《Star Wars - Trials of the Sith》02 Unrequited Rage
Talo’Ra entered Degriro’s hideout on Nar Shaddaa, and looked on in satisfaction as the door slowly fell over from the wall it had recently struck with a resounding crash. She knew the element of surprise was gone, but she didn’t have far to go either. Moving quickly down the stairs and turning left, she saw the reflections of light from the walls from the electricity that crackled down her arms and along the vibrosword she had acquired. Reaching the door to the shrine, she turned loose another massive wave of the Force with her left hand at the heavy glass doors, shattering them into a million pieces. The shards of glass burst into the room and they are accompanied by lightning being channeled down the blade in her right hand. Surprise doesn’t matter when you can’t dodge an attack on the entire room. Stepping forward, she kept a stream of lightning going wide to cover a decent portion of the room. She saw that it was empty. Her boots crunched on the broken glass as she took another three steps inside to look around. She saw scorch marks cover the walls and tables, and one of the datacrons was actually on fire. The fine carpet had been ripped to shreds with the exploding glass and electricity playing along every surface until it had been spent.
Merely grunting as she turned away, glass crunched underfoot again while she left the fire going in the room, hoping it would burn the place down. Room by room she searched until the entire place had been gone over, random furniture or decorations thrown by the force in a sign of disrespect. As she searched, the various servants and even the guards went running from her as they recognized a Sith in a rage. She ended her search in his show room where he had all his various vehicles. She reached the conclusion that he wasn’t there and her anger flared again. She picked up one of the vehicles there with the Force and proceeded to smash it several times into another one. She repeated this process with another pair of unfortunate vehicles before gaining control of herself once again.
Leaving the wreckage where it was she left the room and wandered back up to her new ship. She entered it and threw her sword aside in disgust when she reached the bridge. Before she sat down, however, she smelled the ripening bodies of the former crew and knew that wouldn’t do. The apprentice picked them up two at a time and threw them out on the landing pad to stink and rot there as a final insult to her master. Before she left the dock she activated an environmental system that flushed all the air out of the ship and replaced it with fresh so that the smell wasn’t so bad. She returned to the bridge and buttoned up the ship while setting course back to Korriban.
As the ship's thrusters did their work lifting the ship she saw the corpses skid and roll around on the landing pad, leaving wide swaths of blood in their passing. She didn’t bother trying to keep the malicious glee she felt off her face at this sign of disrespect. She had actually looked up to the man before he betrayed her. If he hadn’t thought her worthy of continuing on, that is one thing. Actively betraying her and selling her into slavery. AGAIN! That was a step she would never forgive him for. She may never be a Sith now, but she would have her revenge when she stood over his dead and cooling body.
These angry thoughts consumed her as she broke out of the gravitational pull of Nar Shadaa and transitioned to hyperspace. Normally she would have rested at this time as any seasoned soldier does when there is a lull in the fighting. This time, however, she was seething with hatred and it was difficult to even meditate. By the time the alarm went off letting her know it was time for reversion back to normal space, she had managed to calm herself somewhat. She felt reasonably confident that she wouldn’t get herself killed by the guards or the Sith themselves by exploding in violence again. After all, her grievance was with one Sith alone, and his fate was already sealed. No, it wouldn’t do to lose her mind and be cut down by one of the others who had nothing to do with this feud. They wouldn’t hesitate to kill her any more than she would if she were confronted by the hated Degriro. Prudence. Keeping an outward calm would be her guise until the time was right.
The defensive screen around the planet was tight as ever, however it was a simple matter of entering her personalized key code to get through it. Any of the massive trading or cargo vessels would be stopped for a routine inspection to make sure nothing exceedingly dangerous got in. The spice trade on Korriban was on a small scale and the Dark Council kept it in check with a vicious squad of thugs. They made sure that only the most expendable were able to obtain any as long as the council received their cut of the profits. Further up the chain it was strictly forbidden with a penalty of swift and painful death. Unless they didn’t like you, then it was a slow and painful death.
