《Nercokitty!》Death of mother and a knight in literally shining armor.
The old decayed tree never shown who lived in it for years after the cat entered. The children told ghost stories about those who live inside the unhallowed grounds. They say if you get close enough, you can hear the howling of the damn. The sounds of breaking bones. Shattering and curses being spat form mouths not meant to grace their beautiful world.
So, when the tree does open one day. With children outside. When a tall man walks out carrying a cackling skull, they screamed.
Those with wings flew. Those with magic became unseen of vanished back to their beds. The more normal of them stared with fear. Like deer staring at a predator for the first time. Fear is all they knew.
“Was it needed to scare them?” The man looked down to the skull in his hands. Tilting it so it is facing him, looking him in the eyes. t
“Kekekeke, Young apprentice, have I still not taught you the value of a good prank? Kekekeke. The faces of fear! It moves my heart! Well, if I had one!” The skull’s mouth moved, rattling the skull in the young man’s hands. The teeth clacking as it talked and shook in sight of the children.
“This is more along the line of tramatzing. If we are going to scare the children.”
One of the magically gifted children hide by not being seen. It does not help the poor girl as a equally unseen force sets it hand on her shoulder and whispers, “Boo.” This. Of course. Causes the girl to scream, run home, and hide under the covers.
The young man flicks his wrist. A skeleton hand that is simply hovering in sight simply appears. Both the young man and the skull laughs. There cheerful laughs become haunting nightmares, childhood traumas that shape the rest of these young monster’s lifes.
I smile at the old man’s skull.
“Don't you dare sonny.”
My smile grows. I hold it out at arms length than drop it. I punt it as far as I can with the force of my human body and assistance of the wind spirits. His skull goes quite far. Easily clearing the other side of the village. I chuckle wide a wide grin as I fix my clothing. Simple black mage cloth form back in the days where the old man actually had a pair and could actually get drunk. I never took a look at the village besides to hunt or play with those things that looked like things I wanted to hunt.
I was simple and happy back than. Now this fucker who thinks he is the king of pranks has taught me. I am aware of everything around me. Borrrriiinnngggg.
I walk the path to my mother’s house. Yes I still think of her as my mother, even though I know she is not. At some point I communed with the soul spirits and turned back in what I would call my true state.
A beautiful cat with midnight black fur.
I hoped up into a window of her home and begin to purr. It is odd how much different each home smells. One of life and flowers, the other of alcohol decay and pranks gone wrong. So...Many...Pranks…. I am glad I buried his big toe bone under my favorite bone depository. I would love to see his headless body stumble through the streets looking for his head!
My mother opens the window with a wide smile and wraps her arms around me, “Hello there Ebony, I have not seen you in quite a few winters.”
“The old sack of bones would not let me outside. I had to make a trap, tie up his body, detach his head, and open the tree myself once I learnt enough about the spirits.” I lean into her soft and warm body. Ohhhh I missed this. I love being petted and pampered and fed.
“Well, do you think you can go out into the world now, my child?”
“I cooouuulllllddd… Or I can stay here for a bit! With you! …. Please?” I give her my best big eyed look. Ears back and just a hint of begging. It almost always works. Unless your that damn bag of bone that would never stop talking. Not a wink of sleep for however long we were in there! I miss sleeping and eating!
“...You are lacking knowledge on some subjects. Flyson probably taught you much about magic. But I think you need to be tempered.” My mother gently sat me on the ground in a spot that the sun is shining on. I let out a purr and curl up in it, enjoying the warmth along with talking to the fire spirits. They love to make things warm, and I love to be warm. It is a purrfect match!
They also like to speak with the death spirits and decay spirits around me. Apparently they make up most of the parts of the green necrotic fire that I use to use to hunt or just flared up. I also have to barter with them using my mana but my form is held together by mana and the only way for me to gather it is by killing, eating, or residing in blighted land for a period of time.
But I do not mind. The forest is full of prey. And I would love to hunt again.
A few hours later a knock comes from the piece of wood that my mother considers to be the front door.
My mother answers it. I look at the door to check who it is while keeping most of my body in the sun. It is the guy with the many tails and ears like mine. He is… I thought I kicked him farther than to be found in a few hours. I will the soul spirits to change my form into human once more. It is odd how they will only let me switch between the two.
“Kekeke, thoug- wait save me! Monthroll! Elswood! He is a savage!” I grab the damn skull and turn to the forest and punt it once more with a VERY satisfying thump of it hitting a tree far away.
I turn back to my mother and the many tailed man, “That always feels great!” I smile widely at them.
