《Assassin Type: The Rifle Girl- Rica Reyes》Assassin Type- Chapter 3- Bullies and Alphas


Friend and Bully

Rica didn’t see Caleb leave after the smoke bomb incident but she did see Norman leave the school grounds. She watched which way he walked, what bus he rode, what building he lived in, and which bedroom he slept in, observant girl.

By midnight Norman’s household shut down, and Rica quietly gained entry into the large dark apartment. Rica slipped through the living room and crept outside of Norman’s bedroom.

Through his cracked door Rica slipped in while Norman sat on his bed watching a flat screen TV. With his back toward her, Rica moved close. As Norman opened his mouth to laugh, Rica grabbed his forehead from behind and yanked him backward on the bed. He tried to yell but Rica shoved a chemical filled rag in his mouth, and he passed out.

Five minutes later, Norman woke up on his stomach stripped to his underwear. He had duct tape across his mouth and his hands zip-tied behind him. Groggy, he searched around and saw his flat screen still on, and a girl standing on the side of his bed. He sort of recognized her as a new student, Rica.

She stood over him and smirked, waving two phones in her hands, hers and his. And she whispered, “Norman right? It seems you’re quite the perv texting me all these dirty pics of yourself, how criminal!”

She displayed her phone with his phone number and more than a few, not-safe-for-work images of the twelve year old Norman laying on his own bed, exposed.

“Now what would the school say if they saw these naked pictures of you on my phone?” Rica whispered with an evil smile.

Norman mumbled in fear with the tape on his mouth, good old fashioned blackmail.

“Norman, I can make all of these pictures you sent me go away, but to do that you and I have to be friends," she whispered and closed in. “And Norman, believe me, you want to be my friend!” She snapped another picture on her phone and stared at him.


Norman trembled, this girl was a demon and he was naked and didn’t know what she wanted. But whatever it was he’d do it.

The Next Morning

Tiara socialized most in the morning before class. She met her friend Stephanie and they walked together in their hiked up skirts. Tiara asked Stephanie about someone they knew and as Stephanie answered Tiara saw what she couldn’t believe. Norman and his crew were walking and laughing with the new girl, Rica.

Tiara poked Stephanie and they hustled over to Rica and Norman to join their conversation.

“Hello peoples!” said Tiara.

Everyone exchanged greetings and Norman gave Tiara a friend zone, “Hello.”

Tiara didn’t like that. Glaring at Rica, Tiara asked Norman, “What’s this?” and Norman gave a dismissive, “She’s cool,” and continued joking with the rest of the group, ignoring Tiara. Worse yet, Rica was re-telling an earlier joke to Stephanie who was now anxious to join the crowd.

The spotlight on Rica infuriated Tiara. But as the group walked they came across Caleb. Tiara called out to Caleb first.“Hi Caleb!” but Caleb didn’t respond, his eyes remained on Norman, who greeted him with a sincere, “Hey man!”

Caleb, confused but not wanting to cause trouble, gave a simple, “Hey,” back to Norman and by osmosis joined the group. They all had a good laugh but Tiara, Caleb and Rica split from the group and walked together to homeroom.

The trio continued their earlier conversation and Rica made sure everyone in the school saw them all walking together, as friends.

Tiara attempted small talk with Caleb and he entertained her with short answers until they all reached homeroom. Tiara sat in the front and Rica and Caleb raced to their seats in the back to talk in private.

“You made friends quick!” said Caleb to Rica, as they sat down.

“I wouldn’t say we’re all friends but were not fighting,” she then asked him, “So, that smoke bomb was like military grade, did you make it yourself?”


"Smokebomb?" said Caleb, totally caught off guard by Rica. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he grinned.

“Really? Well it was a smart move to avoid a pointless fight with Norman, but don’t you think it was overkill? Unless you were actually trying to shut the school down.”

“Shut the school- Why would I do that?” he evaded.

“I don’t know and I don’t care, but I know you’re going to teach me how to make one of those bombs, today, after school, at your house!” she demanded.

This was sudden, bomb making was fine, but coming over his house was risky to him. Caleb didn’t want to involve others with his current situation.

“What? My house? Uhh, today might not be a good-”

“Today’s a great day, it won’t take long. I understand the chemistry, potassium nitrate and sugar and I-”

Caleb shushed Rica with a finger to her mouth. Then he smiled “Ok, you win, I’ll teach you, just, keep quiet about it alright?” he whispered.

“You damn right, I win, boy!” she answered, staring in his eyes.

Everyone in class watched Rica and Caleb speaking way too close. Embarrassed, they giggled and separated.

The New Alphas

Only her second day of school and Rica made friends with the popular kids. Namely Norman, who experienced Stockholm syndrome with Rica and went out of his way to be friendly to her and invite her to the cool table during lunch. At the table she quickly took over as the leader with her wit and knowledge of damn near everything.

But, in the dynamic of junior high politics, Rica had another competitive advantage that must be noted, Rica Reyes was an exceptionally pretty girl. Boys watched her and so did girls.

Rica’s takeover benefited Norman as his association with Rica raised his popularity stock and drew the ire of Tiara, who had a renewed interest in Norman. Tiara now focused her energy on winning Norman back to her side, as Rica predicted.

These political maneuvers were deliberate on Rica’s part as she was taught by her mother, rather preached, that men and women are idiots.

Reyna taught Rica that men are stupid creatures desiring affirmation and the feeling of being in charge. So as long as their ego is, stroked or controlled, they can be manipulated, Alpha Males.

On the other hand, women seek security in the form of manipulating boys and competing with other girls for dominance. Young girls, anyway, Alpha Females.

In under twenty four hours Rica became the new freshman class Alpha. She felt a little shallow about it, but being the Alpha meant that her actions with Caleb wouldn’t be challenged.

Rica knew that Caleb, as cool as he was, was either too modest or too stupid to know he was one of the cutest boys in the school. A lot of girls liked him, not that he cared. But Rica had to keep his attention on her and keep other girls away from him, jealously.

"Norman!" said Rica.


"You see that kid Caleb over there, sitting by himself? Invite him to this table!" said Rica.

"Eh..um..ok," said Norman.

"And Norman...make sure you two talk when you walk with him over here," she said, with her eyes narrowing to sinister slits, "And Norman...Make sure everyone sees you talking with him...real friendly!"

"...Ok.." said Norman, as he walked over to Caleb.

"Good boy Norman. Now I can focus on my mission."

Rica crossed her arms and scanned the lunchroom, her lunchroom now. And with an evil smile she shifted her weight to one leg, cleared her bangs from her eyes and.

"Hmph! This is my school now!" she said to no one.

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