Upon landing on Korriban, she exited the ship and quietly made her way back to her quarters. Other apprentices who knew her were stunned at her appearance. A dancer’s outfit exposing most of her body would have been quite appealing with her athletic tone, if she had not been splattered in blood from head to toe. Greetings died on their collective lips as they saw her stalk by them with her new vibrosword clenched in hand. Talo’Ra entered her quarters and put the sword down on the weapons rack before stripping off the costume and walking into the bathing room. Forgoing her normal shower, she drew a near scalding hot bath in the small but functional tub. She scrubbed the blood away and refilled the bath several times before finally emerging a raw and wholly different person. Never again would she be the somewhat trusting creature that she was. She had been shown what it truly meant to be a Sith, and that meant treachery.
She got dressed in her own night clothes for the first time in over a month before crawling, exhausted into her own bed. The woman looked around at her familiar room and felt a little more secure now that she was back somewhere she knew well. She looked over to the weapon rack and saw her newly acquired blade, covered in dried blood. She would have to clean and maintain the weapon in the morning. It was a well-made blade and must have cost that mercenary dearly in credits to have such a one crafted. It had served the apprentice well in the short time she had owned it. It was now her primary weapon until she was able to construct a new lightsaber. She had forged a new crystal prior to this ordeal, though it was probably the prize of some collector, along with her first saber. Now she would have to create a new one with the masters in the Crystal Forge. That is of course, if they let her. These thoughts in her head she dropped off into a deep slumber.
She awoke more than twelve hours later and stretched her way to consciousness. As things came into focus she was only mildly surprised to realize that she was in her own room before memory informed her of the 48 hours before arriving back at the academy. Rolling out of bed she went through her morning routine of grooming and dressing. When she was ready to leave her room and have breakfast, she looked at the time and saw that it was nearly midafternoon. She knew that she had been exhausted after all the fighting and use of the Force the days before, but not that it had affected her so deeply. As it was, she felt like she could go back to bed and stay there for the night. Putting these thoughts out of her head, she picked up her new weapon and remembered that it needed a good cleaning.
The young woman picked up a towel for this occasion and wetted it to soften up and wash away the dried blood. Drying it with the other half of that same cloth she decided that the rest of the maintenance would wait until she had a meal in her. With that thought, she sought a new sheath for it. One didn’t live long with a naked blade in the open, and she would go nowhere unarmed. The sword itself was of a standard length and width, so finding a new sheath for it was a simple task. All the weapons racks in the academy were supplied with a small array of basic firearms and bladed weapons.
Her training sword stood with the other equipment, having been discarded after she had constructed her lightsaber. Now its sheath would be of use again with the superior new sword. She sheathed the new weapon on her back and placed the training one back in its place with more reverence than she had before. She ruminated on the thought of how these tools had helped her survive, grow more powerful and should be treated with respect. She understood a little more about her master just then as she recalled his vast collection of arms from across the galaxy. She still hated him; however this realization was tucked away in her mind.
Turning away she strolled out to the academy at large where she made her way to the cantina. Ordering a stiff drink and her favorite meal she sat with her back against a wall so she could observe all who were near. As the server brought her food and drink over, she caught sight of the closest thing she had to a friend here that wasn’t a competing apprentice. Lord Kuriren sauntered in with her usual mocking grin, her skin almost glowing in the light due to how pale it was.
The lord noticed the apprentice, giving her a curt wave of the hand in greeting and was surprised to see her alive. When Talo’Ra had disappeared without a trace for weeks on end, the assumption was that she had met her end one way or another. Kuriren had lifted a glass of brandy to herself in honor of the dead apprentice that she had gotten on with, but wouldn’t lose any sleep over. Now, here she was, alive and well. Clearly there was a tale behind it and she would hear it if possible.
The lord approached the table and waved the apprentice back to her seat, when they were alone they dispensed with the protocols of rank. The two were reunited in a friendly, congenial manner that the yellow eyed apprentice did not think she would be able to muster again so soon after the escape. It brought the Cathar, Ryla Varren to mind for the first time since she put her plan into action. She fervently hoped that the female had escaped in the confusion. Talo’Ra had caused a world of chaos in the Pleasure Dome that day. It was a world of blood and death: One that had taken everyone’s attention away from the boring security detail that the guards normally dealt with. She hoped it was enough and that soon she’d be hearing from the female that had helped her so many times.