“Already can turn human like, can you young nekomata?” The many tailed guy smiles at me. He is old looking. Like, this is the first thing I have ever seen that actually looks old. I only know what age is through the hazy memories of being an actual cat. Very hazy. I only remember a face very clearly, everything is like looking through a dirty pond.
“The bag of bones wouldn't stop talking till I could.” I shiver. I remember turning human first time. I disassembled him and put his body in a bag and took a nap. Of course I was unaware that his damn undead put him together while I slept. I have never been wet before. But I hated it.
“That… Sounds like a unique teaching method.” The old man smiles awkwardly at me. I walk past him and curl up on the flood. Too tired to turn back to a cat. This body can be more warm, the sun feels nicer on skin.
“That is the young spirit. Powerful even though he is young. I am proud to call him a son.” I love being praised by mother.
Why do I call her mother? Because she fed, petted, slept, and so much things that I felt like a mother would do out of care and love.
She says a lot about nature and stuff but I think she has been lonely. The few walks that I went on when I lived with her I never saw someone made out of wood like she is. I saw plenty of things though. Not a single human.
“Ebony, wake up Ebony.” I feel my shoulder being lightly pushed around. I turn my head to look at my mother. Of course this is when I notice it is very dark and late out, “Hello there my Kin. It is very nice to see you, let us move to the bed?” I nod and stand up. Of course the bed is up a flight of stairs so those wake me up a bit. Her bed is huge, easily fitting us.
I lie down in it. My mother lays as well. Both being human and a cat feels natural and right so it is easy for me to sleep once more.
A scale of time goes by they call years.
Well my mother calls them winters.
Everyone here is a bit odd. Apparently eating things raw isn't normal? You do this weird thing where you hold it over fire and wait than eat it. Somehow it taste different. I think I like raw meat much more.
My mother recently has been rotting. It has been worrying me. I have tried to talk the rot spirits, trying to bargain with them to leave her alone. But the death spirits interfere. We have never used words. We used magic to speak. It is hard to explain in words but it like sharing everything. I am begging, they are final. She is dying. It makes my chest tight, I do not like it. She doesn't deserve it.
I confronted her about it. She simply told me it was time. I am not sure when I got so attached. I talked to the pile of bones about it and he told me not to try anything. It is her choice. But she is my mother.
As months go by, she took her time teaching me how to speak to the life spirits. At first they hated me. I am everything that they are not. I am dead, they represent life and the concept of living. But I think my mother did something. Now they accept me, not hate, nor love. Just accept and respond to me when I ask, they do not rush to my mana like I am use to, but they come.
My mother gave me a seed.
She told me this is her kin, her child. Something her race makes when they are near death.
Only a month later the village had her funeral. I met the man and women who took me from the stone city. Demenic welcomed me when I could actually understood him.
He took me to the side and told me a story.
It was early, early on in the history of all the races. A man did a vile act, he committed the first murder. The first sin against the gods. So, they cursed him. Made him undead, the very first of them. They cursed him with immorality, and this city is his way to make up for his mistakes.
I am smart. The First Lich called me smart. Part of being a Nekomata apparently, blessed with wisdom and intelligence on par with the eldest of dragons. There has only been four known, well five now. Damenic asked if I was ready to live among the humans for a period of time. I said yes.
I did not know many people here. The old bag of bone, mother, some of the kids that I mentally scared. Some of the adults that I mentally scarred. I liked to sleep and laze. But now I have to find a place to bury this seed. Only a fitting place will be worthy of my sibling!
The women he was with drew something in the dirt, “It is nice seeing them grow up, is it not Damenic?”
“It is.”
“So kid, where would you like to go? Like some advice?”
“I do not… Maybe close to that city of stone you two found me at? The old bag of bones told me there are not many lands of blight that the enlightened race let run out of control and it defeats the purpose of this to just nap in a warm place does it not?” The many tailed women smiles wide at me and nods.
“Go sign up in an adventure hall. You’ll met lots of people and can go kill lots of evil monsters so you can stay in this pretty form of yours.” She winks at me. Damenic sighs.
“He is not even ten women. Stop robbing the damn cradle.”
“Geez Damenic, I am being friendly. You wouldn't know that is like even if it bite you in the ass and replaced your unbeating heart.”
“Women. The spell form. The wind rubbed some dirt away. Why show off so much?”
“Fine! You do it if you are going to nit pick each and every thing I do!” She crosses her arms and makes her breast look bigger. How? She seems to stick her chest out and prop them up with her arms. The unassuming man that everyone calls elder draws on the ground. Fixing some things than I feel him push raw mana into dirt.
“Goodbye Ebony, I will find you in a hundard or so years.” That was the last time I saw my home for quite a while. The true start of my misadventure.
