《Lord of the Red Castle》Chapter 25


The Red castle main hall was hosting about 80 people.

The clothes of these people told many stories. Some wore waterproof boots usually worn by fishermen, while others wore fancy clothes made by Ivarta's best craftsmen. But these differences did not change their reason for being here. Everyone in the hall had come for the same purpose. Founding of the Parliament.

Lord Albert sat on his throne, surveying the crowd that filled the hall. After deciding that he had waited long enough, he stood up. As he stood up, the hum in the hall ceased, and all attention was turned to him.

"First of all, I would like to welcome you all. Some of you have come from a long journey to undertake this duty. I am sure you have many questions in your mind regarding parliamentary membership and responsibilities. Do not worry, all your questions will be answered. And together we will build a brighter future."

King Albert pointed to James, who was waiting with the papers in his hand, and began to speak.

"After James reads the constitution, I will answer your questions. The constitution contains the rules governing how the country should be governed. I am sure many of your questions will be answered after listening to this."

King Albert sat back on his throne and beckoned for James to read.

James climbed to the middle of the stairs in front of the throne and turned to the hall. There was no sound in the main hall. He cleared his throat and began to read in a loud voice.

"Article 1: Vartica is ruled by a monarchy, and the Lewis family is of royal lineage. And this cannot be changed under any circumstance."

James continued to read the articles in order.

"Article 5: The Parliament consists of 2 groups. These are the House of Nobles and the House of Commons elected by the people of Vartica. (The King will make the first election.) The Nobles elected by the King to the Parliament can transfer these duties and titles to their family members after death. Members of the House of Commons, on the other hand, are elected every 5 years. The majority of votes will be taken in the voting to change the constitution. The House of Commons has 1 vote. The noble house has 1 vote again. The King has 2 votes."


Article 6: If the king rejects the parliament's request to amend the constitution 3 times, this rule can only be submitted to the parliament again by the king."

As James read the articles, the faces of the people in the hall changed into shapes, and they could not hide their astonishment. This was especially so for members elected to the nobility. If what they heard was true, the king was limiting his own powers, and he wouldn't be able to change the rules when it blew to his mind.

Many dreamed of having their own land and becoming nobles after the kingdom was established. But King Albert had not appointed any nobles to the land, despite the passage of time. In the end, they were a little disappointed when they heard that they had been elected to the Parliament. But this disappointment completely disappeared when he heard the articles. They had a direct say in the administration of the country, and this position would continue in their sons and family line.

James continued to read the articles in order. With each new article, hums rose from the hall. Some articles contained topics that would affect almost the entire kingdom.

When the last clause was read, James turned to King Albert, bowed and stepped aside.

King Albert stood up. He spoke in a loud voice.

"Any questions?" he asked.

The crowd was silent. No one had yet been able to fully analyze this pile of information thrown in front of them. But someone raised his hand.

"I am Hemilton my king, a hunter in a small village near the Mountains. I'm sorry for my bluntness but Why was I chosen for this post. I know nothing about running a country." said Hamilton. This was quite brave. Those who were from the public house like himself were watching what was going on with some surprise and some fear. Most had only seen the nobles from afar before.


“Good question, Hemilton. Normally the House of Commons should have been elected by the people. But there is neither the right infrastructure nor the time for this right now. So I decided to elect the first House of Commons myself. In the House of Commons, I chose the people who are the best in their profession. Best Hunter. "The best blacksmith, the best fisherman. Your task is to share it with the entire parliament, if a decision taken in the parliament will affect the life or business of these professionals, for better or worse."

When Hemilton got the answer, he spoke. “I am enlightened, my king,” he said.

"Any other questions?" ' King Albert asked.

Others followed the path opened by Hemilton and asked the questions that preoccupied them. King Albert answered all questions kindly and clearly. After waiting for a while, seeing that there were no more questions, he spoke loudly.

"Okay, then, let's move on to the signing ceremony of the Constitution."

As soon as James heard these words, he gestured to the servants beside him. Servants carried a table up to the front of the throne to carry out the order immediately. Then James went to the Table and spread a long, fine parchment on the table.

King Albert stood up and went down the stairs. He would be the first to sign. Doran mentioned that this signed document would be a very important symbol in the future, so he made some effort to beautify the signature.

He came to the table and signed his name on the top of the blank parchment. He then straightened himself up and studied the signature. it was looking good.

"Let the one whose name is read come forward and sign it." he said and stepped aside. James began to read the names written on the parchment. First, the names of the nobility were read. This was a list of about 30 people.

Once the signatures of the nobles were finished, the signatures of the members of the House of Commons began to be taken. When all the signatures had filled the blank scroll, King Albert climbed the throne steps and returned to the main hall.

"This is a big day! The Vartica parliament has been officially established. I'm sure we've laid the foundation for great work for the Vartica people and the kingdom. I believe Vartica's future is brighter now."

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