The two women toasted the reunion with their glasses of brandy before digging into the meal. They proceeded to catch up on the happenings of the other. Kuriren spoke of her latest discoveries in the Mind’s Eye and its implications on the understanding of Sith history. Talo’Ra listened with great interest as the other expounded on her latest findings and asked questions about various points. When asked about her own adventures, Talo’Ra’s face became hard as she related the happenings of the last month and change. The meeting, capture, torture and dreams followed by intense training, then the bloody battle to leave. Kuriren’s expression barely changed during the explanation and only perked up slightly at the description of the battle, commenting about the exciting nature of it. She now knew what had happened and was indifferent to the ordeal that an apprentice went through on their road to becoming worthy.
As the afternoon turned into evening, they had another meal and more drinks while discussing other matters. The good food and company combined with the alcohol brought Talo’Ra’s fatigue to the fore. Excusing herself at length, she made her way somewhat unsteadily to her quarters, making sure to lock her door and then bar it. She was tipsy, not stupid. She decided to call it a night early and enjoy the slight intoxication while reading on her data pad.
The next day dawned and she rose with a feeling of being fully rested for the first time in weeks. That much use of the Force and physical exertion drained her more than she thought was possible, even after being in some tense battles with the Legion. Perhaps it was being wound up so tightly emotionally as well that led to the bone weariness she felt over the last two days. It was something to think about while she performed maintenance on her new vibrosword.
She also made plans to seek out some of the instructors to make a new light saber to replace the one that she had lost. Following the maintenance, the blade hummed to life and she performed a few slow and controlled swings with it to get a feel for its balance. During the combat of her escape, she hadn’t had time to think about such things, only survival. The rooms were not big enough for her to walk through a whole blade form so she made do with a stationary version. Satisfied, she showered and then continued with her morning routine.
The apprentice left her quarters and headed to the crystal forge, where she found an instructor to guide her in producing a new one. It took some time but she was able to create a crystal that was far superior to the one she had made for her first lightsaber. She popped that crystal into her pocket and went to have lunch as forging a crystal is tiring work. While she was eating, her communicator lit up and beeped to let her know a message had just arrived.
It seemed that Darth Sinasi had heard of her return already and was keen to make use of her healing skills. The message read: “Apprentice, I require your services. Your ordeal is not unknown to me and, as a reward for your surviving, I will allow you to finish your meal before attending to me. You will meet me by the river next to the parade grounds as soon as possible. Do not make me wait long.”
Her heart leapt in equal measures of fear and anticipation at the summons. How had he known she was eating when he sent the message? The answer, of course, was that he had eyes and ears everywhere, like all of the truly powerful did. Here, in the galactic capital of scheming, spy networks were common. Even the spy networks had spy networks inside them. It was a good reminder that she needed to closely guard her actions and words. The halls of power were not to be trodden lightly.
The summons itself was exactly surprising. She had been gaining notoriety for her skills in the medical field. She even rivaled the great skill of the apprentice Ganlaan, though he’d now had an extra several weeks of training in her absence. Would she be able to make up the gap now? It was unlikely as he had already outstripped her in their classes. It didn’t matter though, as long as he stayed out of her way while she clawed her way to power. Besides, she told herself, he had only bested her with a sword once in the dozens of duels they’d had. That was his weakness if it came down to it.
Shaking her head to clear out the thoughts of competitors, she quickly gulped down the rest of her food and polished off the drink. She left the cantina at a brisk pace and managed to catch a ride on a transport that circled the academy all day. These enabled the students to cover the long distances between facilities in a timely manner. The ride was just long enough for her food to settle before she was dropped at the parade grounds. She hustled across them to the appointed meeting spot.
The Darth was an imposing figure. He was very tall for a Pure Blood Sith, taller than her master. He was much more lithe than her master though, and was well known for his nasty temper. It did not pay to make the Pure Blood angry. She made her obeisance to the Darth with a quick “My lord, I have come as you required.”