Chapter 3
I am greeted by the sight of a wall of fabric, “Ughhh, who could be using the damn teleporter circle this damn early in the morning.” I turn around to look at the source of the fabric. A girl with sleepy eyes walks through a doorway in the tent. Only damn thing that sack of bones was useful for was teaching me magic and words for object that I have never seen but humans use a lot.
“Greetings, I am sorry for the intrusion.” I step down form the raised piece of stone in the ground. I walk toward the entrance of the tent hoping that she will not want to talk. This kitty is not in the mood to deal with humans. I hear like, nothing good about them. Ever. Besides their taste that one time… Now I am hungry.
“Wait wait wait! You gotta write down where you came form! There are rules for this stuff mister!” Of course. The girl stood in front of me. She barely comes up to my chest! And hers is not very soft looking. It looks like a guys, all flat and not appealing as a nap spot.
“I no speak. I sorry.” I wave to her, trying to walk past but her jaw is just dropping at my brilliant acting.
“You literally just greeted me in perfect fluentacy.”
Fuck I did.
“I… Uh… I really do not know where I came form, it was a small hamlet with only a hundred or so… people… living in it. The only mage that lived there transported me here so I can start a live of an adventure. Please let me go!” I look down at her with a begging face. My eyes wide and the icey color makes for a wonderful pout.
I see a shiver run down her back. A shiver form my cuteness! “A-alright big guy… Go, git. I have work.” She steps away from the tent entrance and tries her best to shove me out, “Fucking scary eyes.” I do not think I was meant to hear that but I can not help but feel offended. Noone has ever called me scary!
I have been called wise, smart, intelligent, damn cat, son, handsome, pretty kitty, ‘Keke oh Ebony please do not punt this poor old lich skull. Last time I landed in poop!’
But I being a polite and generous kitty do not say anything and walk out of the tent. What greets me, is more tents. Tents and people. But mostly tents. I miss my trees.
I walk down the streets. Most people here are humans apparently. Some are… Elfs? They look quite like mother…. Than there are the ankle biters. I can smell the vile brew that they oh so love. Once I go back, I am hiding his foot.
I build up the courage to stop someone that I walk by, “Excuse me, do you know where the adventuring guild is?”
The man that I stopped is in full armour. Head to toe clad in plate that looks like drawings that I have seen from the pile of bones library. Just… It looks less. The spirits do not dwell in the metal making it strong like the bone head could make. It looks alright form just a pure metal point… I think. It is shiny and hurts to look at it because of the glare. Would it be warm to lie on?
“Sure bud! New to town? Mighty fine clothe you got on there, a wizard or mage form some fancy collage?” The man turns to me. Hands on his hips while his head is tilted up slightly to look me in the eyes as I look down in the eye slits.
“Town? Yes… I am new to this...town.” More like a giant collection of human eating tents.
“Alright lad, follow me and do not lose me in the crowd! The center of the city gets heavy foot traffic and a tall an’ thin thing like you could be swarmed in a instant!” Swarmed? I remember the bees… Bad thoughts. Bees no like kitty. Kitty no like bees. Fire likes bees. Bees scream at fire. Kitty only feel safe when bees are all black and crispy..
The man in the armour walks toward a direction in the streets of tents. I follow after having to run as I spent a few minutes reliving a trauma of hunting in the forest. Bees. I feel a terror filled shive rock my body at the thought of the droning buzzing noise.
It is not hard to keep track of the man in armour. His is a different color form most of the others in armour. Only his is so shiny that it looks like someone is reflecting the sun right in my eyes.
Just… So bright. Why so bright? What have I done to offend the sun itself that it has cursed me with the walking mirror that is my only guide!
A few minutes late we walk up to the first building. One made of stone, very large. The tents are cleared form around it a good couple hundred feet but there are tables everywhere. The smell of the burnt flesh that everyone likes to make so much fills the air with a undercurrent of that vile swill of mead. Less offensive than the stuff that walking boneyard liked to make and tried to drink. It was everywhere… My poor fur tasted like that vile stuff for weeks… I was sticky and unhappy.
We practically dance through the tables, people all wearing the same clothing and serving food along with those in armour and robes like mine. He dances through it like it is an act that he has practiced his entire life while I do my damn best to keep un on these weird human feet. I one time had to bed the mischievous wind spirits to help me speed up.
They did so by a burst of air that took me over a few tables. I, of course landed on my feet. It is normal to land on your feet. The man in armour laughs, “Doin’ damn great to keep up with a B-rank through the trail of eattry!”
“Trail of eattry?” By the time I could respond, we got to the front doors of the massive wooden structures. Poor trees… Why could they not just grow a great one and live in it?
