《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, The Hero’s Descent into Madness Chapter 2


“I’ve got the basics down from Ezili yesterday and even installed this game for me. For now, let’s try playing it out like what told me to.” Sigrun said as he once and for all settled today to play a game.

“Oh, the game is called Arms Utility Underground. An online game that lets me play with a lot of people from the internet. First is registration and…” Sigrun knits his brows upon seeing the register button.

“How do I register…?” Sigrun tilts his head upon the new blockade.

“I guess unless I can learn how to do this, I am stuck. As much as I want to, I don’t want to fiddle with this computer. I might mess it up and may cause dismay to Ezili. She did put the effort into assembling it.” Sigrun said as he closes the game application.

He then tied his hair in a ponytail and glances towards his bed. He dove into his bed in glee and hold his phone with his hand with care and make a wry smile.

Carefully and awkwardly swiping the touch screen with his fingers made him broke into excitement and glee and made him giggle a little.

“Ah, this game is kind of fun and addicting. I heard that Reed and Nio are playing this game too. Friendblue Fantasy…” Sigrun once again grins as the app loads.

However, before he could start with the game, he jolted from his bed.

“Ah, this presence…!” He widened his eyes and dashes towards the entryway of his house.

His small stature stood up in front of the door and patiently waits while fiddling with his phone. He taps his foot on the floor as he keeps giving an alternating glance at his phone to the door. Even as ten minutes has passed, his tension didn’t waver until the doorbell of his house is rang.

“Sig, we’ve come to play!” Reed’s voice reverberates from outside.

Suddenly, Sigrun opens the door and sprouts a playful glare.

“Sig?! What’s wrong?!” Reed asked with a tepid smile.

“You guys left me alone for so long time, you and Alisa.” Sigrun pouted at Reed.

“Ahahaha, but we get to see each other at the academy every day.” Reed said nervously at the fuming Sigrun.

“This is this and that is that! Hanging out with you and Alisa has become more of a norm for me.” Sigrun complained.

“I get it that you are angry but Seigen keeps you company, right? I heard a lot, especially when you and he hangs out in your favorite café. So I really don’t get why you are acting lonely like that…” Reed said while scratching the back of his head.

“Well, for starters, you and Alisa are special for me. Seigen rings as a friend with mutual interests and motives and I don’t hate that but there are things that I wanted to do with you and Alisa that I won’t with others.” Sigrun replied as he took a step back from Reed and shift his glance to Nio.

“I see Great One really gives importance to Reed. I am happy with what you think of him. Anyway, Great One, we came here to play with you today and to add you to my FriendBlue Fantasy!” Nio said as she showed her phone to Sigrun with the game on display.

“Oh! Then, let’s come inside, Reed and Nio!” Sigrun then pulls on their hands and beckons them inside of his house.


“Ahahaha, Sig is jumpy as always.” Reed laughs dryly as he let Sigrun drags him and Nio inside.

After that, Sigrun led Reed and Nio to his room where the assembled computer unit is. Upon entering, Reed immediately noticed it and sprouted a flabbergasted countenance.

“That computer…looks quite expensive. Did Headmaster Meld gave it to you?” Reed asked as he peers at the computer that was in plain sight in a cool and clean room of Sigrun.

“Yeah! Well, I really don’t know what to do about the registration for a game. Ezili even went all the way for me just to install a lot of applications and games and I am first-rate clueless of how to register.” Sigrun said as he dives into his big and fluffy bed.

“Then if you want, I can create accounts for you so you can register. For the passcode, it’ll be up to you, okay?” Reed asked Sigrun as he started holding the mouse and typing in the keyboard while standing.

“But you are already raring to go so why not? More like, I’d be grateful for it so I can already start playing. I promised Ezili that we will have a live streaming so I need to hone up my gaming skills.” Sigrun said as he started playing a game on his phone.

“Oh, then, please let me. Well, live streaming I see. Takes me back when I was doing some walkthroughs of games myself for people to watch online. Be sure to consult me or someone who is knowledgeable in games if you are in a bind.” Reed replied as he opens a browser.

With a nod, Sigrun once again returns his attention to his phone. Then, all of a sudden, Nio also jumps at the bed and landed beside Sigrun.

“Oh, Great One, let me see your units!” Nio said as she also took her phone out.

“Then, let me see yours in exchange! I just had some free draws yesterday and another set of draw today. Don’t expect that I’ll have many units as you do!” Sigrun said as he rolled beside Nio and hold their phone up so each can see their screens.

“Ooooh! Great One, is that Fallen Angel Bolivia I am seeing? I got one too! That’s a really rare unit that only comes at this event! I’m pretty sure you can fit it in your team here.” Nio said in astonishment.

“I see! Then, all I need is to add some numbers to her level and I can finally beat that boss, right?” Sigrun happily chatted with Nio as they started partying inside the game.

“Somehow, I felt like it will just turn out like this. For Sigrun to also blitz his luck into that game…what’s life anymore?” Reed said inwardly with a sour face as he recalls how he couldn’t draw the units he wants from the gacha.

Upon typing some information that Reed himself knew was fictitious when it comes to Sigrun’s true identity, he turns his head towards the bed where Sigrun and Nio are laying down side by side while playing games and called out.

“Sig, do you have any passcode in mind?” Reed asked.

“Passcode? Why not just put my name then a number?” Sigrun asked as he looks at Reed from the bed while leering up his head over the edge of the bed.


“Ah, I mean, yeah, that’s kind of normal but that’s plain lazy. In the first place, what number should I add? Your age?” Reed, with knitted brows, tried to refute and asked a question back.