His red eyes studied her as she stood in front of him. She seemed more dangerous than she had the last time he had seen her. He sensed her new found strength in the Force. All to the good; a Sith could not afford weakness. The vibrosword was something of a surprise as she had used a lightsaber on their last three missions together with the Legion. A mystery. “Apprentice Talo’Ra. Your exploits are the talk of the academy. I trust you suffered no long term ill effects?”
This caught her by surprise. “My lord, how did you find out so quickly?”
He chuckled darkly as his eyes narrowed. “Did you think that a slaughter such as the one you caused with an ally of ours would go unnoticed? Even the Dark Council has discussed it in passing.” She paled at the word ‘ally’ and he chuckled again, savoring her discomfort. “Be at ease apprentice. The council recognizes that you did what you had to do to escape and survive. The fear you inspired that day has already paid dividends for us. The Hutt’s were growing arrogant in our dealings and had to be taught a lesson.” He paused a moment to let that sink in. “Oh we knew what was to happen to you. The council approved. They foresaw that you would escape in a spectacular fashion!” He watched her face redden and a vein in her forehead throb as her anger sprang forth again.
“Ahhh. I can feel your rage; your hatred is boiling inside of you. Good. Good. Embrace it, and let it fuel your power.” He observed her struggle to keep control, curious as to which would win. Her will won out and he was pleased to see that she was able to do so. Unbridled fury had its place on the battlefield, but not where cold calculations for revenge would serve better. “Now let us discuss your purpose here today. I have an unruly apprentice that I need to, chastise. During this discussion, he is likely to require your services as a healer. You will not interfere, but you will remain nearby for when you are needed.” He knew her skill and trusted it after so many times on the battlefield. She would do her job, and do it well.
She nodded her understanding and said “Yes, my lord.” She bowed to him again and wandered off a short way. Mere minute’s later apprentice Vel’hern appeared and quickly made his way to the Darth where he bowed low. She was able to make out the words ‘master’ and ‘apprentice’ in the exchange but did not hear the rest of it. Sinasi started speaking in a low rumble that she could not understand, nor did she try.
Vel’hern suddenly spoke up in a loud voice “Master, it was a difficult situation. I did the best I-” the rest was cut off as a brutal backhanded blow sent the apprentice back in a desperate shuffle to keep his feet. Sinasi reached out with the Force and pulled the apprentice close again where his face was introduced to a large red skinned fist, breaking his nose. The apprentice fell to the ground with blood pouring out of the broken nose and lacerated cheekbone.
The Darth advanced on the student and grabbed him by the throat. He barked “Failure was not an option you witless fool! Now you pay the price.” The giant Pure Blood dragged the apprentice over the riverbank and plunged the younger man’s head under water. The apprentice struggled and splashed to try and get away, but to no avail. An uncomfortable time later, Sinasi pulled the apprentice free of the water and watched him sputter. “What have you got to say for yourself?” Vel’hern took a ragged breath to form his answer when he was thrust back under the water.
This time, the apprentice sought to use the Force to his advantage and held his breath. The Force slowed his heart rate, greatly reduced his need for oxygen and sustained him during this time. He hadn’t practiced this skill much, but terror was a great motivator. A few minutes later the Darth pulled him free again and let him gasp in some air. “See apprentice? Your desperation has caused you to do something right for a change. Let’s see how long you can hold out.”
Vel’hern caught sight of Talo’Ra and begged for her intervention with a look before Sinasi took three long steps into the flowing water and dunked the unfortunate apprentice again. This time he was being held on the bottom of the river with the Darth’s boot on his chest, trying to grind out the air he held.
Talo’Ra walked closer and gave the Sith Lord a warning about his actions. In a disinterested tone she said “My lord, beware you do not burst his lungs. That will take considerably longer to heal if he survives.” While she was saying this she sat down with her back to a stone where she could observe and still read her data pad. She had accessed a new set of texts where she studied more biology. The more she knew of various species, the better she could help put them back together.
She became engrossed in her studies and paid little attention to the thrashings in the water. Eventually the Darth summoned her. “Apprentice Talo’Ra.” The lack of response caused him to bark “Talo! Come on. We need you now.”
Irritated, she closed her data pad and set to work assessing, then healing the broken apprentice.
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