“Yes! The unofficial test of situational awareness, flexibility, balance, speed and nerves! You did wonderful dancin’ through the mass of waiters and adventures without ruinin’ a single meal! That takes skill! What past experience do you have huntin’ boy?” The man in armour pats my back as I smile at him. I like to hunt.
“A lot of things. I think the village head said I was the reason for multiple species of birds never being seen again around our village.” I smile at him proudly, purring a tad at the end. I am proud of that. It took a lot of work to hunt and eat that many birds. I felt so full I apperntly napped for a week straight and my tail split grew a bit. Apparently that is a sign of power, like the many tailed foxes that littered the village.
“Birds! Ha! Birds with spells! That is a mighty easy trick, doesn't mean you have any experience fighting the BIG besties at all!” They were big! When I was hunting them as a cat…
“I did not use any magic! I caught them with my bare pa- er… hands. Yes. Hands.” I nod. Yes, hands.
“Well, catching them with your hands bare is a fine accomplishment! You sure are quick enough to do it form what I have seen!” The man in armour pats me on the back than walks through the doors of the adventure guild hall.
I follow him while looking around with wonder. I have never seen so many people. The closest I have seen is the still men back in the city of stone that I lived in for quite a while. In front of me is a desk with some youngish girls standing behind with smiles on their faces and matching outfits. To my right is a massive board that takes up most of the space on the right side. Pieces of paper with writing are posted on it over each and every inch.
Most of them relating to kill some monster in some forest. Some are herb collecting in said forest. Huh, is this all they do?
The man in armour is still walking to the desk with the girls behind it. I follow him and look to the left to see a staircase and more murder mission. Expect these are for in town, bounties to catch criminals? But next to that board is one about people looking for teams. Healers seem to be the most in demand with mages behind. Of course I am in high demand! I am the prettiest of kitt- er… humans. Yes. Human.
“Sarah! I need a registration document for the new guy here! Found him in the mage square wandering around lost like a loss child!”
“Quiet down Joseph. Also throw some mud on your armour! It is reflecting the light and causing the floor to smoke!” I look to the side where the young girl is pointing. Indeed. There is smo- ah there is fire. I walk over to it and step on it, hush fire spirits. This is not to be burnt around me. Go wild when I am not in the area!
“See! Look at that! Fearless to even fire itself! He even passed the trail of the eattry going at my pace using only one spell!” What am I missing about this trail that makes everyone so amazed? All the counter girls jaws are open in surprise. Their eyes locked on me. I puff out my chest in pride. A quiet purr rumbles in my chest. I am happy and proud. Yes, look at me! Witness me!
“Alright Joseph. We are going to still have to start him at the bottom of the ranks… How about you take him on a run? Get him use to the way our system runs?” The girl that hands the man in armour the pieces of...wood? Really, really flexible wood.
The man in armour hands it to me and a feather with some weird metal point at the end that is dripping some black liquid, “Fill out the forms and we will go hunt your first monster!”
I nod hestainly to the man. I am glad that he is helping me but why is his armour so damn shiny?
The paper ask me, ‘Name, Race. Age. Position in team. Spirit affenties (Please rate form hated to loved.) Next of kin.’
The bag of bones taught me how to read and write in the most common languages. ‘Common’, dwarfish, elvish, dragonic are just a few of the lauganges that he said I would need out in the world. This seems to be common, a language made for trade among all species.
I write down: Nek- … I can't erase that.
Mother said not to tell my race, that I could pass for a human if I kept my instincts reined in.
I scratch it out and fill in, ‘Ebony, Human. Not sure. Mage. Death (Loved), Fire(Loved), Decay(Loved), Life(Accepted), all other affinities beside holy, purity, order, light.(Liked.) Holy, purity, order, and light. (Hated.)
I hand it back to the man in armour with a proud smile. The skeleton said I had a prodigious amount of affinities. I might of even had more if I was not a spirit and undead!
“...Sonny are you sure about those affinities!”
I nod with a grin, my chest puffed out as I tilt my head up just a bit. The dwarf made me practice this. Said it made me look like a noble. Whatever those are.
He just lets out a low whistle handing it back to the counter girl. He walks up to me and grabs my shoulder pulling me in for a one handed hug, “Hello, yes armoured man?”
“Come on boyo. I bet we can snag a good catch with us working, if you do well enough I will even let you join our team!” He pats my back with a chuckle, “We been looking for a good mage to climb out of B rank! We got a damn fine ranger, me a knight in shining armour.”
“”Very shiny.”” The counter girl and I say both at once.
“We got a cleric for healin’ but with that high life affinity you could double as a backup healer! Come on! Though the trail of tables once more!” He starts to drag me outside while I look around confused. Did I just make a friend?
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