“…My age? That’s a little impossible now. All I remember is that I have lived for several thousands of years in very lazy days.” Sigrun tried to knock himself out by remembering his exact age, however, it was proven futile.

“Is there anything else though?” Reed asked with face giving up on the matters of Sigrun’s age.

“Hmm, then, how about…Sigrun13?” Sigrun said nonchalantly.

“…Already taken.” Reed muttered begrudgingly.

“Wait, what?! You mean out there, someone is also named Sigrun?!” Sigrun himself got up from the bed and shouted.

“Through your story, a lot of people started using your name. I am not surprised if there are thousands of people with an exact name. It’s not really unique anymore.” Reed told Sigrun with an apologetic face.

“Shocking! This can’t be…how vexing! Argh, then, try TheTrueSigrun!” He shouted.

“Why are you competing with names!? How about just put SigValker? I bet that’s…yeah, it’s available.” Reed confirmed the authenticity of the passcode to be unique.

“Fine…I don’t hate the name so It’s fine.” Sigrun slowly sank back to the bed again and rolled over beside Nio who is absorbed with the game.

“Ah, Great One, your units missed on that buffs!” Nio anxiously shouted.

“Uwaah! W-Wait!” Sigrun panics.

“Sig, how about this game?!” Reed called out as the registration process completed.

“Just play it for me for a while! I’m waiting for someone!” Sigrun replied as he once again focuses on the game on his phone.

Upon Sigrun’s words, Reed happily took advantage of it to try experiencing a high-quality gaming experience through Sigrun’s computer. The fine morning slowly turns to noon as they enjoy themselves in passive inside Sigrun’s room.

A little while, Nio got up.

“Ah, I’m hungry…” She said with a straight face that immediately gathered Reed and Sigrun’s attention.

“It can’t be helped! I’m going to cook for you two so let’s go to my dining room.” Sigrun said with a confident smile and beckons Reed and Nio out of his room.

“I heard that you can cook so I am looking forward to it, Sig.” Reed said as he gets up from the computer chair and followed with Nio in tow.

This time, Sigrun cooked a sunny side up egg with steamed vegetables as side dish coupled with rice. He gleefully served it to Reed and Nio.

Upon tasting it…

“The flavor is too overwhelming…!” Reed thought as he chewed the food. It wasn’t unpleasant or disgusting, it just that the food was too flavorful.

“Hmm, it reminds me of home.” Nio thought as she savors the flavor.

“While we are at it, I want to try a coop game but how should I do it? Ezili said that we need more than one computer for it to work.” Sigrun started talking while eating.

“Hmm, not necessarily a whole unit. We can use a laptop too. They are light, compact, and can run a spec on par with a full unit. Problem is, they are expensive. I do have one at home but going back now for it would be…” Reed explained.

“Ahh…wait…she’s here!” Sigrun suddenly said as he shudders a little. He immediately turns his head on one of the open windows.

“Yahoo.” Ezili’s head slowly emerges downward from the top of the window.

“Eh? Miss Ezili Clear?!” Reed suddenly widens his eyes upon Ezili’s appearance.

“Yo, Chelle! Let’s play today. I’ve brought over two laptops so we can play coop today!” Ezili said as she showed her backpack to Reed. “Also, I’ll take this opportunity to make full use of that fast internet!” she added inside her mind full of motives.

“I told you she is the one who set up my computer. Why don’t we get started after you finish your food? Ah, Ezili, do you want to have a lunch too?” Sigrun asked Ezili.

“…O-Okay. I haven’t eaten anything decent yet since yesterday night.” Ezili said as she sat beside Nio.

“Hmm, what happened, big sis?” Nio asked.

“This kid? Is she that rumored little sister of Chelle?” Ezili queried as she looks at Reed.

“Yeah, of course, you’d know about it. She is Nio Chelle, please treat her well.” Reed said as he gently pats Nio on the head.

“Ezili Clear, nice to meet you, Nio. Are you like Sigrun too? Someone really absurd?” Ezili asked.

“No, no, no! I am nothing but a mere flea in the presence of Great One! If anything, I am just slightly stronger than people in this place.” Nio denied being compared to Sigrun.

“Great one…?” Ezili slowly turns her sight to Sigrun. “What kind of play is this?” She added.

“Err…yeah…that’s how she calls me. If only she can do something about it, I’d be happy. Nio, just call me Sig if you would.” Sigrun told Nio who directs a respectful glance.

“The pinnacle of the superpower of this world, the one worthy of the title of Ruler of Fate, the one who will never be toppled at the top of food chain, I cannot possibly call you out to your name! Even my father wouldn’t dare!” Nio visibly becomes anxious and fidgety.

“What are you saying now?! We played like best friends earlier but you get flustered and shy for such trivial thing?” Sigrun peers closer to Nio across the table and holds her cheeks so she won’t turn her head away from him.

“Umm…um…” Nio pursed her lips.

“Then, I’ll help you hook up with Reed if you do.” Sigrun whispers into Nio’s ear directly.

“If you really insist …then…Sig.” Nio said with widened eyes from Sigrun’s proposal.

“Yeah, that’s far easier, right? The great one thingy is ticking me off for a while now.” Sigrun said with a wide grin at Nio.

“I see, Sigrun, Sig, Sig-sig.” Nio said those nicknames.

“Um…what are we doing again? I’m almost done eating so let’s move on, no?” Ezili intervene with a troubled countenance.

“Ahahaha, people from the sacred mountain are altogether odd, huh?” Reed said under his breath.

“Odd you say? It can’t be helped. Since I already settled this minor woe, let’s continue with the game! Ezili, Reed, teach me well! After so, I can start my own gaming channel!” Sigrun said.

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