《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Diary Entry of an Arrogant Lady: Entry #1


Third Month of Spring, Sunday of Second Week;

These maids are pretty damn stupid.

On top of following me around 24/7, they are without a doubt, lacking in some brain cells to be a functional people in my household. I get that most of them are not maid by real profession but could they at least boil the tea for the right temperature?

I suspect much that they do not know the left and right of a proper maid’s work and my father is a prick enough to pick them for me. They are only good at dazing off, to be honest.

Even now, as I am working on my new creation in an inscription order, they can’t even deliver the correct material for me and they need every little damn confirmation from me when taking in deliveries.

There are five of these dumb skull maids.

I am guessing that they are only using codenames bu to actually forget that given codename, that’s a real talent.

First is a maid called Aleph, the standing leader of the five. The reason she is the leader is that out of five of them, she is the only one who has experienced in working as a maid. She can do complicated tasks and if she is nearby, I’ll call to her instead of anyone with me at the moment.

The second-in-command is called Beth. Unlike Aleph, she is pretty much more of an inconvenience when she is around. Always vigilant of the surrounding and will glare at anyone. Pretty stupid and dense that if someone asks me who is smarter, her or a dog, I’d definitely pick the dog. Her tea is horrible, her service is out of hand, and most of all, she shows no remorse for her mistakes.

I’m going to clock her someday out of frustration.


This is Himel, a rather eerie one but at the very least, she is quiet, almost get mistaken as mute. She’d only open her mouth when something she is scared of passes by such as a dog barking at her. She came from the Vaster race of Cat subspecies but I am quite surprised that she doesn’t show any visible habit of one. Kind of annoying when she sneaks up on you.

Daleth, second of them that I really want to knock unconscious. Three steps away and she’ll forget my order. Not would not, she will forget my order because she said it’s not really a top priority. The nerve of this bit--! I can buy your whole life if I want to.

The last one is Hei, the clumsiest. At first, this girl hailing from the race of Alpsis subspecies Imp is elegant at the outset, however, she is the type of girl that will trip on nothing. I can’t believe how she almost soaked me with a piping hot coffee and how she bothered me for five hours straight with her apology. When she is around, I try my best to become vigilant as possible.

Thanks for my experience with the sacred mountain, my reaction, my danger senses, and even my wariness of my surrounding heightens to an incredible degree. I was able to deal some of their messes without much harm.

The only thing that’s getting a heavy blow is my mental health. Instead of actually helping me out of my workload, they just further increase it with the exception of Aleph.

I need to hire maids for myself quickly before these idiots completely thrust my life into a complete disarray.

About two maids for additional forces in the ranks.

Preferably young so I can easily teach them. Around ten to twelve will suffice…

Someone a lot cuter than these maids that I currently have that reeks bloodlust. I need little maids that will actually bid my orders faithfully.

I can’t just hire underage children when I myself is still one.

But maybe I can get away with adopting some from a backwater orphanage or something?

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