage, Caleb turned to say goodbye to her, but Alexa wanted more time with him.

"Caleb, meet me in sixth period lunch. I know you got study hall so you free. Ima text you, mua!" Alexa kissed him on the cheek.

"Err, ok, but why? And won't the guards stop me from entering sixth period lunch?" he asked.

"Boy, you with me! Don't worry about any of that, and we gonna talk about my birthday party at Skate Key!"

"Oh Right! Not a problem," he got it.

"Rica, if you have any problem in this school you let me know ok, mua!" Alexa kissed Rica on the cheek.

"Uhh...Kay," replied Rica.

As Caleb and Rica walked away Tiara glanced at Rica and gave her a fake smile. Reyna was right, Tiara did make a move and she made a good one.

First Person

On the way to homeroom Caleb explained who Alexa was and about her birthday party on Saturday. And how school social status depended on an invite to Alexa's party.


"That's dumb!" protested Rica.

"I know, but her party sounds fun, I wanna go!" said Caleb.

"Yeah it does, and she definitely wants you to go, mua, Caleb ima text u fa sixth period!" Rica's Alexa impression. It was good.

"Haha, slow clap! but nah, Alexa's cool, she's just friendly like that."

"Friendly? We'll see. What does she want to talk to you about anyway?"

"I guess she wants help setting up her party, not sure. I've only talked to her a few times."

"Yeah? You guys look real close!" Rica frowned.

"What? We're not, but why would you say that?.. Are you jealous?" he asked with a grin.

"Hmph! As much as you'd like that, no! However I do worry about you looking like a thirsty groupie around her since you and I talk!" replied Rica, surprising him.

"Talk? As in...pre-dating?"

"As of now yes, and before sixth period everyone will know it!" she answered.

This was heavy. Caleb transferred to this school to avoid a crime boss and to make his own plans, a girlfriend wasn't one of them.

But this girl, Rica was different. To Caleb, Rica was a smart girl who liked anime and had a mean jealous streak. Controlling and pretty, she lacked the physique of other girls, but carried herself like she owned a pair.

And Caleb liked her, a lot.

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